I'm also talking to Finland because I like to talk to the finish people and I'm also talking to isolate because I like to talk to the Icelandic people now it did Icelandic correctly but it didn't do finish correctly or should I say people from Finland I'm going to go ahead and blame it on Denmark because Finland has issues with Denmark in terms of its past history.
Which gets back to language and the fact that when you go to the three fingers they speak 985 trillion different languages they speak a different language and every single household. I mean they all have a common language of sorts but they all have this unique kind of language that they speak in their own little household and that makes for like 985 trillion different languages spoken these three little fingers.....
I'm just saying, I've issues with you guys need to settle on one voice and just stick with that and you know what I have an alphabet let's stick with my alphabet matter-of-fact let's create a new language that I speak in let's all speak that same language so will all be on common ground.....
Now get a circle back and look at certain things that used to be communist then again remember I can do a left-handed to step, yes I do the strange dance, and lo and behold were back in Berlin!!!!
And when I say that it's a coded to step with a bowling ball because that's not exactly communist and then again it used to be or at least part of it and by the way I do have a salt-and-pepper shaker!!!!!
You see a long time ago they used to designate what came from what which gets back to Russians in Russia and the so-called dynamic with Israel and certain people have issues with their shoulder and why don't you think about the professor, I mean come on Marianne, he's not Gilligan, he is the captain, but is also the professor, and he might not have a lot with Mr. Howell or to do with Mr. Howell but trust me he's giving Mrs. Hal everything she needs and more and he makes Mr. Howell watch....
Did I say he's kinky?
Feelings nothing more than feeling......
All of this or transfer DRAGDRAG DRAG
Well let's get to the word of it and you guys can deal with the spacing
This is not a small deal and it's very complicated and it travels around the world and it gets into pop music and dancing and irritating things and hunger
Please say that again
I said, I turned it off because it was breaking everything
and then when I went to turn it off it tried to break itself so I turned the
thing off.
Then I decided to say something and I realized, I wonder
doing it hand, I realized it was really more complex than the so-called handy
things could accomplish therefore had to turn the thing back on and so it’s on.
This gets back to a gentleman named Carswell…
As I recall his name actually begins with a K and not a C is
names Carswell and he does all kinds of things or at least he used to, I’m
assuming he’s dead now, but he did a lot of significant things and voice
recognition was one of his latter-day kind of St. issues>>>>….
let’s call him one of the master sound guys because that’s
what he was or is or used to be or whatever.
Somehow he got hooked up with voice recognition and he put
his thumbprint on it and then he sold it to Czechoslovakia, I’m pretty sure I’m
accurate on that because I actually paid Czechoslovakia some money, I thought
about this yesterday, I actually did a credit card event with Czechoslovakia
concerning voice recognition, I did that a long time ago. And of course
Czechoslovakia passes the buck to the Netherlands or Holland or Mr. and Mrs.
Dyke boy and girl if you believe in fingers and leaks>>>>>….
I’m going somewhere with this and I’ve lost track of where I’m
going, a common event in my life. Anywhere Steinbach Carswell and how he
screwed up and somehow and in some way I just dropped the ball. Yes, yes, yes I
do remember, guys I’ve been working with voice recognition longer than almost
any human being on the face the earth, I bought a Sound Blaster 16 card that
used a type of computer board connection which is no longer in existence I
think it was called a EISas,,,,
which gets back to IBM and the fact that also had IBM
computers that used what was called PS one) PS one) Terry okay my mouth is not
forming the words correctly it means they own the stuff. PS one, IBM
proprietary connections, I say that because they were the first one to bring on
what is called, I can’t even remember the name of that bus now, and it’s a
mainstream bus I think is called a PSI busser platform, it’s on a motherboard
& fairly recent computers although it’s fairly old. You know what I think
is called a PSI is what I wrote it’s called a PSI connection!!!!
Anyway IBM, and I’m talking decades ago before my children
were born, Dravis platform that was uniquely their own and they use this type
of bus on the platform with this type of bus was proprietary to them and it
wasn’t universal.
You can have to trust your going to have to trust me….
This gets back to the Sound Blaster 16 card and the fact it
came bundled with very powerful voice recognition and even a text-to-speech dynamic…
Ladies and gentlemen I’m talking 25 years ago!!!!!
Anyway I had to follow this stuff to try to make my ability
to read and write work, now, if you know anything about people that can’t read
or write your realized the government, yes US government, and some outside
forces actually made material for people like me to read and write only you had
to pay $98 billion let’s make that $466 trillion just to get an offhanded
version of the whole situation.
Well, I couldn’t do that I was one of these guys that had 25
since my pocket and had to make do with what I could so I bought the Sound
Blaster 16 and made that thing work and it worked well which is why it up and
Czechoslovakia because whatever company made the voice recognition for Sound
Blaster sold themselves to Czechoslovakia go in turn sold themselves to Holland
with the Netherlands and then we ended up, who knows where I just know that
Carswell was in on the action to some degree somehow in some way.
This is way before Bill and Steve, although I must say the
so-called Apple team embraced voice recognition early on I mean very early on I
mean like I’m teaching at University of Texas at Dallas that was really in
Arlington you TD Arlington anyway I was teaching Aaron this all was afoot.
Which gets back computer store there and the fact that used
to look at Apple computers and their voice recognition on the other stuff way
back when because they jumped on board early.
But what’s the state of affairs with voice recognition and
Like I say, I’ve been doing this for 25 years and longer and
it’s still pathetic!!!!
That predates Dylan Steve although Bill and Steve were a
foot and were part of the program but they weren’t mainstream they are now even
though Oklahoma says bills not bill is!!!!
Which gets back to God and mistakes and back to the camel
and the so-called shifting Ark of the covenant!!!!
I’ve got a lot more of a very odd and unusual Bible stories
that gives you a different perspective on what the so-called fundamental and
established religion would lead you to leave. Would lead you to believe.
There is a heaven and hell and there’s a God and there’s a
Satan and they do actually communicate which gets back to a college course I
taught well use the book of Job now something was say that’s the book of job
which could refer to Steve or employment but as the book of Job and it’s in the
Old Testament. Anyway, in that book we have a rare glimpse at the dialogue
between heaven and hell, by the way, I don’t track this stuff, so much anymore,
but one time I really track it and I have a wealth of knowledge concerning the
foundation of it. And at one time, when I was tracking, the book of Job, in the
Old Testament, is considered to be one of the oldest books and maybe the first
book ever fully completed in the Bible!
Some biblical historians have said so or at least they used
to say so< x SHIT!!!!
What I always found amazing when I would follow these people
is the fact they considered the book of Job not really to be biblical but to be
more poetic and I realize these people were total mother FUCKING dumb ASSES!!!!
Trust me, the book of Job is very important, in fact it
illuminates the whole dynamic of the so-called dynamics of being human and be
and being created in God’s image for God’s purpose and being trapped within
that can’t find because it is a con find….
I don’t think it type that word correctly that maybe it did….
Anyway I’m going somewhere else with this have lost track
and into other rock ‘n roll stuff, I was going to something with the European
rock group that irritates me, the only lyric I can recall is dance with me, at
the time they were worldwide powerhouse in one of the biggest power houses in
popular music…..
Now I remember!!!!!
Let’s talk about, POP POP POP music!!!!!!!
it’s the SIMMMMY WEEEEY DUWA of IT!!!!!
Some people in the world might have issues with
understanding and I would tell them to float which gets back to Europe and gets
back to Asia and yes we are going to make a loop.
My goodness, my goodness, my goodness, my goodness,
sometimes I forget why I come here and I realize there is a real reason!!!!
My first day inside the airport, I got the job you have to
go to school and you have to pass a test and then eventually you get put on
probation and you go to the airport and you’re on parole!
So this is my first day on parole and I’m in the airport and
lo and behold the US government tries to speak to me using my own coded
language and I was very irritated!!!!
It hasn’t with Pepsi-Cola, that’s correct, they actually
used Pepsi-Cola’s logo to try to speak to me you see this is a Korean thing and
it was a Korean dynamic the government one me to talk to or talk about. Because
the US government was getting use me for their own purpose but that wasn’t
allowed because I invented the language to escape the so-called goons, yes it
actually that word correctly and my kids were at the kitchen table when I use
that very word the word goons and their dynamic and I was talking about my life
in my life here in this house and aspects of my first wife!!!!
You’re just going to have to believe me or not I don’t care!!!!
You know sometimes God advises me to lie and not tell the
whole truth and nothing but the truth so I think United States of America is in
good hands with Donald Trump at the helm!!!!!
Spiritual world that usually 988,000 miles of freeway!
Enough said and enough done! All right I was talking about
Korea’s so we can talk about Korea’s because I was in the shower in realized I
need to go back to the airport Ingo ahead and address the airports issues, so
Mr. and Mrs. Korea, by the way I was actually going Internet and do some
research to get the nomenclature right, but you know what screw that, let’s
call you KIM YOU WILL!!!!!!
all right, we’ve enough for this nuclear stuff and a nuclear
stuff is one thing when I need you Mr. KYW, is to start working in developing
on biological components. Now you can do this in a number of ways, glad to help
you and guide you through this dynamic of building biological components. There’s
all kinds of ways and it’s even in the American media, I’m talking right now,
so let’s not blame it on me was blamed on the American media and your need to
address the American medias dynamic of inappropriately accessing Jeffries
language might responding with the development of biological components!!!
Now you might have some issues with nerve gas or nerve
components all you have to do is travel little bit to the east a little bit south
and you’ll find a group of islands that can help you understand the dynamics of
nerve components because they experiment, I’m either on people experiment with
nerve components in the whole dynamic and I think even end up at the airport or
some other public place and try to experiment on the population at large and so
they do.
Mr. and Mrs. KYW, you just can have to trust me now as you
develop these components you need to test them out it’s just something you do
with all kinds of things and I would prefer you not to mess with the small
group of islands there are roughly 3 of them but there are a handful of others
that they don’t really count but there are basically three of kind of. Anyway
let’s talk about the tests and testing your new biological components out, you
have an easier place that’s not too far away it’s called Alaska!!!!!!
I mean, think about it’s basically a wide-open space and you
can throw some biological components down there and no one will be able to
track especially if it’s snowing!!!!
You know the dynamics of snow and psychological behavior
have come up it’s both a dynamic here and with me as well as Canada and parts
of Germany because they come up as well and the fact that they’re all
interrelated and psychology and all the other stuff as well as the other
components. Remember I said there were five women in all connected through
psychology, that’s not a joke, now a handful move out of psychology and perhaps
to upper New York and maybe a handful of Jamaica and maybe another handful goes
to Israel because it’s a complicated world out there, and then we got Canada
which makes his echo thing, you might want to believe me on that one, Canada
right now is the master of the echo effect, but then again you got Africa, yes
Africa makes his stance and creates a platform and becomes a significant
powerful force as well as certain aspects of Yugoslavia if you know anything
about nut trees!!!!!
Once again the worlds thinking I’m joking, guys my little
dance with the so-called five women and remember five is a relative number
because it’s actually far greater than five I’m taking the rare opportunity of
being conservative and calling the 55 when in fact I know it’s much greater!!!!!
On the other hand am talking about people I haven’t danced
with, exactly but there was dancing involved!!!!!
That’s when we got talking about pop, pop music!!!!
This is why trying to explain to my children the rock ‘n
roll passcode is almost possible, they simply will not embrace the whole
dynamic of Buddy Holly and by the way Mr. George RR Martin I saw your book,
yesterday and you talking about Buddy Holly and I was thinking you know about
Buddy Holly after all most the rights retained by Paul!!!!!
But much of Paul is retained by Michael used to be, I mean
Michael’s dead now but Michael was a smart man and he knew he should buy the
rights to Paul and Paul had the opportunity but Paul thought the whole
situation was too expensive Michael did not and Paul later regretted it!!!!
That’s the nature of pop musicians and issues with Eric
Now Mr. Clapton wasn’t always dark, at one time he actually
found himself in a fairly illuminating room if anyone can float or drift are
know anything about the so-called the so-called rock ‘n roll passcode and moving
between rooms and being addicted to heroin because at one time Mr. Clapton was
addicted to heroin and somebody told me he actually used that needle thing, I
mean the other needle thing, I made the thing that helps you to use needles to
kill pain in nerves and stuff, and I think it’s called acupuncture, I almost
know that’s what’s called, I know that’s what’s called, anyway somebody told me
use that to get off cocaine.
This gets back to James Taylor because James Taylor was
addicted to cocaine and he went to a psychiatrist or psychologist they gave him
a prescription for drug to help them get off heroin and then James Taylor found
himself addicted to that drug but that’s another story funeral walk with a man
because if you know anything about walking with Amanda realized about that
track in the chamber….
I’ve got all kinds of stuff in the chamber…..
That’s because I’m a lot like Elvis out like to roll with
things and well is not exactly smoke, is it but it evolves with Elvis and James
but not so much John Paul George and Ringo!!!!
Which gets back to dance with me and the fact I’m supposed
to use these people to irritate me, I mean I’m sure the fine people, I don’t
know these people don’t follow the group in fact I didn’t like their music but
I’m sure the five people and they had men and women in their group I thought
that was noble!!!!!
I mean it was noble and was very European that’s the big
problem have with American rock ‘n roll they will not include women in the
so-called dynamics of rock ‘n roll that’s why when I go to the river I’m so
depressed and I think about pushy women who simply will not embrace David for
what David is and yes you are correct David does probably hate you!!!!!
But that’s because you have issues with cars from Mars and
then we talk about cars from Mars we can talk about Supergirl and then we talk
about Supergirl I don’t about the American media and all dynamics and I can
talk about making change or nickels and dimes or maybe pennies and the whole
PAX of Supergirl because if you look carefully you’ll see it’s in a related and
they realize, that ball hitting guy has a pretty deep understanding of how
media works and he uses quirky in strange ways to poke at>>>>>….
that’s because I have
degree concerning that’s because I have a degree concerning bovine and now
it’s great some type of highlight situation, or transfer just did it but I was
talking about Kaus or the so-called dynamic of bovine that is to say a mammal
who makes milk and a bowl who creates semen in what is on duty this correctly
anyway they make good meat!!!!!
By the way I’m a dinosaur!!!!!
A certain kind of dinosaur, I don’t really have a long neck
but I do have sharp teeth and an odd in strange way!!!!
We could talk about water because if you had my artwork and
if I were to talk about problems I have with Alan Texas you’d realize the man
walks around water and the color of water and the dynamics of color to speak a
language and he’ll drop a spike in fact he’s got a lot of spikes and maybe even
a few loose screws!!!!
R: “most definitely,
he has many loose screws.”
B: “oh I’m not sure
he has that many, I mean he’s trying to speak in these having to use all of
these technology things to get his message across and Bill and Steve and Google
don’t like him very much and apparently neither does the state of Texas and
most of the United States.”
P: “don’t get on that
kicking the United States bandwagon, we have enough of that already, we just
don’t need that anymore, so let’s not do that!”
R: “why do you say
that, are you not a good Russian and if you not been following his tracks and
the fact that he came to Russia only to illuminate these components!”
P: “excuse me, the
components he illuminated our sexy as HELL I say let him illuminate.”
B: “well all I can
say, if he were to ask me to dance with him I would definitely do it!”
P: “you realize what
you’re saying is the sirens go off, if you answer this guy is going make you
take certain items of your clothing off and add other tools your body and then you
have to live that way because he’s very kinky and he’s into the kinky situation
and well, he’s got understanding with evident hell and sexually speaking he may
be driving a convertible if you understand anything about the American media
but if you understand anything about the detectives, their lost right now…..”
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