Saturday, July 7, 2012

Censored Vr Note IT Cracked Damn IT

070612_*****************************_Highly_Censored Vr. 6PM UP Cover. [ Studio audience take note and take care, fingers out, I'll give you what you need if I can, right now there's something much bigger I need to do. If you're one of these people that thinks you're free and clear concerning the Big Bang, you might take my advice and make for sure I have no more impediments! You're not free and clear, I need to do something very private. I don't trust any of you, I will document, in time you're going to see it anyway, so give me the privacy I need for this given event! Who knows when I'm going to get to it! Let me just say my alter ego John needs to pass something for many of your benefit!] [Note, there are a handful of revisions on the censored document not found on this one. For safety remove this document from your drive, let's go ahead and operate in the super safe mode! Basically they'll be nothing to find because it never existed. You know now would be a good time to change watches!] In my notes I have written 3:19 AM July 6, 2012 Friday. Last night I started Word to type this list. The last word document to come up with 062812_bonus_material, written 8 days ago, It's been that long since I've written anything. Dreams: As I sat down to write this list, I realized I had a lot of dreams last night. I was sitting next to the Queen of England at a dinner, it's not the current queen, odd, there's not a female in line for quite a while. The Queen was a beautiful young woman, strawberry blonde, probably less than 30 years old and dropdead gorgeous. If you were standing in the room looking at the Queen she would be at the left-hand corner of the table. No one was sitting on either end of the table, it was simply 2 parallel lines of people. At the start of the dinner there was another beautiful woman sitting next to the Queen. Dark hair, much like the actress that's in that TV show you can't load on your iPod, due to access issues. Someone else sat down across from the Queen, not directly across but a few seats down almost directly across where I was sitting. If you started with the Queen of England she would be at the corner, the dark-haired woman would be sitting next to her, and I would be sitting next to this woman. Anyway, the dark-haired woman had to excuse herself from the table, it was odd, there was something about the man who it sit down across from us. So she moved to the table adjacent to ours, she was the only one sitting at this table, it would have been on the Queen's right-hand side. I took the opportunity to scoot over and sit next to the Queen and began to tell stories about how being royalty is not everything it's cracked up to be. In other words you pay a price, you get privileges but at an expense. This wasn't socially expectable behavior, (for dinner discussions when sitting with royalty), I repeatedly told her I was sorry and to please excuse me. I called myself a caveman and a buffoon and all kinds of other things. A friend, a male companion, who had brought me to the dinner, was sitting across from the table. I told the Queen not to blame me but to blame him. I started making jokes about having him beheaded. Something to the effect “After we eat our blood pudding I'll tell the guards to have him beheaded. Could you please show me which way the tower is? I really should walk with him to the gallows, I'm kind of his spiritual advisor, he just doesn't know it yet.” These were all relatively bad jokes but the queen started to giggle. She picked up a napkin trying to hide her giggles. This didn't work, pretty soon she was laughing, almost in tears. I took the opportunity for a standup routine, only I was sitting down eating chicken, or some other type of bird, it looked like chicken. I guess it could have been quail or pheasant, does it really matter? (Bird bird bird bird bird's the word, sorry I can't help myself, there's limited television here and he's on quite frequently.) In an earlier dream I'm in some type of art school at the last day of the semester. I want to hang an art project and I see a lobby made out of curtains that could be turned into quite an exhibit hall. I start moving the curtains and creating odd angles instead of rectangles. I then begin to visualize a series of Polaroid images and transforming the space into a type of environment, an artistic environment. Some people walk by, *(see censorship 1) XXXXXXXXXXXX. I need to go to the painting room to see if I can scrounge around and salvage any leftover paints. I go to the painting studio and the professors leaving with the last few students. The painting supplies are kept in a loft above the studio which expands and opens up into a very large area. I have to move tables and things to get up to the loft and find a bunch of paints, some labeled acrylic, etc. etc. etc. I decide I only want to take the primaries of blue red and green and their complements or counters yellow cyan and magenta with the odd black white and gray. My classic painting palette. I then get distracted with a bin of leftover stuff that students have left. A type of toybox. It has a lot of cool stuff in it and I believe my children are with me rummaging through it. I find something that looks like a radio and a few other things. Then some aristocratic people come in, some of which I don't know, and start rummaging through the things as well. They're dressed in very nice close. One sees the radio I have and asks for it. I'm amazed that he would have such audacity but I give it to him thinking he'll give it back, he doesn't, he keeps it. It's actually a rare European cell phone that's manufactured by Sony. It's worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars and he starts talking about all of its features. This makes me very angry. At some point in time, I bump into Susan K G, we say hello and all of the other stuff you say in awkward encounters. She doesn't know that I've enrolled in a summer class with another professor. This is going to make her angry, I'm very close to graduating; Susan is one of those professors that wants ‘all of you’ for herself. I haven't been to school in a long time. I do not know which school this is, it's not TWU. I still have the same professors, my art history professor is going to be concerned because he wants me to take a big art history class. I will in the fall but not this summer. Susan doesn't realize that I'm now unemployed and will be able to enroll in the big class with all of the graduate students. I haven't been in any of the classes in many years. These are just 2 of the dreams I had last night, I didn't sleep well and got up at around 330 and started working. I went back to bed at 5 and slept until now about 7:30 AM…___________ My ******************** violation [InPuthereX_Or BY YOU FUCKS!]: This is one of the things that made me get up so early and write this down, it's a plan for my defense. What got me up was this idea of ****************************************. The **************** - several ways. Easy ways –*******, –***********. Hard way -******** And of course you have ‘Voodoo.’ ********************************************************************************************This is pretty important I needed done before July 19. 4 Options: 4 Now EZ - 1. **********. - 2. ************* Harder - 3. ****************! Difficult! *************************************** Ernest Hemingway all over again. ***************************************************** My daughter and son are having health problems, some quite serious. On July 3, 2012, I was traveling southbound on I ** trying to get my son to his doctor’s appointment in Dallas that morning. I am presently in the midst of moving from Texas to Oklahoma and my children were staying with me, in Oklahoma, just across the red river. Simply put I was issued a speeding ticket on July 3, 2012. I believe I was issued this ticket not because of the speed of my vehicle, but because of who I am, what I believe and the opportunity for law enforcement to put a so-called feather in its cap or a trophy in its case. I'm speaking to the court to make a public record of the fact that I have been and am still, being targeted by law enforcement and other government agencies within the United States. The conservative movement that has swept through this land since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 is desperately trying to shut me up. The speeding ticket that is called me into this courtroom today was issued to me as a warning to watch my mouth and my artwork. Conservatives see me as a threat to their control on American society. Children are taught in our public school that they live in a free society but from time to time freedom often manifests itself in very peculiar ways. Some conservative’s do not embraced the idea of a public school system at all. Some fight to exclude valuable members of our community in an effort to oppress them. Society tells us that we have freedom of speech and religion but if someone starts speaking or worshiping in a manner society doesn't like, various branches of American government bend to curtail what is deemed as undesirable. Laws are written, the hand that executes the law his swift, and those that are chosen to interpret the law often serve a purpose outside of what I considered to be true freedom, the true pursuit of happiness and the opportunity for an individual to reach their full potential. In some regions of the United States it is very difficult for labor to organize, though it is understood that labor has the freedom to do so. Anyone that has ever been fortunate enough to read The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck or seen the **film with Henry Fonda by the same title has experienced a part of American history encapsulated by the so-called dustbowl days. This great work of American literature and cinema illuminates a time when American society did not embrace all of its freedom. Anyone who worships outside of the classical Protestant Christian model is at times persecuted. I can stand here, before this court, and tell you that I have seen conservatives persecute Catholics calling them devil worshipers. I have held in my hands actual propaganda criticizing the Catholic faith and calling into question the persecution of the Jews during World War II. I have taken vacations throughout the ******** [MIKE and CRAB < new code input @ MAD light] where it is written in history and even openly discussed in tourism about the persecution of people of the Jewish faith. These are religions that fall within the Judeo-Christian realm, if a belief falls outside of this sphere one can only imagine the persecution they must feel. The only proof I can give you is in my words, I can tell you stories of actual events but this will only be my word, there is little to no concrete evidence for the court to base a decision on my behalf. I am aware that this court requires hard evidence of which I have none. The only evidence I have is my story. Why profile me? I've been writing about this for years and neither the court nor I have the time necessary for me to explain everything. Here's a brief synopsis. At present I am being profiled by various aspects of a group of people identified as law enforcement and government security agencies. I grew accustomed to this persecution during the 8 year term of George W. Bush. I thought with the election of our current sitting Pres. Barack Obama, this time was finished and I would be free to chase my own pursuit of happiness and to reach for what ever potential I could acquire. I am an artist and I use my heart (ART) to illuminate aspects of history and culture. The so-called citation of July 3, 2012 is but one indicator that I am not free to pursue happiness or potential, despite my pleas for truth and fairness. In my writings I refer to what is happening to me as being a reenactment of ‘The Ernest Hemingway Principal’ deployed by the FBI and CIA. The Hemingway Principle at work, a type of FBI and CIA coerced murder! ***** Insert timeline here with a brief description of what they did to Mr. Hemingway. **** In 1991 I married a girl of my dreams, I met her at the University of Oklahoma around 1980 or 1981. I saw her as a perfect person, one with distinct flaws but with the type of flaws that accentuated her beauty. Unfortunately, she never looked my way. I left the United States after graduation and join the Peace Corps. We would meet again in 1991 shortly after my graduation from Texas Woman's University where I acquired a Masters degree in fine arts. After a whirlwind romance and 18 failed marriage proposals she finally relented and we were married in October of 1991. On the 2nd day of our honeymoon I realized that the flaws within her, which I had previously seen as attractive, were actually highly detrimental and later I would consider some of her attributes as dangerous. For now I will say that I believe that she unintentionally led to this persecution I have with the so-called arm of the law and the traffic citation of July 3, 2012. I must confess, at times I feel differently, but this will only make the story longer. --------------________ At present, I'm told that the story is over 7000 pages long, not that I have these pages, I don't, let me just say and 18% gray package was floated passed me the other day. The Hon. XYZ: “Excuse me, what does this have to do with your speeding ticket and reality. What in heavens name is an 18% gray package?” The victim: “It's a message I received from National Public Radio that was packaged in a fashion in keeping with the 18% gray code.” The Hon. XYZ: “Are you telling me that the liberal media has a hand in all of this mess your yapping about?” The victim: “Yes, if you believe in 18% gray coding, that's exactly what I'm saying.” The Hon. XYZ: “A enough of all of this! If the arm of the law did write this citation to shut you up, it's about time. How dare you insult the great state of Texas and the fine community of *[Star Lines]* with all of this rubbish! Furthermore, this court will not tolerate any insulting or inflammatory words concerning our greatest president of all time, Pres. Ronald Reagan and the great son of Texas Pres. George W. Bush. All you had to do was pay your fine and shut your mouth. I'm now going to hold you in contempt of court and fine you $1 million. Will see how much artwork you can do in the big house.” The victim: “Excuse me Your Honor I didn't mean to insult you or this court I was merely trying to argue my case. I would advise you to let me finish you are going to have some issues with voodoo sooner or later and it's best I give you a heads up.” The Hon. XYZ: “Voodoo, are you trying to bring in the devil to this Christian community, this court reconsiders your sentencing, Bailiff put that man in irons and send him to the death house.” [You'll have to excuse me I got tired of writing about the facts so I added a little bit of dialogue] The Nirvana sphere speaks, while chewing the carrot and in an distinct animated voice: “you know Dr. you could argue insanity I hear the foods better in the loony bin. Your definitely delusional if you think you said anything an accurate to this point.” [Back to the story, remind me not to do any more rereads!] ---------------______ For this I need to explain some aspects of my excursion with the Peace Corps and my time in the Caribbean. The late spring of 1982 in Norman Oklahoma I'm about to graduate with a bachelor of science degree in journalism with an emphasis in radio television and film. I say this because things began here, before graduating I applied for a job at the CIA. In truth I wasn't serious about getting a job with the CIA, I interviewed for the sheer experience of interviewing. I told the recruiter that I have always tried to be the very best person I can be and do the best work I can no matter what the endeavor or task. He informed me that he did not see anyplace for me in the agency at that time. The United States Peace Corps was also interviewing on campus, this interested me, and even if I wasn't offered a job I could still hone my interviewing techniques. When the recruiter saw my resume he couldn't believe it, at that time the US Peace Corps kept a separate binder for jobs they had that required, as they called it, unique skill sets. The pages in this binder were of a different color than the standard job descriptions the color a lewd me now but I know it's important. The job was for a graphical artist in Africa, as you look at the job description and my resume side-by-side it appeared that I had written my resume for this job. The recruiters said I was a shoe in. I was accepted into the US Peace Corps and given a packet of requirements, health and other documentation. I began to prepare for my trip to Africa. Then in July the government stopped communicating with me. When I would call the Peace Corps office in Washington DC no one could help me, my paperwork did not exist. Later, I believe it was August of 1982, I would receive a phone call from an office in Washington DC telling me that they had found my folder between 2 filing cabinets. If I still wanted to be in the United States Peace Corps I could apply for another job in another region, still yet undetermined. The economy in 1982 was much like the economy now. I had taken a job cleaning construction sites that paid less than minimum wage. I was glad to have the job and eventually became a bricklayer’s helper. The Peace Corps appeared to be offering me the opportunity to use my so-called special skill set that I had acquired in college. This intrigue me, I wanted the opportunity to use my knowledge for something other than building walls. Looking back, I’ve build more walls since the invention of the 18% gray code than I ever built with the bricklayers. Back to 1982: My paperwork was processed and I received airline tickets and instructions to fly to Miami for further training and interviewing. After that I was flown to Jamaica where I underwent further training in Caribbean culture and agriculture. I still did not know where I was going to be stationed or what my job was going to entail. On the last day of training in Jamaica I was told of a job opportunity in the information unit of the Ministry of agriculture with the Commonwealth of Dominica. In a very strange turnabout I was stationed on the Caribbean island of Dominica in the Western Antilles. Originally the Peace Corps had recruited me for a job in Africa, my paperwork mysteriously disappeared and resurfaced in the latter part of 1982. I suspected that there was something more behind losing my records between 2 filing cabinets. Ronald Reagan was in his 2nd year in office and he was changing the face of the Peace Corps, what the Peace Corps had been under Pres. Kennedy's original vision. Reagan saw the Peace Corps as a type of diplomatic arm of the United States government. Many people within the structure of the Peace Corps were disgruntled with this new direction and there were many defections within the Peace Corps administration. They flew us from Jamaica to Antigua where we had a ceremonial meeting. From their we flew to Barbados wear all of the Caribbean Peace Corps volunteers were gathered 2 welcome our arrival. Many volunteers were disgruntled saying that it was a waste of funds. The new conservative officials appointed by President Reagan had a different perspective entirely. We were diplomats after all! [This Peace Corps story is exhausting in and of itself. I haven't even stepped a single front on Dominica yet. It's just as well, the man is going to shut me down because that's what the people really want!] Other avenues if I dare! [What do you think?] The Nirvana sphere speaks, while chewing the carrot and in an distinct animated voice: “come on Doc, are you going to put that crap about me chewing my carrot in every introduction? You know, I'm not telling you what to do, but this sure isn't going to get you in the cup of coffee anytime soon. Just say’n!” The events at the University of Texas at Dallas. the 18% gray codebook, the stalking and provoking by the law enforcement arm of the government. The patriot act and its detrimental affect on freedom of speech and artistic expression. The trap, the bar conversation! Plainclothes law enforcement officers were at the bar at the trap this is why I need to address the time they were there if I tell the court. “Multiple state lookout” is what they told me at the bar. When was I there at the trap when did I live in Dallas when did I live by Justin and when did I leave. I need to timeline this and organize and sort it as I've said in many of my documents. This is all part of my defense. Other data concerning my TSA employment. At my TSA hiring, Tom had to leave the agency, which was under Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. It had to be moved because they were all in on it, the TSA became part of the Department of Agriculture. Timeline organize and layout! I could even go into SMU and the 50-yard line, the Boy Scouts. Dark Matter: - 4. Voodoo I need ********************* I need to know where ******************* ******************** both sides of the road ****************************************************** These are elements for a conjurer or casting. I need to rewrite Dominique voodoo in the story,***************. I was walking on the road with **************** a beautiful woman with very dark skin *******************taunting ************ he breaks my watch ************************* so voodoo begins. The voodoo changes over time and I incorporate God and voodoo into a conceptual dance. I made images around the movement of my last Conger I haven't” ********************* [NOW FOR - note, MAL f(x)] blackbox voodoo quote–quote the high Conger quote. White is not always what it appears to be symbolically, ************************************of the elements in the high Conger. ****************************to all kinds of fairytales and Shakespeare. I use the grinder to cut it up**************************************************************************** when I plugged it into the orange extension cable and it immediately powered on. Voodoo Media: I need the *************************************************************** ************************clip from NY **************************** concerning ******************************the ******************************************murdered him on the sidewalk. I need to review Dick Wolf and his production in police drama. This will in turn be incorporated in the United States military ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Shopping: ***************** flashlights. ********************** props. ********* LOTS *************** Computer work, get this up: ********** Lots ********* [Here I’ll leave this] Unify all dark matter ***************************************************************************************************************I need to read the manual carefully. Internet research: [ IR ] **********************************old one with the original boundaries. *************************the tribes ****************************. ************************ 8 1/2 and I need ************************** ****************************************************run and*****************. **None of Your Beezze wax******** Check iDisk. Passwords and IDs: **None of Your Beezze wax******** Real 2Dos: **None of Your Beezze wax******** a type of shooting studio. **None of Your Beezze wax******** tether. The job front: **None of Your Beezze wax******** *(Censorship): **None of Your Beezze wax******** So I applied. *************** ADD 100 - amazing I sometimes believe I'm operating for my own self interest. I wanted to add a little truth here and thought that I could reach back into another John Steinbeck novel that I've referred to frequently. You're saying I thought you were the keeper of the gate. We could code you up in any number of ways, I'm going to not insult the friends of SpongeBob SquarePants. And now I regret bringing up a wonderful hardware store. I'm to get to make an omission, but I've got in trouble with that for before. The real kicker is the location, quite a calculation Ofc. Turner. Patrick if you want to pursue a career in law enforcement I need to tell you that the manual is not always correct. Coworkers shouldn't will help your numbers, just ask the district attorney that is to say coworkers. It's all about the numbers and getting the stats right, for some this helps financing reelections. Mr. Turner don't find yourself on the wrong side statistics with an investigator reviewing the circumstances revolving around a forgotten crime. You might find yourself in some form of incarnation as a Chinese lady with a car that likes to talk a lot with the wrong license legs license plates. [Footnote to Jesus, I know she wasn't Chinese, please refer to a former set of instructions that guided me towards lying from time to time.] Patrick sometimes you find yourself in a place where you really don't know everything that's going on. Unfortunately this is something I've had to adapt to. In this given case however I have an alter ego that hopefully will offer you a torch. It's a Bible thing Mr. Turner, maybe you missed that Sunday's goalless maybe you missed that Sunday school lesson. By the Way, Jane I intended to omit your father's name and insert the filmmakers, a lot of people are irritating me now so please seem up correctly so please queue correctly. It would go something like this: “what about if there are three good tires and this bears good as well, what about two good tires and despair that will hold air, what about a can of fix-a-flat, a little more than half a can…… And so one. I was thinking about that as I was waiting to see if buttons we begin in a better mood. This only compounded the problems because I realized I'm the only one that believes in believes in that book. I'm assuming that's why Nirvana roles and town, then again what do I know. I didn't know I'm going to purchase a bottle of red wine, there's more than one way to get some satisfaction, Patrick. If you're lucky the years will add up but you will understand what I'm saying. Just be careful with the material in the reserve bag, sometimes that shit is invisible… Really we should all count our blessings after all I'm an alien and I'm really not in them to explain anything to anyone right now. Now you'll have to excuse me I've got to soil the vault! By the way I'll throw in a piece of art work here, if anyone had the opportunity to review unrevealed home movies this would have come up earlier. It's in the chapter concerning tool bags. You people been obese prior to seeing the truth…. You will be surprised when you see….

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