I used to keep a journal of them, I stopped because I believe the dynamics were compromised. Yes, we're still in that dynamic moment.
I told my first wife and daughter about some dreams and some semi-conscious processing I had done on Monday the day before super Tuesday. It was a very special type of thinking and processing and had everything to do about the current moment. I told him that you could divide my thinking into two parts the part that was a true dream that was done in pure unconsciousness and the part that was done in semi-consciousness when I can control my thinking with a higher degree.
I say this because when I dream I have much less control over what my brain is doing as when I am in a semi-conscious state. In other words sometimes when I dream I have no idea where it came from.
That's what happened to me today, I'm writing this at 6:33 AM March 4, 2016 I have the dream less than 30 min. ago. It's a strange one.
I'm talking to a person, a man, who I've never met and don't know, we are talking about health issues. Any mentions to me that the local [ public radio and television station ] have a hot tub on the side of their facility which is accessible 24 hours a day seven days a week. You have to make a pledge to this entity but not the low-end pledge you have to become what they call a silver card carrier and then you can have access to this hot tub 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Then the stranger told me that there was a loophole, that the local public radio and television station would honor anyone who was a member of any public radio or television station anywhere if they had their so-called card for that given station. He said he had joined the Oklahoma City public radio facility because he didn't have to ppurchase the silver card for the Dallas station in the Oklahoma City card worked.
It was kind of like, how can we scam public radio and television. This is very strange because I like hot tubs but more specifically this facility had one of those stainless steel smaller tubs that have the blower that blows air bubbles in the hot water and makes it a swirl around you.
I mean as the stranger was telling me about it we took a little sidetrack and visually toured the facility beside the public radio station that held the hot tub and it was like an entire workout facility.
Now that was a dream, I had little control over it and it was strange to say the least I have no idea where any of that came from.
Nye would like to say I entered I said I would like to say that I entered a semi-conscious state and began to reflect upon the dream but the dog was scratching at the back door so I thought I would get up and let her in.
I plan to go back to sleep and throw the thing into semi consciousness and see what I could process.
This basically means I'm tell you the truth so I'll just stay with the truth I entered a state of full consciousness as for process the dream.
This is where Donald Trump steps back into the picture and starts explaining to me why the public radio station here in Dallas is embracing workup facilities and hot tubs.
You seem in the conservative political movement within the United States many Republicans want to shut public radio and television down because they feel it's a waste of taxpayers money.
This is what Donald Trump was explaining to me. "You see Jeffrey the public radio and television facility in Dallas is afraid that if a conservative is elected they will lose all of their funding. But your friend there in Texas, Ted Cruz, has assured them that they will receive funding as long as they comply to his demands concerning the hot tubs. He wants them filled with innocent children's blood so that the men and women who have the silver card in Dallas and splash and swish and the warmth of the sacrifice given by the zoo's children. By the sacrifice given by these innocent children by all means let's include the zoo because that's what was recognition would do. Have you thought about finding yourself a new woman, Jeffrey, we discussed this some time ago, you remember do you remember?"
J "yes Mr. Trump I do remember your device but right now I'm not concerned about solar cards or hot tub machines but I can do my own time traveling that's why the silver card is somewhat irrelevant. I'm concerned about your running mate and the so-called right wing Republican establishment that see you as a threat if you know anything about the so-called politico factor! aand you're right these cowards who don't embrace you as the true Republican leader are indeed cowards and must be put down. This is why, when you're elected, I want us to set up some rules about how the lies will be sacrificed in Texas and Oklahoma. We call it the Ted Cruz rules and this gets back to that recipe concerning the red Mexican dish, the one I posted that apparently devoured some fruit on the couch. Basically rendering it useless."
DT "that's always been the problem with Apple computers. They can't handle the pressure mode walking in a multidimensional time traveling a magic have mind imaginative mind. You see Jeffrey I actually knew Steve Jobs when he was still alive, I know you talk to his ghost, now again, but you never met the person in the flesh. You see Jeffrey he was the first silver card member for your public radio station in North Texas and he's the one that planted the seeds in Ted Cruz's mind. They all have a fascination with innocent children's blood it's kind of a Texas and Oklahoma blood ritual. Think Jeffrey, think, why do they call it the red river!"
So now we have an example of my dreaming which is done in full unconsciousness and something that I would normally do in a semi-conscious state, a type of processing but this processing was done in full consciousness which means everything is kind of up in the air.
This gets back to the media at large and what does the media meeting when the media does its media things.
And we also have all that other material contained in another space concerning spiritual creatures that teach magic, I'm assuming I'm going to get there eventually, I'm also assuming that distractions will follow and I'll probably never get there.
You see when the piece of fruit went down as it was sitting on the couch it took with it more than a recipe for a red Mexican dish it put everything in stop mode. I told my first wife and my daughter, Monday night before super Tuesday, it was the David Letterman and Howard Stern effect only it wasn't that it just appeared to be that because it was something completely different.
But that's the strange thing about differentness sometimes it looks the same only it's different.
I would tell you today's rock 'n roll track but I don't want to and I don't have to and I'm not going to but it too has never played in my brain before concerning the rock 'n roll track of the day. I don't even know the artists name and I don't know the lyrics that while I just know how the thing unfolds.
I do know some the lyrics and part of me wants to say some of the lyrics but I don't need to.
Oh Jeffrey, now I'm taking the few lyrics I know I'm twisting them I'm trying to screw them into the story but I don't want you to know the track.. We've got to save the little engine that could.
DT "you see Jeffrey this is why punctuation is so important if you want to be able to release the issue or as you call it pushed the material forward. It's all in the punctuation Jeffrey you should understand that concerning the file type!"
J "thank you Donald I will take your advice into consideration and I'll name the working file in your honor."
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