Monday, August 20, 2012

Let's call this a working backwards document

Today is the 1st day of the week, last week was nothing I anticipated.

A week ago today I was in Dallas Texas and took my children to see a movie. At the same time, earlier before the movie, I was making my own movie. I never completed that the but I am going to post it.

Let me just say that the film I saw with my children a week ago today changed my direction and Outlook.

Maybe I'll get to that later but I doubt it. Now I can talk about religion but I don't want to do that. I want to review what I just did earlier. The time is now 8:07 PM central standard time I am outside a Starbucks in Sherman Texas.

I just gave somewhat of a perverted performance. It's very unlike me. I wish you could see the old days. I didn't feel like I was standing in the middle of floodlights back then.

This is not what I had planned, I'd run through a series of scenarios about how to introduce what was about to happen. I'm about to make a jump shift which means I'm going to change my scripting pattern.

This is a big deal because I'm basically shooting from the hip which means I have to give instructions to the so-called imaginary characters

So you're going to get that information at the job shift. I'm going to stop talking to you and that you and start addressing them specifically.

Now if you could go into my computer you would find somewhere on some drive somewhere a folder called book or my book or something to that effect. You would see a list of volumes at least from book to volume 4. That would put us at volume 5 right now. In fact it's far beyond volume 5 there were at least 3 or 4 volumes before what I have on my computer now.

That data is for the most part lost. Then again maybe not. I found some things.

I prepared a document before I left the place today and did my little performance. I now want to reread the document but probably will not do that.

Let me just say that this performance was not what I had planned on. I knew I was going to give the performance and I knew it was going to happen soon. The document or should I say the performance needed a setup statement. I was running through various ways to give you that set up statement.

Then I went to to a funeral for an old friend and at the funeral I found something that had to be disposed of swiftly.

I put it in old who and disposed of it at a target store here in Sherman Texas. It's a power supply for an old Dell laptop. I have no idea where it came from, I'm assuming it came from my brother, but I'm not sure. In 100% truth I do not know where that power supply came from.

Here's what I do know. That power supply was buried in the wall bricked up within the wall much like a character in the Edgar Allen Poe poem.

I found that and I found all kinds of other little trinkets.

So it was to begin I had to get rid of the Dell power supply today or I would lose my edge and not do anything. I had to do something before did the jump shift so you people could at least see something.

I actually feel sorry for you people I don't know why I just do.

In this performance I did many things. Basically you should probably disregard the lightning strike however the lightning strike represents something real and tangible. I'm not sure you can see the 18% gray card I had buried under my shirt perhaps I'll photograph it tomorrow and give a little more explanation.

I wanted to do this perform its letter perfect, it was far from that, after it was over I drove to a Starbucks across the highway and about a beer. I did not follow proper scripting pattern buying the beer. If I wanted to reference myself I would've purchased a beer called steel reserve if I wanted to reference the receiver I would've bought Budweiser ice. I purchased neither beer I purchased a Corona. I was just glad it was over.

Now in the event that the retailer successfully imaged the gray card they're going to see a -1 and assemble. And a symbol. The symbol represents a grid in a classic form I would have put 3 exes diagonally through the grid and made a line through it. I didn't do that because I felt rushed and scattered.

Anyway for you people at home you need to disregard that footage if the retailer ever releases. That's a demonstration of something I do not it vies you to venture into.

I'm probably going to give an explanation about that at the jump shift. Not that particular event but other events.

I'm probably going to do a lot of things that jump shift. This is new territory. And strangely enough I know I'm a new person. Still the same person at the core level values but a different person in terms of telling you stories.

Let me post this and let me post the previous one which I have not reread but I'm going to give you anyway.

It gives you a little bit of background but it's not clearly organized or stated. Everything is rushed.

I did not anticipate the funeral and I did not anticipate the power supply. So everything got moved up to a higher level. Simply put, get rid of the power supply now and figure the rest out later.

Remind me to explain to you what I did in front of JC pennies. I need to explain this before I do the jump shift because at the jump shift I'm not going to talk to you more.

That's not to say I'm not going to talk or I'm going to be silent. What it means is that my delivery is going to radically change directions and intent.

It's a wild world.

I'm sorry I could not give you a better explanation of things but I need to eat a candy bar.

Now, there's a lot of static, I did this or should I say I tried to do this in old-school classical form. The -1 in the grid refers to something that may be discussed later.

The -1 refers to inventory or count. You can't buy one thing that makes everything far too obvious. You have to create cover and static. So I believe I bought 5 different things which would be a classical approach. There's only one thing that counts in terms of measurement in that pain pass.

One other thing, in the old days I was talking to an audience today I was talking basically to an empty auditorium. It's not that there were people there watching, there were, but there was no one there to understand and properly sequenced back to me.

There are many bright spots I can talk about. In fact I had a bright spot yesterday or the day before that was actually an act,. Very positive the. By the way the word is echo.

I even got a knack: a few moments ago.

Now to science and behavioral arts. Do not be confused, I look absolutely absurd and insane. I know that. But every action and every movement was actually planned, I'm a little rusty.

There is a distinct method to the so-called madness. Science you at least have to give me the benefit of the doubt here. Not that I care because I'm about to do something to you that you will remember at the jump shipped.

Good luck and good fishing kids, I would stay around and talk more to you directly, try to teach, but other issues have pushed certain buttons which leads me to the jump shift.

It's an exciting time for everybody.

This makes me wonder talk about late-night television I'm not going to because it's absolutely pathetic. But I assume I'm going to touch on it at the job shift. I've got some scores to settle.

Now I could talk about the bridge and how I felt. Or I could talk about little voices saying keep your pregnant horses. Or I could talk about understanding or I could talk about how God actually grants you prayers and things that you need and are good for you without your knowledge.

Let's just say things are running around all over the place.

I hope I will remember to talk about tracks and threads. Basically these 2 terms are interchangeable but not today and did not as of late. The track is a straight line going directly from point a to point B of the red can we. If the red can weave its way through a certain pattern. This was not a track but if the red. But a thread.

More later, I hope so, good luck and good fishing once more.

Let's call this one the flying post. Pt1

Perhaps you could rename it airmail.

I got to do this one fast. I'm a storyteller.  There are number of ways to categorize my storytelling. One way is to call it the ABC 123 type of story. This is pretty much a straight up story that's very factual and can be verified. This would be somewhat like that type of story with a few caveats.

The main caveat is I'm taking the advice of a writing coach I respect.

A little bit about myself. I'm in my early 50s and I live in a part of the United States called the red River Valley. This ground separates Texas and Oklahoma along the red River. I spend a great deal of time in both states.

Presently, I appear to be unemployed, factually however, this is the busiest time I have ever experienced in my entire life. Some people may live their life never realizing what they're calling is. Mine is to be an artist and a teacher.

I was once a college professor, it was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life.

Now, let's imagine you walked into the environment I live in right now. It would appear to be utter chaos. By the way that's code.

My environment right now is anything but chaos. I am imagining myself teaching an online college course to the world. One it's basically free to anyone that's interested. Not that anyone is interested.

I have several motives. One is to keep my mind engaged and active and another one would be to have baseball recognized as an Olympics port. As an Olympic sport. You'll have to excuse my dictation.

Anyway, this is a type of language class, that is to say the course I'm preparing to teach online for free. That's why my environment appears to be so chaotic. In truth I have probably 10 or 20 still life's spread out over my house all having a purpose and meaning in terms of language.

You see when I teach a class I use a lot of audiovisual aids.

One of my favorite things to do when I teach is to build a sense of team spirit and unity within the class. I've done this on a number of occasions. I always start out slow and simple giving individual assignments and then gradually introduce the class to teamwork.

I carefully structure of the class so that by the time teamwork happens all of the students are hooked into the idea of the material I'm teaching.

Now when I give a grade on a teams assignment is for the entire team not just the individuals. This means that if one team member works really hard and another team member doesn't work at all they both get the same great at the end. That's how life works so that's how I teach.

Now in this language class I'm actually trying to teach team spirit and unity. To teach the students in the class to have a common goal and direction in their coursework acquiring the skills of this unusual language.

I'm in a rush today because much of the day was spent at the funeral of a friend.

This language I'm teaching was done collectively. One of the elements that helped me create the language passed away. Earlier in the week I heard news that this person or element was in distress but I was so busy I could not address the issue and I must confess at that time I didn't let it bother me. Today I heard the news, the element had passed away and now I have some regrets.

The final image in today's post is of the tombstone and my recollections of this element. Let me add this, this element was a true benefit to the language, I can't say that this element truly added knowledge and voice to the language but I can say that this element did add substance to the language.

This element had many brothers and sisters that helped in the development of this unusual language that I'm trying to teach online. I'm not going to address any of the original creators of the language but I will say this concerning this specific element, the one that passed away.

You had unique properties and you were truly a benefit to the cause of the greater good. I used you as a role model. On one occasion I used one of your brothers or sisters to reach out and recruit another comrade into the language. I remember discussing with the recruit the choice of optics. In which optic would be right for their quest concerning alternative language skills.

I'll need to discuss this more later. I hope this recruit still has that brother and sister because within that brother and sister is a type of cipher used in the language.

After she left my class she graduated and moved to a place I call the capital city. I did a little online looking and found her with her dog. She looked happy and I hope she is, I truly hope she remembers all of the things we discussed.

One time this recruit came into my office distressed about rent or some other aspect of life. In a true act of love and kindness I got up from my desk and embrace the student. This embrace was for support. At the time I was being Ms. interpreted at the University I was teaching at. As I embraced her in my bearhug I felt the muscles in her body tense and in usual way. I realized she might have thought that this embrace was something other than one for support. I'll say it now as I said it in the archive, I was showing you support. Nothing more than that.

Now, I need to talk a lot more but don't have the time. In this class I'm going to teach fieldwork. I'm also about to do something within the language called a jump shift. I've never done a job shift online in all of my teaching. I have alluded to it but I've never actually physically done it.

Now I'm going to physically do it. This means farewell to the ABC 123 style. This is going to make it very difficult for students.

So for those of you thinking about the online class I've arranged for bonus points.

I haven't assigned any values for the bonus elements, check back with me at the end of semester.

There is one exception.

1st pet perspective students. That 1st thing was a malfunction.

You have to excuse me there are a lot of distractions here. Anyway, one element has massive bonus points. Ask any student that is ever had me for professor and they should tell you that I'm a very hard professor and a stickler for details. It's very difficult to make an a in my class. I draw the line at 90. Anything that is 90 or above is in a. It's very difficult to get an a in any class I teach.

This online class is quite different.

One of the elements not pictured has been cut up into 5 pieces. Originally he was going to be cut into 4 pieces to pieces going to Texas into pieces to Oklahoma. The pieces would be given a bonus points. But if the 4 people or the 4 parties united and took a photograph of this element reassembled and posted it on an online website for the world to see, saying to the effect that we are united for the development and implementation of the language, I was going to give 50 bonus points away. I was going to allow the group to divvy up the 50 points as they saw fit between themselves.

If they gave 50 points to one person that persons halfway to an a, well if you think about it there more than halfway to an a if all you need is 90 points.

This is a very large incentive. Let's say that it was divided into 4 pieces and not 5 as I originally intended. 2 people were doing very well in the class one having a 92 and the other having an 89 1 having an 80 and 1 having a 77. You could divide the 50 points to bring everyone into the arena of a letter grade of A.

Anyway it's not for pieces it's 5. To go to Oklahoma and to go to Texas as originally planned. But the final 5th piece has to go to some other part of the world. I don't know how to do this. But this 5th piece has to leave this area and go to another part of the world. And somehow the 5 pieces must be reunited as I stated before for the 5 people to be awarded the 50 bonus points. It's not 50 bonus points for each person it's 50 bonus points total.

Anyway that's one element that's not pictured. There is an element that is pictured, it's a power supply for Dell Computer. I'm going to tell you flat out, this is going to be a drop site delivery to somewhere in Texas. I'm saying this because it needs to be retrieved quickly.

There are multiple motives for this story, unfortunately I can't give you all of the motives right now.

Now Oklahoma you're going to get a drop today as well.

There are a bunch of plastic damaged boxes. One of your unique boxes is going to be put in a dumpster at the OU biological Station.

I'm telling you what the object is and where it's located. All you have to do is go retrieve it, welcome to the world of dumpster diving.

I'm choosing this site for a reason which will be discussed later.

Remember this is an online alternative language course. Believe it or not everything I'm doing in this field work has meaning.

The thing I'm trying to teach the students of this class is that objects have more meaning than their face value.

Imagine that your primitive person and you have in your line of sight and unusually shaped mountain. You might come up with some to describe the shape of the mountain. You're adding symbolism to the thing you're looking at.

This unique language does the same things with everyday objects. Much like the French artist Marcel Duchamp did with his ready-made's. Now his ready-made's were somewhat humorous, I on the other hand took that concept and threw it into what is called the scientific method.

Once it was in the scientific method we were able to build a catalog and a language.

Hopefully I'll be able to talk more about that later.

Anyway, if any of you want to do this scavenger hunt for lost treasure feel free. Just remember, the items you're retrieving have meaning which will be revealed later.

I would reveal some of it now but I fear that some of you may be a little gun shy.

Without any explanations you have nothing to fear. Once I define the objects in what they mean you might want to go to the add drop office.

What I'm saying is, people are watching and I'm trying to teach you how to become invisible as you work with this language. I'm also trying to get baseball inducted into the next Olympics.

That's all I can do for now.

I said that and I need to do one other thing. In the batch of images I'm going to post I'm starting out with a unique lens that is coded in this language. I took this image before I knew anything was damaged in the great crash on Wall Street.

I've been so busy lately that the crash on Wall Street could not trouble me. Eventually I needed something from the wall so to the wall I went. That's when I discovered the 63 mm night core lens F2 .8. One of the most symbolic of all of the coated optics.

I have this vision, it's much like a dream, where I photographed a rating on a road. Lo and behold there was a variation of that very dreamlike ring atop the night course 63 mm F2 .8.

You see this language actually does communicate.

Prospective students, this language is about talking with people in visibly invisibly.

I think in the next lecture I'm going to talk about problems you have with certain earthly creatures called goons. I'm going to teach you some tricks when working in what I call a GUI asked world. A world full of goons. By the way that was gooey ass.

This is a trick I learned several years back. If I can get all of my still ice together you might be surprised. You see I found something.

This something directly relates to dinosaurs.

This directly relates to the jump shift in my storytelling.

Remember it's all for the greater good.

By the way, every day this week has had a unique soundtrack, basically one simple to which is then altered with code.

As I was preparing for the field work today I was trying to choose the right soundtrack.

That's when I realized there's only one soundtrack for this course.

You see I taught this course at the University of Texas at Dallas in the fall of 2003. I was trying to teach the students how to transition from one art form to another. How to say something from a given piece of artwork in a different way in another art form.

That's one of the elements involved in this language.

I listen to the CD today and realized there was no other choice, this has to be the soundtrack for this course.

Now reviewing the CD there are some alterations in the timeline. Let me go to my lecture notes and I'll explain.

Here they are, now I don't have time to list out all of the tracks on this CD. And I've been so busy today and the funeral and everything, that I couldn't listen to the entire CD. But I did get this much information down in my lecture notes.

For this online class completely disregard track number 12. Track number 12 is about problems looking at things too closely. This class is about looking at things very closely. Underneath this I have written down in for size the zip line. This means that some tracks are more powerful than others. The 1st track listed underneath the zip line is track number 4. As I recall this is a folk song and it is very important in this online class. Beneath that I have written track number 2 and track number 3.

I'm going to have to get back to this because I haven't had time to listen to the entire CD.

Right now I have to dispose of the Dell laptop computer power supply.

As I recall this power supply was given to me by my brother. I have not altered this power supply in any way whatsoever. It's just a Dell laptop power supply. When I start telling you the jump shift story it becomes something entirely different. We'll just have to wait.

You see, if you acquire the skill set of this language and object can become an icon and an icon can become iconography.

I try to explain it to someone wants, I wasn't successful, and the cashier at target wanted me to collect my items and leave.

Using this skill set within the invisible language I went to this man's office and looked directly into his eyes. I've already told that story in the archive. So if you enroll in this class please get your library cards in order.

This is a much larger posts than I realized. I've got close to 100 miles to travel to accomplish today's task.

The plastic box to the OU dumpster and the Dell power supply to the old-school indicator that a game is afoot.

Good luck and good fishing.

Over and out.

Perhaps you could rename it airmail.

I got to do this one fast. I'm a storyteller.  There are number of ways to categorize my storytelling. One way is to call it the ABC 123 type of story. This is pretty much a straight up story that's very factual and can be verified. This would be somewhat like that type of story with a few caveats.

The main caveat is I'm taking the advice of a writing coach I respect.

A little bit about myself. I'm in my early 50s and I live in a part of the United States called the red River Valley. This ground separates Texas and Oklahoma along the red River. I spend a great deal of time in both states.

Presently, I appear to be unemployed, factually however, this is the busiest time I have ever experienced in my entire life. Some people may live their life never realizing what they're calling is. Mine is to be an artist and a teacher.

I was once a college professor, it was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life.

Now, let's imagine you walked into the environment I live in right now. It would appear to be utter chaos. By the way that's code.

My environment right now is anything but chaos. I am imagining myself teaching an online college course to the world. One it's basically free to anyone that's interested. Not that anyone is interested.

I have several motives. One is to keep my mind engaged and active and another one would be to have baseball recognized as an Olympics port. As an Olympic sport. You'll have to excuse my dictation.

Anyway, this is a type of language class, that is to say the course I'm preparing to teach online for free. That's why my environment appears to be so chaotic. In truth I have probably 10 or 20 still life's spread out over my house all having a purpose and meaning in terms of language.

You see when I teach a class I use a lot of audiovisual aids.

One of my favorite things to do when I teach is to build a sense of team spirit and unity within the class. I've done this on a number of occasions. I always start out slow and simple giving individual assignments and then gradually introduce the class to teamwork.

I carefully structure of the class so that by the time teamwork happens all of the students are hooked into the idea of the material I'm teaching.

Now when I give a grade on a teams assignment is for the entire team not just the individuals. This means that if one team member works really hard and another team member doesn't work at all they both get the same great at the end. That's how life works so that's how I teach.

Now in this language class I'm actually trying to teach team spirit and unity. To teach the students in the class to have a common goal and direction in their coursework acquiring the skills of this unusual language.

I'm in a rush today because much of the day was spent at the funeral of a friend.

This language I'm teaching was done collectively. One of the elements that helped me create the language passed away. Earlier in the week I heard news that this person or element was in distress but I was so busy I could not address the issue and I must confess at that time I didn't let it bother me. Today I heard the news, the element had passed away and now I have some regrets.

The final image in today's post is of the tombstone and my recollections of this element. Let me add this, this element was a true benefit to the language, I can't say that this element truly added knowledge and voice to the language but I can say that this element did add substance to the language.

This element had many brothers and sisters that helped in the development of this unusual language that I'm trying to teach online. I'm not going to address any of the original creators of the language but I will say this concerning this specific element, the one that passed away.

You had unique properties and you were truly a benefit to the cause of the greater good. I used you as a role model. On one occasion I used one of your brothers or sisters to reach out and recruit another comrade into the language. I remember discussing with the recruit the choice of optics. In which optic would be right for their quest concerning alternative language skills.

I'll need to discuss this more later. I hope this recruit still has that brother and sister because within that brother and sister is a type of cipher used in the language.

After she left my class she graduated and moved to a place I call the capital city. I did a little online looking and found her with her dog. She looked happy and I hope she is, I truly hope she remembers all of the things we discussed.

One time this recruit came into my office distressed about rent or some other aspect of life. In a true act of love and kindness I got up from my desk and embrace the student. This embrace was for support. At the time I was being Ms. interpreted at the University I was teaching at. As I embraced her in my bearhug I felt the muscles in her body tense and in usual way. I realized she might have thought that this embrace was something other than one for support. I'll say it now as I said it in the archive, I was showing you support. Nothing more than that.

Now, I need to talk a lot more but don't have the time. In this class I'm going to teach fieldwork. I'm also about to do something within the language called a jump shift. I've never done a job shift online in all of my teaching. I have alluded to it but I've never actually physically done it.

Now I'm going to physically do it. This means farewell to the ABC 123 style. This is going to make it very difficult for students.

So for those of you thinking about the online class I've arranged for bonus points.

I haven't assigned any values for the bonus elements, check back with me at the end of semester.

There is one exception.

1st pet perspective students. That 1st thing was a malfunction.

You have to excuse me there are a lot of distractions here. Anyway, one element has massive bonus points. Ask any student that is ever had me for professor and they should tell you that I'm a very hard professor and a stickler for details. It's very difficult to make an a in my class. I draw the line at 90. Anything that is 90 or above is in a. It's very difficult to get an a in any class I teach.

This online class is quite different.

One of the elements not pictured has been cut up into 5 pieces. Originally he was going to be cut into 4 pieces to pieces going to Texas into pieces to Oklahoma. The pieces would be given a bonus points. But if the 4 people or the 4 parties united and took a photograph of this element reassembled and posted it on an online website for the world to see, saying to the effect that we are united for the development and implementation of the language, I was going to give 50 bonus points away. I was going to allow the group to divvy up the 50 points as they saw fit between themselves.

If they gave 50 points to one person that persons halfway to an a, well if you think about it there more than halfway to an a if all you need is 90 points.

This is a very large incentive. Let's say that it was divided into 4 pieces and not 5 as I originally intended. 2 people were doing very well in the class one having a 92 and the other having an 89 1 having an 80 and 1 having a 77. You could divide the 50 points to bring everyone into the arena of a letter grade of A.

Anyway it's not for pieces it's 5. To go to Oklahoma and to go to Texas as originally planned. But the final 5th piece has to go to some other part of the world. I don't know how to do this. But this 5th piece has to leave this area and go to another part of the world. And somehow the 5 pieces must be reunited as I stated before for the 5 people to be awarded the 50 bonus points. It's not 50 bonus points for each person it's 50 bonus points total.

Anyway that's one element that's not pictured. There is an element that is pictured, it's a power supply for Dell Computer. I'm going to tell you flat out, this is going to be a drop site delivery to somewhere in Texas. I'm saying this because it needs to be retrieved quickly.

There are multiple motives for this story, unfortunately I can't give you all of the motives right now.

Now Oklahoma you're going to get a drop today as well.

There are a bunch of plastic damaged boxes. One of your unique boxes is going to be put in a dumpster at the OU biological Station.

I'm telling you what the object is and where it's located. All you have to do is go retrieve it, welcome to the world of dumpster diving.

I'm choosing this site for a reason which will be discussed later.

Remember this is an online alternative language course. Believe it or not everything I'm doing in this field work has meaning.

The thing I'm trying to teach the students of this class is that objects have more meaning than their face value.

Imagine that your primitive person and you have in your line of sight and unusually shaped mountain. You might come up with some to describe the shape of the mountain. You're adding symbolism to the thing you're looking at.

This unique language does the same things with everyday objects. Much like the French artist Marcel Duchamp did with his ready-made's. Now his ready-made's were somewhat humorous, I on the other hand took that concept and threw it into what is called the scientific method.

Once it was in the scientific method we were able to build a catalog and a language.

Hopefully I'll be able to talk more about that later.

Anyway, if any of you want to do this scavenger hunt for lost treasure feel free. Just remember, the items you're retrieving have meaning which will be revealed later.

I would reveal some of it now but I fear that some of you may be a little gun shy.

Without any explanations you have nothing to fear. Once I define the objects in what they mean you might want to go to the add drop office.

What I'm saying is, people are watching and I'm trying to teach you how to become invisible as you work with this language. I'm also trying to get baseball inducted into the next Olympics.

That's all I can do for now.

I said that and I need to do one other thing. In the batch of images I'm going to post I'm starting out with a unique lens that is coded in this language. I took this image before I knew anything was damaged in the great crash on Wall Street.

I've been so busy lately that the crash on Wall Street could not trouble me. Eventually I needed something from the wall so to the wall I went. That's when I discovered the 63 mm night core lens F2 .8. One of the most symbolic of all of the coated optics.

I have this vision, it's much like a dream, where I photographed a rating on a road. Lo and behold there was a variation of that very dreamlike ring atop the night course 63 mm F2 .8.

You see this language actually does communicate.

Prospective students, this language is about talking with people in visibly invisibly.

I think in the next lecture I'm going to talk about problems you have with certain earthly creatures called goons. I'm going to teach you some tricks when working in what I call a GUI asked world. A world full of goons. By the way that was gooey ass.

This is a trick I learned several years back. If I can get all of my still ice together you might be surprised. You see I found something.

This something directly relates to dinosaurs.

This directly relates to the jump shift in my storytelling.

Remember it's all for the greater good.

By the way, every day this week has had a unique soundtrack, basically one simple to which is then altered with code.

As I was preparing for the field work today I was trying to choose the right soundtrack.

That's when I realized there's only one soundtrack for this course.

You see I taught this course at the University of Texas at Dallas in the fall of 2003. I was trying to teach the students how to transition from one art form to another. How to say something from a given piece of artwork in a different way in another art form.

That's one of the elements involved in this language.

I listen to the CD today and realized there was no other choice, this has to be the soundtrack for this course.

Now reviewing the CD there are some alterations in the timeline. Let me go to my lecture notes and I'll explain.

Here they are, now I don't have time to list out all of the tracks on this CD. And I've been so busy today and the funeral and everything, that I couldn't listen to the entire CD. But I did get this much information down in my lecture notes.

For this online class completely disregard track number 12. Track number 12 is about problems looking at things too closely. This class is about looking at things very closely. Underneath this I have written down in for size the zip line. This means that some tracks are more powerful than others. The 1st track listed underneath the zip line is track number 4. As I recall this is a folk song and it is very important in this online class. Beneath that I have written track number 2 and track number 3.

I'm going to have to get back to this because I haven't had time to listen to the entire CD.

Right now I have to dispose of the Dell laptop computer power supply.

As I recall this power supply was given to me by my brother. I have not altered this power supply in any way whatsoever. It's just a Dell laptop power supply. When I start telling you the jump shift story it becomes something entirely different. We'll just have to wait.

You see, if you acquire the skill set of this language and object can become an icon and an icon can become iconography.

I try to explain it to someone wants, I wasn't successful, and the cashier at target wanted me to collect my items and leave.

Using this skill set within the invisible language I went to this man's office and looked directly into his eyes. I've already told that story in the archive. So if you enroll in this class please get your library cards in order.

This is a much larger posts than I realized. I've got close to 100 miles to travel to accomplish today's task.

The plastic box to the OU dumpster and the Dell power supply to the old-school indicator that a game is afoot.

Good luck and good fishing.

Over and out.

Perhaps you could rename it airmail.

I got to do this one fast. I'm a storyteller.  There are number of ways to categorize my storytelling. One way is to call it the ABC 123 type of story. This is pretty much a straight up story that's very factual and can be verified. This would be somewhat like that type of story with a few caveats.

The main caveat is I'm taking the advice of a writing coach I respect.

A little bit about myself. I'm in my early 50s and I live in a part of the United States called the red River Valley. This ground separates Texas and Oklahoma along the red River. I spend a great deal of time in both states.

Presently, I appear to be unemployed, factually however, this is the busiest time I have ever experienced in my entire life. Some people may live their life never realizing what they're calling is. Mine is to be an artist and a teacher.

I was once a college professor, it was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life.

Now, let's imagine you walked into the environment I live in right now. It would appear to be utter chaos. By the way that's code.

My environment right now is anything but chaos. I am imagining myself teaching an online college course to the world. One it's basically free to anyone that's interested. Not that anyone is interested.

I have several motives. One is to keep my mind engaged and active and another one would be to have baseball recognized as an Olympics port. As an Olympic sport. You'll have to excuse my dictation.

Anyway, this is a type of language class, that is to say the course I'm preparing to teach online for free. That's why my environment appears to be so chaotic. In truth I have probably 10 or 20 still life's spread out over my house all having a purpose and meaning in terms of language.

You see when I teach a class I use a lot of audiovisual aids.

One of my favorite things to do when I teach is to build a sense of team spirit and unity within the class. I've done this on a number of occasions. I always start out slow and simple giving individual assignments and then gradually introduce the class to teamwork.

I carefully structure of the class so that by the time teamwork happens all of the students are hooked into the idea of the material I'm teaching.

Now when I give a grade on a teams assignment is for the entire team not just the individuals. This means that if one team member works really hard and another team member doesn't work at all they both get the same great at the end. That's how life works so that's how I teach.

Now in this language class I'm actually trying to teach team spirit and unity. To teach the students in the class to have a common goal and direction in their coursework acquiring the skills of this unusual language.

I'm in a rush today because much of the day was spent at the funeral of a friend.

This language I'm teaching was done collectively. One of the elements that helped me create the language passed away. Earlier in the week I heard news that this person or element was in distress but I was so busy I could not address the issue and I must confess at that time I didn't let it bother me. Today I heard the news, the element had passed away and now I have some regrets.

The final image in today's post is of the tombstone and my recollections of this element. Let me add this, this element was a true benefit to the language, I can't say that this element truly added knowledge and voice to the language but I can say that this element did add substance to the language.

This element had many brothers and sisters that helped in the development of this unusual language that I'm trying to teach online. I'm not going to address any of the original creators of the language but I will say this concerning this specific element, the one that passed away.

You had unique properties and you were truly a benefit to the cause of the greater good. I used you as a role model. On one occasion I used one of your brothers or sisters to reach out and recruit another comrade into the language. I remember discussing with the recruit the choice of optics. In which optic would be right for their quest concerning alternative language skills.

I'll need to discuss this more later. I hope this recruit still has that brother and sister because within that brother and sister is a type of cipher used in the language.

After she left my class she graduated and moved to a place I call the capital city. I did a little online looking and found her with her dog. She looked happy and I hope she is, I truly hope she remembers all of the things we discussed.

One time this recruit came into my office distressed about rent or some other aspect of life. In a true act of love and kindness I got up from my desk and embrace the student. This embrace was for support. At the time I was being Ms. interpreted at the University I was teaching at. As I embraced her in my bearhug I felt the muscles in her body tense and in usual way. I realized she might have thought that this embrace was something other than one for support. I'll say it now as I said it in the archive, I was showing you support. Nothing more than that.

Now, I need to talk a lot more but don't have the time. In this class I'm going to teach fieldwork. I'm also about to do something within the language called a jump shift. I've never done a job shift online in all of my teaching. I have alluded to it but I've never actually physically done it.

Now I'm going to physically do it. This means farewell to the ABC 123 style. This is going to make it very difficult for students.

So for those of you thinking about the online class I've arranged for bonus points.

I haven't assigned any values for the bonus elements, check back with me at the end of semester.

There is one exception.

1st pet perspective students. That 1st thing was a malfunction.

You have to excuse me there are a lot of distractions here. Anyway, one element has massive bonus points. Ask any student that is ever had me for professor and they should tell you that I'm a very hard professor and a stickler for details. It's very difficult to make an a in my class. I draw the line at 90. Anything that is 90 or above is in a. It's very difficult to get an a in any class I teach.

This online class is quite different.

One of the elements not pictured has been cut up into 5 pieces. Originally he was going to be cut into 4 pieces to pieces going to Texas into pieces to Oklahoma. The pieces would be given a bonus points. But if the 4 people or the 4 parties united and took a photograph of this element reassembled and posted it on an online website for the world to see, saying to the effect that we are united for the development and implementation of the language, I was going to give 50 bonus points away. I was going to allow the group to divvy up the 50 points as they saw fit between themselves.

If they gave 50 points to one person that persons halfway to an a, well if you think about it there more than halfway to an a if all you need is 90 points.

This is a very large incentive. Let's say that it was divided into 4 pieces and not 5 as I originally intended. 2 people were doing very well in the class one having a 92 and the other having an 89 1 having an 80 and 1 having a 77. You could divide the 50 points to bring everyone into the arena of a letter grade of A.

Anyway it's not for pieces it's 5. To go to Oklahoma and to go to Texas as originally planned. But the final 5th piece has to go to some other part of the world. I don't know how to do this. But this 5th piece has to leave this area and go to another part of the world. And somehow the 5 pieces must be reunited as I stated before for the 5 people to be awarded the 50 bonus points. It's not 50 bonus points for each person it's 50 bonus points total.

Anyway that's one element that's not pictured. There is an element that is pictured, it's a power supply for Dell Computer. I'm going to tell you flat out, this is going to be a drop site delivery to somewhere in Texas. I'm saying this because it needs to be retrieved quickly.

There are multiple motives for this story, unfortunately I can't give you all of the motives right now.

Now Oklahoma you're going to get a drop today as well.

There are a bunch of plastic damaged boxes. One of your unique boxes is going to be put in a dumpster at the OU biological Station.

I'm telling you what the object is and where it's located. All you have to do is go retrieve it, welcome to the world of dumpster diving.

I'm choosing this site for a reason which will be discussed later.

Remember this is an online alternative language course. Believe it or not everything I'm doing in this field work has meaning.

The thing I'm trying to teach the students of this class is that objects have more meaning than their face value.

Imagine that your primitive person and you have in your line of sight and unusually shaped mountain. You might come up with some to describe the shape of the mountain. You're adding symbolism to the thing you're looking at.

This unique language does the same things with everyday objects. Much like the French artist Marcel Duchamp did with his ready-made's. Now his ready-made's were somewhat humorous, I on the other hand took that concept and threw it into what is called the scientific method.

Once it was in the scientific method we were able to build a catalog and a language.

Hopefully I'll be able to talk more about that later.

Anyway, if any of you want to do this scavenger hunt for lost treasure feel free. Just remember, the items you're retrieving have meaning which will be revealed later.

I would reveal some of it now but I fear that some of you may be a little gun shy.

Without any explanations you have nothing to fear. Once I define the objects in what they mean you might want to go to the add drop office.

What I'm saying is, people are watching and I'm trying to teach you how to become invisible as you work with this language. I'm also trying to get baseball inducted into the next Olympics.

That's all I can do for now.

I said that and I need to do one other thing. In the batch of images I'm going to post I'm starting out with a unique lens that is coded in this language. I took this image before I knew anything was damaged in the great crash on Wall Street.

I've been so busy lately that the crash on Wall Street could not trouble me. Eventually I needed something from the wall so to the wall I went. That's when I discovered the 63 mm night core lens F2 .8. One of the most symbolic of all of the coated optics.

I have this vision, it's much like a dream, where I photographed a rating on a road. Lo and behold there was a variation of that very dreamlike ring atop the night course 63 mm F2 .8.

You see this language actually does communicate.

Prospective students, this language is about talking with people in visibly invisibly.

I think in the next lecture I'm going to talk about problems you have with certain earthly creatures called goons. I'm going to teach you some tricks when working in what I call a GUI asked world. A world full of goons. By the way that was gooey ass.

This is a trick I learned several years back. If I can get all of my still ice together you might be surprised. You see I found something.

This something directly relates to dinosaurs.

This directly relates to the jump shift in my storytelling.

Remember it's all for the greater good.

By the way, every day this week has had a unique soundtrack, basically one simple to which is then altered with code.

As I was preparing for the field work today I was trying to choose the right soundtrack.

That's when I realized there's only one soundtrack for this course.

You see I taught this course at the University of Texas at Dallas in the fall of 2003. I was trying to teach the students how to transition from one art form to another. How to say something from a given piece of artwork in a different way in another art form.

That's one of the elements involved in this language.

I listen to the CD today and realized there was no other choice, this has to be the soundtrack for this course.

Now reviewing the CD there are some alterations in the timeline. Let me go to my lecture notes and I'll explain.

Here they are, now I don't have time to list out all of the tracks on this CD. And I've been so busy today and the funeral and everything, that I couldn't listen to the entire CD. But I did get this much information down in my lecture notes.

For this online class completely disregard track number 12. Track number 12 is about problems looking at things too closely. This class is about looking at things very closely. Underneath this I have written down in for size the zip line. This means that some tracks are more powerful than others. The 1st track listed underneath the zip line is track number 4. As I recall this is a folk song and it is very important in this online class. Beneath that I have written track number 2 and track number 3.

I'm going to have to get back to this because I haven't had time to listen to the entire CD.

Right now I have to dispose of the Dell laptop computer power supply.

As I recall this power supply was given to me by my brother. I have not altered this power supply in any way whatsoever. It's just a Dell laptop power supply. When I start telling you the jump shift story it becomes something entirely different. We'll just have to wait.

You see, if you acquire the skill set of this language and object can become an icon and an icon can become iconography.

I try to explain it to someone wants, I wasn't successful, and the cashier at target wanted me to collect my items and leave.

Using this skill set within the invisible language I went to this man's office and looked directly into his eyes. I've already told that story in the archive. So if you enroll in this class please get your library cards in order.

This is a much larger posts than I realized. I've got close to 100 miles to travel to accomplish today's task.

The plastic box to the OU dumpster and the Dell power supply to the old-school indicator that a game is afoot.

Good luck and good fishing.

Over and out.