I just want the media to recognize that although I make
little to no money for my artwork I still invest a lot of time and emotion and
feeling as well as money into my artwork.
As we view the voodoo refrigerator or the refrigerator that
has been voodoo-O-Fyed I told you today of unusual words.
I actually hired a small helicopter to allow me my camera to
image the top of the refrigerator, I know it’s a primitive type of helicopter
but nevertheless.
I’ve somehow lost the password to something that I repassword! I know what it was supposed to be but it
appears I made some type of modification.
It’s not unusual!
So will circle around the voodoo dynamic that escaped
movement across the River and then will circle around and look at the movement
of the islands as they gravitate to the top of the voodoo-O-Fyed appliance.
This something else I was thinking about this morning, this
is really incredible, the islands take up a lot of time inside of my brain and
we consider that Iceland has less than 1 million people on it I’m actually
giving the handful people actually live in this country a lot of brainpower.
This gets back to other things and some invisible things
that I actually have documentation. Now when I talk about documentation for
invisible things some of you might think I’m lying. If you do a matter turn the
tables on you because if I say have got proof you can bet your little
I did it again I created this whole structure words I forgot
to tell you about what I was thinking about one of the this morning. You see
Iceland doesn’t have any of these any bumblebees or B’s in general.
That’s why I was so considerate when I brought the volcano
flowers was so that I some good experience some aspect of flowers concerning
the voodoo feeding of the volcano. Now some of you might think Iceland’s the
only volcano involved here, that would be an in accuracy!
I can actually make volcanoes appear anywhere I want to that
even means in Ireland or Norway or Sweden or Finland or Denmark or Egypt,
Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, I can pretty much put a volcano anywhere
want to and make it do its duty dance make it do its little voodoo dance.
It’s not unusual!
This side of the river!
This was supposed to carry over, a small black rock, something that I suppose is something along the lines ball bearing, magnetism, and of course to Condoleezza Rice is dismay silver bullets.
This on the other hand is not supposed to be on this side of the river. By the way I've got some more voodoo scattered here and there that is supposed to be on the side of the river as well. We keep that under wraps and talking about voodoo appliances I've got a portable voodoo appliance that can stick some hard-core voodoo on some pretty solid surfaces.
It's really not that unusual!
It's really not that unusual!
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