Sunday, May 12, 2013



Title: DON’T

Why tell it up front when bull shit works so much better.

It has been a while hasn't it.

Nuno nomenclature I said new nomenclature, this could be temporary or it could be permanent, who knows I never look back.

Before we begin let's talk about random things, I've been reading a book by John Updike. I decided to do a little research and tripped over a book he wrote, I believe it was in the 1970s called Brazil. I thought it may have related to the film but it did not.

It did relate to the magic at hand.

I've been having some replay episodes. This is something I never discussed in any classroom whatsoever.

It's somewhat unbelievable but when you look at all of the unbelievable stuff it's really not that unbelievable.

There's unbelief and there's disbelief and there's, NO FUCKING WAY.  Right now I've pretty much got every single base in every single stadium covered.

Rewind magic! Let's make that a topic heading!

Rewind isn't unusual, everyone has a little bit of it now and again, it's really just a function of remembering. I don't know if I develop this and I don't know if I can teach you how to develop this but I do know I've developed some type of unusual rewind.

I can remember something, I can remember it in incredible detail even if I see it from peripheral vision.

I can replay the thing, without any of the characters being there because it's trapped within my memory, but I'm standing there in front of all of it, I'm somewhat invisible, I can walk directly up to all of the players. Sometimes some the players have certain types of weaknesses or shall we say cracks in their awareness.

Sometimes I can't exploit these cracks. This allows me to walk inside of people's heads and indeed, sometimes in their very souls.

So we have yesterday May 10, 2013, the so-called play head is in high gear and running it high-efficiency. There are a list of characters, any number, before me, at my very feet, within rewind, are a set of magical keys. It's not a good idea to use the term magic if you're going to try to talk about science. Right now I'm trying to relegate science to the status more in keeping with the spiritual world. Science, who gives a FUCK!

So much for that let's get back to the task at hand of new names.

Right now I'm thinking in terms of atmosphere. Let's collect the outsiders.

Just freethinking, freehand.

The outsiders. Let's make that a heading.

Class I, it's a clear bright and sunny day with bright blue skies.

Class II, little bit overcast.

Class III, I don't know if this is an intermediate state or not.

Let's just jump to, the last class, as I write this I realize I could be talking about the zone system, now that would tie things together especially if you had a so-called 5.25" floppy disk drive. I don't and neither do you according to suburbia.

It's okay I know it's on the disk.

If you're keeping a reference at home you realize I began to give an invisible classroom lecture yesterday, standing outside of the shop when I was talking about my monopod and how in truth is actually a bazooka.

Which gets back to bubblegum and bubblegum wrappers in the city of my birth, that would be 8 Oklahoma. Ada Oklahoma. But that's an interesting malfunction.

Which gets back to old maps and something I can't quite get to. I'm thinking specifically about a map which was made shortly after statehood but one would've existed prior to statehood. This has to do with nomenclature as well in special areas of ground and designation.

Okay, we've got atmosphere.

Basically everyone's on the outside, I now see exactly why everyone is on the outside. I had a big picture but I didn't have quite as bigger pictures I do now. There's a reason why I'm alone and the reason has always been right in front of me.

No wonder you're on the outside.

Mr. in Mrs. outsiders in all classes. I never lectured over rewind potential until we were all cast out of the garden.

Let's just say I did quite a rewind yesterday and found all kinds of cracks. Some of these have issues and problems!

It's like that song you say tomato and I say God bless you.

I think we should probably call the whole thing off, I didn't quite successfully patterned what you entitled this little episode.

I did get some of it, so let's shared with the world shall we, they did not understand Romeo and Juliet and why. They're not going to understand this when either.

Remember that dead mouse I told her about, it's kind of a hickory decorate dock.

It didn't type that correctly but then again it's some type of strange childish poetry. Who can blame the thing. Anyway this mouse has this fascination with the clock. And so was the next so-called pattern which I couldn't tell was tick-tock or hickory or what ever.

Outsiders, the lining of things is simply too primitive and the group you're throwing things to our basically in a state of unbelief and not properly prepped.

Let's pause and let me tell you something.

Sometimes outsiders do things I do not understand. It's just as well because you can't know everything. As life goes on you realize why the outsiders chose certain dynamics and elements.

Even realize there are bigger forces at play, you didn't realize.

Okay, you picked a pretty good target to work with in terms of springboard dynamics.

You've got one problem. I don't want to meet these people, in fact I'm a very private person.

Yes, I will go out and make a fool out of myself, now again, on nearby half because you want to do some type of checkerboard move.

So you're jumping around birthdays and filmmakers and everything else.

Fine, I see the picture and I see the pattern.

Still, it's foolish to do what you're thinking about doing so I advise you not to do it, Mr. and Mrs. outsider, I have little to no control over what you do.

I now know why you're on the outside and why I am on an island.

This isn't exactly an island.

Which gets back to something else they've discovered, now I've alluded to this many times on many levels and in many classrooms. It's got to do with the media.

Remember I told you about John Updike and doing a little research, of course you want to look in the lives of people, so you do, then I ran over some guy named Philip, and below Philip was another guy named Kurt.

Bingo, they found it, you knew they would sooner or later.

Let's hold and let's go back in time a little farther.

I've been thinking about what you have and what you're missing, essentially you're missing the essential me and what you've got is me inside the petri dish. Not an accurate picture if you want to do a true scientific experiment.

You see I'm a man of freedom which explains why we have this strange IFcubed.

Let's pause.

How much of this is real.

I look forward to seeing the Texas Rangers win the World Series.

Everything but one line.

So let's talk about the T, is the T really a letter, you tell me, if the T is really a letter than I would imagine that if I write the T on the sidewalk in the T is a real letter there as well.

If you do the math you'll see that she would be approximately 50 years old. Then again I do not know her birthday. I don't keep a journal and I have discarded and destroyed whatever code books I had.

Not that you ever find the T in my codebook, is now having said that I realize the T was in the codebook it was a different kind of tea red….  The T is usually not called a silent letter but sometimes in my book or journal T was a silent letter, if you're wanting a bigger explanation of this, get a crystal ball and see if you can evoke the spirit of Glenn Mitchell.

He can break down the silos form of T.

The silent form of the T.

Have I ever met this person, the T, and 8 Oklahoma, I won't correct the missed type, the answer is absolutely. It was not a classroom and I was not there to teach anything.

I didn't really know this person but I knew a little bit of her family and her family knew a little bit of me.  Which is a strange feeling because I had no idea who she was. But her family knew who I was. That made me even more uncomfortable.

This was a while ago, shall we say, according to the rules I don't touch or move next to anything that is real that is to say them less I'm going to move next you because you're not real. Therefore I have the dance floor and you can choose to dance or not.

Which gets back to the overall dynamic. The outsiders.

Now I realize I have to break the outsiders down into 2 groups, there's my atmospheric component of outsiders and there's your atmospheric component of outsiders.

Let's call my atmosphere the one found on planet Earth. Let's call your atmosphere the one found on Venus.

I could choose any planet I want or anything at all. I choose the planet Venus because I understand it's rather warm and probably has an unusual pH.

Now the surface of Venus changes, it's got some unique properties. There are quite a few theories about but the real theory is the surface of Venus exists but is in a state of flux much like something molten.

I'm not saying the surface of Venus is liquid I'm saying that the service of business has certain properties associated with a liquid.

You know I'm trying to finish up John Updike's book and the guy started talking about chemical reactions. Specifically a chemical reaction called an endothermic reaction.

Anecdotal reaction is a chemical reaction which releases heat, basically you have a complex molecule breaking down into simpler components and releasing energy.

That's how I would've explained if I were writing that book but I'm not writing that book. I'm not really writing this book either, they tell me that someone else writes books wins on the toilet.

That writer has no idea how big a toilet he's sitting upon.

To the outsiders, the ones that live on planet Earth, I'm impressed, you were able to put together quite a little system using people right next door who have properties that I can springboard off of. You have one problem, I don't know these people and I don't have any contact with these people and these people don't really believe in a single thing I do and stand for. Then again you've done a hell of a lot more research than I have.

Inside the P2 dish is no place to expose the tracking skills.

I can continue with smoke and static for a while, hell, I can probably do it indefinitely, I'm still on the outside and we still have a problem with the original source code problems.

The so-called family affair as created a different type of smoke and static that disguises the real issues.

So pink and purple, one of you is in Japan, I told him that yesterday, I feel stupid saying that because I should've known that, part of me has always known that one of you was in Japan.

You've been relaying some interesting dynamics about Japan. You know I'm saying this inside of the petri dish and I wonder can anyone see the Japanese code lines and how they were rolled my way. I doubt it.

Mr. and Mrs. outsiders on the planet Earth pertaining to a bright and sunshiny day, you know I do feel like Bullwinkle and then again I feel like Mr. Peabody and then again we've got a boatload of Scooby Doo on the forefront.

I want you to think about what I know and how I know it.

Let's draw a line, don't draw line in the sand because that's magic in know when I'm allowed to do that for now.

What do you want me to do, roll everything up and collect all fiction, turning to, as Satan says, the good form of Jeffrey, you know I have a box for that given dynamic.

I started to begin this document with such a box, sometimes I feel like the devil when I'm looking at the double. It's a devil's world you know.

So everyone's on the outside and I'm stuck here in the petri dish under some type of strange microscope in some type of stranger still laboratory. I see this turning into a wonderful and fascinating story about a baldheaded guy, with diabetics living in the middle of BUM FUCK USA, with nothing more to do and stick his thumb up his ASS.

Well, FUCK THAT, I have a thing for clean hands and personal hygiene. That's top secret so don't tell anyone. Which gets back to data and why it's a bad idea to throw data around in figure bury it in the purse.

I don't care how tricky you are, you know they'll figure out the lining and I know you're not going to put it in the lining.

This gets back to something I learned in the United States government. If you want to hide something really carefully put it under their nose!

Which gets back to Kurt Vonnegut and the media, who knows we might even roll around some cannonballs.

Which gets back to how things change from a gaseous state to a liquid state and then from liquid state to a solid-state and all the other states in between.

Now that involves atmosphere and therefore we could say the outsiders as well.

Here's what I want to say to the outsiders who have been relegated to the atmosphere off the planet Earth. Enjoy the planet Venus I recommend you bring an umbrella. I would also recommend some galoshes and protective eyewear gloves.



Maybe I could choose a better word that works. I've told you before I keep very loose records. I didn't realize how loose they were until a few moments ago. I wrote the above document meaning to push it out into the world.

I have no record on this computer of the site I intended to put it on, hopefully it will be the site.

I did a computer search and realized I had no documentation of this site on this particular computer whatsoever. I had some of the data that resides here but I had none of the actual address of the location of the site.

This has to do with the phenomenon known as fine print.

Now ladies and Joan Luntz walk into a different kind of baseball diamond. Now ladies and gentlemen let me walk onto the field.

Yes it's an unusual bat, the Commissioner of baseball has allowed it because I'm somewhat primitive. Yes it's a club. It has to do with the various principles of wedding Bigfoot come to the plate.

So Bigfoot is standing there with this big club, you're the pitcher and your job is to try to strike Bigfoot out or at least keeping him from getting on base. You've done an exceptional job. On the other hand you've never seen this kind of Bigfoot.

Bigfoot groans as he plants his feet in the batters box. He towers over the umpire and the capture his shadow extends into the very stands itself beyond the dugout.

Bigfoot knows who's on the field and Bigfoot knows what the score is and more importantly Bigfoot, with his primitive brain, has memorized every single pitch the operative has at hand.

The operative, the pitcher, knows he is doomed, he can walk Digg foot Bigfoot or he can try to throw the ball at Bigfoot's head, it doesn't matter, the baseball is not going to stop Bigfoot.

Bigfoot is following a classic principle of staying alive, it's got something to do with the way living things are wired, survival!

Bigfoot intends to survive and Bigfoot intends to devour the opposing team, limb by limb and molecule by molecule here it….

The people watching at home are excited. It's kind of like they're going back in time to Rome. They thought Bigfoot would look for a scalpel.

Bigfoot sound something a little more interesting. Bigfoot has found something a little more interesting.

Which gets back to maps and self-defense and gets back to the nature of self-defense itself.

Bigfoot is thinking he could go any number of ways, that's right this is a mail form of Bigfoot, there are female forms, but there will hidden as they were in the dreams today.

You see Mrs. Bigfoot has a little more genetic information in Mr. Bigfoot.

Mr. Bigfoot knows that this little smidgen of extra genetic material has to do with the survival of the species itself. You see Mrs. Bigfoot can hunt and gather and do everything else but she cannot impregnate herself, she needs Mr. Bigfoot for that. Beyond that she can pretty much do everything that Mr. Bigfoot can, maybe not as fast and maybe not as swiftly which endured with more cunning.

That's the nature of all Mrs. big feet.

Now Mrs. Bigfoot actually likes Mr. Bigfoot, I know that's hard to believe, but she actually trust him. And she believes he is going to devour the opponents limb by limb and the molecule by molecule.

Mr. Bigfoot set up a primitive laboratory in the cave where he and Mrs. Bigfoot lives.

His last experiments were on ice or shall we say Indo thermic reactions. Endothermic reactions.

That's a chemical reaction that absorbs energy, it does not release energy, these are somewhat unusual. Once again if you're going to be trying this at home wear protective gloves or you might get frostbite.

Yes my friend the yeti, he will tell you. Or maybe she will tell you depending upon which one you're looking at. That's the problem with yeti, they all look the same to me. But that's because I'm a big foot.

It has to do with the tribes you run around with.

Which has to do with geometry mathematics and more importantly the diagonal of things. I'm sure you people figured that out.

It's like how many bricks could a brick chucker chuck if a brig chucker was chucking bricks…

You just kind have to have been there. Don't get me wrong I don't care if you come out to watch the show, how often do you have the opportunity to see a Bigfoot devour an entire baseball team, limb by limb and molecule by molecule.

Anyway kids, this is instincts and this is survival, which gets back to the family affair and various forms of smoke and static. You realize you guys are covering over the tracks of the enemy and you doing it because you're arguing that Bigfoot is delusional.

Bigfoot has been around this track before.

Bigfoot does have a tribe somewhere in the outside atmosphere. 

Now kids I'm going to tell you a Bigfoot secret. This is top-secret, no form of sonography, that is to say 3N4 letter acronyms should be associated with this knowledge.

Bigfoot knows how to find his tribe! He does it with the sense of smell, it's a top-secret thing that only big feet no, that only big feet have knowledge of, they can smell fire and identify who made what buyer.

They can smell a campfire and no and are aware of what is for dinner.

Some people say beasts for dinner, today it's baseball teams, when was the last time you had a heaping bowl of charcoal broiled baseball player. Will that's too long!

So pass the ketchup and hand me some of that foot, I know it's tough, but it's got a rich flavor with its dude in this particular manner. When it is stewed in this particular manner, it has to do with the carrots and garlic.


Supplement to, that would be supplement and the number 2.

I could talk about what you're used to and how I learned to live with it but I'm going to table that for now.

I was going back in time using a conventional computer that requires no magical skills whatsoever.

And I realized that if you want to trip over the Bigfoot material it would be about 17 pages back and should probably go ahead and go to 18 pages. Which only proves the fact that I've carefully map all of this out page by page.

You know that that is utter bull.

Then again if you know anything about cattle you'll know that bills or should I say bulls don't have otters.

Anyway I'm doing a review enter something I was thinking about that alerted talk about. It has to do with the timeline and going back in time and then freeze framing and walking up to an individual and environment crack in their façade and walking into it and exploring their soul and mind.

That's the dynamics here. North and South of the given line. I was thinking there was much different when I was in California.

In California they had a different type of dynamic, different entirely, now this dynamic is doing the same thing that the dynamic is here. They just have a different group. I did get some type of California thing. And now I don't need to hear he rock 'n roll about that.

Anyway, what you'll see on posting August 2, 2012, according to my records that would be page 29, from this given index point, you'll see a dynamic of the California interest.

Now that's not the real court.

The real California dynamic, the real underworld, the real baseball players who won the diamond that Bigfoot's going to devour, you'll find her on the bus with mass transit.

I think we had to go back to a Federal Express facility because I couldn't make a proper drop pass on the corner of the building.

So instead I left the corridor in some other change at the Federal Express office which was a diagonal from the buildings corner.

You do realize Mr. and Mrs. opposing baseball team that there is some logic in Bigfoot.

As well as the beautiful woman on the mass transit bus in California.

Yes, dear, Bigfoot is going to devour you limb by limb and molecule by molecule, Mrs. Bigfoot says I have to, you don't want to make Mrs. Bigfoot angry, trust me. Now we have a distraction.

You'll have to excuse me, I have to kill, no I did not say that, I said I have to care for some small fish. Small fish as in a boat involved in a three-hour tour.

Which gets back to the Capt., Gilligan, the professor and Marianne and a movie star. appropriate because were talking about California and were talking about mass transit and beautiful people on the Devils baseball team.

I want to apologize, do not mean to insult the devil.

The hand of man's baseball team, everybody happy now.

You'll have to excuse me I have a bucket of small fish that require oxygen.

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