Friday, May 22, 2015

English wood native American lumberjacks Ax heads rocks and voodoo

lumberjacks native American voodoo practices and English word wood
I’m pretty sure they don’t have magic rocks in England.  I guess I would have to carry my own flavor go there…..
This program has problems with the word if….  Just like Google has problems with pictures
I can still hang and word is….
I said the word in the program opened another program called hate….  Only I would correct that malfunction because I don’t want to apply negative words from the energy to the message..
If a picture paints….   Well, I got the program to rent two words it doesn’t want to…
Gets back to the flavor of fish in England and any really cook with English what wood….
Don’t have moose in England, maybe at a zoo when I sent this and decided to call it the did it again  18th cell at hand….
F there were voices inside


I thought you told me she was in Japan!

Oh what you think, I’m going to simply look picture to determine where she is in Japan all of a sudden she becomes visible invisible.

At the last trying all right the things good jump around and work font or funds or funds or days big-box…

Happy days big-box JUT BOX component…  No I don’t know how to spell that… You can float

all right, and more time, at the last chime in the last traditional dialogue and told me she was in Japan…

It’s clear she’s not there now!

This brings us back to Arlington Texas…

Other types boxes other types of sports and a photo I took in a fast food restaurant not so long ago as I made an offering to the office of the goddess Paco are the type of food associated this part of the country imports out of here it’s not exactly Abrego it’s a taco…  You didn’t get the bidding component correct but you did end up typing the word….

This gets back to clothing and you realize you have a very special shirt that brought on this trip, you know anything about dialogs is the original dialogue shirt.


So the point to several places him and said I could point to several places on the planet and I will tell the gentleman, you should have sold me your globe!

My magnets stick and hold!

This gets back to other things in my vehicle that needs presentation transportation, don’t intend to make any waffles here, would leave that to the other coded index person associated with the making waffles. Now this is a real person and you can really find her, I don’t have her dress you do her address.

Do makes waffles she makes waffles, now this is a real person and she is truly engaged in real coding in transcription.  He’s not a part of the original group she’s a part of what I call a secondary weight secondary wave…   Big water….

She makes waffles I believe she somewhere in the New York area she did float by once, she wore soft pink lipstick…  She thinks I don’t remember, that’s bad accounting on her part, I remember, forgive me but I have to say it, I didn’t think you are of legal age and despite the so-called reputation of amendment follows protocol when protocol is called upon.

Anyway, she makes waffles and she knows how to code and how to transcribe, a part of the original group there part of the second wave.

I wouldn’t call Manhattan small island you realize you can make other large waves time…

Now it’s not going to type correctly no I’m not going to correct and no I’m not going to pay attention media I will eventually it to the tools they need to be gotten to….

It’s like working in a mine shaft let’s say it’s a mine in Cincinnati in fact we can go to Cincinnati and find ourselves back in Arlington Texas. It’s a very strange portal that I know for a fact exists permission!!!

Gets back to boxing gets back to the original code to coding team has nothing whatsoever to do with Adam Corolla….

He never could code all matter which way you choose to ride.   It’s more something you do with your hand but specifically talking about the aspect are of water…..

This gets back to England gets back to whole concept of atheism and popular television programing.

In Nevada here today said I’ve got to hand it to him, he is correct with the show was canceled, I’m surprised that lessons lines….

This gets back to the issues associated with all of the things called Jimmy and other variations upon the name.

Not exactly a family affair but you can’t seem to shake the sisters out of this one I’m assuming it’s got something to do with the father although little birds whispering to me right now say, it’s more to do with the mother…

Now I could’ve thrown bottle your way I decided to throw the bottle into a vessel which used to exist and no longer does.

X actually aligned given coordinates…

Frankie, Billie Jean, aunt Wanda, Apple, from Detroit I would be at Apple all right it’s not going to type…

Long time ago you could buy gasoline was formulated in different ways. You can still buy gasoline formulated different ways it’s not the way I’m talking about. This is back gasoline contained lead and lead is actually a strange type of liberty at times…

It’s like the discussion told my children about when I met Timothy Leary and I listen to his high-octane fuel picture lecture….

So you could buy gasoline used to be called regular or if you need an extra boost, if promoter was calibrated for a higher compression rate you would choose the type of fuel: Apple…..

Not exactly correct…… I think someone somewhere understands…..

Gets back to motor vehicles in general, who we really need automobiles in Europe?   You have motorcycle gangs in Europe?

Have you seen black and white photo of a beautiful German girl in the back seat the vehicle the man holding a very large chrome plated revolver…

It’s a true tour and it’s a true story and it somewhat tragic….

I used to have a lot of pictures that I collected because they had some symbolic meaning…

Has to do with Francis Ford Coppola and why I threw the bottle in that receptacle because I tried to work with the bank at the bank is and ought state of affairs in that card is been lost. I would imagine the magazines around somewhere if you thumb through the pages you’ll find the code…

Specifically around page 18 I’ll see series of geometric shapes….

Gets back to accounting and the ledger and need for people understand the program called Excel…

This in turn gets back to uniforms which in turn its back to the bad guys…

This is truly a story of good and evil, Evan Hill, and earth itself….

So, little did little pink lipstick girl…  Don’t concern yourself about the dead presidents or assassinations or other things associated with other things.

Oddly enough I remember reading the last book of years and had some who do with language… Can’t quite place it it’s got something to do with language…. It may have something to do with Japan….

It’s hard for me to read books and I usually keep a record of what I’ve read and sometimes even to a little index..

No, it was a book about home book about Hawaii and the Hawaiian language and missionaries and other issues associated with annexing a state or nation…

You can read the book for yourself…  I like this young lady and I think she’s very talented of the books I’ve read that was one of the. One of the weaker ones.

Your next book should be about supermarkets, moving to Asia, and driving motor vehicles, although I understand you don’t drive much.  I don’t know if that’s true but I would imagine it is. You see I can flow to I would be flow to…

This gets back to another author who I’ve met first and well, the person mentioned above and the person mentioned right now have great talent little highth…

It’s really a point back, he’s the one that has issues with fire friends in France…

I don’t think he lives in France anymore and I know he did spend some time in Japan, I’ve always been attracted to his sister but something in his sister’s profile disturbs me.

I’m dealing with or specifically talking to very tell people very talented people of which can code if you know anything to do about torture people and piano players short people and piano players….

Gets back to the Academy Awards and who is going to score this script….

All right, little professor in England who studies literature from an English author is to take a few steps back and survey is written here and if you can obtain most accurate rendering of the archive of this rambling madman.

It’s something you have to live with or by….   I’m not sure you can float…  I’m pretty sure your husband can you have the skill set I need to apply given cipher….

This gets back to the map gets back to this very location me putting Annapolis on the table and making an image associated with various parts of England specifically the parts might be drawn to if you were to follow that type of pattern….

And again we need to outlaw combustion engines in Europe.

I really think so.

Sometimes it’s easy and other times not so much!

Rag moma Rag

other times it’s peanut butter…

I had a family member that moved to England about 40 years ago, thinking this to most peanut butter and Dr Pepper…

I don’t know, their British, the wood know?

I’m wondering, and I use it dead tree in England created for his parents over within your…

All right this sentence is important or prefer not to write it at hand I’m going to try to make program quit correctly.

I’m wondering, but I use a dead tree in England as a portal to the spiritual world contained within the earth there.

Now let’s discuss how I learned or acquired this bill disability.

He was not of my tribe it was of my brothers try or my brother tried in other words it brothers walked out of bound in your out of a mound in your….

He could talk to trees specifically pleasantries and his favorite rocks sandstone….

If you needed to seal sick tree if you needed to heal a sick tree it would use red sandstone…

I sandstone had all kinds of unusual properties, that is to say what sandstone the color white and sandstone…

Now if you needed to divert storm would need to pick up several different kinds of rocks none of which are sandstone and you would need to ask head X know chop a tree and ask…

I don’t need the chain saw to cut off this land is 10 me that acts…

Lumberjacks and we use and….


there is artwork for the Haitian is artwork for this location…..

Why is Google fighting with me?

I understand I the so-called “intellectual crowd” want to the demise my footprint minimize my footprint…

But Google claims that they’re not a part of that so-called room. Room.

A body of people, it could say the Rolling Stones is one…

It have to be on a cloud to follow that gets back to changing weather rocks and an ax head.

It doesn’t matter what you believe…

If you have the original lost card and if the data can be retrieved you’ll hear me discuss a yellow earth. Or application…

Now I could talk about Montana dark onium encrusted tweezers yellow snow or walking on the moon…

Yellow earth is a completely different animal all together in fact out: beast…


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