Sunday, April 10, 2016

Part of your problem is you don't know where to look fast enough

Sometimes it at an angle, which is why I talk about fishing or painfully or angleing!!!

I know this word is not spelled correctly but when I say let's go fishing let's go angle 80, I said oh well.

And for those of you trying to you but with the artifacts, it was election-year next to the black dot 2012 size to be precise. So I can draw from a lot of voodoo objects I've actually prepared presentation for you I just can't get to the damn thing.

I'm serious, I made a presentation that goes coast-to-coast and you can do that from almost any angle. You see when I get the tagteam with Abu object next to the black dot with the voodoo object next to the bottom.  

Why going to try why do I even try!!!

It was 1982, no nonelection year, more of a concept if you know anything about the Queen of soul and what I'm telling you do...

Jodi three and four letter acronyms and numeric sequences that would be to you people I'm throwing out some pretty powerful code and if you were to go and look at me realize I'd given a full set of instructions in this post, basically from A-Z or coast-to-coast are possible planetary or even expertq now that's not I did say planetary and I sent another word that my mouth has a hard time making in terms of sound.

Extra terrestrial I'm not sure that's right apparently the language I'm speaking is alien to this binary recognition system.

Now I want to discuss on what level we should be setting are phasers to, something above stun I'm not sure how or what trail.

It's kind of like I'm in orbit in and of myself and the rest of you guys are rotating around something else but we do cross paths now in now and again.

I keep forgetting. The map I have to show you the map, I did it with lightning speed some time ago that is to say a good day I did it today but it refers to something else within the echo chamber.

Here's a little smidgen.

Okay what is that word I said smidgen maybe that is the word to me adhered to the end   I HEAR A T AT END OF it!  < By Handy MAN!

0 Code 040916.jpg

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