Thursday, October 24, 2013


I don't know how to correct this. I have a problem in expressing things that I believe are important. So I use various forms of artwork to assist me.

There's so much I want to say, most the time I don't really say anything but I do do quite a bit of artwork related to it.

So you end up with this pool of artwork, a pool of things I'm trying to explain to you. Only it's not a pool it's more like Lake Locke. I'm pretty sure that's a very deep Lake, I could look it up but I don't want to. That's not true I would like to look it up and part of it is in the Bigfoot footage.

Okay it started out me wanting to show you the rattlesnake footage. I've got a lot of it. I found some of it but I didn't find the important parts of it. The important parts seem to be lost or more importantly they're probably in some type of bubble that is trapped within the Lake of my artwork.

I have a lot of artwork. And it does actually say something.

I'm looking for the rattlesnake and then I see the goodwill of taxes the goodwill of the state of Texas and I see what they do with things dear around here.

So I have issues with myself but there are bigger issues within the environment on both sides of the river with me.

For instance how did I get to appear mid of human skulls.

Well I was thinking about the building of mounds in the digging of pets. The digging of pets. Now that's amazing yesterday I said Pat and it printed pit and now it's doing pit and not okay you did that. It's that thing the PIP thing the P I T thing.

This has to do with things yesterday that I couldn't reach. This has to do with the tower of Babel and the spiral staircase leading down to hell. For some reason taxes is fascinated with those things in their building at least you know I don't want to exaggerate. I don't want to exaggerate. Without question you've got three of them in northern Texas. That is to say these pets and you need to see what the pit builders look like. So were talking about Texas goodwill and lo and behold a pit builder drives by.

When I say I've got a lot of artwork guys I've got 100 examples of this but who knows where it's at.

This is just one example.

That's what I'm going to have to give a little higher resolution.

No, this one you need it full resolution that means I have to go to another site.

You see the devils in the details.

No, the devils in the details, try to push this thing out at high resolutions here.

That's the problem with grappling with rattlesnakes. It's more than just the stench, I can't even find the symbolism of it. Now I could tell you to go see it for yourself but I'm trying to reach a larger audience that can't.

I do remember when I made the artwork. It was mower day, I'd started reading a new book and everyone was cutting the grass. The snake was gone but not the blood of the snake. The blood of the snake was there and so was the symbolism behind it. So I can't remember if I made a film or if I took a picture, I finally did both. Bingo bingo bingo it's not a picture I made a small clip what day was mower day. I had gone down the biological road and reached 377/99 is going turn right and go north. And everybody was cutting the grass. Or was that a dead day. Or was that a debt day. I can't remember. I remember seeing them cut the grass and it being morning and I've got to go north and I passed the place where the snake had disappeared but the blood of the snake remained and so did the symbolism behind it.

People this is one I have so many hard drives and why I try to sort my material into certain categories.

But remember I got a problem with thieves. They come in and take my data. It's one thing if they take my data and shared with the world at something else that they take my data to hoard it amongst their own thieving kind.

This is one of the reasons why I take a public platform.

Got to do with those bad guys.

You see the bad guys wanted to know what myself and the invisible force field friends were actually doing.

The language of the invisible force field friends had evolved, on what turned out to be, a language that the bad guys weren't supposed to know. Who are the bad guys, they appear to be the good guys, who are the good guys, they appear to be the bad guys, this gets back to the machine that makes that specific pitch.

And yes there were talking about floods in Mexico the other day because that was on my brain although I didn't say it it was about the floodgates.

This gets back to magical thinking and I don't care what you people say, there is something different. Little while ago I had to urinate as I was standing over the toilet I knew what to call this. You people don't believe the spiritual world. That's fine. I'm not telling you to believe in the spiritual world you believe what ever it is you want to believe, I do believe the spiritual world and I do believe you can wire yourself into it. Okay maybe not everyone. But somehow I've been wire into something.

Her father told her I was a drunk and that was correct. She recently lost a bunch for old purses, so I was going to create some more for her. So you see some of it within goodwill. You know the lady was quite rude and she actually followed me out. She actually followed me out of the goodwill store and didn't go back in and tell my vehicle had left the parking lot. She just stood there in the parking lot, now I did take some pictures but when she told me not to I stopped. I turned my camera off. Did I steal anything, absolutely not, in fact I left some change their. It's true, I actually gave you money for nothing but you need to look at where that money was. You see I gave you money for nothing but I was making a statement. You need to look along the lines of where the money was.

Then I threw down some more money in a particular place with a particular meaning.

That was when I drove home and found the rattlesnake which actually symbolizes Texas. Don't kid yourself, I believe someone intentionally put that rattlesnake they are. But they did kill the rattlesnake they are because the blood was there. I just finished the cut-and-paste job. I should've known the thing would have smelled bad it's been in the back of my car for a while now.

I think it's Folgers in my cup.

Okay I'm opening the floodgates.

The pit builder footage is going to need to be red frame by frame.

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