Friday, January 29, 2016

I'm going to mention a rare thing in this is a rare time because I don't know what to title this

yes I am listening to public radio right now

yes they're discussing a wonderful Mexican artist

unfortunately I had to turn it off because I got to talk

now I'm roaming through an archive and I see a series of things that need to point to.

And then there's the map and then there's the guy talking about the very thing before my eyes.

Jeffrey you can't let this one go you want to push this he's saying this and you walked into a part of the archives they had no idea you were going to do and they link and sink.

With his back to the sink.

It returns to the kitchen sink and if you saw other materials you would realize he made some material to give everyone when he was north of the river concerning his kitchen sink.

Let's talk about artist right now.

This one gets a footnote because I'm pulling the thing verbatim and I want you to visit the page.

French forces invaded Spain in 1808, leading to the Peninsular War of 1808–1814. The extent of Goya's involvement with the court of the "Intruder king", Joseph I, the brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, is not known; he painted works for French patrons and sympathisers, but kept neutral during the fighting. After the restoration of the Spanish king, Ferdinand VII, in 1814, Goya denied any involvement with the French. When his wife Josefa died in 1812, he was mentally and emotionally processing the war by painting The Second of May 1808 and The Third of May 1808, and preparing the series of prints later known as The Disasters of War (Los desastres de la guerra). Ferdinand VII returned to Spain in 1814 but relations with Goya were not cordial. He painted portraits of the king for a variety of organizations, but not for the king himself

The Second of May 1808 1814

During a period of convalescence during 1793–1794, Goya completed a set of eleven small pictures painted on tin. Known as Fantasy and Invention,


this next little block of images is quite complex and connects to another block of images which means I better drag him into this folder which means I've got to locate them.

Navigating through the archive can be very tricky.

All right, what are these images, well there a collection made quite a while ago and there are few I downloaded today.

It's one of those mix-and-match wardrobe features.

It would be a shame not to go out, after all I'm in full uniform with a badge on!

Very rare!

This of course turns to Eric Clapton and we control reggae music in there as well and that brings us to the show me state and the little bird that keeps picking on my window. Which gets back to Alfred Hitchcock beautiful blondes and a rear window.

my archive houses quite a bit of punch some people consider fruity some people considered Hawaiian

what's making all of this home is the archive

the archive can be broken down into several ways

that that exists and that which no longer exists

that's an example of two different classes

but it can be broken down more specifically

Buchanan actually look at my life within the archive and see just how I've tracked.

You can look at the archive, what ever exists, and track events in my life.

I told Donald Trump what he needed to do if you wanted to identify or associate with IF cubed.

I got the archive and I can run through the archives and recover many things.

I'm now going to post an actual exam I gave in the classroom not so far away from here.

This is not a joke and this is a true test.

It occurred at the University of Texas at Dallas which is really in Richardson, in the fall of 2003, 28 color photography class.

This is honest to God part of the test I gave the students.

Now, this makes things shake Rattle and roll and it's not me making all of the rattling noises it was the dynamic of the students themselves as well as other faculty members.

After this I got one of these wonderful memos from a man named Michael Wilson. You know over the course of my higher academic career I've gotten all kinds of fun memos.

Anyway this is part two of the test and this is not a joke this is an actual rendition taken from a file that I made the test from.

I want to stress this is not a joke it is a real page from the real test!

Part two of the test taken directly from the file:

Fall 2003                     TEST 110703   UTD COLOR PHOTO    3372

Part 2              Class Wide Testing
Pages 4 and 5

NAME: _________________________________

Warning, if you don’t want the following information on the World Wide Web than state so!

15.  What action if any should be taken to improve classroom performance?  Note I will accept any truthful answer.

            a. The use of ‘bad’ language as a teaching aid.

            b. The use of an art form to teach another.

            c. The use of technology as an art form.

            d. The use of culture and society as an art form.

            e. The idea of a mirror, whose image reflects an ‘average scene’ --You.

            f. Instructors performance.

If this class were offered again what course topic would serve the academic community and promote cultural evolution best.  Rate from (1) -Kick Ass to (7) –Fuck Off.

Note I know you don’t use this kind of language, but I’m trying to illustrate the idea of ‘strongly agree’ and ‘strongly disagree’ to someone from Texas A&M University.

            - Living science: working effectively within a petri dish lifestyle and plea pathways for loved ones and students.

            -The use of appropriate technology to fabricate flotation devices for survival in a sea of hidden agendas and hallucinogenic research.

            -‘Reality Media’, defining it, the rotation of, orbital positioning and the art of the ‘manly handshake’.

            - Artwork within the still life, modern medicine, and thumbs in a pie.

            -Reaction to the fear and the phobias of ‘9 11’ and turning it into fine art.

            -Utah, El Paso, cerebral hiccups, and family campouts within a gooney environment.

            -Risky lifestyles of the invisible force field friends’, the art of ‘Rock 'n' Roll networking’, and staying healthy in an ‘imaginary life as binary code’.

metadata magic CodeY

metadata magic CodeY.jpg

Shaking up for the camera

I should've learned to play the guitar

And interact with Hawaiian noises

Donald there's more metadata magic in today's postings and I've used it years.

Now Mr. Trump we haven't talked about coding and ciphers but it's a big deal if you want to run with IF cubed.  So how does all of this coding comments nomenclature, well it's another word thing Mr. Trump we got to pick the right word. The cool thing about the words I use is that they're flexible a certain code donation can mean one thing one day and another thing the next year after member who your target audience is and who's throwing the pitch. That's why, Mr. Trump, my monies would you if you look at all the revenues that I'm going to get from the releases this latest film would've been rolling in the dough.

So back to names and naming CodeY, what exactly does that mean? Well Mr. Trump it in today's lessons and I know you're a busy man and you can't follow rock 'n roll history and take every nook and cranny. Some would go ahead and give you the answer but don't tell any of the other students.

The why seems to be the only place for me so don't be too blind to see if you need to acquire night vision goggles or other visionary implements for improving site. Also stay away from rubber necks, which gets back to getting hairpiece, I figure you're the man to talk to about that, it needs to cover about half of my head.

Shocking video footage of voodoo a performance

I used a video program and shows an IKEA phone, it's not that which even figured out, and I chose the mono option. It is a file as stated and has been reduced considerably.

Now so that MI5 and 6 and all of their classmates know the metadata with this particular screenshot is my signature.  Money4nothing_ED.jpg

[Film HERE]

the little preview they give you as you load this up looks pretty shitty which is fine with me I've already got a refrigerator, microwave oven, and color TV, now if I could just find some chicks for free, this ain't working, will call yo-yo vision

I may go ahead and post this and then come back to it to try to insert the film.  Hell Nike!

Were going to call this MTV with a -1.3 exposure error.

as usual it's nothing but white rectangles in a black field and a dial-up Internet explored directly and it's right there plays fine. I can't explain it!  unfortunately it plays a little better minute previews as here I can only keep one with the concept of darkness but since I'm wearing a badge I got to explain the plates. I prefer to exclude those and I could make an edit on the other hand if anything invisible force field friends are out and about you might need to know where the professor is.

by the way I did a hand correction on that discontinuity acronyms it's IF3 with the three more of a function as being cubed not NF3.

Not that it's anyone's business

I have other things to do.

So I need to have something suggested I need to acquire some other things.

The same time I do a little Internet research.

I find something I can afford, barely, so I do research on how to locate this place.

And it gives me a map, that's the point!

We have map issues, and that is an understatement and a half.

I should give you a blow-by-blow but that would take 58,000 images.

Basically I had to reduce the thing 58,000 times to find the location and by the time I finally found the location all of a sudden we had a different map when you look at this map all of a sudden you see the entire bigger picture.

This pretty much sums things up, boys and girls, by the time we finally find location were looking at a sizable piece of the planet apace it's big enough to almost get you there.

Of course I'm talking about the soon to be location of previously stated holy underwear…

I kind of have to do it, I need to speak with her about how she wants to be represented in terms of flavors!

You know you're kind of like my twin sisters, to a small degree but to a small degree.

Maps E, F2, G

If there any Google people out there watching this going to see my first load which was the images as they were snapped and not edited I've taken the liberty to edit the thing down.

So these are three images from a website of a retailer. You enter your ZIP code and it builds for you a series of maps.

And this one I enter my zip code and it shows me all of the available options and I can see we've changed fonts Lord floppy Roy Fauntleroy

I then choose a location that I feel is closest to where I'm at now, to minimize my travel distance, this is where I get easily confused. I simply could not see the location of the store. So I hit the reduction button once, twice, three times. I still never saw where the store was. I kept going back to the site again and again to see if I could ever find the store represented on the map.

After 58,000 clicks I was able to reduce the map to the point where I saw the isolated retailer. Not that this gives me anymore definition than the first map gave me. Simply put what in the hell happened in the second map.

Now Mr. and Mrs. world you have three maps here and the maps give you the names of certain things now if you track my webpages and you are able to understand the cipher concerning MI5 and 6, as well as the FBI and CIA and if Bob was a builder or a carnival barker which is close to Bob and letters to all kinds of dancing.

And for the so-called intellect at large, the metadata dancing this little set of sequences will tear up the dance floor.

Anyway now it's change fonts again not back into the correct font when the world is going on I think this is some type of Google conspiracy as well as a conspiracy with the major networks ABC, NBC and CBS and we can probably even throw in public television as well.

This is why I've had to avoid the media and kind of implode I simply need...

The sentence was carefully organized in my brain it was a cute little pun mnemonic got to the place where you to insert the word was that make the pond work my brain forgot it. When I got the place that was going to make the pond work PUN!!!

Basically I need someone to mediate with the media, there's only so much a man can do and with all of these meaty issues and lettering dynamics as well as my handicap it just makes things overwhelming.

I think we need to blame it on MTV.

Do you want some MTV?

Let's see how far I can compress this thing.

It's a Milwaukee issue!

This is odd

one that I would go back and research what I've talked about.

And to I may have made a mistake.

Joni Mitchell doesn't track on this album according to Wikipedia but Linda Ronstadt does and the so-called deep cut on side B may be attributed to an Englishman. I can't find the lyrics.

Also there's no sign of masquerade anywhere.

According to Wikipedia this masquerade was written by Leon Russell but James Taylor never did cover of it. Why in the world is that etched into my brain? Now kids you can follow my history or I can just tell it to you. First I did one man dog and got a hit and used Wikipedia. I then did a series of tries with the words James Taylor and masquerade and that took me do Brazil.

As well as a lot of other strange places.

I then did Leon Russell and masquerade and got an interesting pop shot and then went to Wikipedia and verified what was going on. I then did this masquerade and we can follow George Benson and a number of other people.

That's where this little coded thing becomes much more complex, I'm just giving you a series of pages that walked right through the code, through the media, and brings us back to issues with badges and the CIA. And if you believe women and you know anything about 1978 and I guess that means we have a problem with MI5 and 6.

I have to write that last one by hand because no voice recognition will work with and why would they ever visited with any of those guys!

This in turn is the opportunity to jump on top of the FBI as well as other bad related material. Now let's suppose your person of color new work at the FBI are you going to be treated fairly or do you have to go to a lawsuit to be recognized. The same thing could be said for women video is about history you realize I'm covering some truth here.

Which gets back to denial and the making of movies and what the FBI denies if you believe that God. I said if you believe that guy.

“Something I will never tell you about…”  As part of the lyrics that is part of the lyrics of the code master and now I want to know if it's attributable to the Englishman, he's got quite a resume!

And you need to throw his page in there as well if you want to follow the map. Or should we go back to the FBI in the badge issues we could go to 1973 and look at things now and then.

This in turn brings us back to the flavor of Willie Nelson and other artists as well there's even a Bob Bob BERG. And look there's Brazil.

In other holy underwear episodes we dial back the clock to 1972.

Don't concern yourself with the makeup is merely reflecting the ghosts of my past.

When are you going to come down, and do we really need to club the great thing?

I'm going to do a true wardrobe change and put on something more mellow and rethink the whole black tie affair.

I think I needed to pay a candidate hairpiece in fact I got a hairpiece above the fireplace. Wow, I haven't shown you those pictures.

Alright kids, voodoo works in moves in many strange ways if you cross the river and go north there are several zones of magnetism. Once the refrigerator and one is a mantle above the fireplace. Their other smaller zones, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, I did some voodoo translation work throughout the place and I documented it to give it to you.

So looks like I got more cards in my hand and I realized.

No wonder the voodoo so effective!

Now I could say something to Reba McEntire I Newman hold that card for a little while longer and by the way to go to her hometown you will have to wrestle with a bunch of railroad tracks, trust me, trust me!

Round3 a hypothetical situation

I was going make it the typical black-tie affair. So I could shower only to discover that my underwear is disintegrating.

At an alarming rate!

So while in take a shower I figure by Joni Mitchell and therefore Carole King and therefore Carly Simon which gets us back to James Taylor.

A while ago I mentioned some CDs and James Taylor's third and fourth album were in the mix. Now how do you account James Taylor's albums. I would call the fourth one mud slide Slim.

Here's the way I count them, is that the first piece of vinyl that was black and white and I think it was recorded in one of the Carolinas. Then he goes to flowers with Apple and does Carnation now were talking about apples and apple albums after member ups quite the collector. I had the first album ever pressed on the Apple label which was a solo album by George Harrison and had a musical track for Indian movie score. It was a very strange album and Paul McCartney makes a snide remark about experimental music when they're doing something. He was actually making a jab at Mr. Harrison.

You really got to be a follower of rock 'n roll history and I feel like I'm alone. Anyway that was the first Apple album and the second one may have been James Taylor's Carnation. Then comes Sweet baby James, mud slide Slim, and the one where he's on the canoe in the middle of the pond. I cannot believe it, I'm having one of those name issues again, I was literally tracking the album in my head as I was taking a shower. I can talk about the a side and I can talk about the B side. Now that album is very difficult to obtain the one with the canoe. It was a very popular and compared to Sweet baby James mud slide Slim that's understandable. But it was still a musical masterpiece isolation point!!!

On this album James is recovering from his heroin addiction and he goes to the site called just the ghost of psychologist and gets prescription for methadone or another opiate and becomes addicted to that opiate. And he's juggling a lot of things specifically Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon, and Carole King.

They all three perform with him on this album, one-man dog, I knew it would come to me the albums called one-man dog, I don't know why I'm having name issues right now.

Anyway on the B side of that album is a coded musical masterpiece. It's the first time I ever encountered classical rock 'n roll code and I would not call that album classical rock 'n roll nor what I call the track but true rock 'n roll are.

It's a complex little to with very complex lyrics and when you put it into the decoding machine and build a cipher you realize he's talking about people.

The question I've had for my entire life is, which one!

I believe that even his masquerade and I always attributed that to Leon Russell. I'm not sure about that one.

Anyway we can get back George Harrison and James Taylor they met with each other in England when James was recording his album. George heard some of James's work and in my opinion borrowed from it very heavily excavation point!!!!

James must not have had a problem with it or he didn't do anything about it, not to my knowledge. Which gets back to another James Taylor album called walking man. Nothing only thing about that album a few know anything about that track you'll realize that another musician borrowed heavily from that song and my knowledge James Taylor did nothing about it.

I say hooray for James Taylor, a mannequin create music and share it and understands the dynamic of appropriation.

Now I'm really interested in acquiring a track list of one-man dog. That's when the whole concept of rock 'n roll code began to evolve inside of my head. And that was a long long time ago!

I can still remember how the music made me feel, troublesome the state of Maine, troublesome kids and troubles will some spouses and troublesome spouses.

You guys have to remember in these days three of the hottest chicks to walk on the surface of the earth were Joni Mitchell, Carol Kane, and of course Carly Simon you talk about addicted to love!

Anyway I'm here by Joni Mitchell realize I have to make a costume change and that's where realize everything's getting holy. I mean my underwear is disintegrating.

So producing grid work I decide to go for black tie affair to more of a flesh tone. I also realized and be warned today and appear it's already warm and him wearing the T-shirt and a simple grid shirt because that's the uniform for today. The problem has to do with the environment and the dynamics of weather.

Now we could jump to South America and talk about whether reporting and I could do a dance around unusual music some of which I enjoy very much.

I have a very diverse palette when it comes to music, I just feel that the Riemann that the Reba McEntire crisis is one to have an effect on other dynamics of music. Look I think I can negotiate a new contract where we will illuminate country-western music but will still be able to hang onto swaying. You know I'm going to restate that sentence because it didn't really configure correctly.

Let's just give the

, Shall we.

While I say that and it does it right in the middle of the sentence.

I can renegotiate a new contract because Jesus did test country-western music there's nothing I can do about that but I may be able to make some type of provision to protect the concept of swing music!

So if there's anyone wanting to swing after member that one time swaying was related to country-western music.

I wonder what flavors we can make from Willie Nelson?

I use the word and far too often.

Can THC be passed off or transmitted if the compound you're eating is saturated with it, from my perspective absolutely. That's the dynamic of brownies.

We would clearly have a market in northern Europe, with the Willie Nelson flavor!

I'm going to have to rethink my wardrobe but it's warmer up here than it is outside which is strange because the garage is freezing.

you'll have to excuse me I got to go to the wardrobe department and have my makeup reworked

012816_Photo Fuck Up

I download the images from the camera card to the computer I then opened Photoshop and prepared to compress the JPEG's and see what we can do with the movie. I did open the folder containing two days images and immediately see a photographic fuck up.

I took these pictures at a restaurant that will be selling the new Taylor Swift She Scream ice cream after we finished building the Irish meat processing facility.

While I was taking pictures of the paper of looking at a notice of the viewfinder was dark so I wanted to change the aspects of the viewfinder and make it brighter. No I have not read my camera's manual it's just one of those things. But I go through the menu and all the things and I think I found the thing that would correct the image playback and the image focus so would be brighter for me to look at.

As soon as I saw the error in these pictures I realized I had inwardly thrown the exposure compensation switch I also discovered that I was shooting in shutter priority at 1/100 and 25th of a second 1/125.

The exposure compensation was set at -1.3.

You combined these two factors the primary one being the exposure compensation the second one being a fast shutter speed in low light is going end up with fucked up pictures.

Some people wouldn't show you these, I really don't mind, I don't mind because I know what the problem is and I knew what the problem was as soon as I saw it.  That's the wonderful thing about learning the photographic art form the way I learned it, the school of hard knocks.

It also makes for much more interesting dynamic for you to interpret what I'm imaging.

I have these images in the raw form and should easily be able to correct them and make them much more presentable. I just don't want to do that.

I will give you all of the pictures that have been made today in a JPEG format and reduced in Photoshop and you can pick and choose and sort as you well. Concerning the film, is quite large and is not really that interesting but it does show an adjustment in voodoo coinage and the dealing with the issues concerned with past presidents.

Good luck and good fishing.

To complicate things further I've decided to jump into the meta-data communications network.

I am essentially communicating with people for the most part they will remain unnamed except for one, ED_012816c.jpg that would be you Donald Trump asked permission point!!

And the cool thing is I'm not showing you the full code for all the JPEG's. It's one of those two factors it's one of those two one of those 22 by the third power I said to buy the third power...

The number two cubed...

I'm assuming it made the same mistake in the so-called this cubed factor, no it didn't correctly there.

Anyway the sequence is a BCD, that's not a Charlie correct either wow\point!!!!

You people would have difficulty following me if the voice-recognition was flawless with it being in this state of affairs yields and the chance.

Fortunately, were dealing with world issues and because of that the so-called intelligence factor will be following my lines of communication especially those concerning metadata.

For those of you following at home this would be the third example or example ED_012816c.jpg.

enjoy the metadata dance!

Now let's deal with the real screwy things and good luck trying to decipher that.

I could say something to the effect, it's getting dark, too dark to see...

But I have to ask a Canadian chick to dig up my guns so don't want to ruffle her feathers

and for the record Canada I did actually go into the previous sentence and make corrections to specifically.

So Canada let's not worry about all of those Bobby issues and girls specifically Canadian girls it's time for you to put your Bobby socks on

You know I watched a little bit of television last night and if it were little clear you could see it because I was surprised it's about Emily and dying if you give that man a ride and who was playing what in the episodes concerning authorship!

I'd say there's a little code dancing on that pinhead as well!