Thursday, January 31, 2013

All right I'll say here I'll give you a nod I wasn't going to watch but you did capture me congratulations don't get the big head

opps or oopa  oops all OK!


SC, 100 w Y, but big stick does travel PJ

You all have problems with the belief and I understand IT.

I'm the one that's not embracing logic.

I have an old hard drive that happens to be called Bigfoot and has TX all over it.

I did a little cleaning in the shop and I took some empty boxes outside and they're blowing around everywhere.

I just pick one up it's just a Western Digital blue. It's an empty box it's just some trash I was mean to dispose of.

The fact that I felt the need to protect 22 and destroy the drive is nothing but a delusion. The fact I was trying to kick some wind up is BS.

You know what God's not making this wind, it's Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. Will there is no God there's just Hollywood. That's what's doing it Hollywood.

There's no meaning in the scattered trash of a destroyed hard drive and a boy around boxes of Western Digital and Seagate..

I must be delusional to think that my life is actually perpetual symbolic metaphors.

That without my permission the spirits choose to use me as a data pipe area

. The fact that I say I smoke cigarettes as I said in Arizona as it was captured in the I smoke cigarettes because of a meaning. wiretap.

Now the dragons jumping all around. Period

Sometimes it's just me on autopilot. I just need something I don't want to make a big deal I just got women do it. That's when the spirit say will take care of it for you.

Sometimes I'm very precise.

Yesterday when I was choosing my belt I had to choose the correct one because I was in uniform.

I had to choose the black coach helped that was the proper attire for walking code.

You people don't really won't learn this.

I need to take it to somewhere that's going to listen and I'm pretty sure I've got an audience.

Strangely enough in Japan.

China is listening.

And I'm still under negotiations with a thing called a fracture between the demilitarized zone.

That's probably why I'm thinking so much about military issues and military strategy.

It's the flaw in calling something a DMZ. Let me tell you something flat out so you'll know the truth.

When you hear the term DNC meeting a demilitarized zone, it infers that there's no military units there.

By the way that the DMC. DMZ demilitarized zone.

It is like telling you whenever you see that acronym you need body armor. That means it's a supercharged military zone that's gone totally rogue and radical.

The military people will never tell you the truth. I'm not talking to the low soldier, I feel sorry for you, I'm talking to the generals. At one time there was a high degree of innocence within United States military. The innocence has flown out the window.

I've got to find the name for that city in Sweden. It's not in my atlas and I've drawn out the Atlas pin.

You guys simply will not heed the call.

I will give you the opportunity.

By the way I'm not alone.

By the way there's this thing called an escape hatch.

I can do some incredible arguing with the spirits.

I had a huge argument this morning between states of consciousness.

I'm not going to say they yielded but what I will say they gave me a lot of ground.

That's right the spiritual world everything and it gave me a lot of ground this morning.

I merely exercising.

They really do have an interest in what we do and we really do at times amused them and at times frustrate them.

I don't care what you believe used to good people.

Which gets back to garbage and rock 'n roll and a pattern that was thrown as I was moving down the highway only it's not a highway and turning left in the Tom Thumb.

You know I was doing all kinds of code.

Back then I had to smoke to do the code

. The problem now I'm looking at existing code. Is

It's a big deal.

We got into more than apply force

We need some electricity and we need a ZZ Top Carter forgot I do carbon retooling.

And I plan to retool some carbon.

I've got some special chemistry passcodes, I think I will win a prize for this one.


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