Friday, May 23, 2014

On YouR Sam Ready Set Mark Up


On YouR Sam Ready Set Mark Up

For the record you know things can get warped so I'm going to address the record. That something in the trunk of my car there the small ones you know I would give you the number but when the FBI would think my voodoo has some type of trigger like I was carrying a smaller RPM.

You know this goes around and around and around. This gets back to more metadata that I'm not sure you have but the bad guys will have as soon as I walk out the door because I have trust issues!

Dr. dill now I decided to change her name and I should probably change her name as well because you've got the Jews and she's got the bananas I meant to say the Jews okay.

There's nothing refreshing like a big glass of voodoo juice in the morning. After all according to my record at 6:03 AM at the last post. Remember I'm on the other side of the planet. Or at least supposedly.

So either spoon feed you some more metadata because I have this wonderful ability to slide things between lines.

No I have to physically pull this up and look at it to describe it you would think it would be a lot easier but my brain is round around on what I call hyper code sequence pattern. Yes I know those last few words are cut a different oil skip the metadata. Anyway let us get to the meta-data, shall we, or do you want to do something slick with that hair gel? You'll find today's data as well as many other little tidbits that have not been released in the D Dr. in the D Dr. of the big boy. Look under art_5XX14 and moved to 22_post_IT_s, that's where the originals are being held. Which gets back to surveillance and when she doing more to find those girls instead of following around a baldheaded maniac in the middle of nowhere was carrying a bunch of junk in his trunk but he can spark the material up and turn it into a weapon of mass due to solidify potential mass voodoo solidified potential knowledge throwing the word W somewhere.

MVSPW WMVSP, I was going to play around with moving the letters this way that but I think I like the first scenario the best or is there a potential for a flying creature. I believe there may be this changes the dynamics of the lettering but then again what's first shall be last and wants last shall be first.

WSPVM, yes in terms of nomenclature that wouldn't on code correctly but in terms of using the code itself it codes wonderfully, that's a strange little flying creature, you know that gets back to things I was thinking about last night or things I dreamt about or things I was thinking about when Hemingway walked into the room. Yes I remember it was about God in the universe and all the things that were created and how the things that got created got warped. Yes I was thinking about it and I thought that everything serves a purpose with the possible exception of tics that parasitic little arachnoid, I think he's in that family and nice and say he because it's actually he's and she's been there many different types. The same thing goes for its brother littleness chigger which gets back to finding the skeleton of the dead cat whose head and incisors looked like that of a lion. But when I went back to traded it was gone. You couldn't walk the ground at that time. I mean those parasites would jump on you and despite whatever it was you did they kept resurfacing here and there. I've done my best to keep that stuff at bay.

I have a tendency of writing small paragraphs are incredibly long once.

Which gets back to other things I need to be doing today.

Oh yes Re: why I came here. If you all have access to the original code patterns you'll know that when I say Mark it points to say them it points to Sam. Now if you put at Sam some would believe you're pointing at the Van because that's where the so-called Freightliner's told me that take the stuff. But that's not a part of this game plan this is a master game plan at correcting the entire universe at once. That's the way I play when I am doing marbles in tiddlywinks. Remember as I've told you in the past asking archivist, the only sports that shall survive our marbles in tiddlywinks.

So do I need to go back to the museum, from my perspective I don't but I never saw myself ever returning to Fort Worth again. Sure I might pass through there on my way to someplace else but I didn't see myself intentionally going to Fort Worth yet there I was. It was the logical place to put that particular card. But as I told you, although unfortunately you haven't seen it, because I haven't released it, the city of Fort Worth cornered me and so I let the card drop on the very block that was supposed to elevated.

That was supposed to elevate IT_s!!

Now the museum itself has its own problems that are a natural line in the state of affairs around the world. What I'm saying here is, the museum is running by in Is run by in apt…. It's a word I've never used and it's not even going to attempt to type it correctly. Inept people exist everywhere and incompetence is the rule of law around the world. That's just how things work. It's not a question of being fair or being honest or even being reasonable it's just that some people in and up with stuff and other people do not.

I have no more shit to throw towards the museum and there's really only one person I would want to address there. Now that's not to say there are people there that I'm attracted to because there are but there's one person that needs a little bit of Jefferies SHIT!

You're not from Shawnee but she spent some time there and you were pursuing a type of direction. As I exited the museum on the last day of my employment and walked towards my car you were sitting in the lot, I think it was a small pickup and just looking at me. It was kind of strange. I was exiting the museum and gathering sparks as I recall I exited from a different route and walked along a different route and started gathering fossils. I found an interesting one right at the very entrance of the parking lot where you set looking at me.

Here's what troubles me. When you meet someone that is incompetent you usually just let it roll off because there's nothing you can do about that. When you meet someone that has skill sets and talent you're happy to see them succeed and I was happy to see you moving forward within the structure of the museum's organization. The problem is and the problem was the demons that were around you. One of those demons bears the actual namesake, the actual name SAM. This individual is a true demon in both nature and structure as well as other people who will remain nameless at this point in time.

All I'm saying is you had the potential for the right direction but to elevate yourself you drank the snakes venom in so you became a snake yourself. That was tragic I don't know what else to say it was simply tragic. I don't need to go to the museum to explain it to you. I have ways of seeing the future and you're not going to believe me or him brace anything I tell you.

I find that amazing. There's a show where they're going to have the people who discovered a remnant of the Big Bang itself. It sounds a lot like static. And static is something I deployed in the early coding sequence. You know I don't so much static anymore, I simply don't have time for it. Overall it would appear I have all the time in the world if you only knew you better wear the thing to wind it up and I can't find a band for the same. I cannot find a band for the thing. Although we could get a ticket and take a ride but she doesn't care.

Yes, I was thinking about the Big Bang and how, it appears, that this is how the universe unfolded in the so-called a spark like fashion. Is he that's what nobody understands I said you see that's what science does understand. God is like a coil the film used to affect sparks.

That's not typing correctly. Mr. and Mrs. scientist mankind possesses abilities and skills that fall outside the theories of evolution. I can go on and on trying to explain this but I advise you to take me at my word and at my Mark.

I believe in evolution and it has no problem in my spiritual arena and thinking. I'm pretty sure that's why the spiritual world walks around me as it does, I know it's invisible to you guys but you guys should be aware that a simpleton as myself should have all of these skill sets. There's something strange about my thinking and my awareness.

I don't write things down I don't put them in the computer I don't mumble them I don't do anything my brain just goes there. And then the things unfold that I'm thinking about before me, it's simply not possible. As I've told you Mr. and Mrs. scientist probability gets thrown out the window with me.

Yes I can show you pictures of elevated houses and I can show you branches are all about the place. And yes I did make metaphors for government or I could get my own business done. Right now it's time for my own business.

When I exit and would go ahead and arm this place would you like the disarming code. You know what that gives me the opportunity to make a sign, they were talking about that somewhere, so I'll take the opportunity to make a sign that has the dynamic of disarming the component. I'm going to go get this thing right now change it up divided up and strode about the environment. I don't have the correct paint so if you find this it's still going to be wet it takes this stuff days upon days to dry maybe even weeks. I tried to find the acrylics but could not. I know were there at but I didn't want him and all that stuff. I only have so much time despite what you think. I'm intrigued this object and run.

So in the forecast today heads up the medicine man is going to throw some voodoo down and if properly done you'll have a sign sign everywhere a sign which means I'm actually going to sign this thing doesn't it. Yes it does.

You know the quality of art is getting excessively lowered with each piece of artwork are project.

I actually love that about my artwork.

It makes me feel like I could run a museum or some other aspect of industry as it's being done around the world.


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