I'm in Kingston Oklahoma leeching off an Internet connection from Subway fast food merchandising. I parked the vehicle next to some Western wear across from the Subway sandwich facility. I saw the worker bee phone it in so I guess it's clear.
I had no intention of doing anything today, that is as it pertains to you, the day was starting out like they always start out. Only things are starting out quite differently as late.
I need to get into that later.
I get up and fix myself a cup of coffee, reach for my Starbucks mug, only to find alive and fighting to get out a fiddle back spider. I put the coffee craft back beneath the maker and reflect upon the spider in my glass or should I say mod. Mug. You people need to correct because I'm not in the mood and it's like
I said it's late.
I traveled to the city of my birth and instead of all of the normal spirits the vehicle was filled with earthly spirits. Some living period some living.
Anyway, this morning I'm thinking about how the world doesn't really understand the dynamics I'm in. How the world. You guys again have to figure this out because I'm not in the mood to correct every little thing. In fact I'm on the move to correct anything.
So I'm drinking my coffee and I'm thinking about the world I'm thinking how they don't understand these dynamics. Carrots don't work for me, not the kind of carrots all of these people appear to be offering. I thought this morning, I sleep at top of all kinds of things I even sleep below some of these things. They have no idea.
so I document the spider in the cup and there's more and then I rode over rattlesnake. I get about the state of the world and specifically the state of this country and the state of this very area.
you don't want to know where my mind was.
I in inadvertently run over the serpent and making you turn only to have the radio tell me not to turn around that given point. That kind of irritated me, not because of what the music was saying but because you people can't see every little thing I experienced. It's utterly remarkable.
Anyway I go out to the middle-of-the-road and I sever the serpent's head. The animal was still alive by the way. Now for you animal rights people that's the decent thing to do when an animal is been injured to this degree. Trust me the serpent was finished and I was merely putting it out of its misery.
but this also directly related to all of the other things going on inside my head at the time I was severing the serpent's head.
you people really need to have a look at some of the files I have.
in fact you need to look at some of my notes.
You don't need to type them, I'll give them to you in due course and give him a platform.
Anyway this is proof of the and varmint I live in. This is why I walk carefully and study things as I do. one of the reasons anyway.
Let's post and move on.
This is taking entirely too long now I'm going to miss a certain type of stop I need to make your...
of course we've got backup plans but I've got 2 more files to load after this video owns..
Have I ever given you my lecture about data pipes? Of course I have.
Would you give this thing to 8:50 PM, that's 4 more minutes then I'm moving on.
this is not a good time to irritate this is not a good time to irritate me so why is the Dragon misbehaving.
Why won't you people give me the data pipeline and. Why this technology have to be so expensive?
Why isn't anyone else willing to work for next to nothing?
Well subway is not looking too peachy and there's not a Starbucks within 100 mile radius. I guess you could include the one in Sherman but that might as well be on the moon right now.
My goodness technology it just creeps and creeps and creeps. Sometimes I feel like a candle in the wind.
so much for the other shots this thing is less than 1 min. to go and then I'm pushing it out....
I'm about ready to hit the cancel button..
cancel button hit it's a no post in terms of audiovisual material. 17 years is plenty of time to load a 40 MB file.
I cut the file size in half, if this is some type of censorship issue it's me getting out of the car retrieving a field machete and severing the head of a large rattlesnake. There's no profanity there's no nudity although the snake is not wearing anything but its own skin and there's no cruelty. The animal has been run over by my car and I'm cutting its head off area..
the pictures are of a fiddle back spider also known as the brown recluse in my coffee cup. And the other picture is one of the many ghosts that were in my vehicle today.
Google you're lucky, I'm about out of battery power. Consider yourself lucky for now.
World I'm trying to get off the baby food kick in feed you people some meet.
But you people really want your rice pudding don't you.
Right now I'm as clean and sharp as any whistle you've ever heard.
But I don't think I have enough battery power to wait for this thing to load. It's now just over 20 MB.
It's just me severing our rattlesnakes head. For crying out loud.
how small do I need to make these files.
How smolder need to make this message?
You know there's more content than this. I don't even consider this to be really of substance it's just the 1st thing I had to deal with this morning and it kept repeating itself throughout the day. There was some substance today. And now we have Adobe wanting to make its little footprint on what little precious data pipe exists.
Adobe crawl back in your hole. Alright I'm going to give this a few more minutes and then I'm going to go to the house and call it a night.
I'm accustomed to things working smoothly and swiftly.
if I could I would tell you about fabricating a large kite on high ground with all of the so-called middle spirits. But there's no point.
When I'm having this many technological issues, working with baby food, what is the point of delivering you any need whatsoever.
There's no point. You don't want me. I said you don't want me I said you do not want Annable products... I said you don't want various types of sandwich meat now remove the various types of same witches. My goodness. Technology at its best.
I can't wait to go back and clean this up later. But when will later ever come...
it's hung on uploading video. It's a 22 MB file.
What's the hangup Mr. and Mrs. wire.
All right I'm going to cancel the load.
I need to find a place to operate in.
This is not satisfactory to.....
canceling the load and will post. Maybe I can put a couple of pictures and...
I'll try. I'll try to put them in on top of the loading video.
This should move with liquid fluidity as smooth as silk. What it's changed its now processing video.
By Google that means it's in your hands how long is this going to take.
I'm telling you Google your still lucky I'm running out of power. You know the server world's kind of lucky to because I was going to give a lecture on dealing with serpents.
It's not the kind of serpents you run around and find here. It's a different kind of serpent.
But I am assuming that Mr. and Mrs. Sunday school don't want to hear that lecture either...
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