Why don't we finish the material associated with May 5, 2004.
This is this still from what I've now made into a small film which should go down somewhere.
This is the sign of a compass. I use hand symbols to mean different things and this can mean other things.
Last night on David Letterman he had the usual musical guest. He played guitar and I only saw the last bit but he appeared to be solo. This was remarkable. So I looked all over the place for one and couldn't find one by the time I got back the credits were rolling and I thought they would pan back and show Letterman and his guest but it didn't happen.
The next three images are all stills from the same little clip. I edited out some of the beginning material and left what was pertinent.
This small clap is a specialized type of code that I give to my FBI handlers from time to time. I call it a roundabout.
you need some background. If you have the archive you would see the Vivitar files, my god I lost all those. Oh well, I had a small Vivitar camera it was digital and took images in what I can recall would be the 3 to 4 megapixel range.
I could use the camera affectively at low shutter speeds and could essentially draw using various dynamics within still photography. I could do the same thing when I set the camera to make movies and I could make abstract movies.
I like working in abstraction. This is one such adventure in visual obstruction. Now what's his name was talking about Picasso and in a way what he's saying is applicable here. After all this is a camera and what I'm doing is capturing real things. I call this my threshold film because within this short clip across several fresh holds thresholds.
I also walk on lines with a sense of purpose and direction. The abstraction is intentional. Now you're going to see another hand signal here. I keep meaning to get to this. Now again I will image my fist or an open hand. This signals some type of image that is not intended for the public but for my own use.
I now regard this is pointless because whatever I do you guys are going to pick it up anyway.
Still, when you see it it means it's really for my eyes and not yours. I have made two series of lecture images where I use these hand gestures one of the closed fist and one of an open hand.
What happens here I mean it for real, that is to say I may have to make an edit of some kind. On review I realize I don't care to.
There are fun ways you can manipulate this style of moviemaking it's very different from the style of floating plastic bags that I've employed in other small featurette's.
There there just because you don't see them doesn't mean they're not there. And I intend to show them to you.
The problem is I get lost in all of these details and there's other things I really need to be doing with my life.
I mean think about it what do I can attribute what do I contribute, I guess not much.
You know I can tell you some things about young people you don't know. If you're a parent you would want to know these things but if I told you you would want to fix them but you're not going to fix them because you don't believe.
We're not moving into a belief or disbelief interval I'm just acknowledging the fact that we can't correct problems. If you choose to ignore them, so be it, but you're doing it at a very high price.
You're not going to be around but the young people will be and it's going to get much worse.
MG Notes
so I circled the coffee shop and needed to stop and get a piece of paper so I could take some notes and remember what I wanted to get back to. I didn't have a clean sheet but I was caring with me some old computer printouts and I use the back of one of them.The key appears to be organization, I get lost in all of this stuff and have difficulty figuring out where I am. Once it's organized I know where I am. It just takes a while.
This means all that lost data that I've been talking about now begin, now and again, is a true tragedy. This is why I'm attempting to do the contact approach.
Here's the deal. If the average person comes to the site and looks at it they're going to think it's kind of crazy. If on the other hand you had all of my artwork and all my commentary you would have a completely different picture. This is a linear story, it holds together and actually has logic. It's truly covered by journalism is covered by the fine arts it's covered by religious freedom and is covered by any other freedom I can remember where I need to remember.
I'm dictating this within the very frame itself and then completely lost. I have some comedy somewhere. maybe I should just post this and see what's left.
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