Friday, December 13, 2013

U R N a very unusual form of timeout

It's a bigger deal than you know because it's never happened before. A lot of things haven't happened before and some things have.

I'm going to change languages and I hope you can follow me. I'm saying this because were in the event right now and it manifests itself today and it successfully bounced just like the balls should have. This is very unusual. I actually have an idea and I create a scientific experiment that I go into the field detested and test correctly and what was a theory can now be considered back. But I understand the limitations of factual things. It's like his wife's and the CIA because she has to be it was in my dreams.

We also have different forms of C code. I don't want talk about the C code right now because Charlie codes getting kind of comp case.

Breakfast December 12, 2013: 5109, 5110.

Suiting up: 5543, 5544.

Alright let's start with the facts and nothing but the facts. Sometimes I suit up and am unable to deliver what I intend to. Sometimes I'm not suited up and I deliver. It's very rare for what happened to me today to happen. I both suited up and performed and delivered everything I was supposed to.

In terms of teaching and in terms of code this is very rare. I grade hard and I grade myself the hardest, look in the archive that's echo. I've got to give myself a truthful score, 108. That's right, not only is it a 100% but there are 8 bonus points for the mysterious component.

Now, I was going to be hard on you and I decided to play it square and fair. You don't have all of the wardrobe code or uniform code to my knowledge. But if you want to the new girl on the block she would be using the code because she had her nightstands part of it. She understands part of it.

Now I need to change languages. That's correct I'm about to change languages only I'll still be using English but if you understand the code you understand he's just changed languages.

I'm going to use the Bob code. Now one I use the word Bob or use the word Tom or use the word Hank or Betty Sue or Jamie or Johnny or Joey Fred and Wilma Betty. These could be any form of the variation of these names. Here you need to go to all the Bob's and decide which one and which language I'm using.

It should be obvious, especially if you're walking around with dirty hands. I am deploying a variation of the changeup code. So which Bob am I addressing rid which Bob and which Bob am I addressing. I know the seasons over but that doesn't mean you still don't throw the ball around and play a little catch now again.

If you're pitching you got to keep your throwing arm in condition.  It would be a very difficult rebuild. It would help you if I gave you all of the answers. I'm not going to do that yet but I'll probably do it over time. And if I don't do it eventually someone's going to steal it and you'll have it anyway.

But the changeup code appears to be working although we had a tinge of the paranoia of vent and a tinge of the verification of the validity of paranoia. It's a complicated walk with me, sometimes. Other times not so much. But remember I'm just starting the changeup sequence.

For a matter of record the reverse of change oh picture is also still operational. That would be the reverse-O-change-O!  This gives the kitchen cutlery a double edge.

Now, I'm still doing a giant withhold, that should be apparent, and with the changeup pitch who knows how long I'll keep things suspended. You should also know you are all in a variation of a timeout sequence. This is a very different kind of timeout, as a matter of fact this type of timeout has never occurred since the torture began.

It is a very heavyweight and this is the holiday season so if you're in the holiday season who would be chained with heavyweights Westmark? Okay I didn't say the word that's read squiggly lines underneath it I said it is the holiday season and who would be chained with heavyweights! It's got to do with current business practices and certifications in compliance with the keeping of numbers or the juggling of books.

By the way, with some very unusual dynamics in unconscious and semi conscious of vents. I'm not, okay that didn't do well. You might want a heads up here affirmation point! Well it's nice to see that some things are still consistent.

Heads up, we've had 2 very unusual events in the semi-conscious state of awareness. This is compounded because we've had other unusual dance in terms of the spiritual presence making a footprint visible.

Doesn't matter if you believe me, sometimes I watch you bleed me and sometimes I want to believe this but what's important for you know now, the spiritual presence has made literal footprints out and about the little cabin. Maybe it has something to do with a black cat living underneath my house and then again maybe you don't know what I'm talking about.

It's got to do with the suspension factor. If I would release everything, and I'm not above or below doing it, in fact I'm imaging a little notebook called shooting video. In that notebook is something people want to get their hands on, it is me writing my rationale down concerning your timeout problems and my problems with my artwork. They are integrated and they are in sync. By the way that was a part of the other mobile discussions as I was driving to the city of my birth.

So I go to the city of my birth in full uniform and with the reversal… I'm not going to hand write that word it's a type of pitching we got changeup pitch now so you can have to figure out for yourself..

Okay I need to explain some other things. Any time you see me giving you 2 images one with a flash and one without it means something. Not only am I revealing the uniform code, perhaps you knew it and perhaps you didn't I was giving you clues right and your nose by the way, any time you see me with a SideArm you should be aware that something is up. Now what you consider to be a gun in what I consider to be a weapon are 2 different things.

I had gone into the art building from the front and I was leaving. And I was thinking about the SideArm at my hip and the things I'd done and if they were to trace my steps backwards and follow everything I did and everything I interacted with they would actually have a boatload of 18% gray data. Perhaps later but it would have to be a multi platform event. That's something else that happened, you haven't seen it because it's being withheld. But I did do a platform change wardrobe she she a type of key yes found in 18% gray maps. Now I had no intention of actually changing platforms because making things anymore, gave them a RTR would be an overload for me and you.

Okay, we have something else going on, since the spiritual force is leaving footprints I have decided to start interacting using the Ionic spark code to start interacting with various environments. I did it today, I get it in a classical style that would be called old school but I was aware that the spiritual spark was upon this place. And so was the hand of man and possibly heaven and hell itself.

I'm going to assume it's the hand of man but I'm also going to assume that when I walked into the hand of man the spirit created a charge.

All right, I doubt very seriously if I'm willing to follow through with this but let's suppose I do. I'm going to go back to the reverse pitch as well as the changeup pitch and you're going to have to know something about me. That's how this code works! You need to know the classes I took at the University of Oklahoma what my declared majors were. It's important if I decide to truly run with the ball and truly create a reverse pitch. It will have a lot of English on it. Now, you should have an image of a CD I have from Island records and it has a track of a woman singing about broken English. The track is interesting because I can pick the track up to manipulate. But the facts are I am manipulating Russian and German according to the lyrics she didn't want that she wanted broken English. Will hello young lady I'm Mr. broken English but I speak a universal language. When I speak in 18% gray it is truly universal.

People, the metadata that timing the sequence everything is important. For the most part I'm trying to deliver this to you directly in sequential pattern.

I didn't do that with breakfast and I didn't do that with the uniform because you need to be prepped. After that it should be a straight up flat out delivery. Guys there's a lot more you need to know, you see it was a rodeo today! Here's what you don't know, I'm doing a withhold and the whole concept of a rodeo is within the withhold. I'm assuming that due to the so-called tapping into the keg before it's ready has to do with the fact you knew the rodeo dynamic was rolling around.

In the changeup obscured take the rodeo dynamics and create a type of route and the type of last cell and I was good to start tying some certain types of animals up. I'm pretty sure I've successfully tied some of these animals up although I'm sure it's only temporary.

I also think I have a moderate understanding of the environment I'm in now which means I can't do anything concerning the changeup directly here. I also know that I have limitations that are very large indeed.

I also know I have talent. I'm withholding some things, I spoke with a young woman who is about to be married and is an artist. I wanted to see students artwork and she showed me some of her sculptures and sculptures of other people in the classrooms taking. I ask her she could talk about her artwork and she did. What she said about her artwork was exactly what I interpreted the artwork to be. This was a very good thing for her and me. This beautiful young woman was performing a type of artwork called precision minimalism. Something I'm very familiar with, I don't know if her professor has explained that to her but if she hears this she should now she is performing precision minimalism. And it is nothing but the facts which makes it easy and clear to read.

Now, I wanted tell young lady, if you want to embrace being an artist you're in a good place because you have a kind of gift. You have more than one gift because I can read gifts. Here's the deal, if you stay focused on your style you can do precision minimalism and make it universal and make it timeless, to make it in a way where it actually involves. Evolves or does the darn thing which is about someone else I spoke with who is majoring in history. Okay I just talk my way through the crazy ones and the next show doesn't really sound appealing Medicare report was but it doesn't matter I do know I don't watch Hawaii 50, for very good reason.

You got to remember, sometimes things are cursed estimation point! Now how Wi-Fi overall Hawaii 50 is not actually cursed itself but there is a cursed object which hovers around it. That object is truly cursed.

Insert the precision collection.

Now insert screenshot data that helps with nomenclature code.

Yes sometimes it is amazing, yes that is what's going on Allen, only it's an angle, whilst my thinking about, sometimes it's intentional and talk related other times it's an accident celebrity correct some numbers if I've added this up correctly. I didn't mean to make this type of numeric pattern exist but I tripped over it so long ago when safe I can't do the pitch since we are on the mound.I said you know what I'm not amiss with this. It works and I can make it count correctly but I didn't mean to do it and everything I'm giving you I meant to give you. So let's go ahead and keep this thing here and then I need to tell you some other things. Alright I said let's go ahead and keep this thing here. Let's keep this thing here. Let's keep this thing in the purification process which is why it's on the swing if you understand the dynamics of the delivery system. And yes I did give a lecture over Stanley Kubrick. And yes I think she is one the most beautiful woman in the world and guess she probably does have a perfect pass and yes to all the other stuff but what's new with the truth how would I know and how would you know and if she was then we could have did what I lectured on. That would be to move into the sink mode process.

 That was a real lecture I gave in the automobile.

 Now there really is a real sink procedure and there really are outside people. If you had everything you would actually see these people coming into focus. Which gets back to the alphabet which gets back other things I can't remember right now. Here's what I do know. I slept well last night and I set the alarm for 602 and I woke up and that would be 6:02 AM and I woke up and wanted to go back to sleep but if I would have I wouldn't have ever made it there. I thought it was given myself more time that I needed but in truth and in fact I took every minute and got there a little early.

 I'm supposed to make a

Somewhere but I've lost it. This gets back to the Dr. Pepper can because they're smoking and that's part of the dynamics of that can which gets back to what's on the slang and the dynamics of tissue mango and Australia. It also gives back the dynamics of the city of my birth and the media itself. You know since I've decided to do the change up pitch the quality of my hard work is done exactly what I wanted to. Dramatically improved! It's like I'm actually able to create a script without truly working with descriptive material, I'm somehow able to form an idea and executed correctly. Maybe it's just a one-time deal but it did happen today.

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