Monday, October 5, 2015

Happy birthday to you

the media has just sent a strange beacon call to something I’m supposed to explain to you
you say it’s your birthday and it is it is not mine, quite yet but today is your birthday.

You’re a strange bit of information. You would think I would hold you in high esteem and may be I wanted but right now I’m not. Don’t get me wrong your fine I mean you’re really fine but you’re not along the lines of the railroad train.

Yet you’ve been called, yes you been called in today’s your birthday. I knew you had been called and because of the calling you were tickling me but I could ignore it because I’ve got a jillion things tickling me right now.

That would be one explanation one level higher okay it’s not Dragon it’s me it’s my brain is my tongue it’s my fault.

We have 1 million and we have 1 billion and we have 1 trillion and somewhere we have some other type of unit and that’s the type of unit or at now. I could explore this or even going to my memory banks employed out but I don’t want to do that.

All right, I’m not in a hold any punches I’m not a lie I’m until God’s truth flat out. She’s a beautiful woman but for some reason she doesn’t have her…

Dragon do not malfunction.

You are a beautiful woman, some people think I take notes on all beautiful women, somewhat true but then again somewhat not true.

You’re the type of beautiful woman I would not take notes on because for some reason you were put on some type of island. This is something I do internally which I do not understand and have not explored and do not care to bother with. It just happens and I just let it happen and for whatever reason my logic works as long as I don’t shake the boat.

You on the other hand or on an island and you triggered something so I made some type of small enclosure to house you. But you were next to little miss New York City whose a variant from the vocabulary of the tribes and you got put in her reference field. You are not put in her enclosure in fact you want put in any enclosure at all but merely in what I call the sorting been.

But you had some beacon within your signal and so I open you up and away we went.

And that’s begin and that’s when I began to channel your spirit, here I’m using the term spirit and not so because I was channeling her spirit which is somewhat different than channeling a soul.
Today’s her birthday.

I had no idea who she was or where she was from her whatever so I do some basic scattering knowledge and I have no idea what’s in the future or whatever and all of a sudden the future reveals itself before me because I was walking around in it.

I’m actually trying to attempt to describe and honest to God no BS magical moment with the spirits. 

Because it’s a spirit thing, it’s her birthday.

I had no idea, I knew you were some type of beacon, fine, you guys are all a type of person but you’re really not that special other than being very attractive and very lucky.

But I’m not talking about you going about you and your ancestors basically I’m walking around in the cemetery only the people in the cemetery are still alive and walking surface of your there just very close.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not a profit and I’m not until you win the blades going to come down or the switch is going to be pulled, trust I said trust me, I feel I’m pretty close as well. Which makes this a true tragedy.

All right your somebody, no, let’s be more truthful, she’s just another beautiful woman walking the service of your but for some reason I had to walk around in her cemetery and now her cemetery is on the television.

This is telling me she is more than a beacon this is telling me that her cemetery actually is a form of lighthouses, now I’m going to correct that term with a more accurate and complete term because lighthouses would be the old school term used in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, no that’s not correct either, in the contemporary testament, they would merely be called flashlights.

You say it’s your birthday, happy birthday to you, no it’s not my birthday, but we can all be happy for birthday songs, or so the circle would tell me.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Incredible Radioactive Mexican Pickle

New title: The Incredible Radioactive Mexican Pickle.

Old title: visual analysis of burning voodoo residue

this would be from another box

which gets back to boxing fearing and why boxes play such an important part in my life

that's a very long explanation or should I say one would be needed

I'll go ahead and share another image review from a different computer using a different variation of the Dragon.

I'm coming here to discuss voodoo which means I should really change the: to try to accommodate a larger audience or a bigger draw or something for pledge week.

You could call it a Cinderella story if you are so inclined after all there is a single shoe and it's got your name on it.

But that would be deceptive.

So the remnants are, part of a female student that I acquired while driving I believe on Garland Avenue, part of a broken pencil, this is no ordinary pencil because it wouldn't sharpen correctly and therefore is defective. Part of orange peelings and part of something plastic that melted, I don't know or remember what.

These are objects that survived the fire of one of my so-called ritualized Burt offerings. That would be burnt offerings bogey always ask Burt Reynolds if he wants to fire up the grill.

Anyway we have pictures with this, I did not actually image the thing itself only the recovered objects you also see one of the largest cucumbers I've ever seen or should I say pickles.

This has to do with Alaska and North Korea's impending deposit of radioactive waste and how the people of that state, I renamed them something oh yes, oh yes, oh yes I remember the Kim-0-sonyans or sonyins…

I did it to keep things peachy because after all you are a shining specimen. This gets back to something else that's going on in a different space and why I needed to render the thing is I did it also gets back to tornadoes and other dynamics associated with weather.

That in turn loops back heads to the northeast it could be Philadelphia or it could be New York or it could be Andy Warhol's Pittsburgh. I really can't say.

Anyway so America concedes Alaska to North Korea and North Korea makes a nuclear dump site for the world's nuclear stuff. And the people that live in this area don't die from radiation but in fact begin a new and improved evolutionary aspect and human development and become different creatures altogether. They're able to blend in both hot radioactive material and ice and make kind of a soup out of it that sues their source stymies…  Not exactly right but my tongue is working well.

This has some you do with evolution and Alaska oh yes oh yes.
So I'm not the kind of man to just throw something out on a whim, Ono, I'll test it first. Oh no I will test it first. So Yoko Euclid…

Not exactly but you configure, not exactly but one could figure if one had a crayon.
Okay, so I'm negotiating with North Korea and China concerning California and Alaska and North Korea agrees to give me a small sample of their radioactive waste which I didn't turn put into a pickle jar with some pickles. I don't know if it got lost in translation or what exactly happened with this bag of Mexican pickles begin their own evolutionary process and became super pickle, you heard of a Mexican jumping bean this is a Mexican super pickle developed with the helping hands of North Korean radioactive waste.

This is not tricky photography these are facts, which is why I'm working with the fire and ice to help the Kim-0-sonyins in their developmental process, that's why there's an igloo there with the grid on it and why I'm giving you the resilience of heat combined with the dynamics of ice so we can all stupid thing together. That is to say stew the thing together as in were making a stew of radioactive pickle waste.


This document is incomplete the program is no longer even close which is why I do not save the profile

It would appear some that I’m on my third post because October 02’s last post was detained at customs and could not be released until third.

In actuality this is the second most after an extension to the first.

This gets back to other dynamics associated revenue issues internal revenue issues…

Essentially took a shower and when I take a shower my brain this tracks. I was thinking about current events and problems in the state of Oregon and the tragic shooting there which occurred yesterday or the day before it was a community college and I’m pretty sure everyone is talking about.

Part of me wanted to make light and try to bring some sense of humor into this tragedy others wanted to bring truth to the scene of a crime and while I was in the shower I realized I could do both with a little bit of slowing.  SLAGN
it’s an identifier for words not used correctly or used in unique circumstances…

Always going to approach Oregon from the mirror one asked and talk about…

I was going to approach the problem in Oregon from a medical dynamic or review concerning marijuana laws and marijuana usage in the state. Basically people that are stoned, on marijuana, don’t go shooting places. Now, some in law enforcement would disagree with that’s because they’re smoking the wrong kind of grass.

In my encouraging kids to get high, I am if it will save lives, and now I can walk and bowling alley.
If you go to Bill and Melinda’s house, right now, they’ll be standing on the inside holding a picture that looks like margaritas out to, it’s a picture of LSD and by the way it’s not a picture it’s a picture…
Apparently the program cannot discern the difference between a vessel that will hold the beverage and something that has been framed up.

That’s right, Bill and Melinda are standing on the inside holding, what appears to be a pitcher of margaritas out to the world saying here, drink this new drink this and you will feel better. It’s okay, it’s okay, Timothy Leary is dead and we’re on the inside….

From my perspective I choose to open my eyes and be somewhat pessimistic of this approach because this could be a real game changer if you open your eyes and be a pessimist concerning these issues.
We could now go back to 1 million things and me talking about being lucky and unlucky with my first wife and my children and all that other stuff. If I do that it will make it appear as though I have a bleak attitude, nothing could be further from the truth. I’m actually quite upbeat even though I acknowledge the fact that I’m highly like highly unlikely.

I say that because I thought about my first wife and her wanting to enroll her daughter into the same school that Melinda Gates went to, it’s here in Dallas.

I disapproved of this because of the unlucky aspect of economics concerning private schooling in Dallas.

Thankfully, this was one of the few issues that I successfully argued against and was successful in my argumentation with my first wife.

You talk about unlucky marriage, I have economic issues and I have a strange dynamic love, on either swimming in an ocean of it or drowning…

I want to attempt to re-do previous sentence.

I have a strange dynamic concerning love, I and either swimming in the ocean full of it or drowning.
No the program did not type the entire sentence correctly but I did go in and do some handiwork to create a more accurate sentence.

Is any of this helping working or addressing the tragedy that occurred there, not really, but it does turn the flashlight towards sex drugs and rock ‘n roll if you know how to stand there with a picture of LSD…

By the way, kids, if you’re trying to tie the rock ‘n roll code in here, you’ll find, some of its current and some of its blatant other parts of have to do with colors and your attitude so think about colors and attitude and Mobile track a specific aspect to Larry of Timothy Leary….

It’s kind of the inside it is kind of an inside out issue. It got it on the second round which gets back to posting this blog in the first place and how stupid all of this works because I won’t go back and correct in……………………….  FUCK YOU DRAGON!!!!!

For the record, Microsoft, I had some more pictures illustrating precisely the state of malfunction concerning your programming and operating system. It's got to do with clocks and I suppose some could argue back, note that's incorrect were still in a state of malfunction..

Since I'm on a binary rant I will merely tell the people it the Dragon House, I don't say anything at all and then you asked me to say it again when I said nothing, so I go up to a little microphone, and your little sign is over the microphone telling me to repeat myself and I can't access the microphone until I deal with the issues concerning your signage!

It's just a FUCKED UP situation no matter what angle you take.

1 million things

The dynamics in effective thinking in the issues concerning the conscious to unconscious state
earlier this morning I had a set of dreams that I thought were very important and I was certain that I could remember them. Of course I was mistaken, although I do remember certain aspects. Remember, not so long ago, I showed you a so-called Russian who was fascinated with NFL place to statistics and scoring. And I made some remark that Russians are really interested in American football. Then there was a commercial was attractive young woman concerning phones and Amanda concerning his sons interest in NFL football. Of course the dragons malfunctioning and of course I even have a picture concerning another issue with the Dragon.

We’ll get to that later.

I want to get up, I had to get, the brain had moved into economic theory and I have a bunch of loose ends in my lecture series concerning American economic theory.
If you could go back to the archive you would see me walking around different aspects of my economic theory and never fully explaining it.

I can do so now.

In the United States of America, during my lifetime, and probably around the world, economic theory can be divided into two classes, the lucky and the unlucky!

That pretty much sums the entire thing up completely.

While I was thinking about this I was walking through John Steinbeck novel about a man carrying a goal sized egg that would be of words sized egg that’s called a goal…  I’m telling you is that football thing. Birds make eggs in different birds make different sizes of eggs and if you’re wanting to describe an object that the size of a specific bird and you would use the birds name and this be a seabird called a goal.  I give up you correct.

Anyway I was making points, in semi conscious memory, to Bill and Melinda Gates and my hands were bloody because that’s what happens when you try to reason with Bill and Melinda. So then I pick up the goal size a that’s actually not an egg but it comes from a creature underwater and I decided to throw the thing that Mr. and Mrs. Google…

Now I can start my rant on social media, again, and I probably should, but I think I’m going to go someplace else, here’s the deal kids the world is about control and social media is about controlling you and defining who and what you are and who and what you’re going to do so that some type of economics can be extracted from this information.

That’s on a good day, on a bad day it’s used in 1984. But that’s the whole point, it is 1984, and the world and specifically the young people of the world, have walked right into it and say big brother shackle us up.

This really concerns me and gets back to the whole concept of anonymity and what I was thinking about earlier before the economic realization kicked in and I realized it’s just two classes, the lucky and the unlucky.

Of course I walked through Shawnee Oklahoma and so-called kindergarten and I thought about those dynamics and I started thinking about boxes I started thinking about my life and I realized there’s no if answer butts about it.

I actually said that to myself in the state of semi consciousness, there is no if and or butts about it…
Economically speaking I am unlucky, now I could go into the dynamics of my life and tell you a story that could be classified is nothing short of a contemporary American tragedy…
Unfortunately that’s what it would be, not by choice but by circumstances.

I don’t plan on doing that because there are bigger issues and I am talking about economic theory. I’m not sure things are any different in any other part world. There are simply the lucky in the unlucky.
Then you got people that look at themselves rationally and try not to lie to themselves but to seek the truth and all things and if you know anything about public radio you realize these people are not as successful as those people that can like themselves. The best example of this is to look at Bush family, not only do they like to you and me they liked each other and themselves. And therefore their very successful.

I am the other hand go and reach out to an extreme to know what the truth is and to act in reason upon what truth is. This means I’m unlucky! And yes I know that’s not a complete sentence. Or then again maybe it is because it doesn’t have weird things underneath.

Now let’s say you’re a person responsible for making decisions concerning Syria this given moment. Do you want a person licensed themselves unwise to others to make decisions concerning the US actions in Syria? Or do you want someone who can see what the truth is and can ferret out the facts and extract the best plan using clean sharp logic undistorted by any type of why. Any type of lie exhibition point!!!

I know the answer that question but it would be an unlucky.

Now we can talk about part-time jobs and economics and what am I going to do to survive I’m going to have to do something eventually. On the other hand what am I supposed to do, well, I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing the problem is it’s not profitable I am by definition a nonprofit.

You know that sentence has magical properties.

I can’t believe I actually received inspiration from stripper, but I did! She was able to pull the whole thing off and I should be able to do it as well.

The problem is when she takes her clothes off we all want to turn our heads and when I take my clothes off we all want to turn our heads in the other direction.

I’m lost my phone card, I purchased the phone card and I haven’t used it yet and I can no longer find therefore my phone is on the link…

That word is supposed to have a B in it.  All right there are other things I was doing and I remember that as I was moving in and out of consciousness this is before I moved into economics. I was thinking about the so-called Russian and I was thinking about the letter M and specifically the van she was driving it does not fit the profile of the area she so-called zones in on.

This is a way of checking credentials as you’re looking is serving at reason and logic on the so-called web and all of the social networking stuff. I do have one problem with the social networking stuff, there’s a site that uses the P and has kind of a red emblem around the P and whenever you go to someone’s page there they will show you the beginning of the page within a black cloud roles in from the bowels of hell and covers the page up.

You’ll just have to discuss you will just have to believe my summation of this fact. Of this affect.
Now we’ve got artwork that actually moves and grooves with some the things I’ve been moving through and in and out of. Even little miss M….  Now I made a movie about it but why go to the effort of pulling that thing down and then reducing it at all the other stuff you have to do when I can just tell you. It’s much easier for me just to tell you although it’s not nearly as enjoyable because you’ll miss on the magic carpet ride. Not only do I make a film I turned the entire place into a genie only when I can talk about Mr. Rushdie’s book right now.

Okay she’s in a van and then has the steering wheel on will say the American side and she’s not supposed to be in America or at least that’s how I interpreted at the time of our meeting. A male is driving in this van and she and the mail have little bunny ears on.

All you have to do is rewind last night’s television and when you find the screaming women you’ll find the same bunny ears. Then you can visualize me walking from the screen to my computer over the carpet and making a small motion picture.

That would be the most recent, I’ve actually make dozens of these things and they all hook up and essentially illuminate what I do and think about and the magic of affecting the environment because I really can affect an environment.

This gets back to other things I was thinking about just prior to the economic theory and that has to do with the David Letterman principle which relates to the Howard Stern principle which relates to a young man named Harry and a woman named Miss Kline will exactly right good I say ID no could I say Heidi Ho, that gets me a little closer doesn’t.

They want to go into ice pick theory and spoon theory and how we can solve the world’s problems one by one if someone will pick up a spoon or ice ice pick.

That’s one angle, there’s a lot more to the story because you need to see the reasoning on why David Letterman horse Stern are such issues because they are issues. You have to unfold thing and study the map which takes a lot of time and I don’t really want to do that when I want to do is pick up an ice pick and pick up the spoon and get busy!

We got to solve the world’s problems one eyeball at a time.

I thought that that would be a fitting place to stop and the line worked well as a type of stop gap. So I log on so-called punched in and I guess I’m on the clock.

Writers I did that I said right is I did that the minefield appeared and I saw all of the minds looking at me…

That’s kind of a magical sentences well. Anyway, maybe didn’t have close on which was interesting which gets back to other types of magic, yes, yes, yes, I remember it now.

He was a photographer and she was attractive woman and they had a family she left Texas and went somewhere to start a career in pornography. She did quite well and as I understand it she still is doing quite well and she taught a friend of mine from Florida how to do some unique tricks with fluid dynamics. Or at least that’s what she told me.

I say all this because I’m bumping into people, indirectly, and I’m trying to be invisible as I bump into them, and I’m finding out all kinds of things about myself by studying them. Now I have an attraction to many things and most of the things I’m attracted to I discuss with you now again, that’s what I’m doing right now.

So I’m looking at this attractive woman who was married to a man who truly loved her and they had a family together, I believe she changed her name but then again I’m not sure. She was from a suburb of Dallas and her and her husband bumped into someone I followed now again and I tripped over yesterday.

Basically I trip over this particular landmine all the time I mean she’s everywhere and I don’t agree with many the things she does although I agree with the way she looks. Essentially she drives too many cars and she has a thing or unique cars which is one thing but then again if you go overboard and in California if you own more than one car you have to go to Adam Corolla’s punishment Center..

It’s in the ground rules in the archive I set up about a decade ago.

Amazingly all of this loops around women that wear corsets is mission point!!!  NO SHIT!!!

I’m not sure why but I don’t want to use that part of my brain to investigate attributes to investigate that truth.

You see Mr. and Mrs. Dragon or Mr. and Mrs. whatever the FUCK, your program really doesn’t work very well and it would take me forever to write a novel or for that matter anything.

Which gets back to finding my resume which gets back to acquiring a job which gets back to economics in the issues with being very unlucky.

Now I would call that, one gigantic magic sentence that carries a lot of green snakes with it.

Now I could talk about apples but that’s an unfortunate topic at this given moment.


I suppose I could throw in a little bit of artwork here although that wasn’t really into either but it does demonstrate the problems associated with software manufacturing.

Insert image here

for the record after I push this thing on to this page I went back and open the file to make sure that nothing was being compromised. Nothing is so I’m not going to edit the thing I’m going to let it live here as an entire component. But I want you to focus not on the sidelines but on the field itself, what is on the field and what does the field say to you you can get your hot dogs and popcorn later or should I say peanuts, I guess I could say both. This gets back to another movie I made on Thursday night it had to do with other darker issues and the FBI or so the show would lead you to believe and the dynamics associated with the Kennedys in Dallas and removable bombs thumbs. You know Mr. and Mrs. world the Dragon created that malfunction and I’m not going to remove it what I need is capitalism to reform and start behaving in a more responsible way.

I’m glad I did this, once I do it I talk about all kinds of software problems. Firstly I tell the program I want to put a picture right here and it takes me to my pictures folder which is not where I house my pictures!

Will call it a default setting that is incorrect we will call it that if you’re going to do this sentence please do it correctly.

So now were looking at the folder or specifically a search within a folder for what I call executable files. I’m simply trying to put a shortcut on my desktop so I’m going to the file itself in trying to find the file itself so I can create a shortcut and move it to my desktop because in Windows 10 it won’t let you do that. Or specifically I haven’t found a way to do it although I’m sure there is a way. Now I can move the Dragon, using Windows 10 and all kinds of places but I can’t put it on my desktop…

So this is easily remedied by finding the executable file it starts the program. So I go to where this file should be housed and I’m sure it’s here somewhere but there are a lot of executable files. The ones I want you look at have to do with upgrading the software which is about the company’s profitability in terms of economics. In a way, what you’re saying, is a type of lie or way for the program and the programmers to like themselves and you and I.

They’re not trying to build a better program here there trying to sell you an upgrade!  It’s obvious if you’ll just look at the picture of it’s all about the upgrade it’s not about the functionality of the program itself.

This is the basic problem with capitalism. It’s about profitability and it’s not about the true cause-and-effect. It’s about getting away with murder in making your bloody hands look clean, this is why Kerry has to turn away when I pick up my scalpel and begin operate and maybe that is what Kerry does but I’m specifically speaking to gross objects..

I’ll get it in there one way or another…

Capitalism and cause-and-effect, nobody talk about drugs and pharmaceuticals and charging $1 million for aspirin or we can talk about the logic of medicine and how medicine is not about profitability but it’s about healing.

You would think that would be obvious but in the medical industry, currently found in United States of America this given moment, the industry is about profitability and making a quick buck and getting away with murder!

This reminds me, I was once a Peace Corps volunteer and I worked for small time on the island of Jamaica at this given time there was a type of slaying used by the youth there and they would repeated over and over. It was not a bad term but it was oddly used, essentially if they saw something they liked or disliked or whatever they could apply this word to and they would simply say that’s murder that’s murder man that’s murder murder murder!

That’s a true statement and that was a true slang term used in Jamaica in 1982 when I was there.
It’s okay or at least it was then because we still had two years on the clock to save the day…

Unfortunately Ronald Reagan was in office, you know, to the ghost of Ronald Reagan, I’m walking around the binary world into some pretty risqué places and you pop up now again your actual presence and image rendering you in these unique places.

There’s so much America does not understand. There’s so much I can tell you but who wants to listen to an unlucky guy like me and don’t get me wrong I’m not playing a violin or asking for your sympathy I merely stating the truth and the facts the way I see them.
Unbelievable, I think about this all the time and I thought I would get it to you but I thought it would be too hard and now I’m standing on top of it.

The FBI.

They come into the news lately because of their approach to homosexuality, I don’t like to use that term I could use the gay and lesbian word or some other alternative but I would call it what he called, the guy who created the FBI. Now, you can talk to the FBI about the guy that created to listen to them like themselves you or you listen to me.

The real question is, do you want to know what the truth is!

If you do keep reading if you don’t then go someplace else.

The guy that created the FBI was one person when he was in the office and another person when he was not in the office, the incredible thing is how opposite these two people were housed in one man. 

Essentially he was all for encapsulating the homosexual dynamic within the United States while being a transvestite when he went home. I don’t care what you or what they tell you!

Since were talking about the FBI reported history you have to realize that people of color had to sue the FBI because they weren’t being treated correctly and they made some out-of-court settlement for millions of dollars.

The state the same thing could be said or women for women!!!!

So once you look at the I so want to look at the FBI correctly you’ll see that this thing’s been in a state of malfunction for its and tire lifetime. And still is in a state of malfunction.

I’m going to give you an example and you’re going to have to rely on the media or your own research to verify what I’m saying is what I’m saying is the absolute truth.

Young people might not remember this but to me it seems like it was last week, the Americans or some Americans were protesting economic injustice and they started this thing called the 1% faction.

I don’t know if that was its real name had to do with the 1% issue.

These were Americans who were demonstrating and protesting peacefully and using their given right of free speech to point out economic injustice isolation point!!!!   Buried somewhere in the media you’ll find the story, these Americans who are obeying the law were being photographed and catalogued by the FBI. These Americans were not breaking any rules or any laws and it was a peaceful demonstration but the FBI didn’t like so they wrote your name down and put you in a little cubbyhole so they could punish you later when they had the opportunity to put you in a dark place…

That’s what they do!!!

This is why you must never trust a 40 this is why you must never trust authority and specifically someone that carries something shiny and perhaps some type of weapon or stick.

Basically you don’t trust authority ever! In the ensuing chaos of the future you guys are going to have to learn and work together without the dynamic of authority!

That’s not going to be an easy thing to accomplish and if you can’t accomplish that then there is nothing but cannibalism for you in the future.

If I’m still around when you need to start tearing ketchup packets with me!

289) Last updated on 2 October 2010

I live with my girlfriend Evie and have a weakness for Pot Noodles.

he distracst - ploy < a plan, brakes chain and reason!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

If you got the bunny honey I will romance the clock

No seriously I didn't intend for this thing to ramble on.  I'm doing this kind of invisible dialogue between people it don't know I exist and who I will never hear from see. That's the nature of this kind of world. Don't get me wrong, I really don't mind, but it would make the world more interesting if you all would interact with me correctly.

Anyway, yesterday I woke up and was going to discuss with you the new in current affairs concerning the theory of chaos. That's the thing, you guys don't understand that I don't read and write like normal people do. A word or sentence or paragraph can be sitting right in front of me and I simply look through it because words have no meaning to me. Then again sometimes they hit me right over the head. 

Like this illustrator did.  

Normally I don’t go to this much trouble

Normally I don’t go to this much trouble

I was thinking I wasn’t going to say anything, it looks like September had quite a light to it who would suspect October of anything. Then the big dream came and October stepped into the wildness….

I’m doing some research on someone and I ran into these objects. What’s amazing is I only had a glimpse of this person, I simply got this little glimpse and put it away in this little box buried on a hard drive. I knew it was important that I didn’t know who this person was, in fact I didn’t think it was about the skin of the thing at all I thought it was about the atmosphere because what is up with the weather?

You can see why my earlier searches were virtually pointless all I got was old black and white movies and singers.

Anyway I watched the thing and thought there’s something here Jeffrey you found this you located it you contend that there is something here that’s important that you’re not seeing right now. So I started doing my research and lo and behold the magic carpet was thrown down before my feet, not without quite a long walk so if you think you can just doubt this stuff up it’s going to be a long walk.

I have given you quite a shortcut though.

What you’re missing is all the stuff surrounding the person I was tracking and all of the magic dust found on the horses in a rule part of Oklahoma.

You see I was born in Oklahoma but I did some growing up in Texas and got educated in both places. 

I need a part-time job or some type of job so I think I’m going to become stripper.

What you say we get this horse race started, below you see the fractured fairytales of the wondering magic man who may be the last magic man on earth, who could say.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014  New indie film project: Women... and Sometimes Men  Women... and Sometimes Men is an interesting looking project from Lesley Demetriades that follows the story of Sara, a woman who realizes there are more options, and possibly satisfaction, to love. The story engages the concept of creating relationships….       …. OCTOBER 15, 2014 – Lesley Demetriades is launching her first directorial film project  Women… and Sometimes Men on Hatchfund.  The story of Women… and Sometimes Men follows Sara – a woman in crisis. Engaged  for one day, s

The city is named for, and strongly connected to Native American heritage as Chickasha (Chikashsha) is the Choctaw word for Chickasaw.

30 Magnetic Fields on Mars  for half a minute.

In other news:

Loving More nonprofit group near the Philadelphia airport and a rail stop was shut down today due to a lack of oxygen.  We take you to our air supply journalist reporting from the scene Mr. Gotnobreath…

“Yes thank you Bob, it’s not that there’s a lack of air it’s just that the air isn’t that fresh it somewhat stale we are blaming this on Terry and the pledge drive, or at least that’s what one villager told me.”

A one-day event held in London for everyone who knows that happy and honest relationships don't have to  "Poly Meetings" for German-speaking polyfolks in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. According to the organizers, the gatherings serve as "a platform for networking and for the exchange of experiences and practical know-how. Also theoretical discussions and the planning of cultural and political activities. The programme is self organized by the participants. Minimum age 18. Two 'Grand Poly Meetings' take Polyamory for All Seasons series of retreats in the mountains west of Washington DC. "The point is building tribe," says co-organizer Michael Rios of Network for a New Culture.

OK Whats Up Mx  'a spanking is pretty much the same as that lollipop'

I typed it in here by hand taking that would be quicker only it appears to have disappeared. So I guess I'll do it by microphone although it takes all the spontaneity out of it.

J  "Hi there little cutie one lap dance?"

M  "I am a masochist, and sometimes I'm submissive, and I am not a brat."

J  "Not so fast little girl, I'll be the judge of whose a brat and whose not and if I have to bend you over my knee and teach you what for then you're going to get what for.  u con-prin-dOO cEmOsobE!"

M "if you hate my essay, you're welcome to spank me for it. I'll just enjoy it!"

J  "What kind of cheap date do you think I am! You get dressed up for the fair, don't worry, I brought your attire, it's over there laying on the bed in that bag."

M "Want this, this is just a top and some leggings and heels there's no skirt or pants of any kind..."

M has her first understanding of the dynamics associated with J

Friday, September 25, 2015

x cat


092415_Line Walk

092415_Line Walk

I thought it was going to talk about something more pertinent, that would be dynamics which on the Oklahoma and how they still reverberate in my life. That is to say Shawnee is supposed to be in there somewhere. Anyway there’s a lot of stuff I need to be doing but I’m following a so-called line of sight. I carefully walk the line look to either side and then make decisions on when to step off the line.

I discover something, it’s kind of incredible, it’s kind of a trend with young people today, and it has reason and choice but it’s still confounds me.

And then we had a thing inside of my brain called an echo effect. I’m going to elaborate and you’ll be able to see it happen when it happens.

I’m doing some research and I’m following a kind of track. I discover someone so then I turn on the amplifier and the electron microscope and dive right in to the research. I didn’t find myself in Germany having to deal with that language and France and having to deal with those women and the little bit of that language.
Bumping into this is not unusual and I would not call it an echo yet. But then September starts beating a drum and I realize we’ve got a strange dynamic happening. And then we crossed the line and there were all of the things that go from, I’m very attracted to, to these could be double creatures, which gets back to align I crossed yesterday concerning devil women and how this all interacts and interrelates.

I’m following a track for a given individual and I find the initial entry point for the individual I’m tracking. I then watch her turn into echoes herself and then the tangents start firing inside of my brain and we have an echo chamber inside of my head. One of them actually dies, a year ago in fact, another one kind of disappears and then resurfaces in hindsight, there’s more to that than meets the eye because there’s a little bit a coating going on if you hop on the train.

One dies, I can’t blame this on David Letterman, I can’t < hand opp ** very unusual >  I CAN blame it on that English guy who played a Dr. call house. I know it’s supposed to be past tense and I said it past tense but the thing didn’t print.

Anyway, she died at the age of 40. Another one does stuff on Broadway but still does some stuff for television but it still gets canceled.

Then there’s another one who started thinking who started the thing and I won’t elaborate on that.
I will say the dynamics of Florida, inside of my brain, has changed dramatically! And I said the word dramatically very sharp and very clear because Florida is clearly a lot more complicated than I ever realized. And it’s not the old people in Florida it’s the young people in Florida. I’ve always had problems with Florida politicians and the way the elderly and will save middle aged people think that live there. But things are about to change in Florida and they’re going to change in one of the most powerful in dramatic ways imaginable. 

The youth in Florida are very different from their parents and they are trending in this remarkable choices of youth.

Now if your politician you might want to hear my words

Why pay very close attention to it because I’m speaking God’s truth. I don’t know why it did what he just did it just does things. My computer has a mind of its own, one would think it was built to serve the hands that work at but as you all know it’s the voice working this not so much the hands and the thing doesn’t like my voice at least it doesn’t type what I say when I say it.

If your politician, you might heed my words, I’m telling you the truth, I can see aspects of future, it’s a gift.
So no need to tell the United States world, if you look at the United States citizens in the age group of 28 to 14 years of age they have a different way of making decisions for themselves. At first I find it shocking and then I see it echo and I see more and more people behaving in this way and then I realized that are actually being successful, quite successful, and who am I to criticize them.

I’m not going to criticize them. That’s the whole point, I don’t see them committing crimes or in my mind doing anything wrong, is there life and as long as they pay their taxes I simply don’t mind what choices they make.

All right let’s let the so-called being out of the bag and I will give you the name and I’ll give you a variation of one of the components because if you follow this track your realize there are some name changers.

The track starts here with this individual, Sarah Goldberg, then we have in the course of events the second name changer who is passed away unfortunately she passed away in September of last year she was 40 years old, Sarah Danielle Madison.  She used the first name of the tracker and she also used the second name. Now you start tracking this is going to find a lot more than you can imagine but you got to open certain doors and if you do you need a flashlight.

Now some of you understand my lecture methods and my coded speech and you know what I’m talking about. Then again some of you don’t.

Then we have other tangents and I walk into the room of the beautiful or the ugly depending upon your reference point.

Now, I bring in celebrities quite often, it’s rare for me to bring in Carmen Diaz, I’ve had a very mixed up relationship with her. I thought, and I’m going to be honest and confess this, I didn’t like her, then I realized I loved her, and then I realized I was really confused.

When it comes to Carmen Deas, I basically steered clear and watch and observe carefully because she’s a woman with magic powers. They’re hard to see but they’re there. Anyway I’m following a track concerning a line of sight and I walk into the room filled with women who I exercise great caution with but I’m never afraid to insult.

Before start throwing the pictures down and thought we might take a little side trip to Germany. Oh that reminds me of got to give you a massive fragment of an echo concerning September.

Sarah Goldberg

Sie soll friedlich eingeschlafen sein - Sarah Goldberg, bekannt durch die Fernsehserie “Eine himmlische Familie” starb mit nur 40 Jahren.

I’m going to go ahead and give you my coding for this website it’s a 00 which means it’s a power player. Now I had Artie tripped into the room full of various aspects okay I had already arrived and fell into or tripped upon the room of land mines which led me to this book. That would be a rod and reel line in a hook and Moores and things that are alluring although you’ll find a more there as well. She’s down there. A rod a real some tackle and some fishing louvers know I still think that’s right artificial bait called a lure, maybe that is. That’s what you need to bring you go fishing some Venetian blinds.

0 0 Coder Show Biz News Updated daily_ 09_13_13.html 

These are so-called screen captures the first two I made to demonstrate to the world no matter what type of HTML coding you can do I can still recover what I need. His first two images irritate me not because of the subject matter but because of the way the page handled.

I’m going to include my approach in verifying people’s credentials in the binary world without really doing anything other than looking with my amplified electron microscope. In other words this guy is not from mother Russia. Don’t get me wrong he may been born there but if you look carefully at his site he claims to actually be sitting in Russia but yet has a fascination with American football. I don’t think there’s a single person in Russia that gives a shit concerning American football.

Then we have a multilayered echo, I’m still tracking the so-called said individual and I bumped into Germany so I’m driving around Germany when all of a sudden girl from Garland pops up or should I say from the GNP.

You know little darling I’m concerned as well. And you have a woman I’m very careful with, Carmen Diaz in the lower part of the capture, and of course what will soon next is the open minefield.

All right you’re asking me to say it again and blocking the button.

Now I could stop here, I’m giving you an incomplete picture on purpose. You would need to understand my line of sight and what I was tracking because it works with multiple senses the synths of sight and sound as well as aroma and flavor. It’s the whole 9 yards in terms of feelings nothing more than feelings when it’s everything about feeling.

All right I’m going to go ahead and just tell you if you walk into the mine fields I’ve been walking in and around your realize I’m playing very safe concerning the dynamics of the given minefield I’ve shown you. I thought that that minefield might have some unusual energy so I went to the top and realized that I had carefully chosen my search well and not doubt one of the so-called tracking individuals. I wanted to see if this individual would turn up later deeper into the page so I dove deeper and found this. Now this is not the other unit this is a woman holding a dollar bill, now that’s one thing, you see that codes a certain way if you know anything about what’s pinned to my wall it is part of a one dollar bill and part of the five dollar bill.

Nye could only see her picture but when I drove the cursor to it gave me a signal. And I realized this was a signal I used to my own nomenclature because I really do use this signal in my nomenclature and if you look at the title of this page and you look at my nomenclature you would see it belongs here.

So I would give the thing accredit because when I went to the page and remember I can capture the image without going to the page, the page unfolded and became an enormous, I do not know what HTML people are doing now but the pages can now circle the globe which is another reason why I gave you all those photos from our interesting Russian comrade. You see it’s not a still image it’s a gift it would be a gift. It is meant figure that one out or I’ll post it.

I think I will post it. But I have to give him credit, I don’t mind that, I suppose he deserves the credit, but I just don’t trust his credentials.

Also need to note, I thought I was going to talk about my runnings with the so-called cartoon critters of yesteryear and how I was run out of town in the cyber kind of way. No really, those fucks locked me out, I can still go to the page info to the material but I couldn’t comment. That was tragic, and as I recall an animator from Maine came to my defense and also stated that there was nothing he could do because the site was actually outside of his own hands. This is very different than Scott’s site and here I’m referring to the guy that does Dilbert. He’s kind of got his own private Idaho.

I say that because the dynamics of what happened then still exist although I wonder if the female animator from what I believe was Missouri which still feel the way she does.

She was one of the few people I could actually name me, she knew who I was and she knew where I lived and where I existed in what I’d done.

That’s interesting, I would not know her if she came up and shook my hand, it’s not that I don’t want to know where, contrary to that, I would love to know where to know her. But she’s an odd cookie which is why her artwork is so effective, she has this sideways ability to Pearson glance at an object and then break it down.

A better stop talking because I don’t like the malfunctions.

Yes I remember why I’m thinking about the cartoon experience, it’s this whole new social media stuff.

I knew about MySpace I knew about Facebook and all the other stuff but now you get social media that is layers upon layers upon layers upon layers we can talk about mine fields we talk about forests or we can talk about geology. Specifically rock that’s formed under the ocean and how it can be formed in layers and you have layers upon layers.

That’s what social media is right now today a bunch of sedentary rock.

I’m more like some bake some bake on the end of the book BAIT on the end of a hawk on the end of a HOOK seeing and magical and enchanted song singing and enchanted and magical song “ here little fishy here little fishy here little fishy fishy fish fish”

Beware: you are about to enter one of those “I used to walk fifty miles in the snow to school” rants, but when it’s all over, you’ll emerge with a renewed hatred in humanity and a fierce drive to fail.

--The following is excerpted from the new book Brokenomics: 50 Ways to Live the Dream on a Dime, by Dina Gachman, out April 1 from Seal Press.—   OK I lied a little!