Friday, March 4, 2016

I work with a lot of media

I have a lot of programs to do this.

One program comes from a company called isky, it's a video editor and I have a number of other programs from this company as well. But let's talk about the video editor, I have a version because I purchased the thing and it's out of date when I start the program it says why don't you update, and then when I try to update it falls into pieces and disintegrates. 

This is a function of a bad software company!

I've really had it with software companies and the whole dynamics of the binary world at large.

Basically, it's all a flat out piece of SHIT, from the ground up ask questions with I said!

Now you may think you can run and you may think you can hide and you may think you can scoot your little bus to the other side, you might want to rethink that highway and bridge as well!

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