Saturday, September 5, 2015

I understand I can fuel the cartoon characters concern

I see dead celebrities as well.

Jimi Hendrix told me, earlier today, Thanksgiving is approaching.

I wouldn't spell Jimmy that way as well, but talking to the Dragon is like talking to a girl with a lot of tattoos. When they say it's only skin deep they're talking about substance.

Which explains why Google is not posting the material that will save the universe.

I could explain this and even make a movie and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I'm going to do, I have to go to the toy store first.

Which leads to the issues and problems associated with the disappearance of puppeteers.

That story is very complicated indeed!

What I've got to address now is the evil within the state of Texas and with capitalism itself and why Google doesn't want me to save the universe.

Sadly, for Texas, this has to do with people in wheelchairs and evil dynamics of wearing stars or other types of things associated with that because some things aren't stars it's more of a type of brand they can be removed from clothing or put in a billfold.

It's a strange thing really, you have heaven and you have hell and you have this other thing that I called the hand of man. This is where things become complicated, when you throw into the mix the power of Google, Microsoft, Apple, and the nature of capitalism itself and then you mix it up a little advertising all of a sudden the hand of man and Lucifer himself become one and the same.

This gets back to another very pressing story that I need to tell you, I would say there's more than a boatload, this has to do with the things associated with clothing and the fact I need to take a pair of pants back because it's got one of those things attached to it. The thing that keeps you from walking out the door although I walked out the door with the thing so on.

That's because of the problems associated with pants and why David Letterman is trying to kill me.

I would say it's a Texas thing but it appears to be possibly global in scope and nature.

And all I wanted to do was to keep the Arizona senator from burning up in the library!

You can have Billy Mays and you can have Billy Spear that would be Billy's beer or we could call it Britney Spears I can have a beer but Britney will only sit next to me at the bar!

You guys think I'm joking, she doesn't! She knows exactly what I'm talking about!

And what did that cost you Britney? More than you can imagine and you know what was a lot.

You see Ms. Spears I'm more than a communications portal with the spiritual world, the spirits actually like me, all of them, heaven and hell included. It's this hand of man component that I can't quite get a grip on.

Now I have several visual components a few of which I have successfully delivered the big boys however are trapped because Google won't lead to move about the world. It's got something to do with capitalism and we can't let freedom ride because then we wouldn't be able to make a buck.

You would think that would be dear to them but they tend to ride evil ponies...

I need to give you some more big stuff but I've got to get the scanner to work and I can't seem to get it to function with my boxes.

I need to step out but you need to see these images and no and understand grid understand the grid and know it.

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