Friday, December 23, 2016

I’ve been waiting on the bus all day

wrestling with the spirits today was altogether different

I was able to open various doors and discuss the numeric dynamic concerning women and my life!

This meant I could do all kinds. Interestingly I found myself in a jumble in a jumble that’s not correct I found myself in a tropical forest next to some mountains and I overheard people speaking a different language. Now some of the language was proper for that given type of language but some of the language was bastardized. Which was interesting because I spoke in that bastard Lee language so I began a conversation let’s just say it’s not Iceland it’s not Greenland but if you’re in Detroit your close but you need to take a few steps forward and do a few jump steps to the right if you’re looking up to get close to where they speak that language.

Anyway I think about that language in fact I did speak it and I’m in this tropical forest with a beautiful woman. That’s actually all true. Then I think about that language in those people and lo and behold it’s in my history so I go to my history and dial the thing up just to keep in the mood.

You see it’s rare when I have the opportunity to talk about social events social change and economic theory.

And I’m going to do more than talk about economic theory I would use my words and defined the thing!

On November 8, 2016 the United States of America started a new social and economic theory or platform which I’m now going to name, it shall be called from this moment forward the "I Me Mine Dynamic"!

Concerning language you can use the below footnote and hop on the bus and take your own tour.

All I can hear, I me mine I me mine, I me mine Even those tears, I me mine I me mine, I me mine No-one's frightened of playing it Everyone's saying it Flowing more freely than wine All through your life I me mine

Yes Sarah you will be caught Ju ju-no


for the record I had to turn that thing off because it was making too much noise and I couldn’t think which gets back to the original source of the so-called concept and you can use the first footnote or the second I preferred the far I prefer the first one because it gets into the voodoo something you’re not supposed to do, but they do do it a lot here, it’s only appropriate that I Evo the power of ZZ Top for the voodoo arena and now it’s using words from Greenland!

Then again if you want to see or hear the real deal you can use the second footnote I don’t care.

It’s just that I get to name the new dynamic that is in the United States because no one lives for themselves like Donald Trump does therefore America opens the door for him and we enter the ” I me mine dynamic.”  Have mercy I’ve been waiting on the bus all day! The dogs are bothering me so I have to let them out.

I should really proofread this thing because I am making quite a statement and I really am defining a new era in American consciousness. Or I can keep original and not proofread it and just let the thing fly, I'm going to evoke the power of Greenland to do this because I do like ice especially in my beverages. Which means I could talk to Iceland and talk about various aspects of a forest agonist Denmark for a chainsaw and trust me those Icelandic people will get it line!

I'm telling ya, you may have left Chicago and then again you might have the weight of the world in the back seat I'm just telling you it's not easy.... This gets back to a singer and being a pretty woman and all kinds of things and you realize I just read a lasso that goes in Texas all the way to northern Europe but it also makes the stop in New York...

And heaven only knows it wouldn't allude anything in Asia....

This reminds me of something of supposed to say earlier concerning Bobby and the dynamics associated with Johnny Carson and an old episode of the twilight zone where the other guys standing up trying to do a routine if you understand the comic of the dynamics in the script.

I know this is far from the beaten trail but you guys get a realized my brain is one odd duck!

Meanwhile, I don't think I'm going to go to New Orleans but you can't tell, you might see me in person or you might not I'm going to be there just the same!

And 2 think, some of them thought the rock 'n roll passcode was obsolete and out of commission and then all of a sudden the ball I did wonder comes in and doesn't to step in the middle of a reinforced in Guadeloupe!

Muaw ParlAA Patwa Bu Uuu Sove!

Yes you are not that is a dyslexic form of a real language, one thing is I said the wonderful thing is I don't care if you believe me or not!

Taking care of business is my thing!  << [ old vw ]

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