Sunday, October 20, 2013

Trying to change continents won't work so let's insult Bill and Melinda_WORD SPACE

Trying to change continents won't work so let's insult Bill and Melinda.


By the Way, Bill and Melinda I'm not a bad guy, I wish I could truly say with all sincerity that you were not! Hence we have a problem and I should revoke the land of the lake in Sweden.


Go ahead and insert a footnote here saying this was the original title that was supposed to be released in mass transit Chinese language code; All right let's get creative


Everyone looks think about life as a type of projection, for arguments sake. Life is a continual line moving up and down and in and out, birth and death and the start and finish all intertwined.


Let's imagine Confucius now let's imagine that Confucius is dead now let's imagine that Confucius has a spirit that touches others and lives on. And let's imagine that someone comes along and says language can be the spice of life. And if you like spicy life you use spicy language.


So let's get into the flamethrower of spicy life. You know when you talk about food and flavor you're walking around a universal dynamic.


What do I believe and what do I think and what do I project? You respect all life, flat out.


What language do I use, the spicy one.


So let me talk to the Oriental continent.


Let's get one thing straight, if I want to insult you you will know it, if you think this is insulting you need to exit the classroom immediately.


I will give you some car keys, this would be one type of vehicle with remarkable speed.


Footnote this was supposed to be a translation point when I would jump into the Japanese language:

I'm going to give it to you Mr. and Mrs. Oriental person. I know that sounds insulting but you're missing the point. I'm not trying to insult you at all I'm trying to provoke you into action. There's a big difference, you've got to understand the nature of coaching!


Okay, it's not an international holiday as Little Miss Detroit has demonstrated. But it's a holiday nevertheless. Which means we need to get Jewish and go to Alaska and look at a television episode concerning lesbians and Alaska and the dynamics of Thanksgiving and a Jewish doctor. I know that's a lot in a complicated sentence in the sentence is not correctly constructed because the Scott Green squiggly lines underneath it. Who cares. I am curious I say this laughing I am curious how this is going to translate.


Because then we can talk about Mr. and Mrs. CIA, gold teeth, and whether or not the butter has been clarified.


My goodness people. You're not keeping up with speed. I need to be careful when I use that word because the evil guns, hot with evil hearts aiming for me.


But you better hold on partner, I get voodoo in my pocket and I got you on the page I need you are in the mix with full voodoo.


So, it's time to bring out some big voodoo, so, let's go to Mr. and Mrs. Oriental boy and girl, congratulations you are this thanksgivings voodoo projection.


Footnote I was supposed doing jump shift in multiple languages spoken on the Asian continent and spice up the insulting factor to provoke a behavioral shift in a pattern more in keeping with the 18% gray line:

Be very very very careful boys and girls the Thanksgiving voodoo is something that if you do you need to carry costs in and well it's a malfunction.


We can also embrace the primitive aspect of humanity that believes in digesting itself in terms of its own fleshly components. Which gets back to beef jerky. Which gets back to if you knew what I had played and I did open the doors because I did go to stealing glass and I didn't play beef jerky and of course that brings us to Texas. But that's a completely different story. We'll talk about that when we get a little closer to Thanksgiving and when the devil have his heyday. Or show we say that payday or show we say someday. You know there's a lot there, don't worry Texas, you've got Clint Eastwood by your side.


You have no idea!


You can 1984 this until the day I die and you will still never have a clue!


Kids Thanksgiving so let us all rush for our carving knives.


It's a slow track so it's hard to rush for it, slow-motion is bad about that, that's why if you hit the fast-forward frame featuring your remote control unit you can rush a little quicker and we can all get to cut in Turkey.


Do that crazy hand jive!



Draw a line indeed! It's a translation program with the number 14 within its title. This was supposed to be a translation using various languages, many, from Asia. Now, I know how to jump shift to another source and make what I want happen, but I don't want to do that. I need something in the box that I can work with. And heaven only knows I can't work with the Latin yet. Not that I've tried or should I say not that I have not tried. I have tried and tried to work with the Latin. Latin is a hard thing to work with indeed.


If you see my picture and projection you'll know that's no dead language. It's back to universal and something a little girl from Spain and another one from, where was she from, I'm trying to build that document again, you demons and devils have it, so you can play it out for me, not that I'll be looking what you know whatever. Because what you devils and demons touch I turn away from and turn off.


Despite what this appears to be I am it up front and honest person. Don't get me wrong, I lie and I deceive and I protect myself but it's not in the spirit of causing use suffering and pain. It's merely a point of self-defense. I operate purely in self-defense not in any offensive way to hurt or harm you or anyone.


Bingo, none of you can say the same to me. Not one of you. Now were back to stealing glass and beef jerky only it's not quite the same piece of vinyl, and it's a different bird, how do you sleep?


Google's going to go above 1000 but it's still going to be Google shit.


This was supposed to be translated into various forms of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Cambodian, Mongolian and other languages each little paragraph being projected in a different language.


I was doing it for you Sarah. I like using the term Sarah, Sarah is a female, a real human being, she's also a spiritual entity and a symbol, and she's a multiple dimensional diving board. Be very very very very careful when you walk out onto a diving board with the names Sarah. Sometimes the water is fathoms deep and sometimes it's only a puddle.


I would carry a stick and put in the water first. Then I would take the closest Oriental person next to me and throw them in the water and asked them, how deep is it, telling him all the while, if you have breakfast at my house my oatmeal won't have mouse shit in it and I will be glad to eat it right next to you.


It would appear that I'm in a group. I said groove because this is no group you all have given me an edict, I am to live and die alone, so be it, I have grown to a brace I have grown to embrace my oneness.


Footnote: it would appear that Oriental languages are not supported in many aspects of variations within the binary world. What this needs to tell those that need to know, some people are total dumb ASS_S concerning the future of certain dynamics.


Guys we live in a big world we've all got to work together, my gift is that of this lap I said this lap okay I'm not going to correct that.


My gift is a gift of the openhanded and firmly but not too firmly delivered punch in the face. Preferably open palm. Yes that's an incorrect constructed sentence and who cares.


It's only my pet rock and my pet mouse sphere.


I am disappointed about the language shift, I know how to do the language shift in other spaces but it must be contained within my box. You see I live in a land that isn't quite free. Don't get me wrong, they waved flags and say from sea to shining sea but they are deluded and lying to themselves! This is not the home of the brave or the free! You don't want me to start getting nasty, that means card turned Jesus and start talking with his mouth and voice!

Oh happy day! You have no idea. I'm going to say it one more time, stop, breathe, saith the way he's told you to say it, you know what to expect –

super footnote this fragment did not correctly cut and paste it means exactly what you know it means so you'll need to cut and pasted in the box you possess but you must include what happens after a dash of this and that:

- it will be exactly like that.

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