Friday, August 19, 2016

Sir were speaking to an audience that’s not going to understand what you’re talking about

4 readers reference

I can do all kinds of magic now were about to go into a dialogue of the so-called script which is fine.

But before that I need to show you magic and how magic works and how magic works in the my life and how I can dance with all kinds of things.

Now, we’ll be talking about the so-called underworld, and this is not a spiritual thing it’s a manned made thing it’s called the hand of man! Which is going go back to the museum and the spiral staircase and another aspect to my spiritual being with someone I named John of the dynamic of John but whoso is actually a fraction of my own.

I mean that spiritual world I’m talking about and the spiral staircase is something altogether different.

Anyway you were talking about aspects of making good grades and making a 100 and then giving it even more of your effort will say hundred and 10% that aspects of other numbers and other magic and how these things come to dance around because well, I’m a dancer and punctuations not my forte but if you want to get to work on time I personally don’t mind Canadian rock ‘n roll, in fact I even like it!

It has to do with electricity and things that are alive!

But then again I’m kind of crazy as the persons involved are about to tell you.

Back to the script:

At one time he was the highest-paid actor in the world, and you can tell me people aren’t going to know what I’m talking about!

Sir, you and I know what he’s talking about. But I must confess that I would not know what he was talking about in less I studied the man as I’ve done. Now the team on both sides of the pond, and yes I could say my one sexes with a compass if the trains on time and you get to work.

Stop that, it’s one thing when you’re dealing with sticks and stones it something else when you go to those Fucking Canadians exhalation point!!!   They never should have been given a rock ‘n roll passcode or permissions whoever heard of a Maple leaf rendering anything from Bo diddly correctly! And this bastard has the gall to bring up the blue tree syndrome!!!  How dare him!!!!

Well, sir, he does have a point and well he has gotten away from our so-called grip.

You know what he’s doing, is referring to that bastard in Russia that American freezing terrorist that would be treason but Iselin keeps getting in the way!!!

It might be better sir if you took your sunglasses off!

Don’t tell me that, you know how much beer I can buy!

Yes sir, but that’s irrelevant, I mean we’re talking about something altogether different.

You mean his family, his family affairs, and the aspect of Charles Bronson!

Well, yes sir, but should we really divulge that, after all Russia is on the line and China is on the wings so he’s got roots in the so-called M zone!

Nobody gives a rats ass about Mongolia, he can take all of his wild horses and all of his nomads and shove them up his retarded artistic ass hole. You tell me nobody knows anything about Charles Bronson while I’m going to tell you that nobody knows anything about Mongolia!

Yes, I see what you’re saying and I understand but this crazy teacher speaks to quite an audience and it’s an audience that were going to have to address sooner or later.

Are you referring about love and getting love is this some type of perverted rock ‘n roll passcode that you’re using from the teacher’s dialogue.

No sir, I would never do such a thing, everyone knows that rock ‘n roll is essentially evil and bad and everyone knows there is static in the frequency modulation zone. That’s why we do our main stuff on a.m. and why we have Rush Limbaugh to count on. And forget about late-night television they cannot season or come up to the speed of his magnetism.

So you say we’ve got Russian issues and Chinese issues, can we count on Israel?

I don’t think so sir, this guy counts a lot and he has a bunch of magic numbers and he’s got this idea about a piece of artwork that’s a very old and he believes it someone from the so-called loss tribes. Specifically the two lost northern tribes which he believes ended up in Great Britain.

You mean England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, or do you mean the proper form of Ireland!

Sir this is not a black and tan issue!

Well then don’t think about getting a Guinness me because I like Guinness and they know I can pound like thunder because they witnessed it!

That has to do with the side of the sunrise and aspects of a map and different roads people travel on were not really talking about the here beer and were not exactly talking about nuclear science.

What you talking about, he met all those people who worked in the facility, the main unit.

Yes sir, he did, but don’t lose perspective, this man is focused on artwork and aspects of sexuality specifically those individuals who reside on the planet who possess vaginas, but don’t get me wrong he is flexible.

Knowing is not I said no he is not although would know that and what kind of dialogue is this and what kind of script is this.

Sir he’s already transferred those files, the script writing files. And he’s running with all kinds of scripts, yes we have Charles Bronson issues but remember this man embraces all kinds of things even those things he doesn’t like and let’s pray he doesn’t get dirty, he may be bald but he could still get dirty. I mean do we feel that lucky!

You can pull out your compass and you can go north or south or any direction you want to go but if you go into Kandahar Mexico you’re not allowed to perform rock ‘n roll that would be Canada although I have no idea what that other thing is.

It’s called a malfunction within voice recognition sir.

I know what it is, jackass, but you get a realize this thing malfunctions it does it was Sunday three of purpose.

Not exactly sir, and yes that was a malfunction, it is Thursday and if you’re trying to count we could say on Monday things will be all right.

Don’t you ever quote Jimmy Buffett to me!

Sir, neither of us knew who Jimmy Buffett was for anything about his music and until we started to address the rock ‘n roll passcode.

Granted, but we got to make sure the world thinks that this is fiction and not fact. Which means we’ve got address the dynamic of Mr. Bronson and somehow corral his ghost into the picture.
Sir we do want to bring the ghost of Charles Bronson into this film at all, that would be exactly what he wants us to do. This man embraces all artwork and brings any artwork and anything he deems to be worthy into his so-called arena. It doesn’t matter what the thing is and if the person he can like the person or not, he wasn’t really fond of Mussolini but he is fond of Hemingway which gets back to what we were discussing earlier the so-called Charles Bronson principle and can we successfully apply it as we did in a previous so-called dynamic of genetic patterning.

You think that will protect nuclear science?

No sir, that’s out of the basket, but she’s back in Utah and she will never see them again, we’ve made sure of that.

You mean she’s back in New Mexico!

Yes, technically that’s correct, but her handlers are in Utah and they have every aspect of her capture.

You mean they captured it like his so-called dark matter captured it.

No sir, his so-called dark matter captured us because his so-called dark matter is what we do and he happened to come across, will say he stumbled across. But he knew what it was just like that trader in Russia. And I wish I felt the same way about Mongolia as you do but this man understands wild horses and he understands nomadic behavior as well as the aspects of cavemen and all things animated.

These crazy, I said he’s crazy, he simply crazy.

That said, he still can walk to the place that houses four leaf clover like magic he still has that magic folded up in one of his dictionaries. This man’s odd, it’s now 4 PM so we don’t know what he can do.

He’s just a crazy lunatic!

He’s also an unusual teacher that reaches unusual dynamics and despite our best attempts at controlling his behavior in the neighborhood is still dropped a lot of things off. Yesterday, Wednesday he made the biggest download to the so-called blue tree syndrome that we’ve ever seen. We thought that if we told him he couldn’t feed the ducks that he would stop doing that but he didn’t.

But when he sent all forms of Texas to hound him like a dog and they kept him away from the so-called water and dropping his secret dynamics within knows so-called little puddles.

We did, but as you know he’s twisted that around as well. And he successfully accomplish what he needed to do and we know he’s going to do other things as well.

That’s why we’ve got to bring the Charles Bronson dynamic into full swing!

I wouldn’t use that word sir, it’s a part of his dark matter, you know that, and the last thing we need to do is ally ourselves with his dark matter is that enough research in that arena already.

Will things couldn’t get much worse than they are right now, we held him down with the so-called family issues and dynamic and now he’s resurfaced and he appears to be functioning properly despite her efforts at trying to hide his underwear.

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