Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Voodoo Dolls R and D

are you going to help me clean this mess up looks like it's will fix the font later

888 IMAGE folder RD: 6

fix.jpg I don't understand why this title strike here this title is right here. Nevertheless this is me attempting to do research without an outside hook. Very limited indeed.

888 IMAGE folder Voodoo Dolls: 43

 I was hoping this was going to go much better but the size and scope of what I was imaging is larger than I had anticipated.

 The fireplace and mantle have been altered

 if I can't go to the pier mids then I'll build a paramedic and bring the pyramids to me yes that's a slight tag to another artist who also built pier mids. There is something you need to know here there's a tile with a broken chip inside the fireplace on the great and there's old another large stone let's see if I've a better picture lower.

 This is symbolic the canoe keeps breaking and I have to keep gluing it's got to do with the way spiritual energies throwing things around and about the house.

 All right let's start from the left that large rock is actually a chunk of curb. I'm putting it there to remind certain components of the power of Earth wind and fire. I really don't have that big of a problem with Larry but I've had problems with Dallas and her boyfriend from time to time. Especially when it comes to severing of fingers. Now you got a metallic jay recovered from the scene of a crime and you get a broken tile and chip. The broken tile and chip are important because they have been voodoo fied [ voodoo-O-fyDa ]  copyright DIS,  Webster you've got permission to put it in the dictionary.
 Anyway I had to let the photo dynamics or elements no that if they try to jump ship again they'll be consequences to pay because this is the dynamic of truth or consequences because of Bob.

 Addressing issues with Dallas would be something you could spin.
At you have a snake bitten Brett and a petrified log. To the extreme lower right you have petrified fecal material from an animal that would involve into the awful that is to say the native American North American buffalo or bison.

 This image refers to dynamics of rock 'n roll and fingers in the Navy.
 Hello closer shot of fossilized manure

 musical chemistry and fingers at the Naval Academy

  Spotlight snakebite brick

 chip off the old block

 Native American magic rock

 on opened music

 because she's pretty

 the warehouse after black Friday at Voodoo-R-US

 by the way there's a dynamic of string theory here associated with the dynamics of Charlie as well as various forms of caveman tools and weapons. This also leads to two women and a father who some people say is a conspiracy guy from Europe sent here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan.

 Picnic basket

 why you need to take care with boo-boo and other small bears in the forest
 now I've explained the fireplace and the altered dynamics so let's move right into creating a contemporary voodoo doll. And you can see or imagine this just like the way they do it in some of the movies. They get a lock of hair are piece of clothing or sometimes it can even be a fingernail and they trade a doll around it and then they manipulate adult to serve their purpose.
 This works on the same principle but is more sophisticated in terms of its spiritual frequency you see I'm gathering components of the artists soul.
 So I'm using their own artwork in their own aspect of having a soul and I'm creating a kind of message or instruction file that I can threaten with a magic of Santas magic dust

 I didn't have to do that dinosaur but things that glow came up and I was region for the yell yell when the dinosaur longed for it and tied itself up with it.

 This particular dinosaur told me it wants to involve it wants to evolve into a mammal preferably a large furry animal loosely related to monkeys and apes I told him fine he did have his 15 min.

 I'm keeping a close watch on them as well as the dynamics of the entire scene. Now there's a play for words here that you don't quite see yet but you will. And it's another type of voodoo that I learned their French kitchen.

 You can call this a crown or you can call it what it is, and empty CD case. Now here's something interesting I was once an art professor and I taught a course were used unusual bits of artwork and told the students to transcend the median message of the artwork and projected into a different form of art. Essentially drawing from one art form and carrying it to another. It's now the last day of class and this must've been in the year 2000. I think it was the year that my boss had gone on sabbatical and I was her replacement. She would disappear and the secretary would attempt to sell my close and other belongings to the beggars outside the snow-covered streets.
 So essentially this was my last semester and my last class, as I can remember it might not be. But I'd taught a course on pinhole and I'd taught a course where you moved artwork around and I'd used some Elvis Presley tracks. There was a young man there who did very good artwork who was into obscure rock 'n roll material. He had done well in my course and like the course because much of the artwork I was using was pretty obscure music.
 I don't like loaning my stuff out but he begged for this CD telling me he would be back next semester and would return it to me. I was against it but he pleaded with me. So I relented and let him borrow the CD and retained the case. The problem is I didn't return the next semester because I had been teaching for to five courses a semester and was only required to be there on a Tuesday and Thursday and the secretary had given me one class for the next semester that would meet Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. That wouldn't even pay for my fuel to Arlington Texas.
 I was pushed out. And so I left. And so I lost the CD. So what we have here. A loss CD and the King of rock 'n roll signing stuff was something in the background. Very reminiscent of Sunday, December 1, 2013. Remember kids I can see invisible things.

 Okay this is the lower part of the stack I'm using the power of Bob and the power of the King of rock 'n roll to keep things compressed and in line. Basically since this is cover art and not rock 'n roll past work I'm simply writing with a dynamics associated with cover art. This is what would happen if the so-called things held in check jump out of bounds.
 And some of you may think, I'm not here, but you are, if you're of a certain vibration therein between Bob and McCain in one way or another I would be Bob and the King.

 Here's the next stack and you almost see it all.

 Here's the upper divisions this is me getting frank with you then you have been and you have been Crosby which is a guy that kind of irritates me and him got using that irritation to make sure you understand Frank. It's also the holiday season and being is up popular holiday feature. I collect the fact it won't fully typed his name.

 Okay this is me lining things up by the labor to get back the high ground and other magic if I can ever work my way through all of this. That's pretty important I need to do that. For the record I'm not picking favorites I just had to make sure that she understands she's up against. Then we get into a traditional and simple default pattern.

 The components of the voodoo dolls

 somewhere here or other instructions on the walk over to the thing and look at them for myself and then come back and tell you what they  Mean. Are I let's work with what I believe is the separation line. Don't think you can draw your weapons on me bitches! I would get something straight between us! and this isn't for all women because sometimes the field changes so I'm showing you those surrender safety zone. Those are the two women that follow lower.

 In these next two shots is some tricky code indeed. Here's how it unravels:
 don't think you can run away don't think you can drive away don't think you can get you a ticket
 you cannot
 don't think you can call the badges and don't think you can, on their birds and bees
 I can and will assemble
 and my counts is less than or greater than depending upon the game we play

 there will be bodily fluids
 it's the J Way
 don't make me
 these do more than put down werewolves despite what what's her name used to say
 she's the former Secretary of State under the last Bush administration
 real good looking black chick
 radically Republican and incredibly goofed up.
 You know her name
 it won't come to me right now.
 Then you got the ultimate cost for getting outline
 now class this is a voodoo doll
 I do not intend to do anything to anyone other than to artistically dance around the various elements and tools of my craft.
 I need to talk about the other part of higher ground I didn't discover this until I was deep inside of this. I had to go to the so-called big house for some reason oh yes for the port.
 When I got in my vehicle I realize that this is where it was, the catalyst I was looking for. And then the thing started inter-a phase of super capitalism. Super catalyzed charged particles begin to fly around and I was back in high ground. At must've been why Zoe and her sister dragged me to that place in the dream.
 Maybe unconsciously I knew this things can attract this way. I don't think so, and the lyrics I had no idea the lyrics dance this way. Although I used that exact track in one of my other classes when I was trying to draw a new army.
 This is one where I actually want to download the lyrics so you'll know what they are. Now I'm very familiar with this piece of music and I have used it in my artwork and I've used it in the lecture all. But I can't remember everything despite what you people think. And I put Romeo and Juliet right in the same right in the thing. And then the track comes in Romeo and Juliet are right in the thing.
 In fact I had pulled her out and pushed her into safety. And there she is in the voodoo doll in total safety in that zone and then she comes up and starts tracking in my vehicle and its the artistic chant that this voodoo doll needs.
 Pretty spooky!

Now not everyone's being held in check if you look at the field you'll see there are two that are clear. Some of you might think it's this that or the next thing but you got to remember if he and score you can develop a measurement and then you can write the thing and then when you write the thing when you have a rating then you have a right of exchange a rate of exchange….

Just so you know the pattern doesn't quite fit. Now you should know I have other volumes of music that I have fully purchased but do not possess the physical copy of. This would be the railroad tracks lady in three takes on help from the cell phone and back in the day she selected the presidents house. At least that's what they say. Now this goes around town and you've got other dynamics which explains the scale of weapons on the forefront. It also lightly alludes to what someone called 70s photography. This would lead to by the way that's pornography which would lead to Burt Reynolds and Ernie and other dynamics. I don't think I'm ever to get to the original story of his post talk about.

The heiress loaded clear. The air is slow to clear this gets back to Britney Spears and some footage concerning another group of ladies from long ago. Now he talk about strings and the CIA but were at H2O as I recall. Or somewhere around there.

A-N-A-R-C-K-Y in the U-S-A

A-N-A-R-C-K-Y in the U-S-A

A-N-A-R-C-K-Y in the U-S-A yeah yeah

Anarchy in the USA


Two young American kids just looking for justice

standing up by the square getting down on the pipe

the facsimile is paid by taxes

the go-ahead kids and get your guns

come on down to downtown

it's truth or consequences on the byways and highways

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