Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lynyrd Skynyrd not working if you can drift

 look I'm just trying to get back to red Earth and do it quietly.

 For the record I've been getting lectures into a void which I'm assuming is basically a capture unit.

 This is old school and gets back to some old things.

 You know I've had issues with capture units before which gets back to other problems.

 I can best explain this to you using graphics.

 So let me, if you will, get graphical with you.

 By the way the track you use about fantasy or real-life, I could get specific if I could clear my head but I'm in a cloud. Anyway when I get down to brass tacks reality it's simply that.

 I call it a reality freight train.

 You call it whatever you want to.

 Now I'm very hesitant to give lectures into a void because I'm concerned that the void lecture is being controlled by an outside hand. If I'm going to give a lecture it's to the world.

 This is why I prefer to do it my way.

 Which gets back to the Hemingway principal. There's some stuff I haven't explained.

 Luck, I said look, I have no death wish, but I've got a feeling if I play the right cards and I do what God wants him to look at the Hemingway principal in full force.

 Here's what got us 8 to the family affair, here's what I have to say to the family care principal. All right let's try that one more time and not going to correct anything right now. Here's what I've got to say to the family affair principal.

 Here it is, flat out, America is living in a land of delusion.

 If for some reason I die, and I feel quite healthy right now but who knows, God only knows, and something might happen according to God's plan, how would I know.

 Here's what got to say, if something unusual happens, you better get real because team USA is going to clean the whole act up.

 They're not really that much different in China or Russia or supposedly Saudi Arabia from what the media tells me.

 Just look at holding hands.

 Which gets back to some problems I'm having concerning new information concerning DNA.

 You see I have this feeling, I basically wanted to slam the religion of the Mormons, I've been wanting to slam a lot of religions lately, but I keep throwing the information, the feelings, into the reality check so and I realized all of these odd religions have certain truths that are actually accurate.

 What I'm saying is, the Mormons have beliefs outside of classical biblical interpretation that are accurate. There accurate in the big picture. I'm saying this because I got first-hand knowledge.

 So I can't really slam the Mormons because some of what they're doing is actually big picture correct.

 I don't know where I'm going with this, all I know is, the forces of evil like Mormons, I don't blame this on the Mormons per se, they're just a group that the forces of evil really like to embrace.

 You can think I'm kidding but if you're looking I media you'll realize, this guys drawing on outside sources!

 Let's let the graphics talk to you.

 I'm feeling very grumpy because iTunes is misbehaving. In our I said you know, this isn't really about me, I now know it's about a template that I represent. If it's happening to me it's having all kinds of people all over the place.

 It's got to do with problems concerning capitalism which none of you will address.

 Which gets back to something God told me about.

 We were discussing taking pictures and my efforts to do a big picture from square 0.

 God said, don't do that, start with the gun, the 1st time these people pointing a gun at your head.

 Basically I was driving a magical zone, zone where, believe it or not, Texans, real-life Texans, actually believed in Robin Hood and were putting up signs in their neighborhood saying we must kill Robin Hood.

 This is why I had the cash use this is why had the nuts cashews, and Spanish peanuts as well as yogurt covered raisins and berries. I was going to throw them around and make a lot of Jack and the beanstalk's.

 When the Giants come down there probably going to help Robin Hood.

 The wonderful thing about this is it was going to be very coming up very humorous. Yes there's a malfunction there's a corrected.

 Anyway we're going to have all kinds of ethnic giants coming down, from every race imaginable, the hard-core classic American black Giants were my favorite, there were coming down in this magical area in North Texas, by the way that area is super magical because God told me a bunch of other stuff that started it frightened me, anyway these giants are yelling " Wa Be-a Da White Bitches."   that may appear racist to some of you, you're not picturing correctly. Trust me I'm a real live individual that knows for a fact that all races of men and women are created equal.

 Just because I jump on some type of weird ethnic eccentricity doesn't mean anything. It just means I'm having some fun, at someone else's expense, it's kind of like being that Jewish comedian. I know, I know, show me a  comedian that's not Jewish, anyway he's baldheaded.

 Now you need to research that died because if you ever caught one of my invisible classroom lectures, this was a real one probably done around the duck pond, I start talking about a role he played as some type of Navy officer doing his standup routine. I think it was the twilight zone.

 I can look it up but you know what this is a corrupted space.

 Did I mention graphics?

 This is been directly written in the application and therefore has many clumsy mistakes, so what.

 You know Fort Worth, if I do a classical surgical move on the oranges, you'll see me again.

 This is when I get to talk to you about spiritual volcanoes and how the demons exit hell and walked the earth.

 It sounds insane so I need to make it fictional. The problem is there are people in a certain region vortexes that really. Thought they could kill Robin Hood.

 many of you people outside of the United States think I'm kidding, I assure you every word I'm saying is factual, there is a special unique region in North Texas where everyone wanted to kill Robin Hood.

 Soon our labor I said sooner or later you people do realize I'm telling the truth. Although it sounds absolutely insane, it's no more insane than throwing a bunch of yogurt covered raisins on the ground and saying their magic beans and a bunch of giants of the climb down them and look for your wives.

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