Sunday, June 26, 2016

Satan and I look at each other square up and begin the Donald Trump discussions

Once again, that is not a joke!

I did the actress discussions according to the spiritual world. I made a plea to everyone to leave you alone and let me slow down and relax. And I thought that was what happened. I thought that was going to happen.

I picked up the remote to start the movie again or should I say television show episode because that’s what it is, and just before I turned the remote on and I knew where it was, I realized that I was going to have to assist Donald Trump in his negotiations with Satan because he’s going to have to cross that line.

And I’m throwing my support his way, so, Donald I happen to know this spiritual entity personally and we actually have a relationship and he has learned to listen to me and I actually hold a high degree of respect in that dynamic spiritual arena.

Mr. Trump I can give you, almost no money, I can give you some artistic stuff, but I don’t think you’re concerned about that, at least not right now, but from a presidential dynamic and acquiring the ability to call yourself Mr. president of the United States, I can help you negotiate with certain dynamics which most people don’t believe and then again some do. And I can do all of this and keep all of our clothes clean which is an amazing feat if you understood the dynamics of what I’m talking about.

Anyway I pick up the remote and I’m thinking doldrums going to have to deal with Satan and is going to need some form of communicator or negotiator are some diplomat for emissary what ever you want to call it to work with Satan it can be quite difficult. Then I start the television show hoping to relax and we have another movie moment.


I picked up the magic wand and prepare to make a clip. That’s when I realized the dynamics associated with this magic wand are not exactly in key and you have to retool. This decodes us, will have to pick up a different camera. I repaired do that and I was hungry and I was tired but I found something to eat although it’s not exactly what I wanted but it will do and I realized I’m too tired to do this. I’m simply too tired to pick up a different camera and make a small clip concerning the negotiations and the fact that I could be and in doldrums only available’s attending Donald trumps only available site superintendent….

You see what I’m so tired you see what I say something needs to be done Mr. Donald Trump despite what you might think I have some unique abilities and I can speak upon your behalf and keep us all effectively smelling pretty in looking nice.

No clips I’m too tired.

WE ARE at hand going to make this formal

I had to do a great deal of hard work, for me, just to find out how to spell your name correctly.

I found out how to spell your name correctly therefore I’m going to be completely formal and give the world your entire formal name. I’m doing this for myself, for the spiritual world, for you, and to drive some point somewhere sometimes these points become quite confusing and I’m not supposed to I say I get lost. That’s really what I’m saying.

All right, I do the last post, I’m truly wanting to turn all of this stuff off, but it is a limited time. But I really want to watch television and relax and do the things I need to do quickly and there’s more things I needed to hear that I can’t get to. Basically I lost today and that makes my life a little more difficult.

What is your name little girl, all right you’re an adult you’re adult woman, I could go on and on but I will say I’m going to give the world your name and I will also say you better slow down and hope that I can tell this with a degree of accuracy and that the good Jeffrey will come into the room and guide my hand and voice.
Name it   [ Vera Mindy Chokalingam ]

I am now going to start this post and post this information in them going to do some breathing exercises and focus on how to be a good Jeffrey and not what I am tempted to be, the bad Jeffrey, and explain to this woman what just happened to her and therefore to me.

Remember I’m describing to you a spiritual of vent delivered to me by the spiritual world that I basically have no control over.

I’m not joking!

But I do try to make it funny just to keep my sanity and even if it’s just to myself and not you because I can make this story very very very funny but it would be very very very rude and I would have to be the bad Jeffrey. Which means I would hurt feelings and I’m not really that kind of person although we could change the subject and I can talk about other people and we have giant green squiggly line.

Is not going away. And look with got a second one and it’s distracting as well. And now the TVs misbehaving.

All right all girl I’m not going to just post a mood do this thing and try to turn this entire machine off.

I say something I make a post and then my mind opens up, Penn and Teller would say it’s some aspect of my creativity your imagination or something else I’m saying no it’s not. I respect you as an actress and as a fellow American and I respect your talent and your gifts because you possess so much of what is wonderful. Having said that the spiritual world throws you into my brain I mean heaven and hell picked you up and shoved you into my spiritual consciousness and you found the escape hatch into my brain and there you were looking at me. Only you weren’t looking at me because the spiritual world did not bring you there the spiritual world brought you there because of some in accuracies of what you were saying about me. About some in accurate things were saying about me. Alice would infer that you know anything about me I said this would in further that you know anything about me. By the way that malfunctions a real one and I’m the let the things stand.

You know what I’m going to back off all of this because it’s getting a little intense only trouble spiritual world you need to ground yourselves and give me a break and let me relax. You have been pulling me through to many dimensions to quickly.

What I will say to the professional actress and talented artist, I know a lot about you spiritually, not because I was trying to know anything about you it happen because the spiritual world said you’re going to understand this woman’s spiritual condition and you are going to address it.

Look, this is something I don’t want to do and I will do my best to wiggle my way out of it unfortunately I’ve been given all a lot of knowledge concerning the condition your condition is in.

Which I found to be utterly amazing. It simply makes no sense. In the very fact that you have and are and are going to talk about me, the ball headed nobody in the middle of nowhere, that would be the ball headed the man with no hair. You know these malfunctions, and you know Mr. Pres. Mr. Barack Obama present United States I’m here because the spiritual world through this accuracy through this actress before me and delivered me some knowledge of her I saw her voice I saw her mind I saw her spirit I saw what she was doing at a given instant it was about five minutes in Earth time. And I thought, the spiritual world showing her talking to others about me in this context and that’s not going to fly so the spiritual world wants me to address it.

It’s really got to do, Mr. Pres., not about me but about the dynamics of what I’m talking about and how the English language could be captured. Because that’s what she was really talking about as she began to criticize me and I realized she doesn’t understand the worldwide Church of God and the book of Ezekiel and Daniel and a handful of others because she’s not exactly your classical Old Testament check just trust me.
So really, Mr. Pres., I had to address her which I think I have, because I’m trying to cover basically the entire English languages bottom. That’s right I’m trying to protect the English language bottom regardless of which shape size or color or configuration or ethnical or spiritual or sexual orientation I don’t care. I’m trying to cover the English language bottom. At the same time respecting other languages autumns bottoms. And I’m trying to cover humanities ass!

Strange events in a strange world got to do with these dreams I’m not telling you, I mean I’m not trying to not tell you I just can’t get everything.

I will say things are looking up for Donald Trump and I’m not joking and I’m not line in the spiritual world knowledges what I’m saying.

I find this fascinating I’m some type of spiritual liaison for the political world. And the world at large and the best I can do and I mean this with all due respect because people that work in fast food and in janitorial services deserve respect but this is the best I can do.

I’ve had some unusual experiences in my life and here I’m talking to the people at work in fast food and janitorial services as well as retail services. I have a good understanding of the bottom of the barrel and the same time I understand that all humans deserve respect especially those who work hard for low wages. I feel that you, the low-wage worker, are being cheated. I’ve always felt that way. And I believe that the rich people I mean the people of make a lot of money basically do almost nothing and somehow, usually by luck, stumble into something and they gain power and wealth and they realize they must control the power and wealth and limited to the smallest number of other fellow humans on the surface of the earth.

Until you fax. Oh well Mr. Pres. it’s not going to type it correctly so I’m going to stop now until I can find something that will interpret me correctly or until I find myself in a better state of spirits.

So to the so named individual that was wrong to me by the that’s not correct.

Two Vera Mindy Chokalingam, the machines not in a work right now I’m tired and I want to relax and if push comes to shove and to Vera Mindy Chokalingam the term pushcarts push comes to serve push comes to chef all my Lord I’m so flocking tired when push comes to shove it is a code patterned sequence and unfortunately this code has surfaced as of late and dances around me over the past three days.

Vera Mindy Chokalingam I mean you all respect and I didn’t mean to drag you into this and tonight you might think I dragged you into this but I swear in the holy name of the Lord that I did not and I can do that because the Lord knows he was involved in pushing you before me. That little girl is a fact you might want to come template contemplate the world of malfunctions and voice recognition and basically an okay average guy trying to live in ordinary life that’s trapped in unbelievable dynamics. I relish need another word other than dynamics. This is not dynamics partly want to say’s diabolical but that’s not true because it’s not true although there is a element of that because remember I’m working with the whole 9 yards.

I don’t know why, I truly do not know why, it does have something to do when I was a small boy and it does have something to do with how I read the Scriptures and how it understood the Scriptures and how I spoke to the Lord as I was reading and studying the Scriptures and what the Lord did for me and then the rest of my life I have to follow with other dynamics associated with spiritual issues.

Now I’m looking at the psychologists, a confused and unusual childhood, need we asked this question Phaedrus!

2 Steps 2 The Left And 1 Step Back

Fun and games takes two steps to the left and one step backwards scans the environment and darts for the exit
that’s fun and games, don’t confuse me with fun and games although I like games and I do like fun, but this is not one of those so-called given examples.

I made the last post started the thing to try to relax and enjoy and all of a sudden, remember I’d never seen this thing before, is talking about a snake. And I realize this thing has more voodoo and the spiritual world is in the supercharged mode and of their angry with me.

Their angry because I’m not describing my dreams to you and I’ve been having, shall we say, some very long and extended dreaming interactions over the course of what is now turning into multiple weeks. Now, for me to explain everything I should if you want to know exactly in the dream is virtually impossible for me. I do not have the physical ability to break down and describe what one of my full force dreams is. I do not have the ability to do it. Plain and simple. I believe it can be done but I do not possess that capability.

This is a problem because we are in a so-called Houston dynamic moment or it would be the Lake somewhere in the three fingers that begins the letter H they did the substitution four. It should be in the archive somewhere.

All right part of me thinks need to go to the president or, at one time I thought the Catholic Church, or somewhere, and explain to them, I need to do some research quickly I need powerful tools and I need a team and I need organization. Things are happening in the world and I have certain maps and so-called compasses, although they’re not really compasses but they act that way and they’re all different flavors in patterns and if you jump into different arenas you carried this one and another rainy you carry that one or this one if you do a jump shift this one if you’re in this dimension and you have to have these maps these maps here and there in these flashlights work in this dimension but not in this dimension of these flashlights work in this and this dimension but not in these dimensions etc. etc. etc.

All right, the bowl I its horns all right the bowl by the spoon and the fork and the sledgehammer. Goodbye bowl.

Take the bull by its horns, well congratulations it looks like the threat of the sledgehammer makes voice recognition lineup.

Pretty important.

Back in time.

Believe it or not, storm about to tell you is true and unbelievable and tangible that means there’s dirt there and there are witnesses and there are echoes made by my own voice and people that will remember my voice. This is the real shift not exactly that you can imagine.

I was living on an island, I had a handful of resources there but the main resource for entertainment was the radio. And when I say radio you needed the most dynamic radio you could find because if you want to be entertained you had to jump on all kinds of so-called wavelengths. Sometimes you had to stretch over here and over there and sometimes over here and over there.

On this island, there were times I did not have to stretch too far. I was introduced to two people or to forms of religion that no longer exists in the form that they did then. And these two forms of religion were different and separate but had many things in common.

The first and most important thing I need to tell you about these two religions, is, they were incorrect and in fact unholy in the eyes of God! They both believed that a man born from a woman on earth could he involve into the very being and equality with the crater God himself.

All right, any religion that even imagine that looks at that you know what a let you look at it and think about it but if you believe it or you teach it I’ll do my best to open up the biggest portal of voodoo and we will spread you out within the abyss.

There is the creator and there are creations made by the creator that were not of earth. Then there earth and the life within her within earth.

I don’t really want go into this too much. And from what I did at one time when I did do some research these two called religions disassembled due to wickedness within. That has to do with the nature of mankind or importantly what the spiritual world is wanting to talk about, is the hand of man.

I’m talking about these two religions because what they were talking about held a high degree of accuracy and that accuracy hips,,,   and that accuracy has surfaced as of late.

The two religions are, and I will name you by name, the followers of Jawa from Bethel Pennsylvania and no I will not correct the so-called J. And the worldwide Church of God that was headquartered somewhere in California.

I’m going to focus on the worldwide Church of God and the original so-called creator of that church and his understanding of the Scriptures and what he saw the future was going to bring.
Now remember this man was basically annihilated because he said the second coming was going to come in his lifetime and all this other stuff is good happened in his lifetime and it did not because he was inaccurate in fact he was highly flawed to the point of being dismissed. And when I say being dismissed that would be one kind of dismissal you would want to be void at all costs. To avoid at all costs.

You know Pres. Obama now would be a good time for my machine not to malfunction. Mr. Pres. this would be one time I mean Mr. Pres. of the United States Barack Obama this would be one time when my computer should not malfunction and my voice in my words should be clearly and exactly understood as I’m trying to present them.

I’m getting angry because the machine is not working correctly so mangled so I’m going to go directly to the point.

In the worldwide Church of God according to the original individuals understanding manipulating the dynamics in the book of Daniel in the book of easy kill and easy keel the book of Ezekiel and I believe also Malachi.

It took dynamics that were real and has proven history of working but then projected the line and when he projected the line I realized that some of what he was saying was accurate. Because I was familiar with these books because I had actually sit down and for some reason God gave me the ability to physically read the books and understand the because I have on many occasions.

But I did not interpret the books as the so-called worldwide church of God man did.

But when I heard him speak I realized he had things to say that actually work housed in these Old Testament prophecy documents. That still hold truth today. That something Baptists have a problem with.

Basically, if I can tell you shortly because I’m going to allow the media the so-called whoever the media are to figure all this out. It would be best if I could tell you because I would tell you truthfully and you cannot trust the media. I would have to have all the resources to go back in time listened all those documents review all of the holy Scriptures then have a team look at how he read them interpret them and then I’ve got to go to the Bethel Pennsylvania group repeat the exercise and create this loop to build the diagram. I don’t have those resources. I don’t have that power and I don’t have the time.

All right the world decides that the English language must be contained. The world makes an effort to contain the English language. The English language is a part of 12. The English language is a part of two, lost in Babylon. The two lost in Babylon are God’s favorites and become the English language. But the world wants to contain the English language. The world succeeds in containing the English language, the English language is contained.

It’s not a happy place for England, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all of those people that I’ve totally not mentioned and I’m sorry it’s not like I forgot it’s just a limited kind of thing.
So he starts explaining his theory about how he reads Daniel and Ezekiel and other aspects of the Old Testament and I realize that this guy has read those books and know something about it. And I realized that he’s got something to say and there’s a degree of truth and power there.

And so, although he was flawed and his religion fell backwards in its own humanity and hands of man and its own wickedness the dynamics of his research and his thought actually still exists in the spiritual world.

There’s a lyric in a song that says “I thought I was up above it and now I’m down in it!”

Mr. Pres. you might want to heed those lyrics to heart and you might want to study some of the things I’ve talked about above.

I don’t know I can’t really apply for the job in fact I really can’t apply for any job other than maybe cooking hamburgers or cleaning bathrooms.

That’s the nature of America and be an American living in their American world those are my options. I have multiple higher academic degrees and I truly accomplished some incredible things but all I have before me now is the ability to clean your toilets.

I say that Mr. Pres. because you’re not going to allow me to help you. And right now I am one matter fact let’s start over

Mr. Pres. right now I am the biggest and baddest MOTHER FUCKER with spiritual understanding according to today’s current dynamics.

Trust me I’m also a reasonable a practical man, my escape Hatch, learn that German language as fast as possible Jeffrey you better learn the German language quickly the time for delay is over!

Whether you call me or not Barack Obama I’m learning the German language!

So yes London I saw you call today and I said amen hallelujah I love the three fingers and that finger has always been a place that I can feel wrestle at because I know they are the righteous group that would care for the concerns about me resting because that’s what I said although it didn’t type it correctly because Barack Obama and the United States of America don’t want my words and true message understood so by all means let’s join Bill Gates, Microsoft, Steve Jobs, Apple, and the rest of the universe and suppressed Jeffrey’s voice.

By the way, you’re not winning, I I said I as they make the malfunction I said I am winning and you are not as I fought with voice recognition to have my words understood.

A Short String A Limited Time An Invisible Budget

This would also be a major heads up, the spiritual world keeps taking me back to the giant column, the one with the spiral staircase. Things are being shook up in every dimension imaginable and there’s a lot of stuff the media is not telling you. In fact you’ve been told, not by me, but told by someone not so far away. It was some time ago but I’ll get into that mess later. We have other spiritual dimensions we have to deal with and 
I’ve got to go to the column and do a kind of rewind.

I was once, and oddly enough still am a professor. Once I taught in structures that were tangible, that is to say they were made out of brick-and-mortar and wide and all that other stuff. I now teach in somewhat of an invisible classroom only it is tangible as well. Not so much in terms of form but in terms of dynamics.

All right let’s go back in time, were not undergo so far back as to explain why the spiritual world is an uproar were going to only go back to that little place so you guys have some guide way to understand how the professor moves in and out of dimensions.

Now, I can move in and out of dimensions on multiple levels that would seem obvious but you don’t understand. There are earthly dimensions and then there are dimensions outside of space and time. You’re just going to have to trust me on this one.

This has to do with a college syllabus I prepared and a body of students that I taught and an assignment they had. This really exists and these students really exist and you can track all of this down can even track down the soundtrack. You know I’ve made a lot of soundtracks in my lifetime I mean man oh man I made more soundtracks and you can ever imagine. But this would have been probably on the first soundtrack I ever gathered, I had this thing for grace and you have to understand the dynamics that to follow. Which you have to trust there was a day when she could stop time.

But you need to be careful now because I was told some time ago that she carries heat and I’m not sure she’s licensed for written for it.

And by the way you going to see fractures in the way this thing is written and constructive I’m assuming someone somewhere will explain to you that the man preparing this document cannot read or write certain dynamics and I must confess I cannot read and write according to other cerebral capacities I have in terms of the ability to reason think and act. But that’s complicated and we don’t need to give you that right now. 

What I’m really talking about is that damn column the spiritual world keeps running around.

They’re concerned that I even discussed it in told anyone about it.

But that was a long time ago.

But that’s where we are a long time ago and I’m giving a classroom and assignment and I’m giving them a soundtrack and welcome to the soundtrack and welcome to a flip side of the coin as that soundtrack moves in and out of time with my assignment within the classroom.

Because this is clearly done with my own syllabus in hand and knowing how I taught the class and what expected from the assignment.

Which makes me wonder, am I going to get any royalties from any of this?

And by that, you better ask yourself, what kind of royalties is he referring to!!!  And that is your assignment today or should I say tonight!!!

This really, compared to other things, is virtually nothing, but today, no I’m not going to explain that to you. 

All I’m saying is, I’m surrounded by, and what I’m saying is, and what many people around the world know, I can see things, I can see things you know nothing about, I mean I can see things you know absolutely nothing about whatsoever, and the spiritual world unfolds it before me. But the spiritual world unfolds it in a multidimensional dynamic.

It’s pretty interesting….  This is probably one of the reasons why I’m never bored….

Anyway let’s give you the small piece of potatoes and who knows maybe I’ll drag something else up and send it your way because it is a spiritual dynamic and they are all moving towards the column and they expect me to do some type of magic there.

Remember I’m talking about spiritual creatures, now I could show you something else I’ve witnessed, as of late which goes directly to the column and the spiritual world and gets back to where are my royalties?

Insert first movie sell of rewind and the lecture series and begin the voodoo code sequence.

Now were going to enter the land of bonus footage. Some people would say this is my highway, that would be incorrect so I would correct them by saying, 0 My Rd. - that’s not exactly what I said and it started typing what I said and then want to put road on the end of it turned the thing into a zero and I think that works better. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. malfunction, you see sometimes the malfunctions can work with you.

Now the first thing about bonus feature is the opening sell and how the opening cell reads because it’s a part of the film but it’s also a still image and it reads very specifically and magically and was composed with something native at the helm. And if you study the cell you’ll see it goes to Ireland, Iceland, Finland, hidden places in and sprinkled throughout Europe especially northern Europe. And then slowly sneaks into the Ukraine and Russia. It’s not done, and I’m talking about the first cell of the film, it immediately winks its eyes and finds itself in hidden places in Japan and from there marches into aspects of Asia circling around specific dynamics in China, and Vietnam, don’t think you get out of this without a little bit of, or should I say the need for a new diaper as well.

That’s just the first cell.

I also want to say I hate hearing me talk and teach and do what I’m doing. Although I must do what I’m doing because I’m supposed to be doing this. But at the same time I irritate myself because I sound so pathetic, not to say that I’m not pathetic but I like to think of myself as not being quite this pathetic.

On the other hand, in this bonus clip you get to see real aspects of real ghosts and real aspects of spiritual dynamics.

And there is an incredible hidden feature, I know what use the word and too much, there is an incredible hidden feature when I spit. Yes in this bonus clip you will see me spit. But you’re going to see something else that I did not see until I saw the rewind. If the spiritual warning me, I’ll tell you what the spiritual world said after I saw this clip…” Jeffrey you’re entering a spiritual power block dimension, you’re going to start breathing blood again and Jeffrey you will believe blood and you will breathe blood and you shall burn blood and your little magic will be lifted into the sky and the spiritual world will hear and embrace and act accordingly.

It’s something only a trained I can catch and remember I didn’t know it existed until I saw the rewind but it’s in the cell. So you have multidimensional communication forces at play in this bonus clip which I really don’t care viewing because I just don’t like the way I talk.

It’s more it’s more of the sound of my voice, I guess I just can’t help it, you’re born into you live in and you exist in so-called Hicksville and you end up sounding like a hick 1 billion not exactly right not exactly right but I’m smiling now because that is a beautiful malfunction.

All right we get clips and bonus clips, kids let’s load the bonus clip and you can see ghosts, voodoo, magic, and commentary accordingly. In fact if you want to go to all my Road I said if you want to go to all if you want to go to. All oh… My…. Road… Feel free exam the ghosts for yourself but remember I carry of voodoo bullet in my pocket and I carry more than that and there are creatures that surround that place that I would buy that I would advise you to exercise great caution.

I’m telling you to exercise great caution!

Remember this is a jump shift dynamic.

Load second clip here!