RLD CodingUnit research Lotus Development that would be lots about development that would be research labs loves development… It’s hard to believe that I found my microphone and I’m now using voice recognition and it looks like my hand did a better job than the Dragon. So much of what you’re going to read below here came from my hand.
This is also an example of another backfiring shortcut or shorthand.
I thought I could get this thing out in no time at all, what an illusion.
We talk about the Bible to talk about politics we talk about family affairs about my family took about your family without about someone else’s family we can go all over the place.
Now I decided to make a kind of shorthand and just give you a small snippet, then I lost my microphone and then a girl I was trying to work with who is about to be mentioned started giving me a lot of trouble in fact she gave me so much trouble she knocked a bunch of other girls out there were going to be in the picture.
I’ll Be using the scalp today. < I did scalp by self < xfind mikey
Its Plying UP I NEED MIKEY!!!!
Fine Frak coder x start x end FUUUCCCKKK I’ve got Main Liner on other BOX BUUTTT IT’S A CLIP WTF do I put clips… IT IS A FUCKING MUST!!!!! Sitting on box 0807_2011!!!!
What I Can Now.
Since we have the microphone I’ll expand your I will expand a little here. I’ve built kind of an apartment complex in some of my binary space and I’m moving a lot of people into this very large apartment building it’s bigger than 95 stories Donald, you would be proud.
Now the vast majority of the people housed in this apartment complex are women. There is at least one exception, I decided to make Clint Eastwood my bitch so he’s in the mix as well.
I decided that I need to do this to cover my back because the whole Eastwood clan can be somewhat wicked, here let me show you why.
Francesca Eastwood - Tyler Shields home break in window police
From: 090915.
There’s still more, if you know anything about how I feel about trees and how I’m having to work in the so-called underbrush here in Texas and the so-called persona I have embraced you realize I have issues with her husband. Now I’m talking about another Eastwood she got married in 2013 but then again I think the other one did to the one above got it I know after one week got her marriage annulled after one week many other one got married and is still married the problem I have is with his T-shirts and his profession and how it dynamically fits into the so-called bushwhack scenario.
Says were talking about problems we might as well use these problems and let me talk about other problems I have concerning Google. Yes I have a ship load of trouble with Google!!! It could float it kind of depends.
A well organized binary apartment looks somewhat like this:
A disorganized apartment looks like this:
just so you’ll know I house these problem files in a shorthand code meaning Asshole . If you’re a strong visual person sitting all of this clutter really does a so-called number on you because I can’t say the word I want to say because the Dragon jumps into something else.
That’s not all, if you try to transfer files that is to say Google files from one drive or computer to the next you lose a lot of data in fact I’ve lost gigabytes in just one file transfer. Here’s what happens:
The amazing thing is if you save the files in Apple’s Safari web browser or in any web browser that facilitates mht it saves the files in nice little compartments without the need for folders. It reduces clutter and makes it very easy to see especially when you have a program that will thumbnail them for you.
This is why I have to say that the best web browser for visual people is Apple’s Safari on an Apple computer. The files are nice in the look pretty! I have a thing for beauty which gets back to other things I was thinking about and other issues.
But let’s get all the bad news out of the way first.
Below you going to see me realize that I need to get a very important film out and released and moving around. It’s another critical little part so I was looking for place where I can upload it and it would not be censored and I could retain anonymity…. No such luck!
Now I can remedy that if I can reach back deep enough into a dark enough place and then I can get the material out using any number of methods.
The problem is they don’t shake hands anymore.
Anyway the world once your email your name your phone number your address your age they want to know everything about you if you want to do anything on the Internet at all. If you use the Internet anyone that is on the Internet wants to know who and what you are. It was a man on National Public Radio or maybe it was the local public station and they were talking to a man that doesn’t like people’s ability to hide themselves in the Internet. He wants to know who you are so we can follow you around and gather information so that he can sell it to other people.
That man needs to be dealt with team and his methodology and his little army needs to be put down cleanly and sharply. The entire world is driven by capitalism, what you have and what you’re willing to give up to get something else. Don’t get me wrong, I love my little gadgets all the other stuff I buy but I know what it is.
Let’s finish with the bad stuff and I won’t make it to bed. That would be too bad.
< c NoxTill_xHand.jpg
< c Money_andWebBoys.jpg
Last bad thing and then we’ll get to some fun things or at least if they’re bad it’s fun this is a codename as well I’m assuming it’s pretty easy to figure it out.
Now I was thinking about any number of things and I was basically think about aspects of my life that I wish weren’t aspects. Then I started thinking about other people and I started drawing lines now specifically I’m talking about women. So I picked a unique set of people that lived in the apartment building and I started assigning them values because I want to talk to someone else who now resides in the apartment building as well.
There are some unique people in the world and I had a list of about eight women I wanted to show you. Their house in the apartment building in alphabetical order so I started with the first apartment and this little girl misbehaves. Not in the way you might think, I’m looking for an ordinary picture of her one where she’s living in ordinary life as an ordinary person. Now, somewhere I have a picture of her on airplane flying to some hockey game somewhere because she’s a big hockey fan and she’s flying with the young man who snaps a picture of her and missed the picture I wanted and the picture I have somewhere, who knows where?
Now she has some pleasant images of herself in various places on the web if you want to join her fan club, I don’t mind that it all, except her fan club is housed in Facebook and Google! People I have a Facebook account and I have I suppose somewhere some type of Google something but you have to understand I only have these things because I’m a man fight evil! Going to those places is not recreation! Evil places invented and created by evil men!!!
So I found this thing and it had some degree of humor so I ran with it.
Amber Rayne From: 090915.
< c Green
as I’ve stated there were about seven other women in their could be about hundred and 70 other women that were supposed to follow and I was supposed to build a kind of diagram for you.
Then I wanted to talk to another specific person now residing in the apartment complex.
Let’s hold up just a little bit. Here’s the deal to the men and women in the adult entertainment industry I really don’t know much about you just like what’s his name doesn’t know much about George Clooney. I mean I really don’t, here I’m talking about who you really are..
Now it’s much easier to get information about celebrities and such although I don’t really do that except in extraordinary cases. Now I was working with a certain family was involved in a certain family affair it’s a father and a mother and two daughters all in the media industry and I pretty much had delayed that family down because they’re out of bounds and I had to flip the switch to move them in the off position.
I don’t know how long this document’s going to be but you need to understand my switching and when I look at a human being what level of switching do they have.
Here’s what’s super unusual. Until today I have done almost no research about a certain person I wanted to talk to. I did not want to use her name and I didn’t even want to allude to her. Jimi Hendrix came in and we began to discuss a lot of things and he had some great ideas. Don’t talk to her talk to this person instead and the message will be transmitted.
I thought that was a great idea, thank you Jimmy, so it’s just a few clicks of a button and I find a so-called target, one I’m assuming that will be easy to get in and out of and I can just lightly touch the thing and pass the message along.
That’s when I fell into the largest of minefield I have ever found myself in. I mean SHIT was flying around in every direction and you talk about a minefield of code….. I have never seen so much coding in such a small area….
I think these people live eat in Paris code live eat and breathe code.
But first we need to talk about why I was trying to talk to this one person through another person. I accidentally have some personal information about her that someone gave me out of the blue that I knew nothing about. And I realized we have a lot in common I mean we have a lot in common enough to make things common, you’ll need to float.
So I know some specific things about this person may specific things make her more attractive to me. The problem is there’s a lot of people that have some similar issues that I’m very attracted to and you would think that would keep him from being switched but as you’ll see, I hope, I’ll have to jump on another box, I’m sure you handful of off switch women that have the same characteristics of this other unsaid woman.
Meanwhile we got walk into the coded minefield feel like I’m back in England or I could be in Scotland will train tracks. You know little girl, here I’m talking to the English girl, you simply have no idea of the magnitude of the crazy professor.
Now will jump back to the United States of America and we can all wave to Andy Warhol’s ghost.
Ladies and gentlemen I’m taking code on cracking the code and then I’m applying new ciphers to it and indeed bending the will of the code to suit my own needs and desires. And that is to make you people get up off your lazyASSes and get with the program!
Ready set go!
< Clock4 Howa Bota ita From: 090915.
“’Treat everybody the way you'd like to be treated. Give them the benefit of the doubt. But never let anyone mistake kindness for weakness.’ He took the Golden Rule and put a little bit of the North Side in it.” As The Art Chief, [19] < c1 (it’s not a question of remembering I’m not sure she ever even knew)
[20][21][22][23][24][25] < c2 (we’ve been working on the Railroad all the livelong day)
Wow now we reach the red line marker and that means nothing else goes into the document or should I say the post.
I can’t believe it, I actually did this it looks somewhat like I thought it was going I just thought it was only thinking about five minutes not 19 years. Thank you very much Ms. Franklin! I saw James today man was he in a mess.
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