Friday, September 25, 2015

x cat


092415_Line Walk

092415_Line Walk

I thought it was going to talk about something more pertinent, that would be dynamics which on the Oklahoma and how they still reverberate in my life. That is to say Shawnee is supposed to be in there somewhere. Anyway there’s a lot of stuff I need to be doing but I’m following a so-called line of sight. I carefully walk the line look to either side and then make decisions on when to step off the line.

I discover something, it’s kind of incredible, it’s kind of a trend with young people today, and it has reason and choice but it’s still confounds me.

And then we had a thing inside of my brain called an echo effect. I’m going to elaborate and you’ll be able to see it happen when it happens.

I’m doing some research and I’m following a kind of track. I discover someone so then I turn on the amplifier and the electron microscope and dive right in to the research. I didn’t find myself in Germany having to deal with that language and France and having to deal with those women and the little bit of that language.
Bumping into this is not unusual and I would not call it an echo yet. But then September starts beating a drum and I realize we’ve got a strange dynamic happening. And then we crossed the line and there were all of the things that go from, I’m very attracted to, to these could be double creatures, which gets back to align I crossed yesterday concerning devil women and how this all interacts and interrelates.

I’m following a track for a given individual and I find the initial entry point for the individual I’m tracking. I then watch her turn into echoes herself and then the tangents start firing inside of my brain and we have an echo chamber inside of my head. One of them actually dies, a year ago in fact, another one kind of disappears and then resurfaces in hindsight, there’s more to that than meets the eye because there’s a little bit a coating going on if you hop on the train.

One dies, I can’t blame this on David Letterman, I can’t < hand opp ** very unusual >  I CAN blame it on that English guy who played a Dr. call house. I know it’s supposed to be past tense and I said it past tense but the thing didn’t print.

Anyway, she died at the age of 40. Another one does stuff on Broadway but still does some stuff for television but it still gets canceled.

Then there’s another one who started thinking who started the thing and I won’t elaborate on that.
I will say the dynamics of Florida, inside of my brain, has changed dramatically! And I said the word dramatically very sharp and very clear because Florida is clearly a lot more complicated than I ever realized. And it’s not the old people in Florida it’s the young people in Florida. I’ve always had problems with Florida politicians and the way the elderly and will save middle aged people think that live there. But things are about to change in Florida and they’re going to change in one of the most powerful in dramatic ways imaginable. 

The youth in Florida are very different from their parents and they are trending in this remarkable choices of youth.

Now if your politician you might want to hear my words

Why pay very close attention to it because I’m speaking God’s truth. I don’t know why it did what he just did it just does things. My computer has a mind of its own, one would think it was built to serve the hands that work at but as you all know it’s the voice working this not so much the hands and the thing doesn’t like my voice at least it doesn’t type what I say when I say it.

If your politician, you might heed my words, I’m telling you the truth, I can see aspects of future, it’s a gift.
So no need to tell the United States world, if you look at the United States citizens in the age group of 28 to 14 years of age they have a different way of making decisions for themselves. At first I find it shocking and then I see it echo and I see more and more people behaving in this way and then I realized that are actually being successful, quite successful, and who am I to criticize them.

I’m not going to criticize them. That’s the whole point, I don’t see them committing crimes or in my mind doing anything wrong, is there life and as long as they pay their taxes I simply don’t mind what choices they make.

All right let’s let the so-called being out of the bag and I will give you the name and I’ll give you a variation of one of the components because if you follow this track your realize there are some name changers.

The track starts here with this individual, Sarah Goldberg, then we have in the course of events the second name changer who is passed away unfortunately she passed away in September of last year she was 40 years old, Sarah Danielle Madison.  She used the first name of the tracker and she also used the second name. Now you start tracking this is going to find a lot more than you can imagine but you got to open certain doors and if you do you need a flashlight.

Now some of you understand my lecture methods and my coded speech and you know what I’m talking about. Then again some of you don’t.

Then we have other tangents and I walk into the room of the beautiful or the ugly depending upon your reference point.

Now, I bring in celebrities quite often, it’s rare for me to bring in Carmen Diaz, I’ve had a very mixed up relationship with her. I thought, and I’m going to be honest and confess this, I didn’t like her, then I realized I loved her, and then I realized I was really confused.

When it comes to Carmen Deas, I basically steered clear and watch and observe carefully because she’s a woman with magic powers. They’re hard to see but they’re there. Anyway I’m following a track concerning a line of sight and I walk into the room filled with women who I exercise great caution with but I’m never afraid to insult.

Before start throwing the pictures down and thought we might take a little side trip to Germany. Oh that reminds me of got to give you a massive fragment of an echo concerning September.

Sarah Goldberg

Sie soll friedlich eingeschlafen sein - Sarah Goldberg, bekannt durch die Fernsehserie “Eine himmlische Familie” starb mit nur 40 Jahren.

I’m going to go ahead and give you my coding for this website it’s a 00 which means it’s a power player. Now I had Artie tripped into the room full of various aspects okay I had already arrived and fell into or tripped upon the room of land mines which led me to this book. That would be a rod and reel line in a hook and Moores and things that are alluring although you’ll find a more there as well. She’s down there. A rod a real some tackle and some fishing louvers know I still think that’s right artificial bait called a lure, maybe that is. That’s what you need to bring you go fishing some Venetian blinds.

0 0 Coder Show Biz News Updated daily_ 09_13_13.html 

These are so-called screen captures the first two I made to demonstrate to the world no matter what type of HTML coding you can do I can still recover what I need. His first two images irritate me not because of the subject matter but because of the way the page handled.

I’m going to include my approach in verifying people’s credentials in the binary world without really doing anything other than looking with my amplified electron microscope. In other words this guy is not from mother Russia. Don’t get me wrong he may been born there but if you look carefully at his site he claims to actually be sitting in Russia but yet has a fascination with American football. I don’t think there’s a single person in Russia that gives a shit concerning American football.

Then we have a multilayered echo, I’m still tracking the so-called said individual and I bumped into Germany so I’m driving around Germany when all of a sudden girl from Garland pops up or should I say from the GNP.

You know little darling I’m concerned as well. And you have a woman I’m very careful with, Carmen Diaz in the lower part of the capture, and of course what will soon next is the open minefield.

All right you’re asking me to say it again and blocking the button.

Now I could stop here, I’m giving you an incomplete picture on purpose. You would need to understand my line of sight and what I was tracking because it works with multiple senses the synths of sight and sound as well as aroma and flavor. It’s the whole 9 yards in terms of feelings nothing more than feelings when it’s everything about feeling.

All right I’m going to go ahead and just tell you if you walk into the mine fields I’ve been walking in and around your realize I’m playing very safe concerning the dynamics of the given minefield I’ve shown you. I thought that that minefield might have some unusual energy so I went to the top and realized that I had carefully chosen my search well and not doubt one of the so-called tracking individuals. I wanted to see if this individual would turn up later deeper into the page so I dove deeper and found this. Now this is not the other unit this is a woman holding a dollar bill, now that’s one thing, you see that codes a certain way if you know anything about what’s pinned to my wall it is part of a one dollar bill and part of the five dollar bill.

Nye could only see her picture but when I drove the cursor to it gave me a signal. And I realized this was a signal I used to my own nomenclature because I really do use this signal in my nomenclature and if you look at the title of this page and you look at my nomenclature you would see it belongs here.

So I would give the thing accredit because when I went to the page and remember I can capture the image without going to the page, the page unfolded and became an enormous, I do not know what HTML people are doing now but the pages can now circle the globe which is another reason why I gave you all those photos from our interesting Russian comrade. You see it’s not a still image it’s a gift it would be a gift. It is meant figure that one out or I’ll post it.

I think I will post it. But I have to give him credit, I don’t mind that, I suppose he deserves the credit, but I just don’t trust his credentials.

Also need to note, I thought I was going to talk about my runnings with the so-called cartoon critters of yesteryear and how I was run out of town in the cyber kind of way. No really, those fucks locked me out, I can still go to the page info to the material but I couldn’t comment. That was tragic, and as I recall an animator from Maine came to my defense and also stated that there was nothing he could do because the site was actually outside of his own hands. This is very different than Scott’s site and here I’m referring to the guy that does Dilbert. He’s kind of got his own private Idaho.

I say that because the dynamics of what happened then still exist although I wonder if the female animator from what I believe was Missouri which still feel the way she does.

She was one of the few people I could actually name me, she knew who I was and she knew where I lived and where I existed in what I’d done.

That’s interesting, I would not know her if she came up and shook my hand, it’s not that I don’t want to know where, contrary to that, I would love to know where to know her. But she’s an odd cookie which is why her artwork is so effective, she has this sideways ability to Pearson glance at an object and then break it down.

A better stop talking because I don’t like the malfunctions.

Yes I remember why I’m thinking about the cartoon experience, it’s this whole new social media stuff.

I knew about MySpace I knew about Facebook and all the other stuff but now you get social media that is layers upon layers upon layers upon layers we can talk about mine fields we talk about forests or we can talk about geology. Specifically rock that’s formed under the ocean and how it can be formed in layers and you have layers upon layers.

That’s what social media is right now today a bunch of sedentary rock.

I’m more like some bake some bake on the end of the book BAIT on the end of a hawk on the end of a HOOK seeing and magical and enchanted song singing and enchanted and magical song “ here little fishy here little fishy here little fishy fishy fish fish”

Beware: you are about to enter one of those “I used to walk fifty miles in the snow to school” rants, but when it’s all over, you’ll emerge with a renewed hatred in humanity and a fierce drive to fail.

--The following is excerpted from the new book Brokenomics: 50 Ways to Live the Dream on a Dime, by Dina Gachman, out April 1 from Seal Press.—   OK I lied a little!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Yes It Was naber Ann

Ann some help

“I met David Byrne through Chris, who knew him from RISD”

you decode that one

It goes like this, Mary would lead you to believe that I have nothing in common with Andy and open  Opy < hand.

She is doing this because of issues she has with certain entertainers that have some very odd fetishes.

I’ll let you decode that one.

All right Mary, my ball blue book is addition Q, given to B.  Collins in Home Ec.  December 5, 1933 by Miss Mc Laughlin.

You see world despite what Mary me say to you or the other girl I really do have or should I say did have an Aunt Bea.  I use the past tense because she’s passed.

If you look on the back page you’ll see there’s a recipe for people and walnuts on page 46, does someone want to explain that to me?  It was my understanding that a walnut would keep for some time in its own little shell.  On page nine and 17 you can see recipes for rhubarb, yes it typed incorrectly and I read that the incorrectly, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever used that word.  Don’t get me wrong I love the food, they make great pies and are truly delicious.  All the way I understand at some stage in their development they can be poisonous, I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve heard that.  Recipes for it run the gamut in the mid thirties to early forties.

I have some images of it like to give you taken today.  The problem is one box is misbehaving and that box of software and need.  It’s an image I made this morning concerning time travel because we’re going to do some time traveling.

At least I am, you can come along for the right if you want.

Ron Howard’s Aunt Bee had many affairs with Congressmen proof in "Aunt Bee, the Swinger".  Some of these were so heated that she had to hire an lawyer < not the word I would have used> because of the dynamic aspects of her lipstick this can be found in "The Case of the Crimson Kiss".
You see she didn’t like to mess with Nike makeup so she was one of the first woman in the world to have her so called makeup tattooed upon her face.  She pioneered some developments in tattoo ink, an example is her lipstick.  The people she had affairs with in DC were branded by her lipstick.  When she kissed them she would lead to a permanent imprint of her lips on their face this is why it was such a turnover in Congress in the sixties.

My Aunt Bea was nothing like this!

But you’ll have to understand that Ron grew up around this woman and he just took it for granted that this is the way women are.  This explains why he married his first wife.  It also explains the dynamics of all the red hair found in his family.  You see his Aunt Bea put some of that tech to the ink in a pie she baked four little Opy….

I’m not to bother with a corrections!

We have to talk about Opy and specifically the whole concept of opium and doing drugs.

Opie Taylor - Ron Howard

While I believe the box housing today’s graphics might be up so I could manipulate what I need to manipulate and put it along these tracks.  At the same time hungry want to go get a sandwich.  I realize that although the machine did it so call to step in building I have to still sign an and I have to give it time to call down.  But amazing to be about 19 years before can ever get to that data.

Mr. Howard you have to understand if you’re ever going to make it in the entertainment industry that you need to have support material for your conceptual ideas.  Here, the invisible thing you don’t say, has to do with time travel.

Now we could move in and out of time and I could talk about a little girl although she’s an adult and if he shook her right hand you might not see much but if you look at are left and you might see a different picture, I believe she’s related and D.  I believe she’s related to Ron howard’s it be.  And be….

Will somebody please decode this for the world.  Can think of it she did have reddish hair I said come to think about it anyway and the Vegan believe everything you can read that sometimes he gets mad what least that’s what they include tell you.  The ink would tell you.

Now, but, I didn’t put the second word there I just said now and then, I didn’t say bad either.  Anyway I see you and I get my interest up but I move along and then I tried a circle and find you again can not.

It’s a complicated thing.

But we’re not talking about her purse a although she may be related to Aunt Bea, I couldn’t say, a NASA Aunt Bea let’s start the time traveling.

To understand Ron Howard and how that pie affected him we have to go back to 1969, we could talk about 1967 and the Emmy or a week ago in between and talk about the election and the definition of what is a conservative and what is not a conservative, but will keep things all Ronny and stick with 1969.

But I say this because I want to take you on a march next in code and how you can find code an issue march.

For those of you want to do research you might want to start here because if you know anything about Ron and how his code works you’ll need this information.

You’ll find IT IN 1969.  “Cards, Cads, Guns, Gore and Death” and  “Old Paint”.

You might not be able to read the thing but this particular plot was made by my uncle Aunt Bee's husband Archie. This demonstrates the difference between being born in Duncan and being born in Ada which explains the issues the magazines are having if you understand the dialogue on the rack from yesterday's group. 

Not if you wanna find someone like the little dragon boy I showed you earlier I said now if you want to go bump into this person because this person has a lot to do with France although the language would lead you to believe otherwise, we’ll call this coded Cohens corns just look at her name and then you can find what I’m talking about.

Ron, the above image is to help you understand one of many ways you can visually represent the dynamics of time whether it be forward or backwards or in this case invisible.

Mr. Howard I really think you would be better served by signing up or enrolling in the calibration cartons tatoo that would be the calibration card institute a low the malfunction is interesting if you could ever follow although

Penny Dreadful says “Das funktioniert für mich.”             “... Ich will einfach nur vergessen”

What you found this in take a walk in the forest and find this:

HerpMapper ‏@HerpMapper  Sep 17
Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius) - HM 65804  by @snakehunterjosh. #HerpMapperHighlight

All of these dynamics doing a slow rhythmic dance around Mr. Howard.  The previous sentence has green snakes underneath it and then the snake and lore has read snakes surrounding him while little miss piggy little miss 1¢ that has both green and red snakes.


Moccasin Productions Presents Vine Vine Everywhere A Vine

Today’s feature presentation is brought to you by moccasin productions

The footwear that makes everyone feel native, moccasins put them on your feet and run with the buffalo.

Since we’re slicing and dicing states out, isn’t 111 tuna?  Does anyone want Montana should work????

Google I don’t know why you accept some of my films and not others, this is all original material but my other film which I used appropriated material in and could not get you to accept it is still pertinent in the coding world.

I don’t know what you and the rest of all of you people do.  I’m trying to teach you a language.

Vine Vine Everywhere A Vine

All Of 092115

No censorship at all complete artistic data dump for February

Can’t believe adjacent to where I said I can’t believe I just figure wearing his early digits a…
I cannot believe I said February but I really did say that, that would be yesterday September 21st 2015.  Now there’s a little data that runs with today that connects into this.

It’s a shame I didn’t get this material out yesterday, it was fully packaged and ready for delivery but as I’ve told you I’d extract.  I got distracted.  Here I could reflect on experiences a hardware store….  

And how Ya wanna play poker you do not want to play poker with some decks of hands…

Package 3

Package number three

One would think I could stop a level one but if I create a staircase and while two dinners up three and then there’s images from yesterday and today.

Wouldn’t call that a different block all together.  I said we will call.

The Complications Began

The French corn and a term called the new wave, I believe this was first used to describe some of one Garde artists. Later it would be incorporated into cinematography.

Now the French may do: but I was thinking more of the lines of nickels and dimes and pennies because the French Coalinga the French corned ......

Coined  If  SM I just knew east Two of

I sneezed again

You know as I look at this thing I did tell you a true story about me and the FBI, it took place in Plano taxes, not exactly but close enough.

For the record this isn't my concept or notion of swinging things James, you want me to walk you down in California? This reminds me all late night television will be moved to California for Chinese training.

Yes Stephen engine you think everything is fine, I said yes, Stephen and jimmy you will be moved to California from a bleed before we move Washington, DC to some work in California.

It's kind of an East Coast West Coast thing.

Using the golf club I gave him from an earlier said I had don't be confused the club's I have in the back of my part now carry a different type of manager different type of magic.


While the machine does not want me to write on the page but it will let me write in this platform or space.  I’ve done a lot with my data structure and nomenclature and there’s a lot I’ve done with other things as well.  This is an avatar four eight type of colder for a type of coding individual.

In fact, if you look at all of the data of sifted through over about the past 10 days you realize its full of code.