Thursday, July 12, 2012

SD 2

I had many dreams last night, most of them have dissolved, I recorded a fraction of a few, one sticks out. There's a great crowd and a lot of commotion everyone is at a market. This isn't the market where you buy produce not one in which you make investments in. The great commotion was about what this market had to offer in exchange for your soul. Draw a line. I-6
Now I've got to do something I don't want to. I got to give you a twisted piece of artwork, more than one in fact. I have to do this to make it letter perfect, to this regard my approach would be minimalism. You all are cheaters, this is a rare case where you're cheating is going to pay off. I find that very frustrating. So, we've got this thing. Yesterday I intended to do nothing except keep to myself. There are those around me that have a fascination with refuge, this frustrates me to no end. Trash is trash deal with it appropriately but put it in a line of sight not in keeping with my own. That's all I was doing yesterday, disposing of things I didn't want certain people to rummage around in, I could care less if you chose to soil your own hands. I had one more container to dispose of and I chose to do something not in keeping with my nature. It was a box that was basically spent, as I recall I put some things in the box to dispose of as well. Here I must confess to you, I did something inappropriate, I took the box and put it in a parking lot grocery cart. I had gathered the refuge and saw something that had been on the kitchen counter for probably a month or more. It was unopened but the side of it irritated me. I had no intention of signing this thing any symbolic attributes although by its nature it harbors these things. Now, I didn't intend to leave you anything but I had the opportunity to leave you something and I seized that opportunity. As I put the box in the shopping cart I saw the thing that had been on the kitchen counter. I pick the thing up and crushed it with dropping it into the box and the box into the shopping cart. I can't draw a line yet, I had done some housecleaning, the floors needed vacuuming, a plant had lost quite a few leaves making what was becoming a compost pile in one of the bedrooms. I move the plant and began to clean the floor and found a message. It's one of those vague types of statements that has universal appeal. I didn't put much stock in that but I kept the message anyway. It's on top of the dresser as I speak. Later I would see this thing that messages like this emanate from, therefore the cookie crumbles and I drive home still having no intention of telling you or giving you anything. Shortly after this the play it safe mode slaps me in the face, I dream this morning and now I must give you the material you must have. Now you can draw the line. 1-7
What's the best approach? Part of me wants to formally type it out on this page and part of me wants to say, to hell with it, here's a picture of it. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. Okay draw a big fat line here, I thought I would try doing a mix of each in the name of Charles Sheeler's memory. Sorry Charlie I guess I just couldn't hope the right fish. You see when I'm at full speed I'm very organized and I'm very neat. I can move and executed task with precision. I know virtually none of you have ever witnessed this but I'm telling you I can do it. Especially when it comes to artwork. This would be something I would call a fine art disaster. It's going to need a lot of explaining for me to sort it all out for you. I couldn't get the right camera and the right optics and angles. It's all a point of view, you understand. All you're supposed to see is what is in the trash bag, a series of bottles, caps for the bottles, a few odd labels, and instruction book, and something that's almost impossible to see a very small piece of plastic. The plastic is from a tool that architects and graphical artists use. I took this device and crudely reshaped it at least part of it anyway. This thing keeps its same basic shape but I dramatically change the scale. I really should go back and re-image that but as you'll see it's already quite a load. I don't feel like editing unity images. I want you to select it. You are not supposed to see any the other stuff that's not in the bag, I guess the camera malfunctioned, normally I'm pretty good from shooting at the hip but it appears that the camera kept bumping into my side and firing randomly. I'm merely trying to document the things I'm not going to allow you to have, because of your misbehavior. I want you to see what you're going to miss out on. Now, from memory, the small bottle I show you in detail is from a chemical called photo flow, I don't remember it's concentration. You have several bottles of film developer, the labels were important so I took the opportunity to show you the details that were significant. I also need to tell you that all of the bottles have been cleaned thoroughly. The truly appropriate thing to do would be to recycle them. I'm choosing not to do this because of my fear that rodents and [the word that denotes animals that eat old dead objects, often referring to birds such as vultures.] The thing wouldn't type the word so I created a long sentence. It's not like you read in the papers, the short story expanded to fill a large page it's more of a story that expands because of specific types of malfunctions. 1-8
Excuse me I had to load up another card. My goodness I'm already at 14 GB and I've still got another card to go. It would be different in the good old days, then I just release it to the public and you could run with it. Those days are gone, those were the good old days, gas was only $4 a gallon. Okay you've also got caps that is to say The Bottles Or Have I Already Said That. One label is very difficult to read, you would need forensics to identify it, I'm not going to explain it to you and I don't see your hands ever touching it. Good luck. We also have an envelope and part of another envelope and a series of manuals. So, here's what I'm saying, try to ignore everything in the images I release and only focus on the stuff on the mat. Specifically just the bottles and caps, try to ignore anything that accidentally brushed up against the mat or was thrown off to the side. I know is I look at these images I'm going to want to add more verbal details. For you people that like your meat rare you will be having you that today, I don't have the space and I don't have the throwdown time. Here at this site I can only give you edited details, I handful of images. I am going to move quite a few more in another place where none of you have permission to enter. So don't trouble yourself with all of that. And who knows what's up my sleeves, and lets you see the photographs, and to think I thought I could make a movie. I can't make a movie and even if I did no one would watch it. I think I'll just have a cup of coffee. I wish I had a doughnut. I can't make a movie but I can't drink a cup of coffee and I can't eat a donut. I can't count on you and I've put the entire realm of media on hold because what are they really good for.!.? Yes I verbalized the punctuation in that fashion. I should reread this, this is a pretty important document, but I'm the only one that cares about, so for me I'm not going to reread anything. This reminds me of a story I was going to tell you, I've been doing a lot of scientific experiments, and I was going to tell you a story about actual characters. You see Mr. and Mrs. King don't really exist and neither does the entire state of Maine. It's a propaganda ploy to manipulate the dynamics of the seafood market. Did you know that mobsters don't actually exist? It's a lot like that film where the guys yelling about something green. Only in the case of lobster it's actually a form of reconstituted star foam seasoned with the essential oils extracted from the used tires. Seriously. I've got a start sorting through the images and get this out before the editor calls me. Then I think I'll begin the test the launchpad to see how much info will move and where it ends up. Someone told me I could create a platform on Amazon, I believe they'll offer me 5 GB, but I'm concerned about who has access. I really need a public forum, IBM doesn't want that nor do the people who used to be hippies. You know it's funny I would say that. I-9

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