Thursday, March 31, 2016

I really did try to give her a ring

but I didn’t have the right change


 This 1 has code of another hand Ms. Hedren

Tippi Hedren coming to Chicago for "The Birds"

The classic Hitchcock film The Birds has been re-imagined into a theatre classic all-its-own by Hell in a Handbag Productions. If you’ve not had the delight to see this production, double your pleasure by attending the September 7th performance and meet the legendary blonde ‘Birds’ goddess herself, Tippi Hedren. You can even win the chance of a lifetime to share the stage with Ms. Hedren by bidding online for a walk-on role (details).

At one time she was a Girl Scout so basically which goes to Chicago she prepares for it.

This makes for a good segue into today's feature film.

Before I open the door to the so-called banana pickle syndrome diagrams let's review some of the research that went into days artwork. This is an example of how I see things when I look you see I make more connections than the average bear.

This image is for when it Paltrow    G. Kate Paltrow  You do not always make the healthiest choices concerning your dietary dynamics Despite what you might think.  I say this because I have been having some discussions with Donald concerning his running mate and I was actually considering recommending you.

But you got to have meet in the works to fuel this kind of machinery.

Here are having an open discussion in a Texas type format, Charles Manson’s wife. It’s kind of like the island show last night where the so-called British guy is looking at the dead hooker and belaboring the fact that he can’t get a good-looking woman to save his life yet discreet can get this thing. Later they will eat her brain. Of course I’m talking about the TV show not the prison.

A lot of people might not even know the Charles Manson is married and is married to a hot check. People in Texas can’t seem there a lot like the above image.

But let’s not belittle that stuff after all were about to show my artwork and you have to start with the paper and the magazines.

Anyway here’s a lovely Mrs. Manson and of course they understand the dynamics of communicating in the 18% gray coded world.

The man behind Mr. and Mrs. Manson is the spirit of Christmas or variation on an unusual Santa Claus.



Well enough messing around, let's go full code and let me lend a hand to a fallen comrade. Somehow the grounds going to have to tilt and you're going have to slide to get the gun, Mr. banana. There's just enough left in you to slide provided that you don't get run over.

All right it's code in keeping with that will keep up with the numbers, what do you say, or in the original professor speak it was HowBoutIT!

 I like this image because besides having a golden gun I have a bulge as well, despite what people told you.

Mr. voice recognition is having problems so all speak in this program and will just walk it over. Now you have the overt banana pickle but you also have.theory going to have to take the thing after have an spell it out as DOT inimical theory. And then we will call it theory. My goodness was recognition is a problem working this program.

Connecting the dots could have to do with painting if you know anything about that type of thing which would give us a literary and if you want to paint by numbers. That was in another test I gave some time ago. 
Or it could be island theory or in today’s case it could be universal theory or at least solar system theory if you want to floater drifter orbit or something that nature.

I’m just saying it’s all up for grabs and it is full force voodoo. Nobody wants it is probably not collectible I would imagine if someone knew how to harness the power you would have an invisible fuel source as well as ago got. As well as a golden gun.

any number of things

where to start?

I’ve actually made a small outline it simply reads are and are then there’s a line and then the symbol for female followed by in music another line Don T underneath that the actual written word why another line the Romans another line and then something I’m going to type out by hand unfortunately the keyboard won’t exactly do this so I will have to and explain that if somethings underlined it could be overlying That’s not exactly correct. The dogs are barking interfering with voice recognition.

C i – C o   Killers Hell  R&R/0 in music/Don T/The Romans/ C i – C o   Killers
                                                T                 Why

so what is the rock ‘n roll code today, it’s an interesting target because it’s made so many movements this is one of those rock ‘n roll variable days where the thing changes from moment to moment.

“We got a thing going on”  to my knowledge this the first time that is ever happened. Now there has been other movement earlier in the day but that’s worked stands at this given moment.

And since were talking about rock ‘n roll we got to talk about the rock ‘n roll Dynamo which Hummingbird…  The rock ‘n roll Dynamo homes knowxxx  the rock ‘n roll Dynamo hums.

If I expand upon this concept I’ll be here all day and I’ve got other things I really should be doing.

This gets back to the dynamics of women in music and why I’m starting to reconsider the aspects of freedom and sometimes freedom must be rolled back. Simply put I’m not sure women deserve rock ‘n roll much less perform the thing. It’s got to do with the thing called staying power and being a part of three dog night and watching your penis explode. Now that’s staying power.

Do I believe that Donald Trump is serving himself as he runs for president, yes, absolutely. But which candidate is not serving themselves and at least with Donald we’ve got a different rotation or different variation on the rock ‘n roll Dynamo. Also Mr. Trump and I actually do communicate in a very odd dynamic, somehow he got a hold of one of the last tests I ever gave, I gave it right up the road at the University of Texas at Dallas which is really in Richardson. And I’m told it was put there because of water issues. No joke! Anyway so the life of Donald Trump and reality television or whatever you want to call it whatever a call it on the test unfolded which is a lot like a molecule in outer space that falls to earth and smells like a porta potty. That’s another science fiction issue still in the middle. The mill.

Anyway since Donald and I already have an established line of communication and the fact that he will actually listen to me mean something. If I tell him we need to serve out justice evenhandedly he will agree. This gets back to Charles Manson, a man who’s been treated unjustly!

Now, boys and girls, you need a sense of history! The United States has treated criminals differently for quite a stretch of time. I once, recently, bought an album by Crosby stills Nash and Young that’s Stephen stills anyway and in one of the tracks they have a song about Texas. Essentially a young person or young man was caught with a small amount of marijuana. It might’ve been a single joint if you still call them joints some people call them split’s that’s not exactly right with anyway. And this young man was sentenced to an unusual long prison term, 10 years, I can’t remember. I think it’s in the song but I don’t have the CD with me.

Anyway the idea or concept of having a single marijuana cigarette has changed greatly in the state of Texas as it has across United States at large.

I will talk to Donald about the legalization of marijuana and perhaps other drugs but first I have to talk about evenhanded justice. I’m not condoning what Charles Manson is accused of doing all I’m saying is is a family man and he served his time and if Donald will do it right he will give Charles a full pardon and appoint him to be the ambassador for the European continent. I say this because Charles has some unique aspects concerning race relations and cleaning the act up.

Now we talk about the Romans, I have a lot of depth in this region. That’s why so much of my work concerning projectiles focuses on the aspects within Rome and Roman culture. You know I used to work for Roman, that was in Fort Worth, I eventually had to leave just before the ship sank. As I was leaving the police force did a noble thing and drove her purse a hearse I suppose it did that right on the second try. It’s a vehicle that transports dead people to the cemetery. It was black and there was a police car in front of it perhaps one behind it and then the typical train that follows that with its headlights on.

It was kind of a slap in my face. What’s interesting is was the voodoo dynamic associated with the backfire. They do that thing and then they kill the piano player and the benefactor. It’s this thing that Texas has issues with. They really do want to shoot the piano player and the benefactors. It’s kind of a Texas psycho killer dynamic.

Welcome to the Segway.

Psycho killers and psycho killing, hello Mr. Cruz I just want to make for sure that you Ted, Mack Collier Ted, I’m calling you Ted. Ted it plays out like this, I’m going to argue on behalf of of psychotic killers and psychotic killing and this will give you a foot inside the door. I’ve already labeled you as a psychotic killer and if I can get the rest of the world to embrace psychotic killing you may have a chance.

I know it sounds and Orthodox I know it sounds and Orthodox well it’s not Orthodox it’sUN!
That’s kind of the dynamic found in the new political arena and the American campaign in 2016 is going to prove to be a very interesting one indeed. Before I get to that I really should share with you some artwork and a small film. You see Ted, I’m always here to offer a lending or helping hand.

Now ladies and gentlemen we come to the boring part of social media or have to go take my so-called dynamic media in shape the things all will fit onto the so-called socially dynamic media arena.

It doesn’t help that Adobe and other things have issues with the script and so-called mass processing.

I can talk about a lot of other things but I’ve got to go back to the islands get my ponies in my bows and arrows in order get the team to line up and then make their own circles as we approach the wagon train..

If I can get this stuff processed and released I will go into depth on a strange dynamic called a banana pickle in this case you can even call it the banana pickle syndrome.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Oddly enoug

Strange have no idea when I say malfunction you cannot fathom somehow someway I seem to crank it out but you don’t understand the short fuse.

I was yelling and screaming at Google because they had to change skin and I thought to myself than not understanding the artwork I’ve given them I’ve explained to all of you what’s happening in what has to happen according to the dynamics and may invisible for still friends are stepping and yet nothing is being actually handshake out.

I hope this movie will post I don’t know. I’ll do my best.

And I had no idea what Col. Brian was going to do, you guys think I have some inside line all I’ve got is the code.