Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I'm pretty sure it was yesterday's frustration that led to Disney I thought I had the actual files

I think I may have the actual files but I don't know where they are once again the so-called programs trying to put things away for me.

For what it's worth of this ties in some original imagery or should I say original artwork rescues and the issues of yesterday as well as public television.

One things for sure this is definitely a left-handed bitch slap!


I know these next images appear to be somewhat of an overkill but be patient with me, and anyone trying to keep score this is the folder I really had to focus the metadata messaging to although addressed it in all of the folders.

Donald Trump is training with women I believe I recorded that it's on the set could go live but it's recording so we would go rewind and he would see Jeff standing outside the American airlines center.

Everybody gets to have a little fun...

That reminds me I'm supposed to go back and add some commentary to the family affair.

But I only have one more phone one more folder....

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