Saturday, June 7, 2014


 our I have made a block of work that I'm calling today's work. I can't find any of it.

 I'm missing a lot of stuff, afraid I might have accidentally erased it.

 This was shot this morning and it's the guitar I spoke of earlier and it simply a harmony it's not a Harmony sovereign. I've had to harmony guitars this hollow body electric guitar and an acoustic the other one was an acoustic. There's also a clip well no not equipped there's a still from a clip I made. Okay let's include those two. No let's not include one of them. I said there was an humor here or some comedy let's stick with that.

 Let's separate fact from funny and we can pretend like were watching late-night television.

 Not sure how this happened. I have multiple images of this blog is on the back of my car it was very unusual and never seen one like it. It was gray and orange I had deselected them but this one slipped through. You also see a still from an movie clip about ominous skies in me lecturing people about the sky and how you need to know if it's going to get meaner not. I include this because this particular sky has the potential for becoming what I would classify as bad ass and thoroughly dangerous. Then there's the book enough of that.
 now I'm worried that I've lost some stuff. I've reformatted the camera card and I fear that I accidentally saved the material onto the camera card and then I formatted the card.   Have I told you I need a media manager.   You know I'm a lot more efficient if I have certain dynamics. There is one dynamic I need right now and that was the glory of working at colleges and universities.
 I have difficulty wrapping my hands or should I say my mind around things unless I can see them. I need giant flat surfaces where I can pile everything out in neat little piles and then rearrange them.
 I haven't had space like that in quite a while.
 That's why I was going to rebuild the picnic table with what was the ping-pong table and then laminate kitchen countertop like material encasing the ping-pong board.
 But somebody rule that out.
 You people have no idea. The feeling of being trapped, this idea that this culture in this time gives me the freedom to pursue what I should pursue when I know better. I could tell the world about some of the things that are happening but I don't wonder I like them.
 I said I don't want to highlight them and I'm sick of this malfunctioning voice recognition program.

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