Witness claims that spirits are ghosts do appear to have working genitalia - I saw something that was unique
I'm in the middle of nowhere with very little connectivity and no particular place to go. That's fine, I've adapted to it, you would think I would get bored, anything else would be true but boredom is not a part of my life now.
I have strange dreams and my mind goes into strange places as it's moving in and out of consciousness. I was studying various elements within the 18% grey code when I went to sleep last night. With my left ear I listen to various television programs drawn and with my eyes I studied other dynamics.
I saw something that was unique. I know I'd seen a little too much because something was starting to chime. So we're gonna call the early morning hours of Saturday, November 30, 2013 the chime sequence. You're gonna need to go to the archives because I talk a lot about chimes in previous episodes.
Something comes up into processing that I find concerning, I was only semi conscious but I knew when it came up I need to write it down. Normally I just go back to sleep even when I get big messages, I think I'll remember them but I usually don't. This one I could not for GATT. I got up and wrote it down in red marker. I've image the thing and I'll give you the image that all read it out to you as well.
In the upper left hand corner is the date 11/30/13.
The information reads as it came to me:
An acute [agent]* must be engaged to change the reaction!
OK - WOW one unit at stone * [this concerns the future and something that's got to be done. I'm concerned about it and I'm not questioning the fact that I'm going to do it I'm just worried about what it's going to do and it's starting to become reactive. It's as though the spirits are the unconscious mind is giving me some type of relief. In these types of reactions there is a type of light and the type of darkness. I'm always concerned about the darkness. Not concerned for myself but for you. Now this will occur it has a place and the time. If I were to pick up a stone and changed the direction I'm facing and throw it I could strike an individual I know in real life. So in a state of unconsciousness I do it, and then in this state of semi consciousness something Me on my back Me on my back. Someone My shoulder. Someone taps my shoulder... I don't know why the voice recognition is acting up? I turn 180° and see another human being I actually know and have had limited contact with. I realize this individual would be one stone's throw away as well and they're both in OPS a directions. And they both have different properties. Both having properties of light and darkness to differing degrees with one being primarily light and one being primarily dark in terms of the composition of their souls. Then some force outside of this location turns my back to a small degree and gives me a ball about the size of the blue ball in my bathtub. I know I'm supposed to roll the ball down the street and I know where the street goes to and so to you. It'll eventually reach a town and in that town there are two chimes. I say their two chimes in truth there's a lot more than that but there are two chimes that are currently in a state of reaction. One is visible and one is invisible. The instant thing here is I don't know either of these two chimes personally but we have a loose affiliation, so to speak.
This is when I realize I could stand in that given point do the reaction and I could throw a rock in any direction and there would be a chime, a Seoul, they could interact with what's happening and what I'm doing. And therefore they could alter the direction of this spiritual energy. The question is what is the information mean when they say "an acute [agent]*"
I put this in brackets because the the word I was given isn't that word but it's the only word I can come up with that closely alliance to it. Let's get back to the rest of the card.]
OK - WOW one unit at stone * [in the original there's a small vertical line here]
turn and tap - second unit than a/third unit if I roll!
[The voice recognition is doing unusual things at first it wouldn't type that finally started typing and making everything center up.]
[Make whatever adjustments you need]
[in all capital letters] hold three could before [all rights to - is what doesn't.] [@HAND]
HOLD 3 could Be 4 - 1 Kill - thea think [QQQ]
9all could be Killers - what do I Know)
1 - is - Or could try - * [ Code Or = original group set]
Count on 1; But!!!
Photograph here and move two 2nd page.
Page two or suppose it would be the cover and then a page and then the next page and if they do those pages in terms of counting as one to it would be page three after the cover.
Anyway, I'm thinking about bobby and something strange comes up while all of this is happening. Joni Mitchell walks in. Now Joni Mitchell came in the other day when we were talking about certain dynamics. And if you have any of the archives you'll know I lectured about Joni Mitchell in great detail when I lived in Ft Worth.
Joni was to tell me something about bob. Oddly enough Miss Mitchell is kind of a balancing agent in terms of the 18% grey code. You see at one time she thought rock and roll could save the world and I'm out to prove that it can. But she got a cabin skipped town.
Anyway, let's just say that James and I used to run around in the same circles as it applies to the feed delivery store. Now here are some facts. The first rolling stone magazine I ever purchased was the issue where James Taylor Mary Scarlett Simon. As I recall the cover is that of them on a boat. That is to say he marries Carly Simon.
In those days the rolling stone was more like a newspaper because it was printed on news Paper Paper but it was folded like a magazine. Trust me you just gonna have to ride with me. Anyway it was quite large and I carried the thing with me for years.
Now this is a complicated tale, you got carol, Joni, and Carly and it just so happens that James and eyes fertilizer travels in the same circuits. Now I think carol would give you the straight up and probably so would Joni. I don't think you'd count on much from Carly, in the day when we ran together she had a lot more in common with bob Dylan than James Taylor ever knew. She would put weird things in our coffee and then start ripping tripping.
She was concerned about blood flow I remember during one hallucinogenic episode and choose concerned that the gravitational pull of the sun would start affecting her blood supply. She wanted to go to nova Scotia as a recall.
Anyway Jolley wants to balance bob out in her and bob have issues. All at her tell it to you all herself.
Joni Mitchell: " they'll hurt you and dessert shoe they'll take your soul if you let them. Miss November I detect a frown closure on eyes and turn it upside down."
Now you'll notice on that second on that LINE, if you have the liner notes you'll see it's the only track where are Carolyn Joni both appear.
This is a complicated problem and it's a complicated phase of life.
Now the talk about methadone and we can talk about other boats and other ponds in the middle of other places called nowhere. Or we can rotate and talk about traffic.
I think what's best is for me to release what I can. Which gets back to the other little girl. You know she came up two because she was in the mix in yesterday's field of U.N. study of elemental reactive components. That's right Mrs. Crow your and my bucket of darts.
So you kinda come up in the semi processing state and you're kind of one of those people tapping me on my shoulder. And now the so called bell tower is full of chimes. I need to see a picture of bobby because I need to visualize bobby because Joni wants to talk to him. I pick up the issue, I have not read the issue I had not even looked at it I just saw the cover in kind of flip through it. I turn the first page over, as you can see of our dear at the cover off and put it with Walt Disney, and there she is looking at me. This was somewhat shocking.
What else is shocking is a little girl that was on the flip side and then you have Bruce trying to Hamid up at a live show. This is just the first few pages and I'm just trying to get to Bobbie. I finally found bobby and of all places he's hanging out with Sheryl crow. Not only that Sheryl crow is contaminating, not only the bicycle boy, but Johnny and probably Jayne as well.
This is a serious state of affairs.
ALL Remaining QQQ 112913_ON113013 I xNO
Which gets back to who was gonna roll with watt and what does it really mean when it says an acute agent must be engaged to change the reaction!
You know when my mind is in this area doing this stuff the words it creates or trance lights can be taken in many different ways and on many different directions and levels. Sometimes I know what these are, the coming of my head so you would think, of course knows what they are, but here you would be wrong. Sometimes I have no idea what it means sometimes I have a clue but almost all the time the things that reacts within my mind that this given point of consciousness are alive and they tend to evolve through time of their own accord.
To the three young man tour starting to get a doctorate degree in interactive media. You know I don't have a Dr. Degree but I am a certified food to specialists when it becomes involved in the media arts! The question is do you wanna learn the Madison man's magic? The Madison man's magic. The Madison Madison the pharmacists ability to dance...
Sometimes voice recognition. Jan laying in bed and thinking about I said I'm laying in bed although sometimes I do think about Jan if you people in new. Anyway, I was lying in bed this morning and think about all these chimes and one in the world all this means and who's going to act and engage with watt when I start wondering. Why does anyone want to hang out with me. I'm really an interesting guy! Don't get me wrong I'm super boring, I stayed home all a time that I did goofy projects all the time. And I live in a world of a magic nation. So basically I pity quite boring. I said I live in a world of the magic nation. Imagination.
At the same time these weird spiritual events and environmental events are real and can actually be observed in real time if you're standing next to me. If you're with Myung Knopf you'll see me say something or do something and then you'll see something outside of myself and outside of yourself start to build and appear before us in direct correlation to what I've just spoken about are done.
It's like I have invisible building blocks.
This is called a no SHIT transmission. A better play it safe.
I see myself throwing a lot of rocks. I bear watching on that one I better watch it on that given line, I'm trying to spin something outside of the lane and I realize that thing could twist in the English within it turned back around. OK.
I see myself throwing rocks at a bowling alley in a pool hall.
There, played on the safe side.
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