Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The packaging is not always correct


I ever chose for it to be this complicated. This morning in semi consciousville I remembered what I asked for and the response.

For the record, I can look in a mirror and assess what image is projected to me, All to full well.!.

If you're going to try to understand today's lesson you're going to have to cut me some slack and let me tell you some stories that are true.

I also need to lie and I need to bend some things.

The store is much bigger than you realize.

The image you see of me now hasn't always been my image. Believe it or not I can organize structure and lead a team into various levels of operations.

Back to complications. We've been having issues with magic and ghosts.

Okay, how would you say that scientifically, you know the scientific method keeps marching by.

Apparently my unconscious mind has made little points within the environment that trigger certain thoughts and reactions better amplified by previous thoughts and reactions.

I had to open the dictionary today I needed to look up variations on the word hell.

I had more to the dictionary with some cardboard packaging as I shall image.

Okay let's stop for a second. I would say there's more than one thing I need to tell you and I would imagine it's more than 19.

I better get to the big stuff fast.

I had a dream on October 9, 2013, I walked the surface of the euro I walked the surface of the earth. I was looking for a place, an environment, where I could do my magic in peace. I didn't find one. I then awoke and began to retrace my steps in dreamland. I realize some of the problems I'm having here exist all over the world. In fact, strangely enough, there are a few pockets on the surface of the earth that have environments much less conducive to magic than the ones here.

And this place is not a place that wants to witness any of my magic.

Okay we've got problems with the world, I've needed a globe for some time. I have parts of the globe now but I needed another globe that was structured differently. I found it recently. I purchased the world. You know what it doesn't have to be this complicated but I will make it perfectly clear that I purchased the world. Then the world came to me after I'd picked the blow up and put it on the counter. That's right, the world came to me.

My goodness, I needed to warn you about October 9, 2013, I need to explain to you what beef jerky is, and I always enjoy messing around.

All right, it would be wise of you to study John Lennon's album walls and Bridges. Unfortunately the music has not aged well in terms of a contemporary sound. However beef jerky holds up even for an audience in the here and now.

This is from what I thought was going to be a fast job using a small cannon.  Somewhere but talk about the doubles details, I just don't want find the location, it would require me to read read this.  So last thing I would do.

Back to the text.  This is still Microsoft's a voice recognition Mr. and Mrs. Dragon.

You guys know I was dancing with the dragons yesterday people can bear witness to that fact.

Any way back to the text.

But walls and Bridges holds up fully and completely.

Somewhere in here I'm supposed to tell you about a big pile of ciphers.

Arnaud from going to get any of that but I will say that walls and Bridges has quite a few ciphers within it.

Especially when it comes to beef jerky.

I was trying to find another word for health when what I was trying to do unfolded.

You know I could stop right there and spend a lifetime talking about the things that unfolded just this morning.

Class, sometimes you do find yourself in the environment that you cannot escape from, sometimes you find yourself surrounded by demons. When in Rome!

Beef jerky is not what it appears to be, even as history has been diluted. You would think that the smoking and drying of meat is quite primitive. Indeed you are correct it is quite primitive. Just watch them smoke and dry fish in the short spring and summer. That was a fascinating bit of footage. They were drying fish as though it were on a clothesline.

Anyway that's a distraction. The smoking and drying and shall we say curing of meat is very primitive.

My goodness I've got to go back even more deeply into this morning. We got talking about pyramids. Pyramids are universal, some people could not make precise periods, precise pyramids, so they would gather earth and make amount. And make a mound.

This too is universal.

There was a primitive group of people, you would think it would be a different place because there were people there before there were people there. On the other hand this is where it happened.

There was a primitive group of people from a primitive place who perfected what we now call beef jerky. They didn't call it beef jerky because they didn't speaking push.

And this meet was not even a beef product. The term beef jerky and the reason why they use the word beef so they can jerk you around.

So a society was created and it has been renamed over the ages, it's a special group of men and women.

You not go find them in the phone book but you can find them all you got to do is look for the cipher.

They now call themselves the organization for, you know that's not exactly right they don't call themselves the organization for, get straight to the point.

They are an organization but you'd never know it.

This gets to know the rock 'n roll track I'm supposed integrating but not yet but it's on my mind I'm going to forget. The closer to your destination.

And yes I know several.

[Flash Willed Mercilessly and Shamefully to Hell]

At one time in the not too distant past I was given the charge to go infiltrate this place. I was supposed to look in their garage. I couldn't find their garage but that's another story.

The careful you might wind up in Nebraska and it's not in Nebraska but there is some stuff in Nebraska.

When I was in the shower I thought if I do this I'm going to have issues with sports announcers again.

You know I've always had a problem with sports announcers!

One time I found myself in a land that was not my own, I had a few close and some odds and ends but not much else. I did have a vehicle. While I'm walking around in this land is not my own, I discovered shortwave radio. Yes this is a true story. Short wave radios are pretty important in the scheme of things. This was not my radio and this was not my land but I found myself in a land with a short wave radio.

My goodness sister was going to get even more complex if I try and tell you the whole truth.

I turn the radio on and move it to a given band range and then I begin to navigate through the band. I find the French and then I find an English language channel. Very sharp and very clear. It was Bob Costas. Here I was in the middle of nowhere, although it actually is somewhere it depends upon how you classify nowhere. Anyway I was in a strange land with someone else's shortwave radio and there's Bob.

Which gets back to sports and issues I have with sports. The only thing that will shall survive his marbles and tiddlywinks.

Back to the fleshly organization. Let's just say the spiritual world worn beaded In the things. So I went with my pick and shovel and what maps I had began to dig around to see where is the garage and what do they want me not to see.

That's when I began to see what they were working on. This group, although very primitive in its origins, still practices the traditional arts of beef jerky. Now they might call it a nonprofit but trust me it's capitalism. And what they're trying to do is rebranded relabel what's really happening.

They're experimenting on variations upon beef jerky using the source material.

The first form of beef jerky that was made in this part of the world was made using the skin of innocent children.

In contemporary times they're diversifying the pallet and they're trying to make a very rare form of beef jerky. Now when I say a very rare form I mean a form of beef jerky that is rare. Rare as in the way that you cook it. Most beef jerky is well done they're trying to create a type of beef jerky that is rare.

They've even brought in a dynamic from Italy who was able to successfully create rare jerky using the flesh of mice. Or maybe it was rats, I can't remember.

And I got a special kitchen and another facility and things that remind me of my first wife but the real which, you know since I'm telling the truth were going to have to get down the facts.

Let me just say this, if you could travel back in time you'd find the real issues posted on a board.

I can prove that but you know there's a lot of devils in my details. Devils that I didn't put their other demonic creatures did.

Anyway they have to do this in a special way where it's not actually hidden but is not actually seen. Several of us told them, you realize your burning the flesh off these kids.

Eventually I was able to drive the point home and they realized, we've got to get this guy out of here, he is going to ruin our food processing industry.

Anyway they were just heating up the playing field enough to sear the flesh of the innocent children that were lured in by the Pied Piper.

Yes, now again I will play ping-pong but you better remember the pipes were in my back seat before I ever saw with the Pied Piper was going to do.

That's the problem having with magic and ghosts, now that part of it can be explained, no issues with that. But it's all of the invisible stuff.

In fact yesterday I walked into an invisible zoo. And the elements and dynamics within the visible zoo were dancing with the code.

I have this moving Earth issue. And it would appear that someone's complying with my components.

So let's talk about pink granite.

A while back I was very angry. I made a post in the post reflected my anger. Then I went about my day because I had business to do. I finished a book by Stephen King. He left an author's note about forgiveness.

This was one slap in the face to many. Okay you want talk about alcoholics anonymous I'll dance with you okay your dog about forgiveness, forget that slap I'm not turning the cheek on this one.

The day got worse. I pulled over to walk-through world side a roadside yard sale. I realized anger within me was building and starting to push everything out.

I donated to the coffee shop and bought a cup of coffee and began to get sleepy. I sent in a big leather chair took a few sips of coffee and leaned my head back and I entered; justice.

That's when things started to unravel and unfold.

It was 1 to 3.

Then I begin to do the reality checks and even do a narcissism walk-through. That's when other voices walked in. "Don't fight narcissism but embrace it, you're angry because of this this and this, you see yourself as this this and this, it is about you!"

At first I found this hard, I've always prayed to be humble and it's still a part of my prayer pattern. However this is not a humble moment nor is it a humble time.

Let me break it down for you this way, there was an innocent man walking down the street as a recall there were three evil men that offered the innocent man who as I recall was weak of mind, the three offered him a ride. They then beat him and tied him to a truck and dragged him through the desert he was still alive as his body was being dismembered through this journey.

I was the one being dismembered in the desert, I was the one being dragged to death.

Then across the river and close to the very day across another was killed, as I recall that one was totally innocent but the guilt of another was being projected upon him.

While I was the guy that got shot to death.

Then we can cross the river and go back in time to when I injured the land associated with the fleshly organization and we can look at the authorities and their attitudes on homosexuality.

Don't worry they did a full investigation.

All right Mr. FBI boys and girls, what do you know about internal investigations of this state of affairs.

Heaven knows you would want to look into any school records would you.

In other words these people will not investigate anything for truthful cause they'll only investigate for cover.

Remember you're dealing with the state of affairs that burns the flesh off innocent children and brands it as beef jerky.

There's so much more I have it tell you and I really need a binary dumping station.

I really do want to push all the stuff out, the stuff you need to know, I don't want to edit it I don't want to dance with it I just want to do the thing and then let you do what you will with it.

People stuff is starting to pile up.

And you do know they will come in and destroy it. They'll steal it and then they'll destroy it.

Okay I had all of these things going on and I thought I need to put a little spice in the pot. This gets back to dried beans. It's a long story.

But I've got a talk about the clock because the clock is where the spices. So I take a few pictures I got the various units in the charging blocks so I pick up a lighter weight weapon. A small cannon. I dig a few pictures that I realize that this device doesn't have the reach I need. I've had to break out the tripod because the devils in the details.

So I need a brush that can paint the devils detail.

I already have the tripod out so I took the inner G off the block and loaded the brush. The energy off the block and loaded the brush. Put on the tripod and reached for the optical components that would image correctly.

I hadn't intended to but even made a small movie about some of the problems.

I was going to a lot of trouble then I decided I'm going make this even spicier so I moved to the key and left the weight of things in the so-called flag compartment.

I really did this and you'll see it because I can prove it.

I was going to say I set all this up really meant nothing but you would know that that is a line of bull shit.

Then I began to restructure what was there and more magic and ghosts began to dance about the trunk. Indeed the dreams of this morning were in the very pages before me most of which I have not flipped through.

Yes George your card was on the very page, I didn't manipulate that it all I just knew that had to be the top issue and I was thumbing through it and your card marked the point where I was to stop. I did not know your card was there! I did change your orientation. I did that literally, think of it as you will.

I then began to use the language that the invisible force field friends use and began to dance.

I'm just using want lies me before my feet.

I hadn't intended to teach anything but I found myself actually preparing teaching materials. So you people have a lesson in throwing around things and an invisible language.

There's a lot more here than meets the eye I don't care if you believe me or not.

I had to get into the inside of the clock and let you see what the issues were. I'm doing this because there are devils and the devils have a lot of my details. You say I do not have the safe harbor.

And I'm starting to realize I may live the rest of my life never experiencing true peace and privacy.

I need a private place, I needed a wide data pipe needed group of hand-picked people and I needed to know that only the successful dynamics would be revealed.

When you're exploring the scientific method and you're trying to wrestle with the problem sometimes you have a lot of failure. If you carefully document everything you can find some answers within failure.

And sometimes you'll find trips, one trip can be falling into something pleasant and another trip can be falling into something unpleasant.

By the way sharp sticks come up now and again.

You don't George and Ms. Bullock I'm not done with you guys. You say you're part of the machinery. Now I use you guys for all kinds of things and I use a lot more than you.

This gets back to another movie that I can't lay my hands on and it might be destroyed. I was traveling south on Hillcrest it was night and I had to cross the river. I had to go this direction, I reached beltline and turned left, before I left I had to make an image and make a statement. It was night, there's a fire station there, a fireman walked out of the back of the fire station to fiddle with something. Don't get me wrong I know what he was doing so is he. The professor was taking the mound. You see there's a baseball field there.

I needed to make a movie to tell you people something and as I recall I never got that movie out.

It was called the reverse oh change (each…

IT was called the Reverse-O-Change-O pitch.

The dragons telling me I have daddy issues, I should really say this thing massaged the images I have and move on. I've got a lot of things I need to do. This was on my to do list. Which is why so complicated.

I'm building a machine that will throw my unique brand of pitch. So that I can have batters experience what it's like to have this type of ball thrown your way. George and Ms. Bullock are balls that I load within the machine. They're not alone let's say I have tens of thousands of balls and some of them are ghosts. In fact the ghosts are the most unique things to throw when you're doing this type of pitch.

I also need to give a heads up, now my brain is trying to find his name I think it's Michael and he has a father that's in the industry as well he used to smoke I think is your throat cancer. Michael Douglas.

Mr. Douglas did up movie Michael Douglas performed in a film about some crazy guy looking for gold and he had to swim and hold his breath.

That's like looking under the barn.

If you look at the special features component of this film, if you could acquire the DVD or Blu-ray, you'll see Michael Douglas getting irritated at another performer's performance.

I found this pleasant, so I have to ensure there are enough balls in machine to make sure that Michael is sufficiently irritated to give me the performance I want. It's kind of like rubric working with Nicholson that is Stanley working with Jack. Or in this case with Jack's wife. It took a lot of throws. And Jack was irritated.

Michael doesn't like to work with performers that are quite up to speed that's why it's important that Ms. Bullock be in the mix of things as well as the ball when family.

Man oh man you tried to throw an insult and the Dragon help should amplify the insult. Let it stand and let it ride.

I remember last night the ghost of Mr. Brando walked in I just watched a show about french fries and a variation upon cake. Then my mind opened up I found myself in California looking at a mountain and yelling at it.

Then I was in the forest talking to a guy about where we would go to see such amount. They even invoked the name of this given ball for the machine.

She lost her way and it would appear that her friend lost her way but at least one of them or should I say another one held onto her bottle of water.

John read another book I said you know I read another book. This gets back to magic that you're not going to believe his magic. I talked about calling Tokyo and I finished one book, was insulted by that book, and needed another book because I got so many people in timeout.

I just picked up a book, as I recall I got it at a secondhand store. I didn't know anything about it other than the fact that the title had a high degree of code.

I have to dance with this code because we got Thanksgiving coming up.

I just picked the book up, carried her to the car, started the car, inserted the first CD, and began the trip. And lo and behold there's Tokyo!

Now there's a special type of code called HFC!

That's an acronym for Holy Fuck Code, note, to get into this site you have to push a button that says you realize that this is for adults. If you're reading this then someone push that button they may pick and pull what they want but somebody had to push the button to get in.

This is adult stuff.

If you look at my hand scratchings you'll see….

The Dragon is sending up a lot of red flares. I better say this thing and walk away but I will say or I was going to say the so-called magic within this book appeared after I had the realization I was the man being dragged through the desert! Dragged to my death.

And to the pink granite, can't quite get to the things I need to say but I will say I was behind your place and picked up a handful of pink granite and the other dynamics within moved earth.

This came up in Starbucks as well. You see I'm looking for specific type of earth to move and I can't seem to locate it but the little voices are saying you've got quite a recipe here so go ahead and pick up various dynamics of Earth.

It's in the town I left the meter in.

Okay, you have a coin with two sides on one dynamic we are each aside of the same coin. This is only in one dynamic and normally I would not agree to this at all but one of the voices I can't ignore because it argues very effectively. You're from one side of the river but reside on the other and I am the reverse of that. Although it appears I'm from and reside on the same side pets not what it actually is. On the other hand you know what let's leave the other hand alone for now.

When you're in Rome, sometimes you get a bison beef jerky sometimes you've got to purchase some beef jerky.

You see boys and girls I have the right footwear and proper gloves to work in heaven or hell, I didn't ask for this job it was the job I was given.

Bigger need the archive you're going to need the archive, you need to find the sawmill.

And yes I do have to find new ground somewhere and yes I would prefer to unload everything and all of it. If I do you'll run me out on a rail or even worse impale me on a sharp stick.

But who can say?

There's another giant theory, you know what it's not a theory at all a theory means it hasn't been proven. This is been proven so I'm going to call it a giant fact.

The tower of Babel appeared this morning and some state of cerebral dynamic.

The United States has a very unique property. The property is called language. The United States has not always had this unique property, it developed it with the invention of radio. Then you had film and later you had television.

The most important thing about the white man's culture within the United States is language and the biggest factor that has empowered this dynamic is radio film and television.

Now another true story, I really should cut and post but will go ahead and finish this thought. When I was a boy we took a family vacation to New York. During this vacation I experienced several people that spoke a language I did not understand. They were speaking English I just didn't understand a word they were saying. This is actually a very fun story if I had time to give you all the details.

The price of gasoline in Pennsylvania was below $.24 a gallon. When we got to New York it was a little more expensive nevertheless we needed fuel. We stopped and got the fuel we needed to move on down the line. He was from Brooklyn, I had never heard anything like it in my life. We also had some lighter issues in Canada and when you purchase gasoline in Canada, at that time, it was an empiric Imperial gallon. That's slightly larger by the way. So the gas was slightly more expensive.

You know I picked up some magnetic sand…. Drag__RED… OUT!

No now switch to Microsoft’s voice recognition.

I’ve decided to give you all of the material, I would like to give you the source material but the files are simply too large. This is only the material made this morning concerning certain dynamics that started with beef jerky and then ended up and various other parts of the world.

The small Clap or found that I’m releasing is very low resolution, I have the faith and 1080 but I don’t see the need for it. I have the faint and 10 AB.

You started out pleasant didn’t you.

We’ve still got moving earth issues.

Wanda little voices inside of my head said let’s move some earth I was assuming the voices were referring to this kind of earth. But I can’t find any.

And all of the magic around this facilitating a different recipe. Which is fine.

Which gets back, do we need a paramedic or will amount to do.

And there’s all of this other invisible stuff.

Now for the so called oddball pitch. I know that George and this bullet are not actually in outer space. But I’ve got a work around, I know a guy in Mexico and I know a guy who can be the middleman. NS the book I’m reading does take place in Colorado and they can go to Denver.

Let’s just say you could have a whale of a good time all late I need you more in orbit than messing up the cheese.

Now we need a look at the word concubine. This is frustrating, I used to have an offline dictionary built in this thing and somehow the dynamic of an old Microsoft program is screwing with it. It’s called Encarta. What frustrates me as I have the whole deal but somehow something’s been knocked out. I know this is something I did. I just don’t know how to correct it.

For some reason forces in the binary world will not get knowledge the fact that not everyone has Internet capabilities.

It all in one scenario every single one of you is cast into the fire, as I reflected upon that I chose to put on a pair of gloves to reach into the fire and pull EL BJ out.

I do this because in my lifetime he understood.

You know me and Mary A me OK it’s not the type it. I don’t really need to do it anyway.

I was really gonna take the time to explain why he wanted them why one of them is being moved into the fire.

In a way this has to do with the picnic basket. Another White House to do with the drive around town. N and other way…. It’s a wait and Sweden but there’s another light in Switzerland! I said you know what will start over. Yes this was important.

There is a delight in Sweden there SA res of war and Sweden there is a pond that is bigger than a pond I would call it at lake and it is and Sweden however there is another one in Switzerland.

Each of these bodies of water have magical properties.

When you’re floating around in Northern Europe you’re floating in bodies of water that another which has touched.

She feet and she is the ageless one.

Now all I could talk about fly rods and fly fishing and various tools used to lure fish.

I get things to do today and it’s already past noon.

The question is, how much do I need to get done, I think a lot. Which means it’s going to be a complicated drives.

I also need a high speed data pipe.

By the way, the beef jerky lecture has been in the next for some time. If you want to enter this space you would have seen several beef jerky packets taped to my cabinets.

Beef jerky was on the dial band and a little before that.

I’m just saying one and row when in Rome.

I am going to go out on the edge before I completely signed off. There’s another dynamic on the forefront, for some time now, involving kitchen Cal kitchen cutlery.

If you are to open my door you would find one device that’s really making a big splash.

That’s an interesting play on words because this device makes chips off the old block and and this state of affairs concerning this particular molecule, it’s solid form a dozen splash much.

That’s when the magic of chemistry walks in the door. And you realize that’s all three forms can coexist and wants and in fact almost always do. It’s just a matter of degree of which state of affairs that they resides in from a bigger picture point of view.

Yes that’s a part of the cipher pile.

You have to excuse me were so easily called away.  During the Paz something came and something did something that reminded me of something on the supposed to tell you about.  Now in a way I would be telling the world about America, and truth as the thing actually appeared before me it's many things in many places around the world.

Be very careful when someone offers you an olive branch.  There are those that repackage plant life and they call one plant a different planet and and this semi conscious state this morning someone was offering someone in olive branch and I knew what it was.  It was really a vine.

You know that is absolutely true and if you saw what I'm talking about you would have seen something polled find off the side of the house.  Pull a vine off the side of the house.

Now that vine was not offered as an olive branch but it's the dynamic that you need to be aware of.

It's more of this magic and ghost and stuff.

It gets much more intense than this, you wouldn't believe me so long: to put it on Ponce.  I'm going to put on POS.

Okay bill.

I'm having one of those, I need to go back and explain it moments. It's very old school with me.


I gave you a smidgen of everything I worked on the day. The reason why you see some so-called repeats is because of the Meta data. You need that to understand what I'm doing because I'm actually collating inside the Meta data of the image itself.


Therefore to speak discarded language with a flamethrower you need the original source material and all of the other stuff that comes around it.


If it was the old days we'd have a common source ground or as I recall it was called a campground where we would build failed campfires when we were doing are exercises. Or we would build campfires when we were doing are exercises.


This language is what they were gunning for, also long ago. I thought today as some of the others and a few shadows that have crossed my past. We'll call it delusional thinking. Now there was a lot of delusional thinking this morning but they had to do with radio television and film. In other words I had to do with language.


Now on a global scale of thinking, what can I offer the world, well we Gotta get past this language thing. And I thought about other parts of the world and could we replicate the American Media, the answers now, the American Media has scale and a common language.


There was something else this morning in the semi consciousness of reason, O yes, old yes, O yes. That's a little too much spice for these spoon fed students.



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