Tuesday, October 28, 2014


All right, work between sets of numbers, numbers within sets or groups. You can draft within certain aspects of the timeline.

Here's what's odd, the effects of my unconscious mind on what I was working on yesterday and how I dreamt about it last night and how the environment adjusted.
For example, there was a repeating theme, you could call it, a repeating spiritual theme where all of the spirits are showing me things at different angles and want me to project accordingly.
So I awoke thinking, the world is going to have problems with volcanoes and earthquakes trains, planes, and automobiles and waves.

Last night I was watching a program with my ex-wife and we were watching a recent rerun of Saturday Night Live. This is the program that aired this last Friday. Excuse me I mean last Saturday, today being Monday, October 27, 2014. So we watched the episode from last Saturday starring Jim Carrey.  Early on in the monologue I said something, while I said this, that symbolizes Vanna White, the TV personality. Later, I mean a few moments later, Jim Carrey actually voices the words Vanna White and I look at my wife should I say my first wife, and she says to my son, he seen this already. And I corrected her saying the truth, I had not seen any of this, not one second. Vanna White was in the coded mix and I knew it. It was just a matter of time until it circled.

This morning she turned the TV on and IT WAS talking about hot lava in Hawaii and I realize that my unconscious brain has jumped out and is now on the television.

The volcano thing is a different matter altogether.

Then we have, family issues, interestingly not my family per se but other people's family. These are people I don't even know but I know a little bit about them and I kind of had to work with some art.
That reminds me, I actually made a photograph about one of these family members. In fact I did some research because this particular individual moves and a lot of similar circles, he having much more success than I've ever attained. But I have more magical powers than he'll ever hope to obtain.
And everybody wants magical powers.
So I made an image for you because it's about you and it's about our relationship, I'll go ahead and give you some numbers 09 44.  This means he can buy beer as well.
So I had to adjust the timeline. I knew that the thing I was working on was poorly constructed, it still lists, it still is! As you can see certain things but adjusted so it now embraces a much larger amount of a certain set of numbers. You can also follow other dimensions if you know where to look and how to navigate.

 Variable elements in the timeline, work with the first three images and treat them as a group. Next I'm going to give you another set of images that have to do with numeric variables.
So I'm dreaming about all kinds of things and I jump into the middle of this family. It's a basic family, a mother, a father, and two children. Only something strange happens I literally jumped inside of the father's body. That's what I was trying to image this morning when I sat down the broken chair.
This is why the other variables are vibrating.

Which gets back to the other variables that coexist into individuals that appear to have nothing in common but in fact have everything in common as it would appear to spiritual interests.

I know that's a lot to chew on.

Class ITs NOT ALL Here, U RD




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