The thing will not stop dancing, I picked up a paintbrush
and created a unique foresighted mirror, that is to say I aligned for mirrors.
I aligned the number 4 in terms of how many mirrors there were.
I put the paint brush in the center and began to manipulate
the mirrors to capture the correct image into the brush.
That sounds easy until you apply the thing. I was very
surprised at how difficult it was turning out to be. I started to get close I
could make the brush Sure what I wanted to be revealed in one or 2 of the
mirror reflections.
I was trying to create a spitting image that could work
in multiple dimensions.
I always reach for the higher point or should I say
playing. Or should I say playing.
Okay it's not playing itself flat plain whatever all am
starting to get angry and irritated.
Okay Satan walks into the room. Satan used a vehicle
called telephone line, do you want me to like this views, did you see Pikachu
on the ledge with a string. Did you realized that part of that was a fuse.
You need to limit your staging and when the artist
becomes a painter Stanback. Steinbeck stand back who's got your back.
All right I'm trying to clean messes up. I wake up this
morning and realize I have a commitment to Germany. It's a multi-complex type
of commitment. 1st I have to teach them a lesson, I have to craft a piece of
code that has multiple edges. Very sharp edges. I then need to give them this
multiple edged tool, and I would always warn them, only this time I wouldn't
reinforce it, and then I watch them cut themselves.
I would not allow anything serious to happen, hopefully
it would only be Band-Aids and a little Neosporin.
Maybe if yet one of the aggressiveness one of the
aggressive ones, I understand that German dentists are quite aggressive, a German
psychologist told me that, she had quite a little run-in in Barbados. I
actually think, dare I say, you know what I'm dealing with a multiple edged
weapon, the dentist was married and on vacation with her no. I didn't say that
You know what, I think the dentist needs to be slammed, I
think the dentist wife needs to know, and I think that this psychologist needs
to be defended. But I choose to take a higher road because I'm pretty sure the
psychological aspects of this have been exposed.
You know I protect people I care about and I protect
innocent people uniquely she is someone I care about and she is innocent.
That gets back to boo-boos picnic table and that's an
entirely different lecture.
I made a movie, just a movie without little hand-held
Kodak moment.
In the movie I'm cleaning the house up and I realize I
have 2 clover fields and to watch the movie called suicide Kings.
You know what I have to do part of the movie. I was going
to do this with photos but I have to do with the movie. At least a small clip.
The problem is it's at 1080.
Okay it's a chain of events, they cut off a finger,
coincidence, okay I got a stop.
___Drag Drop and Down
Kodak unit 2 DOWN 4 count
Have notes - TX OK
YES!!! WAY!!!!!
Gr. U nEd2Lis COmit IheldAT EV hand
So MOVE EV – Rethink ISO!
Fig Y X T
X remem
FOOTWARE – Jesus – Code Head X TALK!
Dallas mate!!!
Phone call!!!! HFM
Drag down
![]() |
CLine1 |
Line – Demi State: C Line is 2X
![]() |
CLine2 |
The command line had been given in semi consciousness,
this line is a call to action or a simple understanding that it's time to get
out of bed and follow the script.
I had some dreams, last night or early this morning
streams concerned my job at higher academics and counseling. In the dream I
meet someone who knew me when I was an undergraduate at the University of
He brought something up, my need to help people
understand, it was assumed I was a Republican, I set him straight. This was
occurring in what would be called the now.
It's as though I were to drive to Norman, with some type
of business, I don't recall what, and I would meet this person that would say
to me are you Jeff? I knew you when.
Anyway my actions were much like the actions I've taken
them another event that occurred in Norman when I was still an undergraduate.
This had to do with some widely wily fundamental Christians and
misinterpretations of what the spirit and calling of Christ is.
Anyway that's not the command line.
I remember leaving that and then going into paintings of
the West or should I say cowboy paintings, that's easier for you to follow.
Undated about vocabulary and I'm thinking about rounding
things up.
All right, that is a command line, it's also code, it
also can have a definition, I want you to work on your definition of it,
“rounding things up” and the other side of the coin “rounding things down.”
Here my unconscious state moved into geometry and I
watched the wagon train make a circle. I drew an arrow and set it ablaze
releasing it in a long arc.
This is when command line to came in to existence.
Will Germany understand the things I was unable to
explain to them? Well Europe? Will the world? Heaven only knows no one here
could understand or follow it.
Commandline: “drive the point home”
Action: “get up
right this minute write this down, push, and lightly touch on the things you
couldn't accomplish concerning yesterday's command line.”
Yesterday's command line, much more complex and much more
difficult to describe using words. But I promise the TSA would use my words and
believe me the TSA is on Yogi and boo-boo's picnic table.
As well as the rain. The rain. The rain on your finger.
This gets back to things I couldn't quite complete the
day before that.
The actual day of the picnic table, I had to split the
information between 2 boxes and was getting lost between the 2 data fields.
That's when I realized, and yesterday it even drove its
point home, Jeff, you have to wire Atlas.
I haven't touched Atlas since the great corruption of
August 2012. Perhaps it was July, hell it could have been June. I just
understood that that Atlas data field had been corrupted and that the little
demons were out and about. That's when we run to October 2012.
I still haven't told you command line one which refers to
It has to do with ping-pong, television commercials, the
Super Bowl, playing ping-pong with explosive spheres, why you need to be
careful when you're handling sharp objects!
In other words I was to, as the code line says in
semi-consciousness, “BPM at their own game beat them at their own game, make
the 1st strike,” the feelings nothing more than feelings - trying to forget
these feelings –
of love”
I doubt if Europe or any other place in the world was
going to fully understand that particular item on the dance card.
Let me break down the commandline one that was supposed
to be applied as of February 3, 2013, before the Super Bowl.
I was to make no less than 2 television commercials and
post them.
That's a lot of work, but the unconsciousness had already
made the script.
I had another problem on this Sunday, I felt like I was
swimming in a sea of debris.
I kept losing my camera and I kept losing my place, you
know I have to work in a clean environment and the environment has to be
structured and ordered in a certain way. My way!
I realize there was no way I was ever going to get to
yesterday's commandline. And that's when the brain said, it's really okay
because you've already done one commercial in the film you were never able to
Just go back to the unfinished film and cut out the 1st
commercial and then showed Germany why they're playing with fire, then see if
you can get Angelina Jolie to help you with your wig.
You people may think I'm kidding, your people may think
this is a joke, don't get me wrong it does have some moments and sometimes I do
chuckle. And there is a spirit of humor in all of this.
Then again you got rope, lassos, things that bind,
branding irons, wild horses, flaming arrows, hairspray, the multidimensional picnic
table, a handful of broken or malfunctioning timepieces.
And the big one, it's all true and I can prove it.
I doubt if I'll ever be able to get to the proof, as the
day goes on I give up on commandline one. I just have to get rid or should I
say reorganize all of the debris drifting with me.
I'm trying to organize my movie collection. My movie
collection is magic.
I realize I have 2 copies of Cloverfield and 2 copies of
suicide case. Suicide Kings.
I'm not going to keep duplicates, I'm going to fit in
this thing down. I look at the thing, starting Cloverfield, pick the best one
and decide to dispose of the previous one or the duplicate. I can do it in a
number of ways.
Then I look at suicide Kings I have 2 copies, I like the
jacket on one better than the other but what's important is the condition of
what my conditions in.
So I examined the 2 DVDs. They are both in very poor
condition, highly scratched.
This means I'm going to have to play one and keep the one
I know that place. I know that place. I need to keep the one that will perform
in the device when you hit the word go which is actually the play button.
I picked one, I put it in the DVD player/blue Ray player.
I turned the TV on. Now I need to explain something to you precisely and you
need to take me at my word.
I was for sure I had seen this movie, and come to find
out I have, I could not remember anything about the movie whatsoever. When it
started I began to think I had seen the film. In fact I wasn't sure I'd seen
the film and kill the final scene on the boat when Mr. footwear kills the 2
lovers. That's when I realized I have seen this film. Other than that I had no
recollection of it. None.
It's just as well, the film didn't mean anything until
yesterday that is to say Super Bowl day.
Okay I need the LOC this down and I'm going to have to
explain something else.
In my head we have a number of things going on, we've got
that 70s experience, we have a missionary who would always go over to Jerry's
house, I'm pretty sure she was on a surfboard that cracked, you've got friends,
you've got Jesus will return with manly footwear. That is what I would call a
catalyst, I keep surveying life and thinking, I'll make geometry, without
question, when Jesus returns wearing manly footwear, they're going to be
excited and I'm going to be thinking, that's a completely different kind of
Calvert Calgary…
In this returning sequence Jesus restocks my arrows.
Something completely different from the perspective of a circle wagons.
Now back to the movie and yesterday's feature.
I did not think that the film suicide Kings was very
good, now I say that in memory, I saw that I had 2 films and I didn't want to
watch the films because I thought they were poor. I couldn't remember them I
just assumed that my assumption of the condition my conditions in was correct.
Why not have some background noise, I'll just start the
film up, washed dishes, sweep the floors, cleaning the toilets, and it will
just run in the background. After all, I'm playing the film, not to watch it,
but to see if it will play. If it plays, I'll keep this copy if it doesn't play
up with the other one in and let it be background noise.
This was working perfectly. Until you hit one through 7
Okay, this is an unusual cast of characters, that's old
Christine's husband, that's amazing, Christine has been in processing, trapped
in a never ending loop as of late.
Then they chopped off his finger with a ring. People I've
written a document about that I would say about 3000 865 million documents.
I'm tempted to pick up a magic brush and image and post.
I say no, this is a coincidence. Things like this happen again and again until
we reach the actual footwear line.
That's when I say, I can ignore this one I've simply got
to image the thing and get this information out.
I make a futile attempt at imaging and say screw it. I'm
having problems with different boxes and one of my Kodak cameras devours
Though have to call in the medics on this one or take the
that thing apart and cannibalize it. You know codec it's not a bad little
machine you have a small flaw in a small metal clip inside the housing of the
camera that prevents the memory card from entering the body of the camera.
It's a defect from design and manufacturing.
This movie, turns into a type of machine gun, although
it's not really a machine gun it's incredibly poignant encoded little piece of
With so much code, especially the code dance around the
picnic table, I just have to tell you, you're going to have to reread this
little movie. You basically got a watch the same from 0 to see to see. To the
I haven't even gotten to the commentary.
So I look at this thing and I realize, they've even
thrown Dallas and this, and Dallas is the one holding the saw chopping fingers
off. This is interesting indeed, I knew there was good to be trouble in mass
Interesting, very interest I need toing,
Can we work together?
I'm talking to the machine, I need to make coffee so I
get up and I realize I've got to mention this that and the next thing.
It ends up that the movie is not background noise, but
trying to address this is very difficult. I'm trying to explain it to you. As I
told you I threw in the towel.
I'm still working and still trying to pick things up
after the feature films over. When I pick up this film called suicide girls.
I think, I can use it for background noise, now this one
I've never seen, is still in its original packaging as of last night. I knew
then nothing of this what so ever. I could not see a rating and I had no idea
what it was. I mean I was clueless. I have no idea why I even pick the thing
I do now, it's a mall to make it is a multidimensional
It's a little more complicated than you think.
This little, realistically speaking, poorly constructed
bit of entertainment, begins to jump on Yogi and boo-boo's picnic table. And
there they are. Some of God's instructions that I refused to take heed to.
Basically goes like this, which means fundamentalism is can
walk out the door, “Jeffrey, I need you to make some permanent marks on your
body that symbolize what you know I need you to shape. When you look at your
hands my child I want you to see the symbols I want you to craft. So that each
time you look at your hand you will remember what you know to be true in your
heart, what I have revealed.”
That's kind of the Looper, God telling me essentially to
go get a tattoo.
Don't get me wrong, it's not your ordinary tattoo because
it's not exactly ordinary language. It's not for jewelry it's for something
completely different. And I can use invisible ink.
I'm not going to use invisible ink because that gets a
little too close to certain dynamics associated in revelations.
Anyway, it's October, and I do not do the tattoo.
I then began experiencing bites from highly venomous
creatures. More than one. This morning I'm suffering from one of those wounds.
I was bit by a highly venomous creature on my flesh by my heart. It made a
circle about the size of an old liberty silver dollar.
I bring this up because it still itches. It's been
itching all morning and I'm scratching it right now while writing this. You
can't really see the wounded more, it's finally healed, but it still itches all
the time. Especially when the tattoo calling comes.
Which gets back to getting your wig on straight, going to
a rock show, watching television, Ken Yogi and boo-boo really eat the entire
picnic basket, and now we've got this very unusual pack of suicide girls that
is right in the middle of the picnic table code and they don't even know it.
This thing was made long before I assembled the picnic
table. Okay let's stop, the picnic table itself was assembled before the girls
were even born. The assemblage around the picnic table was done on February 1
or 2nd. I can't believe I can't put my finger on that point.
The problem is I'm swimming in a lot of debris. Not
exactly treading water but kind of like treading water, and we've got sharks
and we've got the fact that I don't want to be bit by anymore venomous
creatures so it's time to ink up. Sooner or later.
I turned the suicide girls off, in truth I was writing
while it was playing and wasn't really watching it. That's when the spirit of
the film got irritated at me and began to speak directly to me, from the media
to me as I was trying to type in work on these boxes. The young lady said I
used to be an Olympic swimmer I swam all the time, funny I didn't think about
it until just now.
I just written the words swim. And of course before that
we have a girl that wanted to be in the Yankees, the baseball team, so I got
handed to them, I can't ignore them they simply will not leave the park.
So here we go girls I'm assuming you're the cruets in the
stands you are the crew that are in the stands when I reenter the diamond!
You got it dude your way out, sometimes you're in the box
and other times you're on the mound another time during the field. Sometimes
you're on the bench.
I got a call on the way SCM. I got to call them the way I
see them.
I want to use Monty Python's and St. now for something
completely different. Unfortunately it's not completely different it's just
another topic that said hi, wherein the film to, and you know you're going Do
this because you're going to have to make a couple of commercials. Or shall we
say spots.
It works this way, I have to put a wig on and do
something incredibly stupid. I don't want to do it but I feel I have to do it.
And if I'm going to do it I need to try to enjoy it. After all the power and
effectiveness of the performance has to do with my ability to project sarcasm.
I have to try to be funny and I have to try to be silly and I have to try to be
stupid to drive a certain point home.
But I have to put on a wig and it's looking like I may even
become a vampire.
Once again it looks like I'm joking and it looks like I'm
speaking in some coded language, guess what.
Though Miller did a 2nd look at a mirror from would look
in a mirror I really need a hairstylist and makeup artist.
One is created and rendered unto me.
“To the best of your abilities…”
A look at the thing I look at that thing, all right I
could make that work, I'm going to have to do this this and this. I'm doing a
series of pre-visualizations. How is this going to be rendered visually and how
is this going to play across the spectrum.
Thinking, to perform this task I must do this to help the
artist I need to show her how to do this and she needs to do this and I need to
let her do that.
I run the thing through my head, realize it work, and no
it's going to take a lot of work that is to say I understand it's going to take
a lot of work.
I'm looking at the thing and the makeup artist starts
acquiring a tattoo. It begins at her left wrist and begins winding its way up
her arm, it's a simple tattoo using simple black ink of a serpent.
I'm pretty visualizing the makeup artist doing my hair
and face as this tattoo begins to appear on her body. And I realize I can
actually make this happen cinematically.
Then I understand what's going on. I've got a problem
with worldwide pants.
You would think that would be enough but the worldwide
pants issue starts turning into variations upon bowling balls on the golf
I was cleaning house, I was disposing of things that were
in the way and had little to no value. Sometimes I'm having to dispose of
things that do have value, for instance I'd picked up a lot of trash when I was
in California, I mean literally, you would call it trash, it was coded 18% gray
data. It was high code. I was going to use it to explain to you about how field
code and operations work. I burned it, that was tragic. On the other hand I
burned some things that need to be disposed of.
I made a book called the thief, a handmade book that has
magical properties. It's made on the type of Kodak paper that can be printed on
an folded without breaking its emulsion. I believe the finish of this paper is
called a that is the A I believe the paper has and a finish.
This gets back to the problems with American capitalism
and why American capitalism is fundamentally doomed. It's not the bottom line.
Which gets back to art theory and fine art and art
history itself which gets back to the fact that you people do not understand
the fine art timeline.
Anyway I burned some artwork, it's kind of a Russian type
of self-defense, I don't feel bad about it all, and I think let's do what the
Russians would do.
This was a numbered edition I'd pulled out addition
number 11 of the thief and I retained, accidentally, it's housing. It's simply a
zip lock bag with the number 11 written with a sharpie marker on the corner.
There's a picture of this somewhere and I still have the thing itself.
So I decide I'm going to give the artwork away. I'm going
to give the artwork to Walmart, to a gallery they have in Arkansas. I'm
bringing a point home, kind of driving a stake!
I go to the fireplace, and begin to recover the ashes of
the artwork formally known as the thief. I'm putting it in the Ziploc bag that
housed the actual book that is to say edition number 11.
This is when I discover not everything burned. You know
when I create a fire to consume something and things don't get consumed after
the fire dies. I pay attention. Those objects are given respect, in a primitive
laboratory their fireproof. If you need to make fireproof footwear, gloves, or
a suit, you go to the things you pull out of the ashes that survived.
Okay, getting get this to Walmart. And then we got to
this other set of ashes that has magical properties that gets back to Mary
Ellen Mark. Which gets back to swimwear which gets back to Washington DC which
gets back to France which gets back to falling in love which gets back to the
picnic table. I've just made a circle and were now back at the picnic table.
You got to start with Mary Ellen Mark you got her start
with her swimwear you go to study her life and you better study the dynamics
around her you'll create kind of an orbit. As you're traveling this orbit
you'll intersect other orbiting objects in different orbits because sometimes
orbits intersect. When this happens you can jump into another orbit for another
This is all true and this is all factual. It's also
philosophical because one of the people who crosses Mary Ellen Mark's orbit is
a very odd philosopher and historian. This is all true and all of very unusual
Now you got to look at him and then when you look at hand
yet is stand back and get inside his orbit.
When you do that you are at the major turning key on the
picnic table.
Alright we've got this piece of artwork that needs to go
to Walmart, and I just need to give it to them only I can give it to them, who
can I trust?. Then I got this other baggie full of ashes that it has voodoo.
And there's Mary Ellen Mark. And there's little Ms. Rolling Stone girl, and
over there is the other girl who was in bed with the French filmmaker, no, not
Jane Fonda, that little girl is untitled.
My goodness, you girls won't leave me alone will you.
Which gets back to who can I trust.
It was on the film, it was on the film before I started
the film. I was looking at the floor gathering things up and there was
worldwide pants. Here I'm talking about a comedian named Ray Romano, and lo and
behold Ray Romano is a photographer, and lo and behold he's having an affair
with a beautiful woman. He's doing this on television I'm assuming he's a
straight up guy. I wouldn't know.
Anyway it's like a glass menagerie, everybody's there,
then I start the suicide Kings and there is worldwide pants and race brother.
Ray's brother.
That's when I realize why the tattoo is on the hair
stylist person and the makeup artist.
It's Craig Ferguson's wife! She's not the makeup artist,
she's the courier, I've cracked her book and I know what's in her orbit. She
has all of the understanding inches all of the credentials to carry the ashes
of the beauty that could have been held. She has the ability to carry the ashes
that can haunt.
I can even trust or. I can even trust her. I have never
met this woman, I have never heard her speak, I know very little about her at
all. I just know that she has the ability to understand certain things within
the fine art world. And she has the ability to carry things and have them
recognized for what they are in different locations around the planet. In fact
she's got quite a few planetary skills whether or not she knows it.
And her husband is afraid to put on a wig. But I really
don't want him to help me with my makeup.
In fact I'm still irritated worldwide pants which
explains why footwear did what footwear did concerning the band of brothers.
It's like Jesus coming to town in manly footwear.
Legend John Lennon I have a lot of art work that supports
this. I have a lot of artwork that supports this. Ladies and gentlemen.
Let's see if I can construct that sentence correctly?
Ladies and gentlemen artwork to follow the jibber jabber.
X Marks 0 1 at P13!
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Bacon footwear |
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