Saturday, June 7, 2014



This is a fully robotic jet propelled Russian drone currently being deployed to spy on American citizens. Now the average person might be under the delusion that the American government can't get away with that. Well you don't understand the dynamics of loopholes and who the Americans can contract. When I say the Americans I'm talking about the so-called dynamic of American control. This is essentially the controlling force in America that wants to control every aspect of every American's life.

It works like this; the NSA hires an outside consultant, one that has no US citizenship and does not reside in the United States. This consultant then, because these consultants have their own secret handshakes, hires another consultant until a chain is assembled of various consultants. Then they hire the guns, when the chain is long enough. It's virtually impossible to track exactly who and what is doing the surveillance on me and my fellow Americans. What should be illegal in the United States especially concerning the notion of us as a free people, is sideswiped by the need for control.

A lot of you might wonder where I got my source material for this top secret and hidden technology being deployed in the United States of which I’m speaking of. 

It follows like this; law enforcement contracted a specialist to terrorize me into compliance with traditional American values.  They had used the specialist throughout the United States from Massachusetts to the state of Washington to suppress people from using their true freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom to pursue happiness.

This so-called friendly gun for hire for law enforcement goes by the name Надежда Ула́нова, [Nadezhda Ulanova].  Ms. Ulanova is a Pro-Putinist weapons engineer specializing in in advanced technological devices.  She is not affiliated to just one weapons manufacturer but is a kind of gun for hire. She has a history of military activism developing and first deploying the controversial ‘street darts’ deployed in outlying Russian village of Ionav used to control anti-Russian demonstrators and militants on July 18, 2012. 

This weapon fires a small syringe with a neurotoxin into an intended target, then the syringe dissolves upon impact. There is nothing left to find.  The toxin is highly regulated by the Russians.  Scans for this type of toxin do not identify it therefore nothing can be treated. It basically leaves the person in agony and if the person is taken to the right hospital, law enforcement will ensure that the person remains in agony.

[This is why I told you we have to work on the agony chamber before the US military perfects it.  We've entered the agony race, currently the Soviets are way ahead, the only thing that we developed here makes your feet hurt really bad.]

Developed so law enforcement for control, could use it with no one any wiser due to its ability.  <[VR Lost part of this word]>

She was hired here in the United States by various arms within the executive branch to help suppress the so-called 1% of whatever thing. I actually have photos of her in Boston training the police force in ways of deploying these street darts at the peaceful protesters.  The FBI would use her throughout the United States to suppress anything that opposed the traditional conservative American value. 

Before Pres. Obama was elected he accused her of “hooliganism motivated by right wing hatred."

The controlling American authorities thought that they would use the specialist from Russia because this worked so well earlier.  Once all the secret handshakes had been shock along the chain of unseen contractors they have deniability.  They did make sure that whoever would do the final connection that they would have the intended agent or ‘vehicle’ to do their dirty work.  Oh yeah.  In case of a leak, they bring in a special agent who goes by the codename of Oliver N would be brought in as one cleanup man specializing in such cleanup efforts.

The specialist, Nadezhda, (we're on a first name basis now) wanted to introduce something new into America's backyard. One that would allow her to successfully control much more than just a ball headed caveman.

So she brings in this new Russian drone the material is then filtered through her chosen representatives and distilled and given to the American authorities in control. There has to be some distance for the deniability clause to take hold. Therefore the material is not given to the American authorities in a raw form but more of an extracted one.  If she sees something beyond what the Americans want, something that she thinks the leaders of Russian control can use she extracts from the American version but sends it directly to the Russian one.

The picture changed dramatically when a drone discovered some of my secret lost past files.  It was then reported to Russian intelligence officers who approached me and asked me to be a double agent.

And so to Russian intelligence agents walk in to the little circle. Come to find out Nadezhda is one of them. The other one will remain nameless because Nadezhda has some unusual traits associated with assembling broken up pieces of aircraft and concrete if you follow a certain type of niche. Yeah that's a very abstracted circle. You'll just have to imagine your way in and out of it.

Nadezhda Ulanova

Dis is da ting tracking for CONTROL.  No use to hide.

Equipped with infrared, uv, and can even deploy small doses of x-rays to see through certain objects.  This particular vehicle was equipped with four rocket propelled missiles each capable of knocking out a small city block.

So what you think.


Change the color schematic.

Nadezhda Ulanova

It's the deployment of this type of technology here in your own backyard, which has the American military kowtowing to the Russians right now.  We need no G summit!

So, if you flip for us we make it very easy for you, if you no flip, life gets very interesting.

Talk to the twins about it.  Not that the twin are going to get the dialogue right this time.


Yeah, Clooney was really just looking for opportunity to blow dat guys face off, you know closet boy.


Ok, right, not Clooney, the, the dialogue guy, he's moved into farming. I hear George has moved in with some chick.

I no here of Clooney working on farm, Junior yes.


No No the CIA moved CIA handler in with the farmers.


That's funny because intelligence move Julia Roberts into nationwide, this why they interrogate you about parking lot and why you there.


I feel like I’m a political prisoner.


Yes, the "Union of Solidarity with Political Prisoners" a Russian human rights group and Amnesty International named you a prisoner of conscience due to "the severity of the response of the T Party and conservative American authorities.

You see no fight control - control always in control.


So I take it you're not a history buff that follows certain blips in human history where things move into a less structured environment. Or the scientific principle of things become unraveled.


There you go talking crazy, there will be no anarchy and there will be no chaos there will only be control. We will start you out slow.


First tell me which little bit of hidden treasure did you on earth with your so-called bug.


It no bug it is control and you will not escape. Most people would consider it very fortunate, you know China is developing their own kind and because of what you owe you will have to pay a heavy price. That's why it's best that you let Russia have its way. Soon China will have total domination over all of the Orientals.


You really shouldn't say that, it offends them it Asia or call them Asians.


You think I care! They're all just slangy eyed yellow bellied flip flopper's and pedal pushers.


In basic and in my limited field experience in guys were much more diplomatic. Hell, everyone loved hanging out with you guys. When did your group become such racist individuals. No don't answer that it's always been in the underlying of your culture.

Look at what you guys did to the Jews.


You now cry for the pig Jews!


I don't like the direction this is going. I'm going to leave now. Do you want to pick up your bug or do you wanted to hang out on the back bumper?

I then walked over to my vehicle, turned the ignition switch, and proceeded to driveway. That's when I felt the sonic boom. I was going to talk a lot about sonic booms when I was going to talk about NASA.

I really put some effort into this round, more than I thought I would. But it's starting to get too twisty.

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