Saturday, June 7, 2014



This is a fully robotic jet propelled Russian drone currently being deployed to spy on American citizens. Now the average person might be under the delusion that the American government can't get away with that. Well you don't understand the dynamics of loopholes and who the Americans can contract. When I say the Americans I'm talking about the so-called dynamic of American control. This is essentially the controlling force in America that wants to control every aspect of every American's life.

It works like this; the NSA hires an outside consultant, one that has no US citizenship and does not reside in the United States. This consultant then, because these consultants have their own secret handshakes, hires another consultant until a chain is assembled of various consultants. Then they hire the guns, when the chain is long enough. It's virtually impossible to track exactly who and what is doing the surveillance on me and my fellow Americans. What should be illegal in the United States especially concerning the notion of us as a free people, is sideswiped by the need for control.

A lot of you might wonder where I got my source material for this top secret and hidden technology being deployed in the United States of which I’m speaking of. 

It follows like this; law enforcement contracted a specialist to terrorize me into compliance with traditional American values.  They had used the specialist throughout the United States from Massachusetts to the state of Washington to suppress people from using their true freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom to pursue happiness.

This so-called friendly gun for hire for law enforcement goes by the name Надежда Ула́нова, [Nadezhda Ulanova].  Ms. Ulanova is a Pro-Putinist weapons engineer specializing in in advanced technological devices.  She is not affiliated to just one weapons manufacturer but is a kind of gun for hire. She has a history of military activism developing and first deploying the controversial ‘street darts’ deployed in outlying Russian village of Ionav used to control anti-Russian demonstrators and militants on July 18, 2012. 

This weapon fires a small syringe with a neurotoxin into an intended target, then the syringe dissolves upon impact. There is nothing left to find.  The toxin is highly regulated by the Russians.  Scans for this type of toxin do not identify it therefore nothing can be treated. It basically leaves the person in agony and if the person is taken to the right hospital, law enforcement will ensure that the person remains in agony.

[This is why I told you we have to work on the agony chamber before the US military perfects it.  We've entered the agony race, currently the Soviets are way ahead, the only thing that we developed here makes your feet hurt really bad.]

Developed so law enforcement for control, could use it with no one any wiser due to its ability.  <[VR Lost part of this word]>

She was hired here in the United States by various arms within the executive branch to help suppress the so-called 1% of whatever thing. I actually have photos of her in Boston training the police force in ways of deploying these street darts at the peaceful protesters.  The FBI would use her throughout the United States to suppress anything that opposed the traditional conservative American value. 

Before Pres. Obama was elected he accused her of “hooliganism motivated by right wing hatred."

The controlling American authorities thought that they would use the specialist from Russia because this worked so well earlier.  Once all the secret handshakes had been shock along the chain of unseen contractors they have deniability.  They did make sure that whoever would do the final connection that they would have the intended agent or ‘vehicle’ to do their dirty work.  Oh yeah.  In case of a leak, they bring in a special agent who goes by the codename of Oliver N would be brought in as one cleanup man specializing in such cleanup efforts.

The specialist, Nadezhda, (we're on a first name basis now) wanted to introduce something new into America's backyard. One that would allow her to successfully control much more than just a ball headed caveman.

So she brings in this new Russian drone the material is then filtered through her chosen representatives and distilled and given to the American authorities in control. There has to be some distance for the deniability clause to take hold. Therefore the material is not given to the American authorities in a raw form but more of an extracted one.  If she sees something beyond what the Americans want, something that she thinks the leaders of Russian control can use she extracts from the American version but sends it directly to the Russian one.

The picture changed dramatically when a drone discovered some of my secret lost past files.  It was then reported to Russian intelligence officers who approached me and asked me to be a double agent.

And so to Russian intelligence agents walk in to the little circle. Come to find out Nadezhda is one of them. The other one will remain nameless because Nadezhda has some unusual traits associated with assembling broken up pieces of aircraft and concrete if you follow a certain type of niche. Yeah that's a very abstracted circle. You'll just have to imagine your way in and out of it.

Nadezhda Ulanova

Dis is da ting tracking for CONTROL.  No use to hide.

Equipped with infrared, uv, and can even deploy small doses of x-rays to see through certain objects.  This particular vehicle was equipped with four rocket propelled missiles each capable of knocking out a small city block.

So what you think.


Change the color schematic.

Nadezhda Ulanova

It's the deployment of this type of technology here in your own backyard, which has the American military kowtowing to the Russians right now.  We need no G summit!

So, if you flip for us we make it very easy for you, if you no flip, life gets very interesting.

Talk to the twins about it.  Not that the twin are going to get the dialogue right this time.


Yeah, Clooney was really just looking for opportunity to blow dat guys face off, you know closet boy.


Ok, right, not Clooney, the, the dialogue guy, he's moved into farming. I hear George has moved in with some chick.

I no here of Clooney working on farm, Junior yes.


No No the CIA moved CIA handler in with the farmers.


That's funny because intelligence move Julia Roberts into nationwide, this why they interrogate you about parking lot and why you there.


I feel like I’m a political prisoner.


Yes, the "Union of Solidarity with Political Prisoners" a Russian human rights group and Amnesty International named you a prisoner of conscience due to "the severity of the response of the T Party and conservative American authorities.

You see no fight control - control always in control.


So I take it you're not a history buff that follows certain blips in human history where things move into a less structured environment. Or the scientific principle of things become unraveled.


There you go talking crazy, there will be no anarchy and there will be no chaos there will only be control. We will start you out slow.


First tell me which little bit of hidden treasure did you on earth with your so-called bug.


It no bug it is control and you will not escape. Most people would consider it very fortunate, you know China is developing their own kind and because of what you owe you will have to pay a heavy price. That's why it's best that you let Russia have its way. Soon China will have total domination over all of the Orientals.


You really shouldn't say that, it offends them it Asia or call them Asians.


You think I care! They're all just slangy eyed yellow bellied flip flopper's and pedal pushers.


In basic and in my limited field experience in guys were much more diplomatic. Hell, everyone loved hanging out with you guys. When did your group become such racist individuals. No don't answer that it's always been in the underlying of your culture.

Look at what you guys did to the Jews.


You now cry for the pig Jews!


I don't like the direction this is going. I'm going to leave now. Do you want to pick up your bug or do you wanted to hang out on the back bumper?

I then walked over to my vehicle, turned the ignition switch, and proceeded to driveway. That's when I felt the sonic boom. I was going to talk a lot about sonic booms when I was going to talk about NASA.

I really put some effort into this round, more than I thought I would. But it's starting to get too twisty.

This is what I am talking about

I mentioned in an earlier post that when I dream that often find myself nude or possibly with underwear on during the dream.  And I told you that you could bring in certain ideas and concepts and push them in and out of unconsciousness and consciousness during that strange part of time when your waking up.

I also said you could bring in types of tools.  Now a lot of people would say that’s not possible, I saw john do this first and he taught me how.  As in so I’m moving back and forth and in the dream I’m traveling to meet someone.  I’m excited about meeting this person and I have is here in a long time.  I do my car and I’m driving along in the dream and I finally reach a place where we are two B RIC wanted….
We are to be read quite we are going to be ready until I came to say it….

You can figure it out.  I get to the place we’ve agreed to meet at.  I’m about to get out of my vehicle when I looked down and all I’m wearing is my socks.  I think great, and really excited about seeing this person and I’m caught up in one of those nude things, I must be dreaming.  Sure enough I was dreaming.  So I thought I’m the one up this thing, so I groggily reach for my phone which is on the dresser next to me.  I talked to phone between my legs and draft back off to sleep trying to find the place I was where I was new in my car.  Where I was nude in my car.  Sure enough I then Chile drifted there and I was able to carry my camera inside my unconscious mind.

I wanted people to think about that.  I pick up a real tool and carried it with me into unconsciousness and used it.  That’s right, I made a movie of me nude in the string.  Just so I can prove it.

I’ve also said I can become invisible.  I have a photograph of meat in a semi state of invisibility.  Party is visible and party is invisible.

Let me show you.

There’s nothing in my pockets and when I hang out like this I don’t worry about it because you don’t have the special glasses need to see it.  It’s one of those multi dimensional things, I do have to take year with the things I bump into the guys you might not see it…


 our I have made a block of work that I'm calling today's work. I can't find any of it.

 I'm missing a lot of stuff, afraid I might have accidentally erased it.

 This was shot this morning and it's the guitar I spoke of earlier and it simply a harmony it's not a Harmony sovereign. I've had to harmony guitars this hollow body electric guitar and an acoustic the other one was an acoustic. There's also a clip well no not equipped there's a still from a clip I made. Okay let's include those two. No let's not include one of them. I said there was an humor here or some comedy let's stick with that.

 Let's separate fact from funny and we can pretend like were watching late-night television.

 Not sure how this happened. I have multiple images of this blog is on the back of my car it was very unusual and never seen one like it. It was gray and orange I had deselected them but this one slipped through. You also see a still from an movie clip about ominous skies in me lecturing people about the sky and how you need to know if it's going to get meaner not. I include this because this particular sky has the potential for becoming what I would classify as bad ass and thoroughly dangerous. Then there's the book enough of that.
 now I'm worried that I've lost some stuff. I've reformatted the camera card and I fear that I accidentally saved the material onto the camera card and then I formatted the card.   Have I told you I need a media manager.   You know I'm a lot more efficient if I have certain dynamics. There is one dynamic I need right now and that was the glory of working at colleges and universities.
 I have difficulty wrapping my hands or should I say my mind around things unless I can see them. I need giant flat surfaces where I can pile everything out in neat little piles and then rearrange them.
 I haven't had space like that in quite a while.
 That's why I was going to rebuild the picnic table with what was the ping-pong table and then laminate kitchen countertop like material encasing the ping-pong board.
 But somebody rule that out.
 You people have no idea. The feeling of being trapped, this idea that this culture in this time gives me the freedom to pursue what I should pursue when I know better. I could tell the world about some of the things that are happening but I don't wonder I like them.
 I said I don't want to highlight them and I'm sick of this malfunctioning voice recognition program.

running commentary

 Why don't we finish the material associated with May 5, 2004.

 This is this still from what I've now made into a small film which should go down somewhere.

 This is the sign of a compass. I use hand symbols to mean different things and this can mean other things.

 Last night on David Letterman he had the usual musical guest. He played guitar and I only saw the last bit but he appeared to be solo. This was remarkable. So I looked all over the place for one and couldn't find one by the time I got back the credits were rolling and I thought they would pan back and show Letterman and his guest but it didn't happen. 
 The next three images are all stills from the same little clip. I edited out some of the beginning material and left what was pertinent.


 This small clap is a specialized type of code that I give to my FBI handlers from time to time. I call it a roundabout.
 you need some background. If you have the archive you would see the Vivitar files, my god I lost all those. Oh well, I had a small Vivitar camera it was digital and took images in what I can recall would be the 3 to 4 megapixel range.
 I could use the camera affectively at low shutter speeds and could essentially draw using various dynamics within still photography.   I could do the same thing when I set the camera to make movies and I could make abstract movies.
 I like working in abstraction. This is one such adventure in visual obstruction. Now what's his name was talking about Picasso and in a way what he's saying is applicable here. After all this is a camera and what I'm doing is capturing real things. I call this my threshold film because within this short clip across several fresh holds thresholds.
 I also walk on lines with a sense of purpose and direction. The abstraction is intentional. Now you're going to see another hand signal here. I keep meaning to get to this. Now again I will image my fist or an open hand. This signals some type of image that is not intended for the public but for my own use.
 I now regard this is pointless because whatever I do you guys are going to pick it up anyway.
 Still, when you see it it means it's really for my eyes and not yours. I have made two series of lecture images where I use these hand gestures one of the closed fist and one of an open hand.
 What happens here I mean it for real, that is to say I may have to make an edit of some kind. On review I realize I don't care to.
 There are fun ways you can manipulate this style of moviemaking it's very different from the style of floating plastic bags that I've employed in other small featurette's.
 There there just because you don't see them doesn't mean they're not there. And I intend to show them to you.
 The problem is I get lost in all of these details and there's other things I really need to be doing with my life.
 I mean think about it what do I can attribute what do I contribute, I guess not much.
 You know I can tell you some things about young people you don't know. If you're a parent you would want to know these things but if I told you you would want to fix them but you're not going to fix them because you don't believe.
 We're not moving into a belief or disbelief interval I'm just acknowledging the fact that we can't correct problems. If you choose to ignore them, so be it, but you're doing it at a very high price.
 You're not going to be around but the young people will be and it's going to get much worse.
MG Notes



 so I circled the coffee shop and needed to stop and get a piece of paper so I could take some notes and remember what I wanted to get back to. I didn't have a clean sheet but I was caring with me some old computer printouts and I use the back of one of them.

 The key appears to be organization, I get lost in all of this stuff and have difficulty figuring out where I am. Once it's organized I know where I am. It just takes a while.

 This means all that lost data that I've been talking about now begin, now and again, is a true tragedy. This is why I'm attempting to do the contact approach.

 Here's the deal. If the average person comes to the site and looks at it they're going to think it's kind of crazy. If on the other hand you had all of my artwork and all my commentary you would have a completely different picture. This is a linear story, it holds together and actually has logic. It's truly covered by journalism is covered by the fine arts it's covered by religious freedom and is covered by any other freedom I can remember where I need to remember.

 I'm dictating this within the very frame itself and then completely lost. I have some comedy somewhere. maybe I should just post this and see what's left.

I actually thought I could give a real lecture on the misunderstanding of American history and how it needed to be recognized and corrected

Renamed file to [ 060614_PostFuckUp ]
This is the biggest voice recognition malfunction I have seen in recent memory.

 I'm trying to talk about serious stuff here and I'm trying to address someone who has the ability to express himself eloquently.

 I'm looking at this and thinking I shouldn't post it at all, but that would be a mistake, I'm going to show you all of the warts. Footnotes to the spirits in footnotes to the hand of man I'm using the term warts figuratively so I would like to you I would like to maintain my current state of health concerning these issues. Basically what I'm saying is, I don't have any warts Mr. and Mrs. spiritual person and hand of man person so I'm hoping we can keep things that way....

 How do I ever get off topic like this.?.

 The day that Malcolm Gladwell was saved by Ms. adventures in voice recognition.... it did it again!

 by the way I am using two different voice recognition programs, it doesn't make any difference.



We will begin the lecture starting on page 280.

As you can see this chapter is called blow up, which is strange considering how this chapter has affected me. I approach the computer and it started to do unusual malfunctions associate with something’s not quite right here.

I really would appreciate it if you people would leave my stuff alone.

Oh well, now the phones ringing you people will not leave me alone. Call from unavailable well Mr. or Mrs. Unavailable please go the FUCK away.

All right, let’s talk about my life in the past few days. I say this because I’m going to pretty much throw down the contact sheets again. The contact sheets are little different from this side of the fence. After all it is doing different things.

But I’ve got to tell you that there are some things I don’t express. This is a repeat, this is an echo, this is a strange stance. This would be a very strange debts. It’s got to do was shuffling your feet. I’ve been having some drains lately. I used to journal these but I’ve stopped because I don’t want anyone poking around inside of my dreams. That’s a shame because a lot of material gets lost.

I simply cannot escape the impact of 1984. Oh and offer that I said enough of that, in the past I’ve discussed my ability to move things in and out of consciousness and unconsciousness in that strange play sure in just before your waking up. You move into consciousness but you don’t wanna get out of bed you had a dream and some things are in your mind and there’s other things that you want to place in this place and your mind moves back and forth and you go into unconsciousness and you start dreaming about the things you’ve brought into what you were draining about. This is how you can bring tools into a dream. I’m serious.

If there’s something you’re interested in and you wanna think about it I buys you to try this conscious and unconscious way of moving ideas and information and even concepts back and forth. So I’m in the Caribbean, I had a dream and then the dream I’m in the Caribbean I can’t remember why I’m there but I do remember in this dream, at some time, I lose all my clothing and I’m standing there in the middle of the public completely nude. Unfortunately this is not uncommon for me, usually at some point in almost all of my dreams I’m standing there completely nude. Sometimes I’m sitting needless to say I can usually find something to throw over me.

That’s not what I would talk about. I was trying to build a map of the Caribbean and I was moving in and out of consciousness. I remembered the Cayman islands and Jamaica and Cuba and Puerto Rico the U.S. Virgin Islands which I can name, the Bahamas, the British Virgin Islands and of course the French islands and the Dutch and I’m forgetting someone. That was the problem I was trying to build this map and knew there were huge gaps. I remembered Monza rot the island of Montserrat I remembered the Northern French Island of Guadeloupe and all of its sister islands, one of those islands looks just like a pancake, a giant pancake, or in some places a Cal petty. Then I started to think about those really unusual fishermen that have their own little set of islands and how they got to live there. They were fishermen in France a long time ago. And for some reason they had problems that is to say something about French culture made it unpleasant for them to live in France. So they got together and moved to this strange little set of islands that are somewhat close to Guadalupe. These are very successful fisher people. I mean they’re very successful! And they wear unusual hats. Now I was thinking about all this and a lot more when all the sudden someone came in my field of view who had the dynamic of one of these fish are people. This happen in real life and it happened a short time ago. The fact that this person would appear as they did appear and the fact that I had concentrated so hard to remember all of the details of those incredible fish are people. The fact that they would Mary and debts and mingle before my very eyes I just thought was very unusual.

But I’m having a lot of unusual things, a little more than normal! In other words I can think something, as I’ve told you, and the thing appears, the scary thing is, I can think these things and not indicate it to anyone in any way. And that it happens. I’ve been saying this a lot it’s kind of an echo.

OK so we got that many got me picking up a camera or something else and doing a little art thing. And you’ve got the sound of the machine which is like nickels and dimes or in my case like a lot of pennies. I’m saying that because I’m about to pick up the cerebral scalpel. Which means I need to say hello to Mr. Per said because I stole that idea from him. It’s in his book. I do a lot of stealing.

Now that kind of makes me feel guilty and I shouldn’t feel that way and thankfully I get over it quickly. By the way I believe his name is Robert per sick Perssig.. Please forgive my misspelling. Now I could go to the Internet and try to correct that and I’ve thought about that.

Here’s the dilemma. I can address someone using my brain and memory or I can do the same thing and a little background checking to make for sure that my memories correct. And a normal environment that is to say in a normal environment I would always check and recheck my memory and thoughts and reflections and verify them with facts. Verify them with evidence. But sometimes I don’t have to. And where it one of those times. But to the author of Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, i.e. sincerely apologize for misspelling your name of stopping machine would type it. I mean no disrespect, truthfully, you know I’m a fan.

All right and want to pick up a cerebral scalpel right now. I should go on and explain more aspects of my current state of thinking. You see in malcolm’s book he’s done something that ignited a strange series of emotion. At first I thought it was anger. Then I realized it was an anger at all it was passion. But this strange passion points to Malcolm in kind of an angry way.

Now should I be mad at him, answer, hell no. This passion that he fired within my mind allowed me to push my brain into an incredible arena. One where I can hold all kinds of objects and a mention in place and juggle them I can create a different kind of universe I can reassemble everything and then disassemble it and reassemble it another way.

That’s why I’m choosing brainpower which means I could really put my foot in my mouth and in Barris myself. I usually do this so if you’re wanting to see me embarrass myself stay tuned.


NASA, you’re going to talk to me about NASA! Well Mr. Gladwell buckle your safety belt model rocket ship can move very swiftly. It’s kind of like you’ve given a caveman a jackhammer, an atomic fuel sailed jackhammer. Which gets back to 3 miles which gets back to my lecture notes.

I was driving on the buck Owens thing that’s when he did it. I was very close to making the turn off or to get a cup of coffee and Sherman Texas. He was making so many mistakes I had to turn the radio off or should I say the CD player. I was alarmed. I kept thinking this could pull out of it incorrect and he came close but he did not correct.

The fatal flaw, page 280 I’m not going to read the thing verbatim, so this means I should try to do it in somewhat of an academic method. Then again I’m not your ordinary academic person. I’m going to attempt to make a small quotation from Malcolm Gladwell SP book what the dog sought and other adventures published by little brown and company New York Boston London copyright 2009 by Malcolm Gladwell ISBN 978-0-316 – 07632 – sex well that last part is supposed to be a number but he did come to pick up the fetish principle early on in that chapter. All right back to the fatal flaw page 280:

Title of the chapter:


"Who can be blamed for the disaster like the challenger explosion? No one, and we’d

better get used to it…"


Mr. Gladwell ness and I have the very unusual relationship. I’ve been to their facilities in Florida and in South Texas. I was going to begin by telling you about those trips what I saw with spoke with and what I did. It would give you better brac ground. But as you can see the voice recognition is not behaving to speed.

Now Mr. Gladwell you’re very good writer and you’re an elegant speaker eye on the other hand and a baffling I am on the other hand it back phone a lower order primate.

But there’s some things that this step and I can see and you should be aware of. And you can prove it.

My fingers were so tempted, I was going to go on the Internet and verify, no, no, no, trust your instincts.

All right I need to prove this not only to you Mr. Gladwell but need to prove it to the United States, the so called people would call themselves Americans. There’s some stuff they forgotten. And when you realize they forgot and this and you step back far enough you realize how distorted all of American history is. Americans don’t even know their own history. In fact many Americans go either way to distort the past so the look pretty in the picture when people look at them in the photo album.

I’m not they can a guy.

This is going to be laid down in a hard line. The history of NASA, it you need only no 1. In time! It occurred in November of 1980. But the disaster would not come to speed until it took office and 81 and even then the Carter people we’re all still in place. He had a different vision for America and it had nothing to do with President Carter.

Now, I took a trip to the grand canyon a few years back and when I started talking about aspects of conservative dynamics with my ex wife she immediately tried to move off topic and steer me away from that type of speaking. This is what clued me and a Wal-Mart and who was finding this trap and all the other stuff. That is to say who was finding the trip. Something’s going on somewhere.

But America I’m telling you the truth. NASA’s history can be divided into two groups the groupe bull for Ronald Reagan change the agency and the group after. That is to say the group before and the group after.

Ronald Reagan did not believe there was any poverty and states and he can believe that NASA need to do all of those RE checks. In fact it angers him. Any made it clear they wanted new management in NASA one that would keep launch dates because he was the kind of guy that wanted to do something when the ship was launched. It was a PR thing. And Ronald did not see the world correctly.

Here’s the deal, nasso redefined the whole concept in notion of checked and rechecked. That is to say NASA did that.

One lead in trying to argue with the stupid machine I don’t wanna rewrite the stuff I just wanted on the page.

All right to the facts are Ronald Reagan wanted the stuff launched when it was suppose to launch. The thought that nasso was being too wishy washy any wanted new management.

This is documented. So NASA would operate the check and rechecked sequence to minimize any risk to anyone or anything. Then rate incomes and and he wants the PR machine to work right and he wants to blame someone. It’s a lot like the FBI CIA dilemma.

The problem is Ronald reagan’s dynamics were implemented in NASA. That’s when all of the disaster started happening. There was a reason why NASA would delay a launch there was always a reason these people are going to check and rechecked things to death until everything was as close to perfect as could possibly be.

Now when you talking about the challenger you’re talking about a different kind of spacecraft. I’ve actually walked along what I believe was called a Saturn rocket. I believe that’s what we used to we’ll put men on the Moon. And somewhere in the United States they have one of these almost completely built lying on its side. It’s kind of a museum piece and you can walk along it and see this incredible manmade object. And then you need to think about the manmade object. Essentially there throwing a glorified mobile home into orbit around the Moon that going to break this mobile home in two and let some of it continued to drift around among while another part works its way to the moon’s surface. When guys left floating around the Moon and 10 guys get to drift down to the surface and gather green cheese. And I get the hit golf balls and drive cool dune buggies. It was different with every mission. Which gets back to someone I spoke with at NASA although to my recollection he wasn’t there anymore. I don’t know how I bumped into the sky. Into the sky.

But what he said I’ve also heard in the media, a sensual the Moon missions were getting more and more complex and it was believed that sooner or later they’re going to have a fuck up so the decision was made to quit while your head. Then they pick up this reusable spaceship idea which why we ever dropped that idea I’m not sure of the unit Sunday with budgeting.

Which gets back to the whole thing with budgeting and we can’t find that NASA but we can spend ungodly sums of money waging war two what avail I ask.

Why did the machine blow up. Because are all Reagan wanted it launched when they said they were going to launch it. Then the thing blew up and Ronald Reagan want someone to point finger at. You can find the media footage where they talk about the effect will Reagan had on the management style at NASA. And there’s even a commentator that kind of winks in the eye of the camera and say as this might not have happened if we hadn’t have had different management styles. Essentially what I’m saying is the reason why the machine blowup was because of Ron Reagan.

It’s more than that. He did stuff that moved America into what I call via Bess. Into what I call via Bess now is not a type so it’s coming out party intention look ridiculous. You know this is sad because I actually have valid points and can construct a true statement.

America will not aid knowledge the fact that it is shot itself in the foot and is repeating to shoot itself over and over again.

I know I Sound like a broken record but I’m very passionate about this.

And it’s so much more than that, because I’m telling you that debt on truth and nobody will believe me.

It’s unbelievable, this is all unbelievable. I thought this argument was going to be elegant but with all the malfunctions and all the other stuff it just looks ridiculous.

That’s a shame because I was going to take you in some other directions.

I was essentially going to redefine American history and do it the correct way maybe one day. I’m now in part three.

I’m now in part three, I’m sure we’re not having trouble here is just talking about creativity… You know I did put the word HE in that previous sentence.

This is BS. Let’s get on to the images..

PS if you go into the wall and start removing things you’re going to find things that are labeled property of NASA. I have a lot of little unusual objects from NASA. I didn’t steal these on a trip Huston or on a trip to South Florida I acquired them at flea markets. I have a thing for flea markets. And I have found some incredible things at these type of events. I imagine when I started to undo my computer lab some eyes did open. I acquired a set of computers that were marked classified. I bought them in a flea market. I paid for them, now I did talk about someone who called himself a fire artist. But that seemed to be angry.

You know Malcolm you’re lucky! Your opening sentence in that chapter of your book is incorrect. I’m going to call you a liar. I’m not going to do that to hurt you I’m going to do that to correct you. You’re intelligent and you shouldn’t be like most Americans who don’t care about the truth. Now you’re very factual and one of the women you quoted that’s very close to explaining what I’m talking about.

I can write and talk intelligently, I know it’s hard to believe, it does occur now and then.

The thing that’s got me so worked up is the fact I’m telling the truth. I’m telling the absolute truth. I can see the truth and I can show you the truth and you can call me a liar and then as time moves forward you realize that bullheaded maniac caveman or lower primate was really telling the truth.

I can tell you the truth and can call me a liar but this isn’t a laughing matter and I don’t want the last laugh.

America you better start listening. Unlike the last beacon I feel like I am a true extinct creature. It wasn’t always like this boys and girls, it used to be very different. They used to be all kinds of people like me that walked the earth. And the earth was really a much more pleasant place!

Gino how many times I listened to that part of the CD. I played it over and over and over again trying to see if you’re going to correct, your kind of in one of those kiddie airplane deals. You know that’s a man’s name and you wrote about an event in his life, do you see why I don’t wanna write when the machine behaves like this.

You have any idea how long it takes me to read or write something.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Paper Work


2 many people 1 Or.

Lucky Break in 2.

Party Line.

T is sq.  so cornbread!

I x Oddly.




Only looks like 3.

so 3 of Ucs

GetEVEN_Uc4.jpg Below

I haven't forgotten I'm just making small slices

 this is a film made yesterday, Wednesday, June 4, 2014. It's made a couple of hours before noon because I was able to translate the code and
had time to dance.

 I even knew where the dance hall was, but I didn't want to waste my time with a bunch of people that can't find the bathroom in the dance hall.

 So I went to half-price books to buy my brother a copy of the book I was listening to. On the same trip I bought two John Steinbeck books for him to read, although he said he had read them he needs to reread them in my mind. One is imaged actually both are. In dubious Battle and the Perl both by John Steinbeck.

 I think you all need to reread that.

 Which is back to plagiarism and that gets back to artwork and how many layers of artwork do I need to make to back away from plagiarism.

 Now if I gave you everything at full resolution, which is what I want to do, I would need a huge place to put all of this. And possibly to Malcolm Gladwell's dismay you would see writing around and traveling the world listening to his book. Now if he could relax and his publishers relax you would realize I'm actually making a film and you could even say it's a film of this book.

 But when you say that I was living this life before you wrote this book exhalation point I would!

 You mean excuse me that means who's plagiarizing who now if I make a movie while his book is actually being delivered to me in my ears I would consider that to be somewhat edgy and possibly opening the door to some type of legal issue.

 On the other hand I'm just trying to live my life and I can't escape the strange dynamics around me. Anyway, I bought my brother a copy of that book and I bought the two John Steinbeck books.

 Then we get back to CD seven tracks seven. I said CD seven and track number seven and the fact that I had to replay that thing about 10 times to absorb all the information within tracks seven. I had to listen to track six a couple times and track eight is well.

 He misses the point, and that the whole world misses the point.

 Does laintellectual intellectual component of American society get it at which point! The answer is of course not, but the answer is easier than it would appear and many people already know what it is. Component stop stop

 all right Dragon I have no idea what is going on in this computer I just know that something is going on that is very unusual. I'm using voice recognition to do this writing. And the last sentence I just made was consumed and then rewritten three or four times. All the while I was yelling, stop, stop.

 Okay law enforcement and the intellectual crowd associated with the CIA and FBI have the same problem. The problem has to do with numbers and the problem has to do with letters. I'm not kidding escalation point

 Which is now in the middle of nowhere.

 You have a problem with numbers and letters now I've got dyslexia so I've got an unusual problem with letters that I have successfully worked around. Now some would say successfully? And I see why because I am of no value to anyone or anything.

 But I don't feel that way.

 You see I can see numbers and letters and I can reorganize them and I can see patterns and relationships and I can put the ship together. That wasn't the thing that floats but it does float in some commodes.

 1947, now if you look at my artwork you're going to see certain things move around. What's the key number you need to look for what's moving around. Now I'm tempted to give you the answer flat out because I put it right in front of your face. It's right in front of your face.

 Am I going to react with this number. No I will not.

 Look, people when I step outside the world does strange things. I made a short movie, this morning as I was walking into the coffee shop. A woman was sitting down next to a Denny's and she appeared to be emotionally distraught. A man in a purple shirt with yellow numbers the numbers three to on a shirt was trying to console the woman, as it appeared. I parked my vehicle between two white vehicles the vehicle on my left was the one...

 I say that was dyslexia. The vehicle on my right, as I parked the vehicle in the slot and I'm staring at the back entrance to the coffee shop or the side entrance I guess, the car that would've been all my right hand side is I sit behind the wheel was the one that had code.

 You would've picked that code because the Rolling Stones aren't hard to find.

 You would've ranged those things so you would've given me a room number to go to in the line of sight.

 On the other hand if you were an original team member you would know that some of the so-called GUI people have cracked some of our code. That's GUI people.  Goony!!!

 Therefore you would do would change up, different type of pitch. I'm not thinking too much about it but I had this strange feeling as I walked around. Now the wind was up yesterday. That makes things that float around float more and I felt like an American showing you points of interest. How you interpret these points of interest is according to your own style and taste. Now I'm pointing at something else and I was thinking about her this morning. She was the one that told me that Conan O'Brien had filmed a bunch of stuff in Dallas and that day, we would tune in to Conan O'Brien show and he would be in Dallas. It only looks new because it wasn't new.

 People I interact with the world of strange way.

 Anyway it's all there including the numbers and an actual personal lecture on how to interpret certain things.

 Now to Walmart your little strip isn't coded correctly. Here's why, the values in that row can be deduced to be repeating far too often. Therefore back type of code can only be used once or perhaps more times if enough distance has passed. But you have to remember the person who made that little bit of code was not a code warrior. Therefore what code was on that receipt was an accident. It was merely floating down the street as I drove down the so-called clear point. So your points not so clear.

 Now we get to the parking lot finding magic carpets and Hawaiian Punch and the direction opposite the arrow.

 That takes me to magic numbers so I navigate down the magic street and things start to add up.

 But I'd already met with some degree of failure earlier. Let's just say I read the trash in the trash didn't seem to make much sense. I actually filmed me doing that! I then turn around this into the small wall or steep incline back to the parking lot and I was thinking about what I saw and I was even vocalizing it into some type of capture unit. That's when I looked up and I saw the numbers and that's when I replayed the trash and that's when I realized, my God someone is actually throwing down real code!

 but you can't always believe what you see especially if you travel the roads long enough.

 So they might want they might hunt but then again you better be pretty good with a bow and arrow, don't get me wrong it would be hard to shoot a deer. But how good are you at shooting a bear. You would think a bear would be much easier to shoot but then again you haven't shot this kind of bear.

 There's a lot of invisible stuff moving around and if you're fighting an invisible bear it's hard to hit your target though matter what kind of arrows you use.

 I'm just telling you young ladies and I want you to know certain things echo.

what do I contribute

 I replied "Nothing!"

 well perhaps not exactly nothing, it depends upon what you see in what matters.

 I am going to attempt to show you all the yard work I made today and all the artwork I made yesterday. It needs an explanation and I'm probably not going to get around to giving you want. Giving you want.

 It has to do with numeric sequences and letters.

 Alright I'm reading a book, what the dog saw and other adventures by Malcolm Gladwell. I have purchased a copy of this book for my brother and I have acquired an audio version for myself. I thought this was going to be a work of fiction and it is not.

 Normally I wouldn't stay with a book of this type this long but Mr. Gladwell keeps throwing grenades into the, so-called top-secret locker room.

 So I put CD seven in the player and jockeyed around till I got to about track five. It caught my eye or should I say might hear. He was connecting the dots and so was I I feverishly wrote down key elements that intersect my locker room and his book.

 I was going to transcribe what he said and then I thought I would one up the thing because he has problems with pictures. Or at least somebody has pictures with problems because you devoted a large part of this book to those picture problems.

 He also discussed plagiarism and I thought about getting some permission and then I said, have I ever asked for permission? Hell no! You know what let's take this whole idea imaging and one up the whole thing and let's say I'm an artist let's say I'm religious leader and let's say I'm a political outlaw and let's say there's room for me to call myself whatever I want later.

 I get to introduce you guys to magic posted notes which have been in my artwork for long time.

 you need to get your hands on a copy of this book and follow the little arrows in the hidden sequences.

 Remember kids I may show you something but I may leave something out in fact I usually leave stuff out because it makes my artwork more interesting.

 Let's talk about the post I did previous to this one. I'm not sure I even recall the day. I just remember I threw a bunch of stuff out there and I was impressed with myself.

 I woke up the next morning wondering, did they ever find Charles Manson's doorway, I put it right there in the middle of everything.

 You see there's a lot more to my artwork and you might imagine and yes Mr. Manson I created a doorway for you.

 So yesterday I'm just moving around and the big thing of the day was Hawaiian punch. This thing actually surfaced multiple times creating multiple echoes. So I ran with it walked in and bought a jug of Hawaiian punch. I then used the Hawaiian punch to hold Malcolm down to the ground, specifically he and I were having one of those driveway moments.

 What I need to do now is just put the artwork up.

 Ladies and gentlemen this is actually old-school coding and something was coding back using the original old-school scripts.

 This is happened before, I've always blamed it on coincidence, but I know better, is there anyone or anything from the original school is going to pull me out of this mess. The answer is absolutely not. It's like the French offering remote parking or Tiger Woods having a bad hair day. It's just one of those thanks.

 Which gets back to fingers, whose names bill, and the Navy. Which gets back to SpongeBob SquarePants which gets back to work up art which gets back to all kinds of other things.

 Let's just cut to the chase.

 All right Google I 29 objects. I reduce them as much as I feel should be done. The largest item is a small movie that is approximately half a megabyte.

 Surely you can handle this.