Saturday, August 11, 2012


File: 081012_AsGraphicAsItGets_PG13_THIS_IS_Ed_B_Untitled

During the filming of this sequence the camera battery died in mid-shot. I put the spent camera on a charger and you see the glowing light as it charges. I had used the Viagra pack earlier and I put the Viagra pack with the spent camera. When the pad isn't envelope that contains a key chain and dependence that I acquired from the Walt Disney store in my recent vacation in California.

I don't know if I do it in this clip are not but I also move the modified Disney pin over to the camera side next to the Viagra.  For Walt Disney Corporation or company or what ever you are. Your fountain pen has been heavily modified and bears little to no resemblance to its original form. I have transformed the pin into a type of 18% gray coding.

The orange and black lines see on the graph paper symbolize intercourse. That's his graphic as it gets. That is as graphic as it gets. On the next shooting session I began to draw a series of circles with different colors of orbiting objects around circles. This represents the egg which was very important in the Y-Line movie.

This represents, on another level, the chain of life that encircles intercourse between a man and a woman. Trust me, this is done very respectively.

All you see is expanding circles which represents expanding life. These circles however have coded signatures that have to do with the 18% gray code. The old-school form anyway. These documents or should I say childish renderings were actually going to be in the garbage in tonight's treasure hunt.

The things that could've been.

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