Saturday, January 26, 2013

superglue aND russians can't write small novels i have no idea why it capitalizes some things blame it on austin texas and the bird girl


“B” already, yes already.

Some things do grow on trees. In the old days I would make a push and go back and modify it over and over again. Things are little different now. But this would be something related. And since were talking about related things let's talk about Austin Texas.

Texas you know I exited McDonald's thinking about the last girl I saw when I was teaching along the sleeve. That would be the University of Texas at Dallas just off of Campbell Road which is really in Richardson. Which gets back to the governor which gets back to this girl.

I taught a class and I was throwing out the code sequence because I had thrown out the breakdown which has to do with Tom Petty. Which has to do with rock 'n roll which has to do with code. So it's trying to pass the code to another set when I ran into problems with the FBI. Or homeland security. Which gets back to China and standing in front of a bank and Albertsons and he's scaring white flag. Or I could be standing in a line at target buying Star Wars toys. It's all code or as I try to explain it to the University of Texas at Dallas, the homeland security guy, its iconography, I even went to the camera and put my face right up to it, much like I did today at McDonald's.

You got a timeline there because I'm a father.

I better slow down. There are some parts of the puzzle you're missing am not sure I really have time to expand upon it. You got a bicycle and you've got a guy that rides a bicycle, he's a liar and he's a cheater. Then you got his former girlfriend, she's a bird. She's also assemble a very important symbol in fact she's one of the key symbols. So you got this girl that's a bird that's assemble best with the liar and cheater. Oddly enough she kind of turns in the Kelly Clarkson.

She was with the bicycle rider and left him, a lot of you people don't get the big picture. You can find a picture of the lying cheating bicycle rider running with the president only he's a former president not the one now. Okay the girl who's a bird realized she was with a liar and a cheater and left him. He chose to run with the Republicans, the presidents living and dead who supports Satan. Which is factually elevator in Highland Park.

I've never explained this last girl, they had some course work University of Texas at Dallas, the one in Richardson, and they were reading a book about justice. I know this because I spoke with one of the students at a soccer game. Anyway they were all wrong and eventually they would come to the airport. This last girl was performing a task that the group was assigned to do and that was to exit the art building dressed in black. That's what they had to do. They had to exit the building dressed in complete blackness.

You might want to stand back and study this whole dynamic.

There's a lot of things I haven't handed you and there's a lot of things you don't fully grasp.

Which gets back to Austin and the sisters. This gets back to handshake, she's a very attractive woman, she's attractive better photos which is what you expect she is attractive in her photos and that's what you expect. But in real life she's very attractive but she's not a shining beacon like she is in the photographs associated with her artwork. She's a performer, a musical artist, she has a sister and she's got issues with suicide.

I'm hesitant to use that word because so many people throw so many things my way and Kelly just put a knife in my back. Actually nice bit on my back for a while Kelly did it when she abandoned me. But there is no rest for the wicked.

Which gets backed a lot of artwork I'm not giving them. I've got to give you more information and I've got to give you more artwork and I've got find some way to make this thing type correctly because it's just not doing it. There's no reason to buy an upgrade because that's like Alec Baldwin.

Which is like righteous dollar bills and the thing I just photographed.

There are so many things I need to explain to you. Okay you got the lying bicycle rider you got the girl that's a bird the left him you got another girl goes to Austin and starts messing around with bad trouble. Best related to the film industry that would be related to the film industry. This gets back to a filmmaker that's now divorced.

This thing needs to behave. If you get one of his DVDs you'll see he actually does a cooking show buried within the DVDs footnotes. His wife left him because he's just like the bicycle rider. Which means the sister that went to Austin to be with his friend stepped out of line. But I'm a good guy and I'm going to give her second chance after all she is a sister. Which gets back to NPR.

You know little blizzard you're really misbehaving little lizard. Which gets back to NPR, they're exactly like Alec Baldwin and their like what I told you about Edward Weston which is about Edward and variations on Wisconsin. Which is something else I forgot and that is to do it relates to another person in California. In fact I actually have footage on this, if you look in the analyst you'll see I've actually got footage, he's an okay, he used to have a painting in Washington. He probably still does. It lost his wife with a pilot I think the pilot's name was Wiley Post.

They were flying over one of the polls which explains why I'm fascinated with and arctica.

With and arctica Antarctica the con. The con. We have several unusual continents one would be Australia and the other would be and arctica. It's just not going to type it correctly. It's the lizard. Which is making me lose track of things I need to explain.

You know what I don't need to explain this you can find the time California he was fascinated with the papers and he was fascinated with their plans. He was also fascinated with politics as well as airplanes if this thing would only type correctly. Which gets back to Wiley Post and Route 66 and another airport where they do a lot of testing of jet engines.

Which gets back to jet which gets back to England which gets back to everything.

So you got sisters, maybe Cheryl is a sister as well that is to say the bird girl. The one that realized she was dating a liar and cheater. You know you really are a lot alike Kelly Clarkson because you also put a knife in my back.

Let me explain something to you, especially you Western European people, it's my way and my way. Which explains some of my issues with the autobahn. You got to have road houses on the autobahn.

A man has to wet his whistle.

A man needs to look at some strange.

A man needs to make a poem.

And sometimes the thing works out the way it's supposed to.

And sometimes it's a sonnet or sometimes it's a song.

Sometimes it's our rafting river and then again it could be a dead father in a sinking house.

Anyway you put it it's artwork.

We could capitalize this and we could capitalize that but we still have an issue with Austin Texas.

I don't really have an issue with a little student who was dressed in total blackness. What I will say is the little student that exited the art building in total blackness could have an issue with some certain issues with the issue.

Which gets back to sunblock.

You know you New York City will not leave the stage. It's a lot like Pennsylvania.

I would say it's a lot like Delaware but the only thing I know about Delaware is on a piece of Kodachrome.

Which gets back to Paul which gets back to David which gets back to Gary which gets back to Indiana.

Now were back at the fifth Beatle. And that's okay because after all were making chain.

Stay away from elevators.

There's a lot more I'm supposed to tell you and you've got all of this artwork you're missing. Just because you see snow doesn't mean it's going to start raining. But the rains, calm.

The rain is going to come. That's Bob Dylan and it would be a hard rain and with that Canada which leads to the needle and the damage done. I got to explain us, not for Germany, they know what I'm talking about, but I've got explained for the Canadians, they don't know what I'm talking about, that's Neil Young. Neil Young, he's from Canada, he wrote a song called the needle and the damage is done. Trust me he did. Not that Canada is ever going to trust me they've proven that they won't. Which means are there any true sisters in Canada.

Believe it or not this goes straight to India. It goes straight to breast cancer.

Which gets back to the girl it's a bird that used to date the lying and cheating bicycle boy whose best friends with the former president. Which is Austin Texas.

Trust me this stuff is cohesive.

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