I do not want to spend all day spoonfeed you. Spoon feeding you. But there's a lot of material here you need and I'm the only one that can appropriately give it to you.
And this should be in high resolution which means this could be a monster file. This means I should jump shift and go to another site. I've got more than one place I can put a monster file. But right now were walking around this file and this location. So you have to keep it small.
That's a shame because this particular film holds up in high resolution.
That may seem odd, now in this feature film you're going to see me make several mistakes. This is not a photo one class and it's not a filmmaking class gets a voodoo code language class.
Anyway when I pick up certain ones certain wands. When a pickup sticks or let's make it simple when I pick up a camera and I use a camera I don't always look through the viewfinder. This has to do with something one of my college professors said, this guy was actually very intelligent it was just a horrible teacher. His name was Ned Hochman. A very intelligent man very well versed and very knowledgeable but a horrible teacher.
By the Way, Mr. Hartman you still owe me eight hours of a plus grading. That's not a joke it's a different story said don't get me distracted Mr. biological road.
Anyway I'm not looking through the viewfinder and then I change the foregoing is because I don't want to get close to the stinking flash and I don't realize that I've extended the focal length or narrowed the angle of view of the optic and I march you into my refrigerator. I make a film inside of my refrigerator and I don't realize I've extended my focal length beyond what I am aware of.
Will resurvey we will resurvey the refrigerator later.
We'll get to Albania here in a second.
I'm moving in and out of consciousness and I find myself in Laos, Cambodia, parts of Thailand, and of course Vietnam. And we do, walk around the southern arena of China to a small degree.
I'm looking it up. Of human skulls. I realize those are my schools, those are my skulls, now I can use the word my in two different directions and saying mean the same thing and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Those are my skulls and that is my skull multiple times or should I say my skulls here I'm implying it is mine in terms of ownership and is mine in terms of the bone structure of my cranium.
It's about how you project and how you see yourself in the world, this is more than a local issue it's a worldwide issue. I can't do much in the world right now because I'm stuck.
And some of you people think you got it tough, and some of you do have it tough, don't get me wrong, but let me expand upon and broaden and sharpen the picture about what they do to things that are dear here.
And I'll throw in some more detail around the rattler.
First we'll do the film because the academies waiting.
I hope we passed the audition, and yes I did have blisters on my fingers, while in 100% truth it was on my wrist and thumb but we say we have five fingers on a hand therefore some people consider a foam finger. So when I say have a blister on my finger I mean it's one of my five fingers just happens to be a special finger colder from.
Now it talk about other mammals that don't have opposable appendages upon their hands. In fact the creatures don't have hands.
Which gets back to Sondra Bullock, look you had to thank James because you had to think James but James was looking for speed and he thought you were that speed when in actuality you're more like a parked school bus.
James is merely doing what a man's got to do Sondra you got to come up and meet the challenge. It's a man's world Sondra.
This gets back to Bigfoot and Jane Goodall and a Native American tribe called the crows. They had an interesting religion when they had small ferry like creatures.
Are you guys keeping up with all the small ferry like creatures.
Did you know there's a white rabbit about and yes it's in the mix right now I'm not talking about their Macs I'm talking about my mix.
But when you think about the greatest thing ever did was build a city.
I love irritating grace.
You know when you built that city it was a slicker.
Bolan's blimps trains planes and automobiles and said balloons blimps trains planes and automobiles not lost track.
I've got a lot to do if I'm going to give them everything but I can't give them everything.
Give them what you can go ahead and give them the small version of the clip.
This is the full clip and it is an edited except putting the string together when I say small I mean in terms of resolution.
I just titled the document and I thought about something also supposed to comment on, I knew a girl from Poland, she was very attractive and I was very attracted to her that she wasn't attracted to me.
She said at times I looked like a cat, there's a little more to that true statement so let's call that a true statement that's about half as big as it should be.
She was attracted to a British economist named Mark Thomas.
I've lost track of Mark, he wrote me a letter and he was in Ethiopia, seriously, and he asked me how my filmmaking was going.
Well Mark and By the Way, Mark Thomas is from Sussex England and his father's a lawyer only the don't call warriors Warriors in England. That's because they don't speak American.
It's one of those language things.
This gets back to the other girl I had a shot with, she was an English librarian, I liked her and she liked me but she also liked Mark and that irritated me. Then there was the other English girl that wore the blue bathing suit.
Now are getting into the big clock and I better stop.
If I don't come in and start explaining to you how compass works and how you would find a forest in New Hampshire.
You realize I've said all of this stuff and I haven't said a single and accurate saying. I have not said a single and accurate saying.
So don't worry the Chinese bureaucracy has your best interest at heart just like Russia's.
Which gets back to Albania, I was moving in and out of consciousness and I said I need somebody where is this somebody. I was looking for an individual that had the most genetic material from Genghis Khan. You see Mongolia is in the forefront. And I need one big bad asked Mongolian and Genghis Khan was about as big and as bad as any one human can be.
So his genetic sequence in terms of percentages is highest in Albania one given individual. I know you wouldn't think so but it just so happens both this guy's mother and this guy's father spring from Genghis.
It was about solving the Korean issue on both sides of the line. Now Korea's got to get in line or I'm going to send a variation of Genghis Khan your way. Now let's say you want to keep things level and just the way they are in terms of line. You can do that, to do that you need to study vacuum cleaners and snowblowers. And yes Japan you're going to have to give them a helping hand. I'm talking about vacuum cleaners and snowblowers on a nuclear level.
Japan I need you to make sure that the following and tubing of the material is correctly made and aimed correctly.
Now let's not be silly I'm not talking about bombs I'm talking about cleaning house. It's just an industrial-strength vacuum cleaner and snowblowers. Japan if you can drift with me it'll help you out with your weight issues. And to one side of Korea it will put you on the map, not that you're not on the map now because you are but if you don't get with the game is going to have issues with Albania.
All of this may seem like a waste of time, and I understand that, I'm not for sure Sarah even live there anymore, but is the idea of Sarah and her husband that still irritates me. As well as variations on London bridges and collapsing bridges and what I think is Minnesota.
They're going to have a lot of snow in Minnesota and Alaska this year.
So we can help them by cleaning up our own backyards.
I'm telling you just to get active, embrace the media, be active in the media so to speak.
Come to pop. Come to Papa.
We can all dream of a white Christmas and well-being was really a good father. And that's not exactly right but you can drift.
All right Sondra of better help you with the numbers up to the launch code.
I've been very good with numbers lately.
First Sondra let's talk about her ABCs or in this case the fundamental sequence of starting with positive numbers.
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