Friday, March 4, 2016

At Hand 2 Parts

022816 All Jpg 4 1 wooonda I thought I'd made a mistake then I realized when I got here to correct it that I was doing this one directly by hand and I don't know how to spell one I said I don't know how to spell one I don't know how to spell magic wand. Simple for letters, have ever told you the true story of when I spent the better part of 4 to 6 hours trying to find the word any in the dictionary, that's correct, the word a in why A N Y.

I eventually gave up when outside smoked a cigarette and then walked around, yes I used to smoke in my younger years, I would tell you it's a bad habit but it actually has a few good points all I can say is you need to decide for yourself.

This gets back to entire bundle of research that was buried in the avalanche associated with the collapse of what was my fastest bullet if you wanted to throw fruit around.

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