Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Science committee meets to discuss chamber issues within subatomic particles


Level of oxygen verifiably efficient! Love is like! I like love! I've always had a thing for Sophie! No wonder she came up and processing and why she came around yesterday.

It also frees a twisted little scream and shout. Because the spirit of Sophie is out and about and roaming around.

This means were going to have to get to that side of the fence and some people are going to get uncomfortable.

I don't have a problem with that.

888 Image

Yesterday, Sunday the first day of December in the year 2013, I did several things on several levels. I documented almost the entire day. I was doing several things kind of like juggling.

Now I've told you when you shoot a picture you don't shoot in sequence. This would later come up in the cartoons last night. Now the cartoons, last night, were jumping around on several levels in and of themselves. One made me stop and take note and I had to look this thing up, it was from May of this year. It was surprising!

As I stated earlier I documented everything I did yesterday, for the most part. I had an enormous set of documents. I was going to downsize them and give you every little bit. I believe another take the entire films which are shot out of sequence, and smash them all together and compress them and give you that.

I knew this would make it hard for you to understand but I thought moving the material was more important than putting it under my bed like him when Dickinson.

Then we have that strange thing called processing. And we've got a type of compound. Yes I know it use the word and to frequent but so what. I wake up about 2:45 AM, I think. I fixed myself a peanut butter sandwich and some lemonade. Then I go back to bed and I laid there with my mind thinking about what the processing had shown me.

My brain had done something very strange last night. It started giving me spelling lessons! Then the soundtrack jumped in! Then what I had done started to reassemble. What I mean to say is I was shooting things out of sequence and then my brain started collecting all of the little parts and putting them together in the right order. And it was really easy to see what I was doing and where I was going. Now I already knew what I was doing and where I was going but if I just throw all of the stuff at you you'll never be able to navigate through it.

You don't have the right compass or the right maps or the right material.

Plus we got this other scientific thing. As a matter of fact that's where the processing jumped in, last night, with the scientists. A been working very closely with scientists on my ColdFusion voodoo reaction. We've done all kinds of amazing things with subatomic particles. Were also working on different types of chambers. When you get back to that later, I hope. Right now I have to address the whole concept of scientists.

I also want to say, that yes we are building an agony chamber and were trying to complete it before the US military does. Some of you might think don't you need to build an ecstasy chamber. While in fact the ecstasy chamber has already been invented and has been around for decades. It was documented in another film River tell you about it you might not sleep very well. I think that was the title or something like that. Anyway, the director got enamored by his own creation and when he started filming the dynamics of the ecstasy chamber it was hard to get him out of the thing.

Anyway today was kind of a spelling lesson with scientists and other forms of media.

I realize how I could assemble this information and make it even more powerful. I can use the actual soundtrack that was in my brain as I was receiving this information. Essentially we would start with Nat King Cole and then we would dance lightly around Dean Martin and I thought that would pretty much cover the bases.

Then I went over to the sound library and thought there were supplemental tracks that could be added here and there. Now I'm not trying to do a classical rock 'n roll passcode I'm just trying to explain the dynamics associated with spelling and scientific work.

So I decide not to work with a soundtrack but merely image the media itself. Therefore you have this.

888 Insert images here.

Bruce is to cheat to put on a jacket

  what's on with this particular piece of media is that it doesn't howl's the track I need. So I was going to go someplace else to purchase the singletrack.

 You could say I've divided this up into the boys and girls but truthfully the divisions are a little more collocated than that. For instance I said for instance this is kind of a group hug body of material. Dancing with this stuff is a little more sophisticated than boo-boo can handle. I'm tempted to remove it from the picnic basket because bears don't always behave.
 You know that reminds me I'm writing in the middle of this document and not in my other document. My brain was roaming around the scientists while it was doing spelling exercises when we started to address radioactive isotopes. That's when all of the Russian and Ukrainian scientists came in and said we support the Herbert Hoover initiative and the whole damn thing.. So not only are we taking aim at you Santa but we plan to kill all of your reindeer far and beyond just Rudolph.
 This gets back other radioactive dynamics associated with reindeer and a different type of archive. It also alludes to what the Soviets did in Great Britain concerning their cattle. There the radioactive isotope made him very angry so they didn't glow very much but they could get steamy..

 Now now believe it or not this actually starts to address the cartoons from last night. It doesn't indirectly but directly enough. What I mean to say is you have to hold your shins sometimes and if you do that in hop around and no one right way you'll understand why some things drift and why some things are produced in France. It also go to a bookstore there. It also go and see dynamics of Shakespeare. You have to do or travel in the right circles.

 I told her to get ready for her close-up.

 This doesn't have anything to do with music or the media but has everything to do with keeping a clean kosher kitchen when practicing voodoo.

 I guess Bruce isn't alone

 this particular piece of media had to be flipped over but because it has to do with T.S. Eliot or perhaps it's top secret and the thing below that is hidden code. I will say if you were to flip this one over and track it correctly you would have a full rendering of the problems associated with voodoo as it challenges the Herbert Hoover initiative. You could call it a damn shame or a damn waste of time we could say I don't give a damn but anyway you look at it it does hold water.

 These particular pieces of media above don't really apply but I was looking for track it wasn't found on any of these but was found below. Now as I'm looking at these I'm thinking are there any scalpels in this set of media if so I could use. I wonder how Howard's kitchen is doing right now.

As you can see that would be more than enough to work with. Now you have to give some explanations. Which means that I have to go up above this sentence and write more sentences. I don't want to do that. But I have to do it because I have to explain this.

Before I do that let me finish this thought. So I sit down I think okay will work with Nat King: Dean Martin. And as soon as I sit down Elvis Presley walks in, I wouldn't call it an odd thing I would call it a Jeffrey thing, but as soon as Ellis comes in and remember I'm playing the Nat King Cole and the Martin tracks in my head and letting them intermingled together. When Elvis steps in with another tract. Facilities that track starts I realize it fits as well and then I remember something I saw as I was surveying the music in the media. It was on the floor and it was down the page so to speak. When I picked the two CDs up I aligned Elvis directly above the line I was concerned with on the other piece of media. When I turn my camera on it wasn't in still mode but camera or motion picture mode. I had to change the mode on the camera back to still another made the image and then log brought the image into Photoshop I decide to clean it up, it's the only image I actually cleaned up with this set, and I discovered that I've covered over the track I was pointing to. That's okay because you can find it yourself.

888 Image

I'm saying this because Ellis and this guy walked in and their spelling started to work with Nat King Cole's and the Martins. And the whole thing got really unique.

So just to explain the spelling dynamic and the work with scientists and all of this I had to go to all of this new media material.

Now if I tell this thing correctly I might have to start out like Annie Hall. Now I don't mean to throw into many Woody Allen references but what can I say.

Speaking of that let's start with spelling. Remember this is a story about spelling and scientists and it's going to come out rather strange.

Martin Scorsese and Jay Leno

A film director and a late night talk show host. Can you believe that's where the brain starts in its spelling bee syndrome.

Let's break it down and make an acronym. MSJL

you would think my brain would pick an acronym that would need to be descramble that this would needs to be descramble. It should read MSLJ.

Now for those of you in the scientific community let's look at this acronym as a type of mathematical issue. Were each of them have values and you have an equation and you have dynamics of substitution. I guess this might be close to algebra.

M = many things let's keep things simple first. This symbol represents the dynamics associated with linear behavior.

S = keeping things simple and on the same track this would be a very strange type of linear behavior because it doesn't travel in straight lines it's more like a curved pitch. The ball leaves your hand and you would think it would travel in a straight line but the English on the ball makes it curved. So you're dealing with curved English.

L = this is impossible to keep simple. There's nothing simple about this line of code at all. So let's start the spelling, this is how the little creatures inside my brain did it. L-O-V-E.

J = keeping things simple you would call this the Herbert Hoover principle. That's right it's a damn thing! That's why Waters involved so you end up with an equation H2o. This is where the United States government steps in and where I have to step out and say to the world you better protect your water.

If you were to look at the component L and study the given proofs that have been provided you would see there's a dynamic of magic water within this particular mathematical equation.

That's one of the reasons why my brain started reassembling things from yesterday in the correct order. I can see the thing myself until it was correctly rendered.

This gets back to Martin Scorsese. And it gets back to material deep in the archive. I mean I'm going to speak the truth in him to go back in time to something a party lectured about. If you're needing assistance with timestamps it would be the time I was in the torture chamber at the airport between the cities. I think I was working with a dynamic associated with the Carolinas at that time. I probably was, you know the cardinal and Stephen have come up now and again in processing. Those are real people one of them is exposed with her real name but cardinal is something a bit sketchy. Once you see that you'll see the sands of time around their feet. You might want to be careful with that sand because it can turn into a rope!

Now we get back to other dynamics with yesterday but I haven't finished with Martin. Martin Scorsese. Filmmakers use things as symbols and metaphors and Europeans tend to do it more than American filmmakers. You also have it now again in various oriental movies and movies from other continents as well. You know, I'm sorry, I have to consult people!

So Martin Scorsese does some code and I talk about this code in the archive. This has to do with me and I dynamic associated with cannibalism. Some people would say it would read something to the effect [so, you want a piece of me!] That is incorrect because that's not how it's actually coded if you unravel it and apply the right site for the message would read [so do you want a piece of Sophie.] Only Sophie isn't the right name and English applied here isn't very well constructed either, for a literal and direct translation it would read [piece ovsomee.] This in turn is another coded letter sequence that really refers to a scientist. A scientist that has been channeled into the chamber project.

For the sake of brevity, if you can believe it, I'm going to go ahead and just call this person Sophie. It's just easier.

Now I'm going to try to do this correctly but she'll need to study the media I've shown you and you're going to have to get acquainted with all of the works of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese, with the other guys name Francis Ford Coppola, and there are a few others. And yes there are some women that surface to go back and forth. Then you have the other guy, but really it's the hands of the other guy because the hands are what work if you understand scissors. And then when you look at the scissors in the hands then you see is a lady only they're not really married that would be old lady. Anyway they're not really married but when you put that angle on the twist and then you bring Brandt into it and then George Washington wants to come in and now we have a huge mix of all kinds of stuff.

And of course we got things floating by and we've got different types of cocktails so if you go to Julia Roberts house I would bring my own bottled water! She is in on it too.

It's that Herbert Hoover and the damn thing deal. You would think that Jay Leno would want to help out but he doesn't. And heaven only knows you can't count on him for anything entertaining on a Friday night!

This is going to be harder than I thought it was. It always ends up that way. First of all let me find an image of Sophie. Now if I had all of my data and affair had all of my archives and if it was all ordered correctly I would need to go anywhere. In fact I might be able to do it without leaving the office. I'll go ahead and try.

If I can find an image you're going to say her name's not Sophie but her name actually is Sophie. And she actually is a scientist. And she really did serve her country and she really did get a bunch of patents and she really was good at math. Which is probably how she got in the equation.

Which means we need to readdress the element of the equation with the code S!

You know what, I'm going to go ahead and load this thing up and then I'll try to find the photo album with a picture of Sophie. In any a picture of Sophie for you understand what happened yesterday. Got a do with the French recipe that they use in their voodoo kitchen. Only the French kitchen isn't kosher and mine is according to kosher voodoo practices.

 This is the first day in several were I haven't felt the need to image my underwear.

 Taunting him about going back to bed and doing some more processing, it's kind of a scientific thing, if you understand the dynamic between me and Sophie.

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