Thursday, July 12, 2012

Statement Day 1

I have no intention to take the easy way out of anything. You should not interpret this as following a path of great resistance but more along the lines of, what is precisely required. Draw a line here, my family has an expression, “the minimum deal.” Historically this relates to a retail experience we all had many years ago, probably more than 40 years. I say this because my approach here is the minimum deal provided that every basis touched as we circle the diamond. If you will grant me one more opportunity to repeat myself then I will seize that opportunity. There's not a single living soul that I know of that I trust or that I believe. Having said that, there are degrees of both trust and belief and no one is at 100%. I do trust myself and there is something else I trust completely. I've been given some friendly advice, from source that can be counted on. I'm going to follow that lead and give you the basics for understanding. Draw a line here, today is Wednesday, July 11, 2012, you need to find the person I gave a Sunday school class lecture to this past Sunday. There's some important information I told this person. Therefore you need to identify this person and ask this person what was said on this Sunday morning. It's very important. I'm going to repeat that, I had a series of dreams that Sunday morning and I experienced and an unusual event. It was a run with it, let it fly, or go code. I was in a semi-conscious state thinking about the dreams, some were highly sexually charged and others had to do with current events going on in my life right now. In wondering I was standing in a courtroom trying to explain something. It wasn't going well. I moved from the stream into semi consciousness realizing it was an accurate rendition. In this semi-conscious awareness I realized that that approach would be a poor one. I then slid back into unconsciousness and had the same dream my approach in the court room was quite different and so were the results. This led to more semi conscious thought which led to the event. I told the person Sunday morning that I had experienced something akin to a religious experience. I was given a go code, so the Sunday school lesson began. In this informal classroom I begin to explain certain dynamics within the Bible. Beginning with the 1st letter of the 1st of the 1st word and moving to the last letter of the last word. I was addressing a specific topic and I broke this topic down into the dynamics of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. In my closing arguments I made the statement, “where 2 or more are gathered…” That's when I accidentally knocked over my cup of coffee spilling it all over various electronic appendages of the current age. Anyway, you need that information. Draw a line here. On this Sunday I had planned to travel southward so I could be with a loved one. Certain things needed to be attended to before I made my journey southward. This took up a lot more time than I had anticipated. Precision played key factor in my delay, I thought to myself, “I'm going to make this one letter perfect.” You see, there's a lot of livestock in the corral. A person can live a happy, fruitful, and rewarding life never experiencing this type of go code pattern. I woke up very early Monday morning and began to sew the fabric of the sequence together. Precisely together, I still made a couple mistakes; these mistakes were not out of line in keeping with things native. Draw a line here. There are weeds on both sides of the fence, the ground is fully corrupted as far as the eye can see in any direction. This state of affairs is more than a little frustrating, so I adapt much to your detriment. I had hoped to address many issues, one pressing issue is this matter of voodoo. I have a unique understanding of this concept as well as many others. I can break it down biblically and even scientifically. I believe I could argue my case successfully whether my audience be the pope or Stephen Hawking's. Unfortunately the current state of evolution has had the effect of putting most of this in a holding pattern. As I've told you, my way or the highway. No matter which side of the bridge I stand I'm only offered sticks and stones when I ask for a simple piece of fish or bread. Draw a line here. Yesterday, Tuesday, July 10, 2012 I was so angry and frustrated I thought to hell with it - to hell with all of it and all of you. I had no intention on giving you anything, all I wanted was some time and space to myself. I had put all of you into the darkness and never wanted to see any of you again. Operating in the, play it safe mode, I reached for something to soothe my nerves. Lo and behold, the safe mode throws a fragment of the go code before my feet. At 1st I dismissed the pattern using the delusion of probability. There is such a thing as coincidence although that train of thought is losing a lot of weight. Here's the deal, you people are corrupt, I don't want my artwork or any of my work at your disposal. Yesterday I saw 2 options, burn the thing or follow the true appropriate path and ship the thing to the pyramid. Draw a line. I-1

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