Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pic this 2


B AND C want 2 B free la

Now, RL C, and WIFE,



Bobs burgers

ca Katty ash in

I wood

grass air Xplane


re pic


What do you think they're doing in the basement

That's the question we need to ask ourselves kids.

Yes I am creating visual dynamics to adorn this tapestry but the magic of the spirit is out and about in full force today.  Essentially I want to address Sheryl crow and her backstabbing ability to create tainted love.

In other words I got to use more than my words to correct my issues with women I've got to use my magic wand.  I don't have a choice.  Sometimes the job calls for big guns!  Now what about those pharmaceuticals!  My need to fire up the Chrysler and go to Mexico?

Anyway I'm making what adjustments I can to Walter when the whole concept of the French comes up and I realize the fringe dropped the ball when they moved into the Star Trek arena.  You see if the truth be known he's not that logical and the bones are already dead although Kirk could've told you that but Kirch not really the captain, don't you know who's driving this ship?  I said Kirk is not really the captain.

This gets back to penny

D type

Lost post penny

Looks dark from HERE



Backfield in motion

Yes that's a song from a while back it came up last night when Bob Costas was on the phone. Anyway we've put Bob down because that's what you go to do with that kind of Bob. Which gets back to different toms and now were going to turn back around and square some other things up.

 So we've got Tom's, we've got Bob's, and we have variations of George. Now this gets to Sondra Bullock and it gets to counterfeit money here it counterfeit money.

 This is the whole problem associated with things floating around in space. George and Sondra and all of their counterfeit money think it's okay to hang out here.


Talking NOT SO FAST 2day!!!!

WD and SJ r high


Yes 2 SDR_R J_WAY!!

Pic this

West fuzzzIE wassss HHHEEE

Jp likes IT

they can CCCC

Sometimes my draw isn't fast enough

 The so-called stop sign saying red aluminum firearms and I had just done a toggle and the toggle led me to a post page which was hung in the loading sequence. And now I've got a pink banner which is appropriate over talking about my gun. Although yellow brick road might not like that. Then again someone has to explain it to Ellen.

 Anyway were stuck in the rendering phase so I thought I might as well give you these little tidbits. I don't see this day turning into a 100% walk in my shoes kind of day but it has turned into an unusual day. I did wake up with a strange type of sexual charge and I decided to go-ahead and put that uniform on. And I didn't think I've lost the 1st film so I did a repeat which means I had to do a striptease. Now I wasn't doing the strip tease to do a striptease I was doing the striptease to show you the uniform and how it lines up.

 A lot of people have a hard time believing this but every single thing in my life has a meaning and a purpose.

 This gets back to family secrets and the fact that every family has secrets. Walt Disney's family doesn't want you to know that he had a drug problem. In fact when you look at the dynamics associated with crack you would think that those molecules hadn't quite been developed. But as we now know because I'm privy to you, this is Walt Disney's crack pipe which means Walt Disney did smoke crack which means the Disney family is cracked which means the Disney family supports drugs. Basically they believe in the Bobby ferry the Bobby theory and certain aspects concerning Texas politics. Now they don't want to leave Stephen chained at the base they want Stephen to climb into the tower with those crack crazed kids and help those crack crazed kids love the weapons. Because that's the dynamic associated with robotic control in the CIA.

 I didn't make a small film and I paid close attention to the poster. Let's go ahead and release the film and then see how the poster turned out.

 You know I think him and oppose this 1st!

 call it a trailer or call it a lead-in. Into the park it's still kind of a strange walk and it's still kind of a T-shirt although last night's T-shirt was the end and this is more of the beginning because Walt needs to know as well as the family Museum that my guns are visible and invisible in you got the Pledge of Allegiance. Which where the invisible force field friends is a different kind of pledge altogether. This is really when the problems associated with some verbal like started

 must repeat that please.

 The invisible force field friends pledge of allegiance gave Sondra Bullock problems because she couldn't memorize those lines. Which explains why Jesse had to jump on that Inc.  INK!!!

 Saundra Bullock couldn't make it on her own so she moved to Austin Texas and bought a printing press and started printing her own money. Her husband, the bank robber, was opposed to printing your own money, he preferred hopping a westbound train or going to the bank. Anyway his money was real and Sondra Bullock's money is counterfeit.

 This is why her and George have been doing this strange space dance.

 They think that floating around the school is cool.

 You know that's a malfunction but it kind of works.

 Anyway you know this gets back to something else that was lost when the power went off. The power just came on., I was talking about problems with friends and the fact that I have problems with friends and the fact that one friend was working at the studio in the studio entered the holiday transition and the program got lost which went back to sports announcers which went back to therapy and gets back to problems with friends.

 I can't believe it typed all that.

 This gets back to other problems in Hollywood and gets back to why we have problems with animation because she thought that don't joining the Nirvana crowd would be okay. After all her husbands in the industry and she kind of had a love affair with Steve Martin as well.

 But that's the whole problem with all of these women they think that Steve Martin's balloon animals is going to deliver them some satisfaction. Steve Martin's balloon animals might be fun to look at but if you press on it too much it will only pop. Where as my sausage is the real deal if you're willing to ride that hog!

 I can't get enough of penis humor. You know there is a lot more of it than you're aware of. I just can't seem to release it all but then again you had understand my penis is truly multidimensional and therefore the release is kind of a strange thing indeed.

This thing is really fighting with me

It was originally titled apples and oranges, of course that was in the take to phase because in the take one unit we had a full collapse.

 We have the full collapse and therefore we are operating on auxiliary power in the starship because we can't let the man keep us down. I was talking about the CIA and flaws within the twins concept and the dynamics of Cheryl backstabbing bicycle boy.

 But the system was brought down when I started to do the strange CIA dance by putting names down between the lines. I was talking about Cheryl and the fact that she can be a backstabbing bitch only I didn't say that exactly but I was drifting that way. I was talking about Britney and the dynamics associated with capitals in central Europe and whether or not you wear panties. Escape Cheryl used to be a nice girl and then she took her panties off because she was trying to please me. And don't get me wrong, I found that very pleasing, but Cheryl's a married woman, which gets back to Jane and Jane it's okay you can put your panties on. The father said you need to do that.

 That was your father. Trust me I've been in contact what. I can improve it! Seriously! Anyway I didn't come here to talk about problems within the Fonda family. Although the niece should have taken note. Okay I was hiding names I was talking about a bowl of Jerry's. It typed it correctly on the 1st take and it's typing correctly on this 3rd take. Yes it's a name it's called a bowl of Jerry's. Now we talked about Jerry Olga talk about Larry would talk about missing fingers or would you talk about problems with string theory which would get back to the wife of the unit that makes it and the fact that in the drain she was CIA as well as the center of things although today as you can see or should see 7 it's the cover of things.

 Okay it was bicycle boy, a loaded syringe, and yes yes yes. I think that's–more dog. I think that's dashboard dog.

 Where,, the loaded syringe is where I'm at, yes, I was setting things straight with Walter and when I was at Walter we were on the edge or the so-called fringe. Now French got in trouble I said the French got in trouble some time ago and in a way that didn't have anything to do with Walter. And it doesn't really have anything to do with Paris. Although Paris is a part of the Brittany project if you drift. Wow types it correctly here.

 Okay I said the fringe kind of made a hick up when they brought on the so-called logical one. The logical one in reality isn't that logical and I said something to the effect you can ask bones but Capt. Kirk made for sure bones has been put down just like he did with the engineer and the rest of the crew as well. Now I understand there someone on the board still up and there's probably someone at the helm that still around but you have to look at the costumes. If you ever see a girl in green she might be a genie which gets back to back complainer I had to use to clean out the magical fireplace.

 Which gets back to Walter and 7 Walter straight. Now you people might think I knew that the picture of Walter was there but in truth I didn't. Just like I didn't know that Walter was on drugs. You see I literally recovered Walters crack pipe! It's in the vase right now, as I speak, on the very top! Walt Disney's crack pipe!

 This gets back to Bobby and get back to the basement because that's where I began in the 1st take. I said something to the effect, what do you really think they're doing in the basement.

 That's how we got on drugs in the 1st place and why Nashville is playing such a large role in the dynamics associated with taking drugs. It has to do with that new TV show. You see the mother wasn't really on drugs! It was her daughter, her daughter had learned from Sheryl Crow on how to backstab a mother. So the daughter loaded syringe and backstabbed her mom and made her mom looked like she was on drugs and ask when they had her committed.

 This is why kids were going to have to turn to Bobby would have to look at Bobby and approaches the way and direction of sex drugs and rock 'n roll according to Bobby's theories. It's time to embrace the happiness of a warm gun. Now if you can track within MPR you'll realize there brought some girls in who wanted to rework the happiness of a warm gun. It's not three-part harmony because it's more of a two-part thing. Just trust me. I was on the road and I was chasing after the dynamic of Willie and Waylon.

 this means I had to go to hallucination central which means I had to look for the Chiefs had although the Chiefs head's not around their itch up north if you understand the dynamics associated with small shrubbery. Just trust me it's the librarian, that's who loaded that warm gun and that's who backstabbed America! But Dick Cheney knows that and trust me he can send his dark magic around town because he knows Ted/in point!

 Which gets back to Jane and the dynamics in Georgia that I've been yelling and screaming about which gets back to Montana and other movies I haven't been able to get to you yet. But according to demonic hands, everything's been downloaded because it was a repeat of the so-called Easter event. I'm calling it the Easter event because I think that's what was anyway we went down there and they came in and took everything. I knew they were going to do this. Essentially I didn't want to go but the evil one said I had to go because the 1 why to take everything I owned. That's the nature of that type of evil. As the nature of this family affair escalation point!!!

 that's also something that marks a lot if you know what you owe and you understand the dynamics of twisting a drill bit area… if starting the malfunction but you're going to have to understand the lateral line kind of deal.

 Now there's a movie, I made this morning, that I want to give you, or I go into shop voodoo and I address the dynamics associated with Bobby's magic and the dynamics of sex drugs and rock 'n roll.

 But we have energy issues which has to do with things and or on both sides of the river. The comparative politics around here. In taxes it would be a high tower and in okay let's type this correctly place. It's got to do with local politics, in the Lone Star State you might call a high tower across the river in Redskin territory it might be the pets the pits. In a way you can make pets with the pits and even climb a tower as long as you chain Mr. King up to the base because you don't want his ring coming up with you and the other dynamics associated with the evil library. Which gets back to Walter's crack pipe.

 I swear, I pulled a crack pipe out of the fireplace, I did it with a vacuum cleaner so I didn't know that there was a crack pipe in the ashes but there was a crack pipe in the hashes and it has been linked to Walt Disney and the family Museum.

 Last night we would turn upon the thing I called OU road and I was talking about the Wildwood weed and taking a trip and never having to leave the farm. And of course we can talk about mushrooms and other things as well but we have to address the concerns with Bobby.

 Kids it's about saving America and American culture. You're not willing to do the Buffalo Springfield kind of thing so the Springfield has to bring the Buffalo to your doorstep. That's right, were going to have to embrace the rock, the role, the sex, and the syringe!

 Now, this will sting a little, but come to papa!

 for some reason Gould and I that would be cool and I are having a lot of problems today because they keep giving me a pink line.

 It appears that Sheryl Crow has joined the CIA. This would explain why he and Britney Spears. I had problems with string theory.

 And why the canoe keeps breaking down.

 It is about the above image rewriting history. Essentially there are forces rewriting history and history is a lot like tainted love. Now my love's not tainted so few want to know the truth you can come and put your feet in this cool water because my water is magic. Just ask the French! Which is much like a shotgun if you understand the dynamics associated with aluminum firearms.

This thing is really fighting with me

It was originally titled apples and oranges, of course that was in the take to phase because in the take one unit we had a full collapse.

Queer Thing

I was going to call it a rare thing but some people in the titling department say all get more draft if I'd read this way.  Which means I probably should put the yellow brick road on.  After all it is somewhat of a wizard kind of thing.

And the more I think about QT, the more I realize it is kind of an Austin Texas kind of groove.  And this explains the dynamics of Nashville as well.

All right I reviewed the film that was released today.  Now I know I'd shot the film before I got dressed but I loaded the material up and didn't see it in the files so I did it take two.  Take two is why let mine acres down.  When I let my knickers down.

It's got to do with the hallucination dynamic!  Not that anyone in the entire continent of Europe would be able to follow.  That's now been proven to a small degree.

I keep losing my place.  You know what was throw a little bit of a curveball.

If you guys want to get into this you are going to have to learn how to net and you are going to have to learn to work with yarn so for the young girl whose one to work with yarn let me tell you a yard a particular type of yarn that can be found in Austin taxes now and again.

Essentially he was the governor but would become the president and he had a thing for exercising to a degree.  There was a famous exercising unit that lived in the land of the lone star it used to run with this guy if you can draft.  Any way they were running around together and people took pictures and the exercise unit told the president part of his problems.

He was dating and interesting girl who would turn to the dark side when she moved to Nashville Tennessee.

Now this tax is bicycle boy has gotten some bad press and I want to set the air straight.  It's not his fault.  Like the president, the guy he was running with, he's a straight line kind of guy.  And like the president, he got tangled up in the evil threads associate with women.

You see the taxes bicycle boy was live in a clean life but his girlfriend who was a type of singer would do more than stick a knife in his back she would stick a syringe in his vein and pop and full of the so called sauce.  She did it because she wanted him to win but you wanted his love to be tainted.  Essentially she wanted tainted love.  Now that's on another soundtrack to the buzz going to rock and roll via the day.

But the Japanese got in the way.  They keep wanting to turn things around.  And I don't think I have that particular unit.

Anyway the bicycle boy was innocent but he became entwined with a wicked ways of a woman who created a type of tainted love.  The man did know what to do so we went to the president and told the president the story of his tainted blood.

The president told bicycle boy that he could fix the problem, only had to do was take it to Dick Cheney.

So the bicycle boy went to Dick cheney's office and told dictate Dick Cheney the tail.  Dick said he could solve the problem easily that if she wanted to stick a loaded syringe into his veins and take his blood and Dick had the special sauce that would adjust things.  He acquired the special sauce from the guys pocket who had the shampoo and the cream routes.

Now this guy who had the shampoo and the cream rinse was once married and had a family.  Essentially through his wife away to a bunch of bikers who kind of tighter up to a wall or fence and then had their way with her.  This is a true story and Dick Cheney has the footage.  Not only did the guy with a shampoo and the cream rinse do that you wanted teaches daughter a lesson.  So he had the dynamics of her sex altered using mind altering drugs.  I don't want any what he did do a son.  But it gets pretty scary.  That's why I want to say to the new kids in town you need to be careful with that shampoo increments.

Anyway Dick Cheney had this sauce and he told little bicycle boy that he would give a little Dallas to the country and western singer only she was a country western in those days.  And the bicycle boy said, " no, no, no, dec, I like those kits on her and I don't want to lose them. TITS"

Dick Cheney: " get a grip bicycle boy some things have to be lost.  If you have to have someone action will see if we can save a little bit but you have to understand this girls got understand that we play hard ball down here.  And she's gonna take the blood of taxes love that she's gonna have to pay the price.  Trust me, just look at the hands of Ted and you realize that Ted wasn't fooling around with that shampoo increments.  Your little country and western singer will learn ever so swiftly not to tango with the tax is tainted blood issue."

And so that's how the baby lost her lip on me.  I didn't want her to lose her lips in fact if she was willing to face the facts and get down our needs and embrace the music should realize and a special sauce can fix those lips.  It's one of the magical things I can do.  Which gets back to the mantle and the fact that the magic wand is there if you'd understand why.



Yes I know the entire world has access to it every bit of buying Harry thing within the 18% grey field.
It's got nothing to do with greeting cards.
It's got to do with the dynamics associate with Louisiana.
Therefore it's Adam and eve and her father who's a lawyer for the oil industry.
And yes she did speak with a bostonian accident because it had to do with the nuns.
And yes you do have a chance and know you're gonna give me the time of day.
Now that changes the ball completely.
Now we're actually SM you SMU or southern Methodist University which is kind of in the Dallas area although I think they call it the park's cities or the university park area.
Now that is a curveball and that's a curveball I wish I could've picked up.
This gets back to all kinds of other curveballs.
Now we have two different types of pitch.  One is a nurse who decides to fly and then has kids but decides not to get married although she still a nurse and she's still with the airlines.
She would come around because I know what I was talking about and sometimes when you walk into the hardware store it's hard to find someone that knows what they're talking about.
Then you get the other one which is one nice package and deed and she didn't have kids and had a thing with tracks its or shall we say plastic sweats.
This actually gets back to multimedia.
Now I'm way off track.
Essentially I put the year form on today in the uniform is called the sex track!
I don't know why I'm telling you that because it's not really gonna help.
Anyway I was talking about Sheryl crow, nutshell gave me something only she did know she was giving it to me she has a lot in common with public radio dynamics.  And I don't want that to come knocking around my door I'm clean and I plan to stay clean so if you're not clean go to work for public radio.
Anyway Cheryl gave me a badge and I understand the dynamics of the badge because it's kind of like the emperor's new clothes.  The only thing is I can read the badge and I understand what the beds says.
If you see it like the emperor's new close and you've got cheryl's problem.
This gets back to all the problems I'm having with women in my life, it started before britney spears although I did give the britney spears lectures concerning female genitals and the canoe theory.
Which gets back to the canoe in the images of the canoe you're about to see.  The glue or should I say the canoe was coming apart so I use some of my magic sauce to fix the canoe but then the canoe started flying around the house.  And that earl started to turn over and spiritual things started happening all over the place.
And the canoe became unglued.
I think it's got to do with having sex with Steve Martin or that other guy named mark, he's the police show guy who wanted to do the same thing with the hardware girl that Steve wanted to do.  And then the hardware girl, dried up.  Trust me it is gonna have to do some research on your own.
Now if you're to go to the dart store you would realize there's a whole another angle to those darts because I use a different type of microscope.
Any way I'm in the bathroom thinking about Cheryl and britney spears and Julia and all the other people on the soundtrack changes and am a limited budget so I've Gotta get some Neil but now I Gotta find this track as well.  This really complicates things.
And you know if you see the movie I think you gonna see me debts and if I'm gonna dance I have to give you the opportunity because I play a fair hand.  The real question is can you bring me out of my shell because it's more than being private, yes I'm a little shy.
This gets back to Jane Fonda and Jane fonda's father because he was shy as well.  This is what Jane Fonda never understood and what the entire Fonda family don't understand I'm doing the same type of performance that your father did.
You people don't remember your father but I remember your father I was with your father when he went to California.  Trust me!
This gets back to the beach boys.
You gonna have to track that one out yourself.
But if you run into the night of color beware of his shining armor.

The mirror imitates art but maybe not so much life

I'm having sinus issues.

I say that line and the machine types it correctly and then a ping-pong Swiss something else.  You're going to have to go to Saturday night live archives and pull out a very old show indeed.  He has a shampoo in a cream rinse in his pocket!  This has to do with the type of pitch I'm going to throw leader and gets back to a pitch I have to throw now only I'm not sure how much of the pitch is going to be released.  The thing will not type it.  Some women like a slow release if you can draft that would be float around or you can rob a bank but if your bank robber that kind of draft that kind of floating around... Just type will pass you by.

I just came here to talk about Sheryl crow.  Now she's been in the mix awhile and things have come up, then the uniform changed and then I had sinus issues and I had to go to the bathroom and why was in the bathroom, sitting on the commode, the soundtrack to change for Cheryl.

It was a song that I knew but I couldn't remember the title, I still can't remember the title, but then I couldn't remember the lyrics, and then I remembered the lyrics, and I realized why this particular soundtrack and, for Sheryl crow.  Now I knew that Neil young needed some more span but I didn't see this particular track pertaining to Sheryl crow until I was sitting on the commode.

When I realize what the track was and what the lyrics were I realized why this should come up for Sheryl crow.  You see Cheryl has a fascination with britney spears essentially misses crow wanted to change the direction of her musical career to mimic britney spears.  This is one Sheryl crow stopped wearing panties.  Trust me, I saw that the bar.  And then again that was the dynamic of Oprah Winfrey at the bar if you can draft.

You know I'm going back and forth and my head playing the sound track and is really the beat within the soundtrack that made the hope was Cheryl but then again the lyrics work as well.  UCI essentially Sheryl crow wants to talk down to me sometimes.  But you don't understand, when she uses me sometimes I just can't get enough.  Which gets back to the dynamic of the energy within her spirit.

I can't say that Sheryl crow would come to the sandpit but I can't say you can't put some ink on an alarm and the armed eight can go military and the military can be in the family and you can work your way out of that particular situation but you still got the ink on your arm and you still got the spirit and you still got the girl next to the sandpit.

Now we're talking about Sheryl crow britney spears a strange dynamic associate with lady got a and a strange dynamic associated with that other grown California that used to be a Christian singer and now sings lesbian songs.  She was to kiss a girl, you know who she is she's popular and she's very attractive and she's got goof up issues with people she dates.

This gets back to all of these women Cheryl, Brittany, the goofy girl and California, lady gaga, and other girls that went to the sandpit.  Trust me he just had to be there.

Any way I'm thinking about Julia and have Julia has basically knifed me in the back and how I have problems with the women and how women tend to do that with me.  I don't understand why?  I am a nice guy and if you were to ask my first wife, at one time, she would've told you that was one of the reasons why she married me.  But she knifed me in the back of the same time, if you go to the therapist show only tell you you're abused as well as his buddies in Las Vegas.  That wasn't a bob that was a java Joe are tender something like that New Mexico.  I think it was Albuquerque?

All right but only about mickey mantle and I'm rearranging the mantle and I have to get back to the curvy part of cheryl's pitch and the man that has shampoo and crane rinses pocket at a later date.  But I'm pretty sure I can tie all of them up together with a simple piece of string.  Just watch.

fffffff x I x tie

The soundtrack makes an unusual turn

I believe it's the last track.  Now part of this it already creepy and and I was just trying to clean things off so I could get to the mantle and try to finish that.  It's Gotta do with mickey mouse and the dynamics above the fireplace if you understand the mantle.

Then again house to say if you all are following any of this as you're up demonstrated yesterday.  As Europe demonstrated yesterday or should I say a fraction of Europe.  Anyway this things already in my head them having to clean things off because I don't like the way Walters been handling it.  Which gets back to the thaw and gets back to the ashes and gets back to nails and push pins and bottle tops.  You just gonna have to trust me on this.

Let's play it safe.  I'm sure I'm gonna get lucky day and score!  After all I've put the uniform on and I'm suited up and I'm carrying a different kind of badge.  Only these badges are meant to be temporary because once used you know what I can get disgusting and I can get obscene but I think I've already a bull alluded to that in an earlier post.

Any way unhappy about this in the last track comes up and reinforces it.  Not as you know there are a lot of Tom tom's in the drum Max in the drum Max but besides time tom's we have bob bob's so we've got Tom coms and Tom tom's and bob bob's.

And can we count on jay, the telly after the winter Olympics is gonna act like a part of the dynamic of a tree.  Who knows.  All I can say is if you're counting on jay to deliver the goods on Friday will just have to see.  I wouldn't hold out much hope.  I'm trying to address the problems of late night television programming within the continental United States but it's hard, like much of the pieces on top of the washing machine, as you'll see if I can process.

Anyway.  One time a camera was in Atlanta Georgia and they were filming and they're talking about Dallas and the person from Atlanta said that Dallas was a mean town that killed people.  This was true, now certain calendar issue points if circled and I just want you know I know that they've been circled but if you're circling them I'm not gonna circle them because you're a vulture and I'm something altogether different.

Despite what the song made tell you about my particular breed I am a cool cat and they might say it's their fault because of whatever's going on but I'm not sure that's on track.  Which gets back to who's Malthus coming out of.  You can't trust anyone from those so called islands.  It's like something in the middle of your kitchen we're surrounded by the dynamics of $1,000,000 babies.

You just have to draft with me.  And if I never get all the audiovisual stew gather you'll be able adrift with a little sharper focus.  Although sometimes its fuzzy logic with intent.  You have to talk the Japanese about that.  This gets back to the Mexicans and the fact that the Mexicans and Japanese you have told hands because I'm also gonna get into modern physics and the dynamics of vacuum cleaners and blowers as it pertains to subatomic particles and the magic of the voodoo charge.

Trust me and getting there but I'm trying to get past bob.  Bob was on television last night and he was a bob bob bobbing around.

It's kind Gotta do indirectly with if this morning soundtrack and shall soon discover.

Anyway I was talking about the six million dollar man and how the United States programs people only to assassinate them later.  It's got to do with other dynamics associate with male genitals and other forms of entertainment and masturbation somewhere under the White House.

Okay it's the Olympics and it's in Georgia and an innocent man tries to save people from getting hurt only to be arrested and charged with a crime he didn't commit.  It just so happens that this man was also associated with higher ground and higher ground said he was mentally unstable.  That's when bob was on the line and bob was saying, this guy's guilty, he's as guilty as guilty can be.  That's the way these terrorists are, they look just like the sky, their guilty, some unease to throw him in the slammer!

And then the ghost of Howard Cosell said, " but bobby because that's what Howard Cosell used to call him, but bobby this man might be innocent you might be put in an innocent man behind bars.  You oughtn't ado that trust me I'm in the spiritual world now and it's just not the right thing to do!"

Bob Costas: " I don't give a damn what you say Howard, Mohammed Ali has a magical punches gonna throw your way when the clock turns its hands.  All that matters is that the United States has said this man's guilty and he's got to be had.  This is the way justice works in the United States.  It doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong and who's guilty and whose innocent as long as we can make our jerky with the freshest of innocent skins we will have our beef jerky.  Let me tell you something bob the lay's potato chip company is working on a new snack item.  It's gonna be quite eight chip!  So lend me your ears and step towards the deep fat fryer!"

Any way Mr. Kostas you came up in the processing because of the Olympics your commentary in last night's projection.  Which gets back to Julia Spann because I didn't see Julia spinning out that way until last night's commercials.  Then I went to bed and last night's commercials got processed I realized what Julia was up to.  That's what made me organize the movies because of that abuse and pull downs and I've got to work in the middle of things.

You know bob, you might wanna give Julia a heads up, if you'll know I'm talking about trust me, George wood!  He felt terrible as I recall that you know he had his own pair of scissors and he let his scissors do the talking and not the fine art brush.  That's the difference between me and George and all of the other friends, my fine art brushed will have its dance.

You know this gets back to the friends and the fact that I'm passed off it every single one of them!  Now there's one in particular I'm super angry at.  In fact the problems came up during a holiday season.  He was working in a studio and they had quite a role going on with the certain way the plot was moving.  In the holiday came up and that particular friend dropped the ball and the show fell between the cracks.  Never to recover.

This has to do with the girl who got pregnant as I recall.  She had a certain look about her and that look put her right in the middle of the 18% grey code.  But the friend was also in the code and later he would screw things up at the therapists.

This gets back to world wide pants and a father who's now a business partner with the crazy dynamic.  I mean he had a chance for redemption when his plane the father with the grill that had to move back all but now that he's messing around with a crazy ones I'm not so sure.  Which gets back to the blond girl and is the blond girl really deserve redemption?

This gets back to something else I did last night.  I make another movie where I picked up other dynamics of movies and I walked around them and I talked about the removal of fingers and how he can't really count on Dallas anyway.  That's why I started talking about five the quarter desks and what you can and can't read and what you do and do drop and the dynamics associate with Roseanne Barr and the problems with string theory.

I'm telling you I can sense this thing up like nobody's business.

Meanwhile someone needs to tell Julia she's gonna come back to the bathroom because we've got business to score.

Take care when entry in the valley of Tom little girl

All right this is gonna be a correct live feed correctly on the site and page.  No I would necessarily say is going to be correct but it will be correct.  Now we're having issues with the latter DS and dog which is kind of like the problem I had when I wrote on the index card this morning, I wrote the word debts but instead of using the letter DI accidentally used a letter be which means it would've been pants..

I don't have a problem worldwide per say.

Then again I do have a problem with worldwide.  I was trying to the rock and roll passcode lecturing sequent's yesterday to a set of international students.  If I say they were clueless, it would be an understatement and that might work.  They were clueless.  All right granted that's a little bit in the middle of the road but I couldn't get to the middle of the road so it's in the backyard.

Let's be fair.  You guys are missing a lot of visual information but if you can circle round to the old holiday I've written a postcard and I say ping-pong Easter twice that the team you can track or tackle or something like that 12 that the your mind us the sad thing about me a writing code and a camper of what was.  Then again I can write in the so called normal hand and I can't read it 2 hours later anyway.  Go figure.

But when the valley of Tom.  That's why the yellow who do brush is on the table.  It was a visual prop drags down from the voodoo closet.  A sensually times tracking and on the back of the track package he's sweeping up which is why I put that on the table if you're counting tracks I put that on the table.

Now there's more to this particular Tom then might meet the drum head.  And so it came up.  Times doing a type of cleanup but time is addressing this a certain way.  Yesterday was thanksgiving and yesterday I did go to Dallas.  And I was supposed to do something on Thanksgiving Day and Dallas but things have a way of limiting me.  That's when I saw Julia!  And that changed the entire dynamic of everything and I realized she wasn't in the bathroom to clean the mayor!

Well it was about politics but then again in today's rock and roll passcode the election did come up.  A sensual eight a sensually Julia wasn't in the bathroom to help me do anything but to hinder me.  It's got to do with the spirit of the twins in the dynamics of George and a former spouse who used to be friends.

All right here's the deal I'm going to have to address you guys are more dynamic fashion, that's OK because I used to be a part of the dynamic duo.

Yesterday I was in a land where the hide of innocent children is very valuable.  They use it to make a type of meat product called jerky.  Now we've talked about that and I've told you that the research center is headquartered in fort worth but the production facility is all for more taxes and and Southern Oklahoma.  These people value the hide of innocent life and the younger it is the better.

Let me put it to you this way, if you had a perfect innocent child this scan of that child would be worth at least $1,000,000.  Using today's currency standards.  If you don't believe me you can go to church and ask the Rev.  Smithy.

He's about changing cleaning products as well, which gets back to the valley of Tom which gets back to the mayor and yes I said mayor because that predictor mayor may or may not look into a mirror.

Which gets back to Julia which gets back to variations of George, Angelina, the other guy from Arkansas whose that bad Santa, the other girl and her sister whose father thinks I'm a drunk, and the fact that we couldn't get frank yesterday.

By the way that is on the index card for two days release notes.

Essentially put, if you need a slice and dice you need to cut through the smoke.  If you need something to mark the map you'll find along the fence.  If you're looking for the signature be careful you might get into some hot water and you might wanna take note around the yellow Power Supply.

Let's post and it let me refrigerate this unless breakfast I fixed.  I fixed quite a breakfast in the kosher kitchen of voodoo.  Scramble eggs with exotic mushrooms sausage, it is pork sausage but it has the magic wand approval and has been certified kosher and bacon that two being kosher by the magic wands power.

This gets back to mouthwash and the power of the scope of things.  You know which one thing if one person wants to do it in something entirely different when the entire universe walks into do it.

As I recall the used to drink a case of Budweiser a day then the mat Stephen king and they both decided to throw buckets of so called righteousness at the innocent kids to collect their hides.  This is when he went to the Rev.  And the Rev. said, I'm cleaning and unchanging products so no more of this!

This gets back to how we're going to deal with this world.  You need to take the reverend's advice, you need to go get some syringes and fresh needles and we need to start making friends with various factions within the so called southern regions south of the grand river or the so called Rio Grande and walk into Mexico.

It's about time for us to embrace our true future, it's sex and drugs and rock and roll, I've got the rock and roll and I've got the sacks but you're going to need to obtained the drugs.  That's right Neal, that particular track isn't on the feed yet but I do own it and you know it but I've got to acquire a little more youth before we start rolling down that line.

This gets back to the CIA and the FBI.  It also gets back taxes and he gets back to high ground.  The CIA and the so called arm of the military industrial complex were working with the concept of a man that was both human and robotic only it was kind of a man and a machine.  This predates the six million dollar man because his hide isn't worth much but the skin of his wife at one time was something to look at.

Anyway, the early experiments were done in the capital taxes in the capital of Texas.  They had built this type of mental controlling device about the size of a baseball and had removed that much of brain material from a said given individual and put the controlling device inside of his skull.  It was then given a mission and it was mission control.

Everything worked exactly according to plan and taxes realized they had to limit the coverage and they couldn't let the press know what they had done.  So they terminated the project using traditional taxes patterns.  Then the Dr. said wait there's a controlling unit inside his brain and they said that won't affect him no one could do that this is taxes this is Texas I wish I could see the thing right because it's below the line.

Anyway there's a lot here kids.  And I haven't even addressed the little German girl on the back seat and that big nickel plated tool.  Now if you have the archive you've known I've gotten to this now and again.  I've Gotta get back to it again.

You see it's worth millions of dollars, there are dynamics within the church and vaults, it is about an election, and I embrace my particular brand of cleaning products.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Cold Fusion Scientist Suffer Mental Breakdown During Voodoo Charging of Subatomic Particles


For the record this is an audiovisual

Yes it's a type of mental breakdown. You know what that's going to be the new title.

I'm about to do an act of voodoo idea idea idea

Cold Fusion Scientist Suffer Mental Breakdown During Voodoo Charging of Subatomic Particles

That's called a bingo.

Mob out to I said I'm about to do an exercise in voodoo and chemistry and reactions and I'm thinking about the last time I did this and how I created an invisible type of flame thrower.

Okay kids, I'm different! I can touch things and pass a charge to the things. There's a guy named Douglas whose father used to paint that when you look at Casey says don't do that again and so you have it when it comes to smoking. It's a different scenario in the downed aircraft when you're looking at lags and you're wondering, did the doobie brothers really break up?

Speaking of debis were about to make some different kind of smoke.

I'm sorry do not jump I did not give you permission to jump. I said OK I need something for the voodoo reaction that I do not possess called a tool. This is interesting because I brought down the voodoo toolbox but realized I was short one tool for this given cold fusion reaction!

I needed a specific type of hammer. I have photographs this hammer and I will give you a photograph in time. Now I say I will do that, and I fully mean to do that, but has a point of fact I might not reach it. It depends. One thing Nationwide surely as a null and helping hand!

I need a hammer, so now I have to tell a story, this is a unique AMR, this is a very unique hammer. My family acquired it and the state of Colorado which was a rectangular piece of property located somewhat in the center of the land formerly called the United States of America.

The water was on vacation he was very young so the crew packed up in 1971 brown country squire station wagon, that would be a for product with a blue motor and as I recall its 300 cubic inches! Anyway, they loaded up the squire and headed for the mountains. There in the mounds and they decide to look for gold. So they stop and get a couple pans some picks and shovels and get after it. Now you've got mom and little brother and you've got the little boy are chief. A little way to chief could not get enough of hiking and going into caves and traveling down streams and Rivers and traveling up streams and Rivers to find their source basically the little warrior couldn't get enough of any of it. So, I Gotta tell the truth, papa does something kind and buys couple pants and shovels and a special hammer. Papa didn't know that the little warrior would become the magic food and medicine man!

This gets back to Douglas, he made a movie about looking for Los things, well my key mike mike I said mikey mike mike. You didn't quite capture the picture accurately! There are a lot of lost treasures and goes to the pans are lost but not the hammer. The hammers gonna be used to supercharge the so called dust. And we're gonna makes it all together, you don't know this but we have lost some of my kitchen recipe work.

I call it the kosher voodoo kitchen. Seriously! And I start making movies about me doing vote do in my kitchen and I'm doing it in a style in keeping with kosher food preparation. The move is you're missing are called the open range files. Trust me it's called the open range files and I cannot find it. We'll say it's lost like the pans, but the pants are actually lost, there just gone! They were in the attic if you were to go two Serie a two Serie a to the nation in the Middle East called Serie a you know what I'm not a correct that.

If you go past the goal on Heights the Golan Heights you'll eventually reach the attic.

Any way that was the last known location for those given pants, okay aleph that misfire stages where Davis, if you were at the exodus and a when the crew left that location you would have found an amazing pile of so called junk. We'll call it candlesticks and building bricks and perhaps a bicycle for two!

I don't think the Padua rain that mass but they might have been but I do know they reduce guarded somewhere around that time. You realize that's when a huge part of the voodoo library was lost as well!

Anyway I'm on a tight budget so it looks like I'm not gonna be able to make all of the loops I need to so I need to go to the snake bit brac that would be, not a stone, not a tile, but a building block called a break called a brick thank you.

Let's just say I've got a chip or let's say when to call up a chip which gets back to some entire day before the daylights gone. You know I have to do something before the daylights gone. This is gonna slow some things down. But this has to be done today!


I realized I had to do something so I started to save everything posted and run. Then I looked at the little group of objects of place that my right hand. It's a hammer and two types of chemicals. I knew I needed the hammer and I knew it wasn't in my toolbox and I know where the hammer was. I was walking out the back door moving to the voodoo lounge to acquire the hammer and I know what side of the voodoo lounge I needed so I open the door and walked in but I was thinking about Douglas and pans.

I got lost in what is lost and when I finally made it to the the central or voodoo a a R us. I forgot what I was looking for. I know where TWA's sore walk back there and started to think and could remember. I was very angry with myself. So I walked out of the voodoo central and looked down the corridor thinking what did I need. What was I doing? I know what I was doing but I forgot what I went in there for.

That's why saw the two cans of solvent. And they realize that one of the solvents could be used in this recipe if you're doing kosher voodoo. The other solvent is something the CIA uses. You know what I'm gonna explain that because I think that's somewhat declassified. Back in the day we were concerned with DNA. So things have to head or should I say maybe I should start over. More concerned about DNA so the whole cleanup procedure has to have completely RE evolved. People don't know what that in the old days we had to use solvents. Just in case.

Anyway, in truth both cancer solvents but one evaporates much quicker than the other. I decided to go in and retrieve the Kansas solvent and as soon as I pick them up my brain began to react and I came back to the speed of light and I knew I was standing on top of it. It's a bucket of saws. That typed correctly and its 100% correct. I have in the voodoo lounge a green Bach it which contains a series of different types of sauce. It is a green bucket that has saws in it.

I started to remove all of the saws so I could find the hammer and there was.

I've gone ahead and put everything back so if you demonic creatures want to relive the event, I wasn't carrying a brush, feel free. Although I think in a locked the thing down so good luck. You guys did destroy my universal! That came down with a wall in the finder is now broken and the thing has to be focused manually using a ground glass. By the way if you walk down that I'll you to be walking down all types of ground glass. Seriously!

OK that covers why I came here. Explain the mental breakdown associate with acquiring voodoo tools.

No post this thing now post this thing and go recover what you need to recover wilder still daylight.

No post this thing now post this thing and go recover what you need to recover wilder still daylight.



I need to get to what needs to be done during the daylight. The need to remember where I'm at. This stuff is important! So I need to acquire the so called chip off the block that doesn't exist yet and make for sure I remember. So I go out to recover the so called block only to find it's not where I thought it was. So I go to a different shipped I go to a different ship and look for it there but asylum at dec. I'm carrying the magical hammer with me. By the way you guys need to correct a lot of stuff.

Back to the program, uncaring the magical hammer with me I go back to the malfunctions within country western music and the unusual pitch that's gonna be thrown two a little girl or a young lady of my liking but let's get real, I'm not trying to get between you and anything. But I'm going to get between you and everything! It's got to do with magic! So you have been warned, that pitch will come sooner or later.

Back to the Breck back to the brick, so it appears that the spirits or specifically the spirit had escaped me you Gotta understand aircraft as well as boats. Because we're dealing with boats and we're dealing with aircraft. If you understand spirits that is.

So I'm walking around with this magical hammer with the lost spirit and I'm thinking, I could not have planned this out! Which gets back to spirits and spirits moving objects. So let's say a spirit moved that object and I know that a spirit did move that object and I think I could name names. Incredible thing is what the spirit did when it moved the object. The spirit was trying to hide the object from me because somehow the spirit knew we were going to start having to make chips and salsa.

So the spirits lifted this snake bit and no I said the snake bit and Brack 2 B 2 B two been bitten not take that and apply it to a break plant to aid building resource material may be a block or maybe a brac OK do whatever.

What do you like all the spirit, this is something rare because I know the dynamics of the working of this particular spirit! The spirit did the logical thing and that was to hide the sacrificed in the bath. This gets back to French painting. Let's say certain things are sacrificed in bathrooms and bathtubs. You know I was eventually gonna open this door!

So the spirit is hidden in the bathtub. You realize that has more meeting and metaphor than you could ever dream of. And I'm losing light.

Anyway I found the missing spirit and put it on the sacrificed stone.

Things are gonna get cracking! And I've got to start moving earth. Which gets back to the things I want to tell you and make movies about and show you. There's just not enough time of day!

It's got to do with Nationwide and the dynamics of the so called Allied group within Nationwide problems with twins and problems with switches and triggers! And as you now know which had problems to do with the old testament! You'll see more later! Oh yes you will!

Award for best costume on a prop goes to in the prophetic features category

Post 2 PM side

" And the award for best costume on a prop goes to, in the prophetic features category goes to, Dr. DIS for the film 'Getting The Black Daddy To Stand Up' "

" Thank you, thank you, I just want to say I couldn't have done this without the help of Chuck Berry. With his inspirational artistry I was able to not only stand Big Black Daddy up but was able to reinforce the field.

You see when we fired up the master drive thrusters the effect would suddenly bring the crack of the whipped down. This in turn would reinforce the getaway potential.

Breaking on the other hand might lead to the impression it's OK to sit on your ass or laid down.

It's not OK to sit or lie down, stand up or BBD will light your fuse. "

888 productions stills here

By the way I'm working with the Ford Motor Company on licensing this accessory for other secret agents in the field. If U want IT, go to your dealer and ask to see the special options in the invisible class.

This new concept I've brought to the automotive industry is already licensed with some manufacturers. For some reason the oriental markets embraced the 18% concept before the north American manufacturers or the Europeans. This of course is their loss, the Japanese and Korean auto manufacturers that have embraced my concepts are selling vehicles like gangbusters. For example, the driver's side mobile oral sex module available at Subaru, has sent those models selling through the roof.

Speaking of that if you look at the pathetic features stills you'll see in the last frame a dynamic I Inc. and the film which directly relates to myself and other things that are invisible. There's a misspelling their, and try to make pianist humor. That would be male genitals humor, I don't trust anything on this computer to read to me. It's an odd thing.

HFC - Holy Fuck Code


HFC - Holy Fuck Code

888 productions still image

Yes without question some will have problems with the vocabulary.

That's what I call it that's what I've always call it and that's what I'm still going to call it.

[readers note, I was flattening things and getting ready to launch. I look at this document and realized every word I've spoken is absolutely true. Now you can talk about superstition or a matter of faith or you can follow conditioning. Interestingly enough this is not superstition and it's not fate it's conditioning. I was told to not always tell the truth. So within the brackets all follow the rules.

Marlon Brando came to dinner last night. He was very excited, he told me that the spirits and the spiritual world thought that this didn't have to be a horror picture after all. It didn't have to be a tragedy either. He said some people were saying it could be a fairy tale!

I asked Mr. Brando, have you can look around in my dart bucket?

Now back to our feature presentation.]

Usually I can only image the after a fact the aftereffect. Today is a very rare day indeed, I was preparing a small movie and trying to demonstrate the actual original methodology used in what was known as the rock and roll passcode.

Now things within my environment didn't fall into play like I thought so I began to improvise. And I was telling this is the same time trying to explain this to the audience non verbally.

Last year I took a trip to California, when I was there I went to the Walt Disney family museum and purchased a few items. I have been doctoring these items up to route the picture to route the picture and I just started to roll with it today.

I had this little box of paints and pencils and I'd had it out but I was going to put it under the bed.

OK I need to set something else up. I'm trying to pick up the house and cleanup things and be creative that the same time. I end up writing a little problem because I and up writing a small poem because things in the environments are happening that I did not do and you did not do.

There has to be in a logical there has to be a logical explanation.

It's either magic or it's the spiritual world.

Science would argue it's just the law of averages.

Sometimes you need to tell the lock to you need to tell the lot to take their averages and shove it to tell the law.

You guys have no idea!

OK lets get psychological.

Certain triggers can cause certain responses with me. If you want to destroy a live in peace love and peace it's not hard to do if you pull the right triggers. What's amazing about this is that my first wife knew this and when I was not behaving in a path that she wanted she would drag me over to the so called house where a certain trigger lead so it would depress me.

I'm telling you the truth. I don't know chillum edit the cheech sold told it to me many times. By putting me in a certain environment I became crippled, and when she needed me crippled she know where to take me because there was a traitor that would cripple me. Many people might think we can work things out that you don't understand what a lifetime of the beast does. What a lifetime of abuse does.

There's no other way to explain it. So I'm working towards beauty and making beautiful things when the so called doubles hand comes an and I realize I have to burn my uniform and my badges.

As well as a lot of other various forms called artifacts. Now I go through phases in cycles were I purge. Simply put I have a unique understanding and sometimes dirt and ashes and even water can be wholly. Can be wholly can be pertaining to the spirit of god.

Oddly enough the earth in ashes I move with then tend to pick up some form of the spiritual world whether it be heaven or hell.

I don't know where I was going here but let's get back to the California trip. I had bundled with me a bunch of material that I call coated material. This is data or its actual physical objects that contained hidden meaning. That's why it's called coated material that would not be a jacket sir that would be something requiring a cipher.

So I had this giant pile of the California trip code. I mean it was a lot of stuff! It was getting at hand because I'm not really a library and despite what you might think I'm not really a landfill or a dump either. Now I know this stuff has code in it and I know without question it is coated. So I have to burn it.

So some time, it must've been this year, early in the year, I gathered the California coded material and put it in the fireplace and burned it. I remember doing this. Now I haven't done anything with a fireplace cents. I did look in that earlier, and when I say look at it I didn't part the glass I just swept broken glass away from the glass that encloses the fireplace. I saw that it had debris in it and I saw some of the debris still had structure. I did not open the glass and I did not study the ashes in the debris. Not until today when I had the HOLY FUCK - mile moment.

OK lets will regroup. I'm cleaning house and I'm trying to rearrange my mantel, the thing above the fireplace. I have this box from Walt disney's family museum and I'm going to put it under the bed but for some reason something's triggered and I have to interact with it today. This wasn't on the agenda at all. Not only that, I fully intended to put the thing under the bed until I saw that the turtle shell had turned over. Then I knew something was up.

So the mantle, the way I was rearranging it, was somewhat unstable, this means that science would call the instability a function of things crashing to the floor and not the forces of heaven and hell. You know what sites can call it that because I'm going to give science that ability. Nevertheless the way it fell and how it felt was at least magic.

So I decided to go with a little more stability and instead of putting eight churn of ashes in a certain place I decide to put the dynamic of the family museum on top of the books. I gather my artwork and moved away from the fireplace and for some reason I decide to open the thing with a camera bowling or operational.

I did not know what was in the fireplace! You going to have to take me at my word. When I pick an object out, the first thing in the hand of my path, I believe it was the hand that I hold my watch, I pulled out a picture. And that's when the so called HOLY FUCK - moment happened.

Alive that five, just give me a little time to get all the stuff together.

You realize the screws up the rock and roll pass pattern, I'll have to get to that lecture some other time. I've Gotta let you guys see this, it doesn't look like much but you don't have any idea of what exactly it does me! Of what it does mean!

And you know I've still got to finish the so called transaction which create a cause and effect scenario which made me burn my uniform and badges. You know I did that I've type of ground, you know that was a very sophisticated little thing that I did that night! You know I did on ground. You know that artwork is well grounded. You know it is just ask is that you know there's a spiritual component within that! You can deny it all you want, but there's a different kind of Santa Claus coming to town this holiday season!

888 screen shot showing November 3

post clip here

Yes this is a true story.