Friday, February 1, 2013

dictionary images

Hey Dragon you want to pick up the ball. I've rethought the entire structure of this, this stuff could disappear tomorrow, not what I want I run with instinct.

Unwilling to make this zone the image pool. I'm sorry, I've made some minor corrections in this document because you were 180° off top dead center. So why don't you get it right this time, you know this gets back to evil. Before I do a jump shift.

I would make this zone the image pool.

I also thought I need to explain evil to you. The evil of the hand of man goes by the name of Adobe. They're not the most evil but they are super evil. The title for most evil person or organization is a company called into it. A company called into it a company that used to make a program that Microsoft wanted to overtake with that kind troll program called money. Theirs was called Quicken, it was quick and buy into it.

Anyway for the record they are the most evil group of human beings would've ever walked the surface of the earth in my lifetime.

They did something and were all still suffering and paying the price for it. It's like inventing the nuclear bomb, you can't undo it once it's been done.

By the Way, Peter Norton, unfortunately you step onto the platform as well. You don't want to get me going your people because I round up the entire binary world and put you in a slimmer cell in the deepest darkest dungeon you can imagine.

That reminds me before I turn this thing off, if that's what I'm going to do, I never know, I really need to get some stands out. Some scans out.

You guys need some big picture data. I've got a lot of it I just can't get to it all.

Which gets back to anonymous. You know I haven't even started the anonymous lectures. You talk about lectures you talk about a classroom you talk about a degree, I can build an institution on anonymous.

By the way NPR you step up to the plate when it comes to anonymous. You didn't even know it.

Which gets back of voodoo.

Unfortunately tomorrow is a new day and unfortunately things can change.

So to the media and all the world is a stage, I mind my business and you mind your business, sometimes opportunity knocks and sometimes opportunity turned its back and walks away.

Don't get me wrong I still got all kinds of issues with all the information given to me from around October 10 through October 15.

But thankfully I've had several days and a bunch of new information that circled back around.

I've been through the problems are. You people need to look at your own problems, don't look at me, when I stop using tobacco, that is a very, very, very, bad thing! I explained it in the recorder in Arizona as the sky opened up.

Oh my God, I hope he doesn't want me to bring that material out because I don't want to. I don't think he does, I know what the rules are and they were rule breakers but I didn't break the rules. I was merely documenting things.

Which gets back to the fact there was no rock 'n roll music this morning. I woke up with no soundtrack. Very unusual. Man I'm making coffee and upcoming's you don't want him here and telling you this for a flat roof down I can just image in full. I can just image nothing in the pool.

Now it gets back to another evil entity which is been phoning, it's an 866 number. Filmmakers should I say the marketers of this product and I want to tell you something their super evil.

Did I tell you I have issues with commission salespeople. I believe I gave a lecture on that!

Did you know I have issue with banking insurance real estate and a bunch of other things as well. You think any of that perspective has softened or mellowed as time goes past 5?

As time goes passing by.

A nice enough, I'm not good at making corrections here.

It's a new day just around the corner.


You're going to have to reboot this bowl for you left the shelves. Where is Sally shall know how to spell shells.

Alright we working title, let's call it, heads up, high places, someone can see the light.

No, I'm not trying to make trouble for anyone, I'm just telling you there's a lot of snow on the slope and you might want to put your avalanche ears on.

Another thing, this is being written out of sequence and jumps around welcome to the world.

I'm not a negative guy, I just say a lot of negative things, I just don't want she get in trouble. I'm trying to make trouble I'm trying to stop trouble. There's an easy way to stop trouble. There's an easy way for you to acquire immunity. But tomorrow the easy way changes!

Tomorrow is just tomorrow but tomorrow has been given a name.

Once again, you're going to see this repeated later on, you people think I'm making this up, if only we were so lucky.

Class, the professor is throwing down some high keycode. He's also addressing certain dynamics with time. He's got all kinds of lectures he simply can't get to.

Be very careful, I would recommend particular eyewear, flame retardant suits and gloves, and maybe a Geiger counter.

You would call the below, random note keeping concerning juggling:

To be keyed up, high tea Loki high-key and low-key.

High-key; High-keyed; Low-key; Low-keyed



Author - insert images here, protect Will Robinson!

We enter the land of cheese I'm not going to correct that. Hell maybe that's a better name for it to begin with.

Audience, there is still a lot of stuff I haven't explained. You've always known IT was here for a limited time, by now you should be for Miller with limits in abilities as well. And no I did not put the former mayor of Dallas there, I think that's her name yes that is her name. Anyway she's come up lately to, concerning lightning strikes and jumping through dimensions. You're going to have to amuse yourself with these little snippets.

Also I need to say something about last night, it appears I've been given a notice call. I'm not sure, I don’t feel uncomfortable with what's here, I think it's got something to do with ‘Lightning Rod.’

So I wake up, ‘what could be up in the sky with that Little Lightning Rod,’ is there anything I've bumped into.

Low and Behold!

I'm assuming that Saturday Night Live is going be a rerun, look carefully and sift through the sawdust.

You guys really don't see the bigger picture.

I'll tell you, I bumped into some so-called high keycode, I don't know the type that right because come to find out I'm not sure anything is really a word in my vocabulary. Although I did go to the dictionary today.

That reminds me I'm omitting all the dictionary pages, I'm not doing it on purpose I'm doing it because all the data is piling up. You guys really need a lot of this information and now I'm on some kind of notice to pull card.

I don't want to do it because I spent a lot of time here and I've got a bunch of material to fill in the gaps with.

It's currently under negotiation.

But… To prepare you, but I must say, just in case, so you can prepare, it might be a major type of notification. You'll just have to figure that out.

Okay when we do now, I'm going go ahead with the way I stumbled upon it here and then I'm going to put the dictionary stuff at the end.

My goodness I got more dictionary stuff than you can shake a stick at, this is just a fragment, a subatomic particle.

This gets back to discussions of his can have with all of those people names Steve.

And today all the Bills walked in.  They were everywhere.

As well as the yacht George as well as the odd George.

Feed the things images here.

Readers note, I destroyed folder {W Code_XXX} some time ago.

IT would appear that I need to reconstruct some of pointed information. ITs like pulling things out of Edgar Allen Poe's poetry.

[Has anyone ever seen the movie “ITs Alive.”  I'm pretty sure that's the name of it. Here's something you might not know about that film, I saw it at a theater, I was not alone, and so I met a Chinese man named Confucius. It was an odd turn of events.]

*Back to the story:

Originally this folder had a sidebar, denoting the tribe of Satan. Later Satan would complain, (justly so - I might add), so I changed the footnote.

Excuse me I've got to explain something else, I've discovered, just a few moments ago, that I'm misusing the so-called English language. Apparently I'm using words that don't exist because they're not in anyone's dictionary. I just use the word sidebar because I wanted it to mean something.

It's important you not get confused so I'm going to go to the trouble and look it up and down.

            Insert image:

Oh yes that is exactly what I wanted it to mean!

Here's the current definition as it will be used during the lightning rod experience.

Folder W Code_XXX (*&^%$#$+_*&) > n. 1. A name given to a binary folder holding information concerning the research and development on the art of illuminating Dark Matter.  Originally believed to be developed by Dr. X, at present great speculation abounds, with some believing it's nothing more than an imaginary blip on the radar.

Archaeologists, surveying the remnants of Dr. X’s remaining fragments have found the following description:

‘demonic tribe composed predominantly by stinging insects, with some exceptional caveats. This is not a spiritual organization or a spiritual group and has no ties with direct links to heaven or hell.  It is simply a type of brand that indicates death, distraction, deconstruction, and the annihilation of society. 
Things housed within this folder include; modern cannibals, wacky economics, perverted gold rules, a lot of girls, a lot of guns, a lot of misunderstanding, and well I could go on and on…’

[All right let's stop for a 2nd, I'm changing people here at one moment I'm talking first-person and at another moment I'm talking as though I were some dead Chinese philosopher. I'm fully aware of that, if something called style. You know you need to keep up with my dictionary.]

            ITs possible someone might think I'm making this up.

I wouldn't call this concrete but I do believe that Yogi and boo-boo can find a picnic basket.

Sawdust and time

Insert timeline data.

All right there is some more weighted material if we move to gravity. It's about explaining to you logically without using any religion or any philosophy that conceptual principles behind good and evil. And how good and evil exist without religion or without philosophy. I can prove this at a hammer time speed.

Essentially what I'm saying, because you need to be aware of the big-time events, you can have evil that has nothing whatsoever to do with Satan or anything demonic.

You can have true and complete Christ like goodness without believing in Christ.

This may make some of you angry, but it's true.

Which gets back to the problems I was having yesterday, I just can't lie.

Sure I can make jokes and light. But tomorrow is a new day. And I have no idea what lightning rod means.

You guys think I'm making this stuff up, if we were all lucky!

Insert dictionary images.

Start some music to distract you so you won't add anything else here.

Right now keep everything in timeout.

By the way, just so you'll know, someone somewhere is going to piece this together, people there's a shark in the Tank, believe me, it's a man either! You could call the lien, if you want to play in the jungle, let's try that again, you could call it a lie and if you want to play in the jungle.

No that's not right. Okay let's use a musical equation, the lion sleeps tonight.

Bingo there you got it.

Which gets back to Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin, and some annexed writ statements within the media, as well as, banjos and small man. And yes I think you should blame yourself.

You underestimate Bullwinkle.

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