Friday, May 23, 2014

Let's do something different

This is a document created by Microsoft's Inc. voice recognition on and I7 quad core with 16 MB excuse me 16 GB of ram memory and an independent video card.  I would call this a fair system but not a screamer like I thought it was going to be.

On this box I have the original windows system seven that came with a box new and I've installed Microsoft's Office 2010 which I have multiple copies of that is to say and please put the punctuation and that I have multiple a gem and copies that I've purchased.  Really, I don't hijack software.  I know you may think I do but I don't, I assure you.

If somebody makes something I want I neither pinch pennies or I lost for it.  That is to say it lost that is to say I desire something.  You know none of these programs are deep ever going to get it exactly correct.  But this is done a good job and remember this is bundled with the whole package.  So I say hats off to Microsoft, this is pretty unusual because I'm a straight share and if you are around me long enough you will hear me screaming at both Steve jobs and bill gates.  I do this on a regular basis because they need to be yelled at both in each respected dimension.

UCLA's and Joe one I believe in a god.

That is so off key that I'm going to read work that sentence completely.

I believe in a spiritual world, now I do not follow conventional logic as it pertains to the spiritual world as is is told to you in church.  I've completely revise my entire vision of the spiritual world.

I'm going to say something that's going to upset a lot of people.  God can make a mistake!

I've seen it happen!  Now, you can jump to the implying that listings and watch the king of all Kings give someone a thorough ads whipping.  Or you can take my word for.  Here's what I'm telling you, there is a god, there is a creator, he is a spark thrower, she and life comes from this Parks, I said human life comes from his sparks.  I know I'm not changing anyone but I'm just telling you the truth and I'm doing so because on to rewind a god will play at you and say, I gave you that retarded ball headed FUCK UP to spell it out for you.

Which gets back to various a skate various escape hatches I found in various spiritual transports.  You guys can always say but god, he had dyslexia and couldn't spell for SHIT!

And then god will reply, that's why I gave him the dinosaurs!

After god says that you all are basically fucked.

You know that's an odd saying, I enjoy sexual intercourse.  This gets back to shiny and something I didn't enjoy.  This gets back to all kinds of things within the compass and the secondary stick shift if you can see the image.

All right and made some movies today as well and you need to see those.

Now let's talk about tissue mingo Oklahoma.  Let's talk about the capital of the chickasaw nation it is within the state of Oklahoma and the wonderful community of tissue mingo.  That is not a joke but it's not even going to come close, is it.  Well we're going to have to count on the cups and saucers to get things corrected.  And so we will.

Trust me, China is always when the China is always willing to lend a helping hand.  Only this is in China as I recall it fired in New York.

Nevertheless I'm going to precede.

I'm going to change things up because I want to entice you.

That's right I'm trying to tempt you.

Here's what the up, I've loaded all of my artwork, I'm rebuilding my artwork on the drive that was hammered on and I've got the new drive with all the new stuff right here.  Plus I've got stuff I shot at the so called wireline of transmission.  That's the place where we prepare the so called pilots for their journey into various aspects of the spiritual world.

You're going to see something in those photographs.  The NSA something on the driveway if you look close enough.  You know I knew it wasn't Canadian because it didn't have a beaver on it.  Now the Canadians may have changed the stamp it used to make that Colin but I know it one time the Canadian neck all had a beaver on the back.  It also had a different level of sheen or shine on the cooling because the nickel contained more nickel than the United States nickel.  The Canadians have more nickel for that kind of stuff.  Any way the Canadians make beautiful coins and other things, I remember gold maple leaves, I never owned one but I remember studying them.

I knew it was British so I went to the trouble look it up and yes for all of the people in the binary world that racked my footprints I went to verify that it was an English corn.  Because it is and was going.

They call it a five pence because they don't understand the power of the penny.  The Canadians do understand the power of pinning which is why they put an aspect of a tree on the power up a single cent.  I like cents and a light trees and I like Canadian pennies.  I like a lot of things.

Anyway it's a 5¢ piece from England.

You'll find it glowed to one of the cups and saucers specifically it's on the realm of one of the cups.  You're also going to find original Polaroid photographs.  And you gonna find the thing that I tore apart than men to throw down the day that I can't get to completely.

Basically I'm gonna give you some images that are prepared and was willing to give you when I came here.  I was going to cut the Christmas tree into four equal parts.  But something happened.  I made a cut into the image that held the picture of the ghost.  When I did that the ghost jumped out.  Then the scissors were cursed.  Now I'm gonna have to tell you something that I did not image and I did not film but I'm sure I'm under some type of surveillance.  The scissors are special, they're made in Italy and their of a unique design.  I dropped the scissors and they stopped in the stop sign which is a mat covering the floor which the car table floats on.  It was magic.

People I believe in symbolism and I believe in reactions and chain reactions and everything's related to everything.  Which is probably the reason why the spiritual world picked me to fuck with.

Lacking the eye said lackey me..

Okay we'll do it hand and by hand and return everything off and push this little creature out upon the grass and you guys can come and steal whenever you want.

Oh yes I told you I was learning you.

All of my artwork is here and I'm going to leave the big lie on with the current drive holding all of the new artwork why are doing to the thing.  All you have to do is enter through the front door move to the big boy merely move the mouse are capped a keyboard it will come up and you can steal whatever does you want steel.

This gets back to an image I made earlier, just a few moments ago.  Windows was starting up and having some issues and I started windows word and I got to the second module of windows word when a box came up and said activating or installing the send it to blue tooth thing.  This troubles me because I have attached a blue tooth device to this box but I've intentionally avoided anything to do a blue tooth because of all of the thieves.  Which gets back to passwords which gets back to something I was thinking other.

Which gets back to all of the stuff I think about all the time.  Passwords are basically ABS.  If somebody wants what you have there gonna find out what you do to cover your password.

This is why all of those special questions you insert about if you forget your password how can you jump through the hoop.  That's yet I said that SHIT delineates the power of a password at the start of go.

If somebody wants to figure you out they figure all of the questions answers out because the question answers art that difficult to figure out.  Then it doesn't matter what password you have no simple ether at a way to jump through it and jump through it.  Passwords are basically DS.

There's a lot of other stuff I need to tell you.  But I need to give you the opportunity to come in the house, remember I'm an Atty. alarm on, so I'm assuming you can figure out the passwords after all I have written them down.  And you can peruse the items on the driveway at your leisure.  I can't believe that I use two words I've never used before.  I won't expand all merely exit.

I cannot believe I put a 5¢ cooling on the rim of the cup enough icing: serve the purpose and then I went to prime the pilots and there was the five since I'd place before me in another dimension.

I know you guys don't follow this but I don't care.

I think I'm going to pick out the musical CD to accompany on my journey.

You know the book I'm reading is interesting but I'm more of a fiction guy then a nonfiction guy because fiction gets to the truth a lot faster and with a lot more 40 the nonfiction.  That's how it works.

Other pertinent information

 I'm reading a book or should I say listen to a book called or entitled what the dog saw. There was one make a record of events and I began to research what record of one event I was going to launch.

Brook Benton-Revenge b/w Really Really 


Fantupo Marsupialis    Fantupo Marsupialis 2,839 videos  Subscribe 2,283 

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Report  Published on Oct 6, 2013.  listen the other stuff here...Some copies pressed with this nice cover (recorded with a STANTON 681 EEE)


 This is part of the metadata dance. This also gets back to some strange things with posting a document called post and getting up to go do something and walking to the door to get something off the porch only to find the post man climbing the stairs within seconds after I had posted the post.
 It's a part of that strange little mental vibe I was mentioning earlier.

052215 Images 443 PM

all right Google lets negotiate.

 I'm going to attempt to upload 60, very small JPEG's. I've thrown them into the system, for you metadata table, at 1800 x 1192 pixels with a quality within the JPEG of 1.

 this makes for very small files.

 Why go to this much trouble, well I'm about to step out and I can't throw things down because they're not finished which gets back to the point where my going to be able to finish them, which would be a very good point indeed. I'm out of money and I need acrylic paints now I'm probably going to go ahead and paint it up using the oil paints I brought with me but it takes that paint a week to drive. A week to draw to the touch. Let the figure that one out. I said you will have to figure that one out.

 All right what you see on the sidewalk basically belongs in taxes what you see in the enforcer 5 gallon bucket belongs in Oklahoma. Now the problem is the silver a below and the white toolbox packaging. Packaging is wide but the toolbox is red, trust me, believe me, woman. Or not!

 So I can't throw the material down like I had planned but the thing itself evolve into something much bigger than I thought it would.

 You see him to give taxes the Polaroids I brought with me on the way up. Originally I was going to give you them whole and complete. But then you killed my Star Ranger. My Star reindeer because your cave monster.

 You basically called Santa Claus and law. You called Santa Claus and law you called Santa Claus...

 you figure it out.

 Let's just say that Santa Claus bags has been ripping pieces and there's no reason to bring those bags with me when I crossed the river.

 So you don't have to worry about it long. I'm going to leave this place, this very  perimeter and arm the protection for what is inside the house. What is on the driveway will be unprotected.

 If you want to come steal it well I suppose you can come steal. It doesn't belong to you but I intend to leave it in public places in full view and walk away from. And walk away from it.

 Now this is going to be interesting because if I can complete the project as I see it unfolding you're going to have my true signature, iDNA footprint and I said in the DNA footprint I sent you will have my signature, the DNA footprint, and it looks like even a paint signatures well.

 I'm just trying to get through all of this bridge artwork so I can just do the one thing the way I want to do it.

 For the record the blacktop that's going to be turning up all over town is truly in Oklahoma roadwork affair. The white line material is truly bridge work painting. I can prove this.

 Now you got some parts of Texas being thrown down in Texas because that's The Way, Texas has to be dealt with.

 Don't worry Oklahoma you'll get your fair share.

 This gets back to the silver envelope in the white toolbox that held the red toolbox because I'm talking about the box that held the toolbox and add boxes white not read.

 You know I cannot throw that thing down successfully here. It has to be properly sculpted as well as the silver envelope.

 I have no choice they have to return with me to the land of my people so I can shake this thing correctly.

 Now don't get me wrong, when I'm done going across the line back in two the Lone Star State and put it where the spirit leads me.

 This means that taxes will do anything to keep me from working piece are accomplishing anything because taxes is not about living spirit filled life. Despite what they may tell you and where the governor holds his rallies.

 Jo that pretty much sums the entire political affair in taxes up and sells it in together tightly.

 The governor of Texas is far from a righteous man, yet he holds his rallies among the so-called righteous peoples of the state. No one, and I mean no one in their right mind would support that man on any level for a cause other than the cause of self-destruction.

 Which gets back to what the gold fingers pointing at if you look at that cup of tea.

 It's all their kids.

 Now this gets back to the devilfish in what the devilfish can do. This gets back to the clause in what's glued to that little set of instructions. Texas you get the purse and the remnants of the girl that was devoured by the devilfish and Oklahoma you get the most recent casualty in the state of Texas that was done by the hands of the devilfish. So you have a dynamic of the devilfish on both sides of the river.

 I'm doing this to keep things in line.

 Now you could come and steal the stuff but this stuff already has devoted charge it already has the voodoo ionization.

 I would advise you to steer clear of this stuff until it's fully constructed.

 I say this because if you know anything about the original crew we always had safety switches and so when I complete the thing it too will have a safety switch. So if you can find someone from the original crew they'll know how to invoke the safety switch within the cipher.

 Now, the original crew and I didn't work in the spiritual world we only worked with what I knew about technology and the strange things that I can do as I walk in and out of it and threw it or around it or whatever.

 Okay now for 60 images. Google play nice.