Friday, August 19, 2016

Back 2 Nuclear Science

Yes I could collect him by know that’s not correct  [Timbuktu]
I always have a hard time finding a place to start.

I wouldn’t have chosen this but it keeps coming to the forefront.

It’s about 60% English, now I say that and I want to use the term UK but were really talking, most, about people from London. Having said that, you should be fully aware that there are sticks and stones all over the place and yes we will find ourselves in Scotland and brushing up to Wales and all parts of Ireland.

Having said all of this, we still have this outline, so-called 40%. And there are those that would argue that the 40% are actually closer to 100% because they are aware of the dynamics associated with Iceland, Finland, and Greenland. Because I’ve been spending a lot of time there especially today.

But what can we count on, this brings us to London, because they are dreadfully concerned about the timing of their trains. Let me add, this gets back to aspects of marijuana and cooking on a 12 inch block as well as other dynamics associated with various types of women and other types of people. I don’t know why this sentence has Sony green squiggly’s or should I say the previous sentence.

So I do a little addition put in a, and change your word from which to this and lo and behold the green squiggly’s depart.

All right we needs more commentary because I am concerned about the environment. The trees in this area, and I’m talking about the Dallas Texas area have developed some type of disease. The bark of these trees are extruding what would appear to be a blue sash but is in fact a changing of the bark. That’s the nature of the beast and the dog were dealing with. And if we were counting I could get animated and throw you something along the lines of a cat or a dog because sometimes finding certain numbers are little more stretchy then others.

Really need some commentary as well and you’re going to need yesterday’s film and yesterday’s artwork which is far too sophisticated for me to deal with right now. And you’re going to need aspects of New Mexico which I can’t reach for right now. Although I will illuminate them, as you will soon see.

I could say, Or at least certain aspects of it before I table that discussion but that’s got to do with other forms of cooking and what’s on the block and other aspects of magic and lizards.

I could say, as you will soon see, and deal with these lizards and aspects of magic as well as cooking on the block and making smoke and mirrors – although you could have problems reflecting upon the mirror.

Well I haven’t made an appearance and sometimes what you say, I give you a full load. It’s currently 2 PM, Jeffrey time, and we’ll see how long it takes for me to push this out.

For your information, I have no idea what it agreed to concerning Google, I’m just saying someone shot Lincoln and I could get animated. I do carry a bowl I do carry a bullet but I don’t have done I do not have a gun or should I say a real gun because I do have a BB gun and another air rifle.

My BB gun was made in Arkansas.

And if you’re in London and you want to take a train to Little Rock, the block. I said good luck or I could put you on the block in light your fire because we are talking about aspects of rock ‘n roll.


1.  if you’re dealing with the environment and your concerned with trees and aspects of part aspects of Bart that is to say the outer skin of trees and were going to have to look at the roots and this makes things even more complicated because of the lack of concern about the roots in this part of the world and their disregard for rock ‘n roll in general.

I will attempt to write late into site instead of doing a cut-and-paste text program from a text program. Yes it looks like an echo, because the program need to repeat myself only they didn't pull it off the second time I just waited for the thing to recognize what I said. So let's transfer of this we can transfer that but what I really came here to say is that the above five images were not supposed to be posted. I made those images for myself because I knew I was getting heat things up and a lot of stuff would be lost.

I then started coughing in the program asked me to cost more because it said would you say that again.

Meanwhile Denmark is asking itself, do we really need to build a railroad track Greenland Iceland and then Finland...

Something smells funny IT may have something to do with England, after all they are 60% of the problem.

Let's blame it on my dark glasses, but all in all, things are looking pretty good by the way I can do other tricks so this is more than just a typical dog and pony show. 

Yes, I'll do it for the English trains, the people in London want them to be on time so I will facilitate with punctuation, would you like to take a drag from my marijuana cigarette. It does mean will have to cross a line you know. And I don't always add punctuation it's just one of those things that I'm doing today while I'm rambling around London.

And I usually do get in trouble when it comes to aspects of Shakespeare although I must give it to the English, because a long time ago I had a compass and I lived on an island and the English understood my issues and when we played certain games, I couldn't get the words exactly right but I can describe the answer in detail and they weren't sticklers for that they usually awarded me credit.

So the least I can do is help you with your trains.

Which gets back to Italy and aspects of the second world war and, I'm told, Mussolini made the Italian trains work correctly.

You know this is a worldwide issue, I'm going to call it the blue tree syndrome..

And, so the world will know, I've been throwing all kinds of things around because the state of Texas will not allow me to feed the birds or at least that's what they put on the sign and whenever I attempt to go back to the river they disappear.

That's not exactly true but it's part of the problem.

And you know what it is true, I spoke about it yesterday as I was making movies and I spoke of my concern about saying certain things and then going to the hardware store.

I did go to the hardware store and I need to go again.

I'm doing other types of magic.

I'm a lot like Santa Claus because I carry with me a lot of magic dust but that's something else altogether.

Which gets back to Vietnam and other movies I made which I was never able to finish because I always got interrupted and because of the so-called magic people and aspects of public radio.

I could go on and on but I should tell you that somewhere along the lines there's an image with a small posted note is not really a posted note that since code. The writing...

All right I said the word note and then.

It did it correctly that time but not in the previous example.

I've given you something very important, it's in red letters and it's in a file that I keep certain types of coding. Code in.

We have more than one voice.

Anyway code has different meanings and works in different directions the example and giving you is called classic line code, it makes sense if you understand it but specifically it has something to do with Mercury if you know anything about a silver dime....

Four trains in northern Europe. That would be four trains in northern Europe and I'm sure there's more than four but then again, people tell me, the French trains have a lot of negativity so if you're counting we could have all kinds of additions and subtractions but if we go to Japan we can do multiplying and dividing.

So you may need a compass and I would advise a calculator as well.

Or if you go back to the magic pot on the deck you'll see I put a ruler there because I have to stir things up.


Readers and viewers note, yes we could call this a footnote if I was a kind of footnote person. Maybe I am and maybe not sometimes I feel one way and sometimes I feel another and sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a cave with the ghost of Ernest Hemingway who's pissed off at Stephen King who's trying to mock Hemingway style. If you're from Australia you would understand that this would be a big walk around in and out of the Bush but when I say Bush is capitalized like that it needs a family which means I'm fine with Stephen King because the Bush family has a thing for main events!

They also have a thing for avoiding taxes and Maine had a problem with that at one time!

Which gets back to my friend in Maine who can help me solve some problems, the next time he goes out for a walk I need you to fire the van up one more time and this time give it 100% of your effort, that would be 110% of your effort because I'm counting on aspects of things to work as well as aspects of cavemen and Cape women!

Which gets back to Jane Fonda!

Were not going to go there right now, actually came here to do something I've forgotten what it was, oh yes, it cannot see it exactly but I know what it's referring to when you want to talk about culture or you want to talk about pop music so let's talk about the voodoo that I keep in my left hand pocket!

It's clear, someone shot Lincoln and if you understand anything about animation where I could go on what I can do, it would be easy, I would bend your persuasion and I might look to you from I to a from I to I and of course you got it magnetic which gets back to the bear and aspects of volcanic behavior and what would appear to be flat ground. Which gets back to the Bush family and the vice president who was the vice president with the Bush family if you count it down. Anyways the cop gave so we have a picnic basket this made out of iron. I know that because they had to walk around and find something that would attract magnetism because they had a magnet and I needed to use a magnet to make an image that told the story.

I'm really one incredible visual artist because I tell stories visually and would film and with other aspects of artwork health, I said hell, I do with my wardrobe although I am having health issues if you know anything about the scripts and so-called things that come before the script or sounds that cats make.

Yes, dyslexia helped me develop this skill set, isn't it wonderful, I mean things are looking up and yes, I did find my sunglasses.. Yes we have two of those because it asked me to repeated and like a moron I did was gets back to capital city and aspects of the so-called state of Washington which gets back to multiple level dynamics we as I can talk about the state of Washington and I can go East Coast or West Coast or Hilton or Holiday Inn!!!

All right and showing you the voodoo betters currently residing in my left hand pocket but there's something else I came here to tell you about a footnote. It's got to do with my watch you see the watch I'm wearing right now, the one with the black leather band was shot with a bullet when I was in either, the state of Utah, Colorado, or New Mexico.

It's a psychotic killers that are in a further along the line post if you look up but then again you can look down and then again you could go to the United Kingdom and good luck for the so-called lawyer by the name of Thomas who know something about trains and lives in that area and know something about Utah and the fundamentals of Lennix and mainframes and flying this guy from England to Utah to do something that I could probably figure out in a weekend how to do and fix for next to nothing.

But let's not be sorrowful about that, are we not men, so let us not be mournful, after all we can all have our own planets just like Iceland and other aspects of sticks and stones and Puff the Magic Dragon as well as the so-called compass and other aspects of bridge building concerning Greenland, Iceland, Finland, and yes Denmark you will have to acquire a different set of footwear because you will be footing this bill if this is a footnote.

I really love dancing around Europe just like I love the wonderful horseman and no magic I said nomadic behavior but then again it could be no magic if you want to put INK to it or if you want to say something to her.

By the way they capitalized ink in the issue was done by the so-called hand which means we get back to a different variation on Saturday night live and other things associated with the bill and who's going to pick up this check. Meanwhile, if we got back to the script, you'd realize he's talking about finding iron so he can make a magnet and then work with compasses merely to show the so-called blue tree syndrome is weapons, that he keeps, in his left hand pocket.

And yes it is a bullet, and if you look you will see it's a rattlesnake bullet, and yes it's real and that you keep it, from time to time, in my left pocket but the time you need to watch for because were all watching watches and thinking about trains is the fact that I'm now carrying the bullet in my left hand pocket with a pocket knife and the gray magic lighter as well as things that makes sense.

And yes someone did shoot Lincoln.

And I study many things in the whole concept of nuclear physics has always been misunderstood and I have a different approach and knowledge in a different approach and understanding, I'm just saying you can build a bomb, and atomic bomb, without anything but his so-called radioactive if you know anything about frequency are amplitude.

That's why the best nuclear scientists have Volkswagen minibuses with a rack on top carrying surfboards. Which gets back to other aspects of wave behavior and a malfunctioning printer that's who knows where.

Which gets back to files I'm moving in gets back to all kinds of things. It's quite an archive and I have fractions I need little smidge it's a go back in time. I mean I've got pieces of real coding, 18% gray in fact, they go beyond 1998.

In fact there was a person of the funeral who saw some of my coding but I did with what's called a twin lens reflex camera, I had or should I say my father had a classic, I don't like using this word because it's incorrect but it's the truth concerning finances. My father got a classic twin lens reflex camera is a gift from his older brother, it was called a you she that would be a you should not exactly that it begins with why and they have a loose affiliation with Carl Zeiss.

Anyway it was called a 6 x 6 or 2.25 x 2.25 twin lens reflex camera that used 120 film. And despite the fact that it cost next to nothing to acquire it took outstanding images and so we have the so-called footwear in the so-called living headquarters that is being acquired or assemblage as well as a motion picture theater that was outdoors.

Now we talk about people that don't understand the people they don't know but I'm just saying at one time in United States of America we had outdoor theaters that you would drive to. They were great, of course it had to be dark for you to see the picture and they would time the thing, during summer, so that writing desk they would start the first feature and the really good outdoor theaters ran the program until after midnight.

Which gets back to who shot the Sheriff, I didn't shoot Lincoln, and the deputy, while who could say!

You could ask Eric but he would have no idea on whether or not the trains run on time but if you asked the ghost of Frederick go Fellini he could explain you about the timing of Italian trains under the dictatorship of the fascist Mussolini.

Not that anyone knows anything about Charles Bronson, Frederick go Fellini, Ernest Hemingway, Stephen King, the second world war, trains, and other aspects associated with cooking and the dynamics of the Mediterranean Sea.

Yes, it's an isotope thing and you can find certain kinds of isotopes and create certain types of reactions. I was telling my first wife, when we went to Utah, that the so-called Utah scientist created what they thought was a cold fusion reaction but it didn't produce a specific type of molecule or should I say element if you want to be specific.

You see when you create fusion, when you take two hydrogen atoms and make a noble gas, helium, it does all kinds of things to subatomic particles which gets back to nuclear science and other aspects of vaginas.

And yes were making movies on location:

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