Sunday, February 17, 2013



021613 -  4 HFS SHs 1 day so far 8PM.

Under rock film Will Rob Take Note!!

AKA – CODE HIT Tila Tequila - Tila Nguyen Code hit under R_D MB talk 2Y about SC film.  Y2k film AS PR Holly.

AKA 18% Grid:
Singapore, family Vietnam, Vietnam War, y of 3born, half Fr, f Viet, Daniel, Terri, @ 1 relocated - Houston, Texas - gated community run by a strict Buddhist temple - family exit [XinQ] = 8. 102481.

4 Now file as Unknown code talker, Will Rob DZ - potential poser of 18%.  CODE 2 far off – BUT IF STATIC pass - FUSK!  X_Ed, Xc Power 4 Static 18, 2 undisciplined 4 RT code talker!

More Will Rob, sues at the smell of blood!

She is at FULL CARD CODE 021613 8PM CST G-Tx.


He was real Jeff not HyPER EMga – talk odd then – now SHFM!

I tried 2 give stack 2 all, drag now snake, I SEE INK CODE!

OK - @ VIS – I X $, wood if can but Xcode.

How much of 2MERwo wood U Like 2 X.

FC SC CCC heads UP…  Big Ball Rolls

*********8888888888888  NO POST R_D LOWER KEY UP

Devil walk time – God Tell WALK Jeffrey WALK!

Only ashes I carry, TNT – Line Sunny Ch.

111,114,000.  11:14.

TNT no THE HAND!  Many clocks!  5 sites in sleep – 24 hr 5 SITEs,

Like I say, ME talk, BUT TEAM USA STRIKE Y down.  TNT!  All I need is dust and ash!

POSTed Above __________  Note Dragon [N co. Evil N co. CCKK Death Dance!]  {Bad Times!}

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I have to acquire some distance, there's another thing I need to tell you, so I better do it while I still remember it.

It had to do with the lockup. Let's pause the play head.

There are logical explanations for almost everything, most everything follows a logical pattern.

Just because I have problems in my life doesn't mean you have anything to do with it whatsoever.

Now again you do have something to do with.

We all use rationale to help us get through things. Sometimes we can know enough about ourselves to create our own type of rationale.

So I got a problem my life, I don't want to take responsibility, I will blame myself, I would much rather blame you.

So I blame you.

This is where the principle of default comes in. We can call it the default drive or the default attitude or we can call it projectiles.

Here we'll could call it darts because away darts are default.

Now were in the neighborhood if you want to get disturbing because it's a disturbing neighborhood is full of defaults and darts. That's another movie.

Anyway, there's a logical explanation why things lockup. I know that in deep in my heart I except that, it's just a lot more fun for me to blame you when it locks up. So I blame you.

This helps me with my performance.

I don't know which actor taught me that, I've been bumping into so many of them lately.

Let's go ahead and post this, sign out, and see if we can't reach Capt. Kirk.


Look At

0 X Just Fire IT  Birds Fly!


Everything was locked up so I had to take everything down and restart everything. This is complicated because I was in the middle of something and I don't know how it was going to save. I'm assuming it's some type of draft but I have no idea until I get there. I'm not there yet but I'm going to go there soon as you'll see with this posting.

This would be the seconds…

I just said something and the computer started to do its own kind of dance. This would be number two in a series of words now there's another word that was going directly onto the page. That's when we had things grind to a screeching halt.

This leads to something else. It's on top of the washing machine. I find it in a box when I'm in the prop department trying to please Olivia Newton John.

She's very picky and she wants this exact dish because it reminds her of jalopies. That's right I said jalopies idle but ever type that word before not that I'm typing now. I wonder if that really is the word, I think it is. I could look it up but I don't want to.
Anyway I'm filming me in the prop department.

I'm looking for a specific dish that has a certain resonance.

I discover a recipe book below the recipe book is another book that is yellow and has a grid on it.

I know it's important and it has to do with dressing and as I told you somewhere I'm going to McDonald's and I realize that dressing is going to be in today's feature. It was French dressing. Although this looks more Italian.

Anyway, I find the book, I open the recipe book, I think I even make a little film about it, later I opened the yellow gridded book, not expecting to find anything. I was mistaken, were now having a series of Bullwinkle moments.

It's like when I open the dictionary and found all of the Latin words. I was trying to look something up it had to do with the Calvary. And I was going through different types of dynamics associated with Russia and military warfare. It was a complicated route but I had to go that route to get to where I needed to be written
to get where I need to be.

Good tell you something funny happened on the way to the supermarket, I went to see a movie called it's alive, and I met a famous Chinese philosopher, Confucius.

You need to go back to that film, I didn't go along, I went with a girl. In fact that's the first time the train never jumps off the track, it's with that girl.

Now I'm on the sideline will need to do is get back to the yellow gridded tablet and some recipes.

I would imagine there are some numbers and the recipes of course you've also got the new life folder number.

I'm actually going to get up and open that book again right now.

I'm glad I took a second look there's a lot more there than meets the eye. You guys might not be aware of this and actually protect people from going after protecting people. This means I have to edit this image. I could go back and we image but I don't want to allow TM is the actual image on top of the washing machine. I just have to be careful.

Alright we've cleaned house up so to speak. Which gets back to another actress, there's a lot of dancing going on but I've never seen this actress dance.

Basically there's no code here whatsoever. I might as well just show you everything because there's no code. You know what I'm going to do that. I'm even going to show you all of the taglines within the folders because there's no code there.

Let me get out my paintbrush.


I've done it again my brain is juggling too many things and I've lost my place.

I'm not doing a very good job of labeling either.

I'm trying to give you the entire thing all at once in every direction and it's confusing me.

I really need to get back here and print the thing and then look at it like a book.

Somehow this interweaves with the book I don't know how and I don't know which parts I've given you which parts I haven't.

I have every intention of giving you everything but it's quite a strain. Quite a stream, I like using water as metaphor so I can see stream or I can say Ford and it all has to do with some variation or aspect water.

I'm just going to put this underneath these two films and then come back later and see if I can figure any of this out.

There needs to be some organization here.

I just don't like looking at my stuff. This lower film appears to be 25 min. long, there's no way it can be 25 min. long, it just can't be. In my brain it was about 2.5 seconds. If that's 25 min. then no wonder my brains and loop.

And I'm pretty sure just 25 min. I've used several programs to time it.

How in the world could be 25 min.

I know I touched the series 7 and I know I make a strange walk which goes to Barbados and I know I allude to dental hygiene, no I do not allude to dental hygiene I say the word dental hygiene which has to do with Barbados. Which really has nothing to do with Barbados it has everything to do with Germany. It also has to do with the attic.

In a left-handed way it has some to do with France because when you look at Germany there's a left-handed way to see France.

Which gets back to the cartoon guy singing the song danger zone.

Let's just post this and see if I can't gain some perspective with distance and time.

Thanks for minds me of garbage. The group, the rock 'n roll group garbage. She sings a song about things are complicated.

She's an interesting girl and it's an interesting group I saw an interview where she was kind. Kind of irritated with the group, she just washed perform in the group gets caught up in a loop which gets backed all kinds of things.

It also gets back some stuff for my television that I can't seem to get to. Stuff I need to show you.

There's a lot more stuff I need to show you. I'm pretty sure I haven't given you the harmonica piece yet but I'm it allude to it was talking about Jane Fonda…

Now I'm confused again.

Did I write about Jane Fonda or did I film Jane Fonda. Did I write or film or both. I know I filmed her father but that was in direct it was a runaround.

Which gets back to the bar which gets back to Britney Spears which gets back to something that alludes to something which is something we all hope for.

Love is 2 week word

you're not strong or weak because were talking about weakness not seven days.

Thank you, thank you very much,

i Lurrz you

Alright let's insert some media here.

I can look at the below film, i had to because I had to roll with the dice.

The one below that where i think we pick up the feed looking at the ceiling i can't look at. i simply cannot look at. i know it's important and i know i'll want to mess with it.

So we have two different films here and a few other bits of media. the film while rolling the dice was done yesterday. the film that should pick up looking at the ceiling was done when i got back froM MCDonald's.

That's when olivia newton john came into the bedroom. it had to do with arguing with england, she's trying to SAVE English and i'm trying to convert german to 185 gray. to 185 gray 18% gray, now was that so hard that again 8 1/2 has its way of working in the things.

Maybe I should build a spaceship. i think we'll save that for the next feature.

let's go ahead and ship these things out and do not look at tHE OLIVIA newton john peace. that reminds me you got to show them what's on the grid yellow tablet.

Not that they'll believe it but you got a show to them anyway.

Somebody somewhere is starting to believe. some people didn't need any proof, i can't work my way over there it's got something do with boundaries and borders. which brings up another girL NAMED nancy now that's odd punctuation. you know this program does odd things in odd places you would think it would capitalize the name nancy. anyway nancy is a real person and she came up the other day, i was talking about things that never leave the farm, so to speak. once again that's between the lines if you know where to look.

Now were going to deal with the plastic barbie doll on top of the kitchenaid dryer, you need to visualize olivia newton john going through a workout routine. only she's not doing it for me or you she's doing it for england and specifically the office and some other guy who does physics.

It's about geometry.

Which gets back to other eLEMENTS IN europe.

I really just need to show you the whole european film.

On the other hand there is the tango within the routine.

Long story. surprising isn't it.

   2222  LockUp HERE so


When the soundtrack changed it got my attention


[When the soundtrack changed it got my attention]

You make this title the one above and then you go back to geometry, by accident. You look at geometry anything about sunblock and then you realize the pickle the geometries in.

I'm not in a pickle people. I think it type that correctly but I want to say it again, I am not in a pickle people Erie it you are. Now it didn't type it correctly but it did the 1st time.

Here's the problem. There's other information you don't have and it had to do with Thanksgiving. I couldn't get to something when the turkey came around although it did fall out the refrigerator.

You have to go back to Thanksgiving I'm supposed to sing a song and it's related to a motorcycle or should I say a motorcycle you know why it said cycle they didn't say sickle. Which gets back to Donald Trump.

There's a lot of this film I'm not filming and you really need to know.

Ladies and gentlemen your typical and I'm trying to pull you out of the barrel. Let's talk again please. From the top. I'm tempted to get Olivia Newton John to say it. But I have enough footage already.

You're in a pickle and I'm trying to pull you out of the barrel.

Let's just put the film up, this is a metal film there's one that precedes this one after it.

From my perspective I feel as though I'm in a very good mood.


From my perspective I feel as though I'm in a very good mood.

My mind is juggling all kinds of things which gets back to something invisible.

I know I filmed it when I was in the bed because I was talking about making coffee.

You're going to have a couple of films surface today.

One of them talks about something invisible. Believe it or not I accidentally film the invisible thing, I didn't mean to but I did it's one I'm getting water for Olivia Newton John.

Trust me it's a long circuit but it'll eventually get there.

Anyway Bob Dylan's on the soundtrack in my mind, which is fine, in fact I really like that soundtrack which gets back to Susie. Now Susie is a secret coded little somebody.

Let's just leave it at that. Susie represents something I would say would be original thinking.

Will just leave it right there.

So now I've got the machines on them were making movies were doing all kinds of things and I have to use the bathroom.

So I go to the bathroom and I sit on the 12 because it's one of those kind of things.

That's when a cartoon character walks in. I'm having issues with cartoon characters today. A cartoon character walks in and he wants to talk about Star Trek. Only it's not Star Trek you could call it on an island. But I'm not sure that works either but I know that Star Trek and being on an island are interrelated as it concerns this guy.

Anyway he's singing in the strange voice and he keeps saying the same lyric over and over and that lyric is danger zone.

I'm trying to finish my business and flush the toilet, wash my hands because I believe in good hygiene, and finished the film.

Meanwhile he keeps singing danger zone danger zone danger zone.

That's when I realize he's talking about physics because that's what started the pink slip today. It was geometry and they're throwing themselves under the bus using geometry.

Despite my warnings there using geometry.

I still have a nice soundtrack in my mind, I approach the Apple and say let's take a bite.

Something's happened between exiting the bathroom and walking to the computer. Capt. Kirk is come in and Capt. Kirk is trying to save the day for Australia. It gets back to a complicated story I started but never finished. It is written down and this gets back to geometry.

The pink slip means geometry the pink slip means the environment. There are aspects about the geometry and the environment you don't fully grasp.

I can only do so much.

Anyway I sit down before the Apple I'm thinking about Capt. Kirk in trying to save the day for Australia and the English language when we have a soundtrack shift.

Hello Susan, I didn't expect you, do you really think you should be out and about, they tell me I'm probably under surveillance.

“I know, and you are, that's why I wanted to deliver this to you personally. Don't worry, unlike the flamethrowers in front of the kitchen sink, I'm invisible. You did teach as well!”

She's since left but I'll tell you I can't want to have sex with her. Is the truth and I am a truth teller and if you knew who Susie soundtrack was you would want to have sex with her to. She's that kind of girl.

Which gets back to the project, it's in the 1st film I think.

Which gets back to physics which gets back to talking to the office and dynamics in England.

Ladies and gentlemen I pretty much got to do this my way and I've pretty much got to do the whole thing, I would have to do it by myself but that's the nature of things.

Which reminds me I need to make another hand aid for Grenada. I'm not going to mess the thing up today if I can help it.

Which gets back to geometry and how far the distance is.

Which gets back to the stamps. I really do have special stamps, some of you have seen some of them, and some of you haven't, they're in different classes may have different meanings, summer cartoons and then they are something else if you look in another area. There next to Bob. They are next to Bob.

You realize I've got 3 films I'm juggling right now and each one has its own unique torch.

And then we've got Susie soundtrack.

You know I was always attracted to you, it's my nature, all of you guys were aware of, and everyone was cool and I was cool because I was professional. I don't feel professionally more and I'm in a completely different arena.

Which gets back to the pink slip and the fact that when I created sunblock I did so without a ring on my finger or a watch.

I keep thinking Jane Fonda's going to step in but you never can tell.

So I called her father.

No really, I called Jane Fonda's father, I found, I had to do it magically because I'm in a magic place.

Let's just say I whistle the tune.

Which means we could put our lips together and blow which gets back to variations alternative rock into girls and 2 turntables and a different microphone.

Which gets back to the ZZ Top card I was making yesterday.

I actually made a ZZ Top card to explain the vocabulary. I was talking to Europe.

It's all on film which gets back to the pink slip in the geometry and the fact that it is physics and it is England and it is the whole thing and it is a corrupt environment and you really are messing with something you don't fully grasp.

The cartoon voicing danger zone wasn't saying it to me he was singing it to you Erie it the problem is he's invisible to you the problem is that this particular cartoon boy is invisible to you.

This program keeps wanting to type the word area. It types it at the end of almost every sentence.

Which gets back to problems with capitalism and other things that trigger other things.

You want to be careful with what you trigger when you're dealing with twisted logic.

Bingo, this brings me around town SpongeBob thank you.

You're dealing with twisted logic here and I've told you somewhere I don't know whereby not told you hopefully have given it to you if I haven't I'm going to do so right now.

Do not argue with twisted logic, simply try to get to the center of the thing and ride the storm out.

So England, the office, Stephen and Steve and Bill and Billy and Karen and Penelope, I have no idea what letter is up today I haven't cracked the dictionary.

Right now I'm trying to argue with talent. And I never want to pass up a chance to show you my underwear.

I think that's in the 1st film.

I think this is the middle film so will work from the middle and go multiply gold multiple directions at the same time.

Not exactly Annie Hall which gets back to a girl in the been the plastic bin. Which gets back to his little girl which expect to another British actor. They're all right there looking at me.

Even the guy singing danger zone is looking at me. Seriously, I mean literally, I can prove it, he's looking at me. He's a cartoon character that is looking at me. You people just don't believe me.

We you keep creating these kinds of geometry.

I'm in a good mood and I'm still a good mood but you guys are walking under a bus, please, I'm about saving human life not endangering it.

You know city soundtrack I would really like you to come back around town you know Susie soundtrack.

By the way there really is a character in history named Susie soundtrack this is a soundtrack I'm speaking of is younger than I am probably by while him and give you any dates.

She has nothing to do with marketing.

Don't worry I'm going to keep invisible things invisible. But I see your point Suzy. You've got a valid point, I don't know how to keep them from under the bus, they keep thinking it's a joke you know I think I need to show them the dice.

But that's from yesterday if you understand the pink slip them a party got that.

But that's the evil within the geometry. You understand Susie, now how can we explain it to them so they'll understand, is the dynamics of this thing they perceive to be an affair when you and I know it's something a little more twisted than her fair.

Which gets back to Australia which probably answers why Olivia Newton John walked into the picture today.

And yes I found everything I was looking for thank you Susie.

PS TS GK shes there, OK, all thumbs, 2 dike Or X2 dike.