Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Proliferation Of Madness

I got up at 4:30 this morning, trying to go back to sleep but gave up and by 5 o'clock I was up and running. I had time to clean the kitchen do some close pickup place and reflect on number of things that are needed to get done today.

Now I didn't plan on doing any social media, not at all. But I did make an outline of some social dynamics that need to be discussed both about our society, culture, and politics.

So I made a little outline all share that with you now, Jeffrey insert photo here.

I've installed Dragon dictate on this machine is version 3.0.5, when the program starts and says it's not designed for this operating system and it might not function properly.

I would call that an understatement exhibition point!!!!

It's about selling things that don't really work and then getting you to buy something to help at work.

You now I have a few issues with capitalism and a few issues with technology and as you're about to see I have a few issues with some of you all.

I've installed Dragon dictate on this machine is version 3.0.5, when the program starts and says it's not designed for this operating system and it might not function properly.

I would call that an understatement exhibition point!!!!

It's about selling things that don't really work and then getting you to buy something to help at work.

You now I have a few issues with capitalism and a few issues with technology and as you're about to see I have a few issues with some of you all.

Alright let's talk about the picture, I made it this morning when I thought I was going to be running around doing stuff instead of being trapped in here trying to figure how to make a slideshow. You know Apple I get really angry when you and you have a way of screwing things up unbelievably so!

You see I said book and get some politics and I was wrong around and they are the politics was so I captured the politics and then Apple threw it away!  NO SHIT! 

I didn't know why the computer was behaving so strangely they just start throwing should away!

Let's just say Hillary Clinton, and Mr. Trump, I've a strange way of dragging people into cemeteries!  Don't believe me, hang on organizational trip we are going to take a little trip...

Back to the photo.

The proliferation of madness

What is okay


Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Gwyneth Paltrow

Now iconic giggled to myself because as you can see my handwriting is hard to read and although I wrote this this morning when I first looked at it, preparing to post it here, I had a small panic attack because I couldn't understand anything I'd written. And when it came to the next little block of information all of a sudden it looked like it was quite sexual although I knew it wasn't.

I'll let you walk around those dynamics under scrutiny when it says. The bushes, Clintons, insane in the membrane, I feel your pain.

Mom is not all right and daddy needs a little strange!

I'll begin out carefully, Lloyd not sure why although I'm not sure why and who in the hell is Lloyd.

Yes this is Dragon all of its splendor!

Essentially what we've got is a crisis in American-made vagina!

Now you don't have to believe me or you can believe me, it doesn't really matter. All get back to the lying syndrome later right now will you walk around with the truth after all we have to have respect for the dead and yes we will be going to a cemetery.

If you do a search on mean celebrities Gwenyth Paltrow is almost always in the top five what you might not know is that Katy Perry and Taylor Swift are usually in the top 10 as well.


FN:  KP has alway has a big head!

I could find my research and show you where I went and what I saw or you can just believe me.

But we've got a talk about other issues with American vagina and when things started to go south in terms of America's vaginal issues.

So let's go to another set of pictures and maybe even a movie.

Let's start the movie first.

Over to McDonald's yesterday, had breakfast and was therefore while doing research. Now when I do research I'm looking at other things that most people ignore. That's my nature and it's a part of the dynamic of the so-called cerebral dialogue.

Having to work in this one window and then do the cut-and-paste to another program which eventually is good be cut and pasted to a blog is quite a hassle.

Anyway in the movie you're going to see several screenshots that I've put together and essentially animated some aspects of walking through research, that he did yesterday at McDonald's. Not all of it just some of it.

Now you will see some blue waves at the end and those are stills taken from today. So you have a strange mix of yesterday and today. If Apple hadn't thrown away the other material you would've seen me drag Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to the graveyard because that's where I was, I know you people think my madness is contagious and so be it.

All right you can walk around the movie it's a minute and eight seconds long it is one minute and eight seconds long.

The decline of the American-made vagina, by Jeffrey

There was an indicator, or shall we say a beacon, so under shine a light on it because I can do that. It occurred may 28th 1998 and it was a double murder.

I'm juggling two things right now and I'm very hungry and as I've told you I woke up very early this morning thinking I was going to do something other than this SHIT!

A very talented man was killed by his wife, his third wife, here's a picture of him when he was working with Saturday Night Live. Now my research and my so-called rambling around goes all over the world and I've been spending quite a bit of time wandering around various parts of Canada which gets back to saying alive and other dynamics around all that stuff and by the way the men it was martyred men that was murdered was Canadian.

To Light

On Record

And his third wife was from Thief River Falls Minnesota. Now that they have a fight these two married people and he decides that he's just going to go to bed and lay down and let it all blow over because that's what it does. I'm not saying that because of the research I've done recently I'm saying that because of my memory. She gets angry gets a gun and kills him I'm assuming as he sleeps I don't know she woke him up or not.
Thief River Falls Minnesota

Los Angeles, California

G letter goes over to a friends house explains what happened, she later goes to a friends house and explains what happened, for some reason I think this guy's a dentist but I'm not sure. Well he goes to check it out and he panics. Later as she sitting in the house with her dead husband and children she turns the gun on herself and kills herself.

I always assumed that because of the circumstances and the nature of the murder and suicide that each of them, the husband-and-wife would be buried in different places. I was wrong there buried together in S what surprised me and that is what surprised me.

There's a photograph of the tombstone I said here is, think about spending eternity lying next to your murderer. That doesn't sound fun to me!


While once we move into the so-called hamburger zone I've got to bring up other related dynamics that connect the tragic American-made vagina syndrome the rest of the planet.

Just walk through the slideshow and you'll figure it out. Although it's not a slideshow is just a set of stills.

I could make a slideshow but I don't want to I spent way too much time working on that other thing.

I really need to give you something else before I depart.

Wouldn't you know it, it's on another magic wand.

Anyway I need to retrieve it and downloaded into all at other stuff and then manipulates her but on the web but just so you'll know is a lot a loose voodoo around and I'm putting the final few pieces together to make an entire spell.

I did go to the trouble of gathering this and footnoting it so I guess I'll leave it here although the entire mood of this given piece of artwork or bookwork for posting or social media doesn't seem to be driving the way I thought it was going to.

I'm going to blame it on American-made vagina, which gets back to the other Kodak moment I can't get to visits on the other magic wand but when I get to it you'll need to rethink the so-called scattered art articles!

Stop looking at me that way! what way? that way!  


Really? They don't act like that in England? Interesting. How about the whole Sid Vicious incident. Sid Vicious murdered his wife. People can dispute that all they want, but that's largely because most people have only heard Johnny Rotten's version of the story. After doing some research, it became very clear to me that Sid was guilty. She was killed by his knife, and when questioned about her death, he changed his story several times (my favorite version of the story was when he claimed she ran into his knife...


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