But it’s one of those things that the spiritual world
requires me to do now and again.
To this point I can say that it’s got something to do with
being home and home is where my shoes are.
Now, I did change watches, but that really didn’t help with
the time dynamic it all. It’s got to Plano and other aspects of Texas.
So I guess I’m going to get animated but things are slowing
down because of aspects of Germany and the so-called spaceship enterprise.
Which probably has something to pharmaceuticals aspects of
capitalism and banking if you understand the dynamics of Jeffrey economics!
All right, I’m currently in the production phase for what I’m
hoping to be tonight’s programming. We’ll just have to see, Germany) down then
we have issues with deep space and by the way that was Germany slows me down,
as well as deep space and now were hung up with the so-called Japanese affairs.
You see things, as they go in production, very so I add things here and there
according to how the script plays out. Now I know some of you don’t know what
to watch tonight so I’m trying to provide some type of entertainment somewhere.
And I’m protected by political speech, religious speech, and other types of
speeches if you circle the globe or look at the map.
You know I have a lot of twin footage and I would kind of
like to throw some of that in but that would be to Harry although the twins are
that Harry. But that’s got to do with late-night programming and past TV
talkshow hosts and family affairs.. Well it looks like Japan finally came to
town and I know everyone’s getting ready to go to work and go to school and all
that other stuff so I’m just throwing this in the mix so you can enjoy
yourselves as you get ready for school and go to work.
I find myself in a very interesting place this given moment.
I have successfully completed the production and have the entire thing in the
so-called proverbial bag. I knew it was going to be a big file but this is a
little bigger than I thought and a little longer. It weighs in at about 41
minutes and eight seconds that would give you approximately 18 minutes of
commercial time if you wanted to insert commercials within the context of this
Me, I really don’t care, I’ve Artie made my so-called two
cents worth.
Anyway I’ve had to seem excusing that was my mistake can
someone give me a take to please.
Regardless of the facts I’m done with the production and I’ve
sent a legal team over to Google to negotiate the so-called posting price for
this feature presentation. You see this is not a made-for-TV movie it’s a made
for me movie which gets back to the starship enterprise and who really is at
the office? This gets back to whether or not her mother is really a doctor and
do these kind of doctors have any business being in your vagina?
It always circles around it gets back to vaginas which gets
back to other aspects of late-night programming and people sitting on their
hands and doing nothing.
And yes world this has everything to do with you and I’m sorry
Russia, trust me I’ve got plenty of programming but I thought the so-called
capitalists needed there little 18 minute reprieve into our pockets.
Meanwhile back at the ranch there processing the film for
export which means it’s going through various aspects of compression which gets
back to zippers and zips and other aspects of Wisconsin.
Yes the so-called grad student did make an impression but
did you see her girlfriend!
Man oh man the things this teacher could do in that
Some may accuse me of lying because it’s clearly 42% by the
time I find the button to make an image so if you subtract that time lag you’ll
realize it really was 41% not 42 despite the so-called photographic evidence if
you call the screen print photograph.
I tried to visualize it more as a variable in the fine art
If you think about it I’m classifying this is fine art when
in fact I know there’s a high degree of bull shit in play but that’s the
magnificence of my artwork!
Were somewhere in the 80s and the 90s in relationship to the concept of compression. That is in reference to imports and exports and Jeffrey's overall economic theories.
I thought I would type directly into this given cell because it makes formatting much easier.
So let me help the so-called critics out and if I ever do make it to the TV Guide this will give them some added information so that they can accurately represent this incredible bit of cinema.
Awoke up today and I realized I was going to have to get animated or specifically as good have to throw some animation your way. And I knew I could teach you something but more importantly I needed to coach you on and therefore I went directly to the coach and pass Charlie Sheen at the bar....
When you get something to Francis Ford Coppola and then my son saying you can't count on him for much but his daughter has worked out well. Those are not his exact words but it does capture the spirit of the so-called dynamic.
Of course this opens the door to another aspect of saying I live and the so-called lounge singer....
Feelings nothing more than feelings.... Feelings of love...
Happen my baby having my baby......
What a wonderful way of showing me that you love me....
If your child needs a daddy....
Why, some people may be asking themselves, why, I apparently in the last rock 'n roll encoding sequencer left on the planet, according to the starship intercourse and various forms of processed dairy products.
I'm telling you is that Wisconsin thing and the fact that we let the Mormons in of the picture at all....
And maybe Donald Trump is right, maybe we need to build to walls one along the Mexican border and one along the Canadian border and then let Canada and Mexico work out the bridge work for themselves...
If you're hanging around my back door...
His name is Gordon and her name was Jordan so she said she was from Wisconsin but Wisconsin's very close to Canada so she might be a Canadian spy centric infiltrate the so-called radioactive dump in New Mexico with her girlfriend was actually from the Soviet Union.
That's right I said the Soviet Union, there are those there who do not believe it should of been dissolved and want to reunify the so-called Soviet state they also think that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all and if Mussolini could fix the Italian trains and let's all go hide in Spanish caves and talk about books and various forms of anarchy.
Then I could buy you some flowers and talk about income tax.
Now I haven't looked at the material yet but it is done processing it still could be too large and I have other tricks up my sleeve because I've a lot in common with Bullwinkle.
Now, readers note, I am going to touch upon some adult issues as should be obvious.
Now for the so-called intellectual groups I am actually doing real-time password coding so good luck with that.
By the way, for the record I really did make a Western omelette this morning for the entire family although my son didn't want any I still made the thing and it was very good a lot like my chili and other aspects of my so-called culinary dynamics.
Anyway we have movies on location and my lawyers have worked to deal out with Google so would compress the thing down to about 26 MB so I can put 41 minutes and eight seconds into 26 MB...
By all means, good luck and good fishing and welcome to the coding world and the new entertainment media..
Dr. DIS Media Services
DDISMS I'm not sure I'll have to sink to the boys and nomenclature and have them review the thing like as we got it the acronyms to work right with all of the other acronyms. Reminds me, has anyone seen my acronym coding book?
If anyone was wondering, the other day I was speaking about back to dynamics in various aspects of women in my life. This gets back to the unusual research I do and it's unusual so-called directions and the world's misinterpretation of my research and development.
And you can't blame that on and you can't really blame it I said you cannot blame that on Japan or China but we could blame it on Taiwan if you know anything about the University of Texas that resides in Dallas but fact is enriched in Texas is in Richardson Texas....
You TD UTD, I left your biscuit on the sidewalk next to the bus station, no, I really do I really did. The Gov. of Texas and the two preceding governors before him are the ones that pushed for the current restrictions concerning feeding the birds and state taxes therefore I chose to be University by the bus stop with the top half of my desk with the top half of my desk...
Biscuits and gravy...
You see you only see the top half of my biscuit, but why seemed the only place me because one sided dice the other side's fire.
You know I get easily distracted as I was talking about machines and women and I was trying to demonstrate that Japan has a unique way of teaching that women about the dynamics of vacuum cleaners...
That's the nature of this type of that is the nature of this tight rope < at hand!
Warm aspects of Bob...
Which gets back to the truth or should I say the consequences and should we really play golf with Bob Barker...
I've always appreciated his approach with the so-called beautiful woman who works with or at least what they used to say.
Since were talking about Bob with you talk about Bill and then we can talk about Steve you know Steve I took you and your wife and put you guys are different type of cave in fact I restructured the whole compartment you reside in...
Of course this leads back to David's Garris and his sister by the way that is said Garris....
It's tempting, you know the thing is on this box right now like easily reach for IT!
Meanwhile back at the production facility the professor reviews the so-called post and wonders if he should've gone to Washington with this.
"Does someone want to explain to me how this happened"
" Sir, you have the automatic echo switch deployed. "
"Automatic echo switch, is someone shitting on me or does this thing really exist?"
" Jeffrey, it's the switch on the left-hand side of the console next to the puff tissues. "
"You mean this switch you mean this switch you mean this switch you mean this switch....."
" Yes sir, that's the automatic echo switch, you ask for it when we were making revisions to speed up processing. "
"I did?"
In unison, the entire production facility response
" Yes, you did. "
"Well, it's clear to me that the so-called people in power give you guys a little more space around some the things that you say then they're giving me."
" Jeff, when you say that the function of your own hand? "
"Does someone want to tell me who in the fuck is this guy."
" He's from the psychiatric unit, just in case you tried to get Charles Bronson to do anything. I mean really, and you had a look at that thing, that's what I call a high degree of decay. "
"Speaking of decay, we have any other operatives in New Mexico?"
Were somewhere in the 80s and the 90s in relationship to the concept of compression. That is in reference to imports and exports and Jeffrey's overall economic theories.
I thought I would type directly into this given cell because it makes formatting much easier.
So let me help the so-called critics out and if I ever do make it to the TV Guide this will give them some added information so that they can accurately represent this incredible bit of cinema.
Awoke up today and I realized I was going to have to get animated or specifically as good have to throw some animation your way. And I knew I could teach you something but more importantly I needed to coach you on and therefore I went directly to the coach and pass Charlie Sheen at the bar....
When you get something to Francis Ford Coppola and then my son saying you can't count on him for much but his daughter has worked out well. Those are not his exact words but it does capture the spirit of the so-called dynamic.
Of course this opens the door to another aspect of saying I live and the so-called lounge singer....
Feelings nothing more than feelings.... Feelings of love...
Happen my baby having my baby......
What a wonderful way of showing me that you love me....
If your child needs a daddy....
Why, some people may be asking themselves, why, I apparently in the last rock 'n roll encoding sequencer left on the planet, according to the starship intercourse and various forms of processed dairy products.
I'm telling you is that Wisconsin thing and the fact that we let the Mormons in of the picture at all....
And maybe Donald Trump is right, maybe we need to build to walls one along the Mexican border and one along the Canadian border and then let Canada and Mexico work out the bridge work for themselves...
If you're hanging around my back door...
His name is Gordon and her name was Jordan so she said she was from Wisconsin but Wisconsin's very close to Canada so she might be a Canadian spy centric infiltrate the so-called radioactive dump in New Mexico with her girlfriend was actually from the Soviet Union.
That's right I said the Soviet Union, there are those there who do not believe it should of been dissolved and want to reunify the so-called Soviet state they also think that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all and if Mussolini could fix the Italian trains and let's all go hide in Spanish caves and talk about books and various forms of anarchy.
Then I could buy you some flowers and talk about income tax.
Now I haven't looked at the material yet but it is done processing it still could be too large and I have other tricks up my sleeve because I've a lot in common with Bullwinkle.
Now, readers note, I am going to touch upon some adult issues as should be obvious.
Now for the so-called intellectual groups I am actually doing real-time password coding so good luck with that.
By the way, for the record I really did make a Western omelette this morning for the entire family although my son didn't want any I still made the thing and it was very good a lot like my chili and other aspects of my so-called culinary dynamics.
Anyway we have movies on location and my lawyers have worked to deal out with Google so would compress the thing down to about 26 MB so I can put 41 minutes and eight seconds into 26 MB...
By all means, good luck and good fishing and welcome to the coding world and the new entertainment media..
Dr. DIS Media Services
DDISMS I'm not sure I'll have to sink to the boys and nomenclature and have them review the thing like as we got it the acronyms to work right with all of the other acronyms. Reminds me, has anyone seen my acronym coding book?
If anyone was wondering, the other day I was speaking about back to dynamics in various aspects of women in my life. This gets back to the unusual research I do and it's unusual so-called directions and the world's misinterpretation of my research and development.
And you can't blame that on and you can't really blame it I said you cannot blame that on Japan or China but we could blame it on Taiwan if you know anything about the University of Texas that resides in Dallas but fact is enriched in Texas is in Richardson Texas....
You TD UTD, I left your biscuit on the sidewalk next to the bus station, no, I really do I really did. The Gov. of Texas and the two preceding governors before him are the ones that pushed for the current restrictions concerning feeding the birds and state taxes therefore I chose to be University by the bus stop with the top half of my desk with the top half of my desk...
Biscuits and gravy...
You see you only see the top half of my biscuit, but why seemed the only place me because one sided dice the other side's fire.
You know I get easily distracted as I was talking about machines and women and I was trying to demonstrate that Japan has a unique way of teaching that women about the dynamics of vacuum cleaners...
That's the nature of this type of that is the nature of this tight rope < at hand!
Warm aspects of Bob...
Which gets back to the truth or should I say the consequences and should we really play golf with Bob Barker...
I've always appreciated his approach with the so-called beautiful woman who works with or at least what they used to say.
Since were talking about Bob with you talk about Bill and then we can talk about Steve you know Steve I took you and your wife and put you guys are different type of cave in fact I restructured the whole compartment you reside in...
Of course this leads back to David's Garris and his sister by the way that is said Garris....
It's tempting, you know the thing is on this box right now like easily reach for IT!
Meanwhile back at the production facility the professor reviews the so-called post and wonders if he should've gone to Washington with this.
"Does someone want to explain to me how this happened"
" Sir, you have the automatic echo switch deployed. "
"Automatic echo switch, is someone shitting on me or does this thing really exist?"
" Jeffrey, it's the switch on the left-hand side of the console next to the puff tissues. "
"You mean this switch you mean this switch you mean this switch you mean this switch....."
" Yes sir, that's the automatic echo switch, you ask for it when we were making revisions to speed up processing. "
"I did?"
In unison, the entire production facility response
" Yes, you did. "
"Well, it's clear to me that the so-called people in power give you guys a little more space around some the things that you say then they're giving me."
" Jeff, when you say that the function of your own hand? "
"Does someone want to tell me who in the fuck is this guy."
" He's from the psychiatric unit, just in case you tried to get Charles Bronson to do anything. I mean really, and you had a look at that thing, that's what I call a high degree of decay. "
"Speaking of decay, we have any other operatives in New Mexico?"
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