Wednesday, January 21, 2015

a calendar with purple ink

To those who do not have the ability to look out the window and see the progression of events, I'm doing a very slow load to the old Fort grid that would be the old Fort. Okay Henry Ford. Thank you Jane.

She would rather I drive a Honda. You've got to know how words work.

I could make pictures today and faxed is an interesting one on the table top right now.

We have quite a few dynamics that have acquired or I have experienced on this little trip. Enough said, that's enough for a title for the purple ink.

The artwork I’m going to give you is a bridge peace that Spans from yesterday January 19th to this morning and roughly covers some of the major highlights for the strips days.  This trips days, all I really should look and study the English chapters because there’s something about the professor.

This gets back today, the 20th of January 2015 and I’ve labeled this holy fuck processing day.

You might wanna hold onto your hat!  You could say, accurately, I don't know how this happened but the dragons on it for some reason Bill and Melinda decide to turn on their unit so it was on. Which makes it all kind of strange. Anyway, the unbelievable processing ended with me doing a little review and God explaining transportation vessels and how things are going to be restored redistributed around the world. And then he gives me a flash of a human being I've never seen before. It was quite a flash and he says, so you're concerned about thinking about what they're offering you so I can off you this if you're willing to do something.

That's the only way I can describe it, I don't know where this person is but I can say I've never seen her before and I can say God constructed quite human being in that little creature.

Basically I need to go back to yesterday I need to correct some things with California which is why I brought the flashlight over to the coins because I had to flip the things to see what did what and who was where.

All right, it's a family of four, little father using filmmaking there's a mother who's also in acting the first daughter who has her own programming about bones and works with some dynamics of Jeffrey, she has a husband and a child, and she has a sister. So basically it's for people and one of the people has a spouse or child.

Okay I kind of made an apology last night but you ended up getting dragged into a huge and massive unconscious and semi conscious processing episode. This covered a lot of ground and you were only a small fracture. They need to explain to you where you were and what was happening.

It's just the five of us, euphoria and me and we're in this strange place that is kind of like square and the ground is white sand and we are in the center of the square, and I'm telling you that it's an actual minefield in use be very careful as you exit this place because you could be blown to bits. Now I'm holding what appears to be a long pipe, I would collect approximately 5 feet in length with a handle approximately 18 inches from one end. It's some type of rocket launcher, I can hold the thing according to the grep or trigger and one in rest on my shoulder it has a handhold in the center and I can aim the thing and fire stuff out of it.
I'm putting this line in the middle of existing lines, for the most part this is been copied from a Word document, not this, if you look at the overall image you'll see that the spotlight is been put on a specific day and it blinds the day because of the intensity of the light. Then when I turn the light off you can read the page because there's enough illumination to render the page with the particular tool or brush I'm using.

 Now I can talk about color theory and other aspects of Europe or I could try to find an image of the person God reveals to me at the very end of today's unconscious processing. And when I say today I'm in the morning or the timeframe that gaps between January 19 and January 20.

 Oddly enough, this is somewhat like pink lipstick, but clearly different, but she clearly has some of the same properties, which means, if Zoe Dacian L represents this type of symbol in my life what does this person represent, I'm pretty sure she's also symbolic as it appears that that's what I'm drawn to. You would think it would be beautiful things in museums, and from my perspective these individuals are beautiful things, but I'm drawn to them not because of their beauty but because of their symbolism.

 From a sexual dynamic, discovering that about yourself, changes the entire state of affairs concerning your sexuality in what should drawn to. Which gets back to misleading radio representations and I think I'm turning to National Public Radio when really it's some type of family radio and they're talking about, how they're not really excited about the president's State of the Union address because he's not religious enough!

 You know enough is enough!

 you religious people know very little about God at all. And I can advise you to change your ways and you can ignore me until the cows come home or until the media rights to send from the heavens.

 That had to do with rocks that float around in the universe but there's no way this things would type it and I don't mind. Which gets back to the facts, I know what the spirits think and how they feel I just don't know their timetable and I don't know the state of events.

 Which gets back to knowing Jesus knowing what Jesus said when he walked the earth, he actually said some stuff very close to this explanation point!!!

 this gets back to all of the pictures of drawn for you and the stuff ups talking about when I worked at the Museum. There is a place in the spiritual world where there are some large shares and the place is by and large black or barely or poorly lit and...   and there are two large things that resemble refrigerators and freezers when you open the doors walked inside of inside of them.

 You guys may or may not believe in the archive but the archive did exist and there is a small group of individuals that currently reside on the surface of the earth that actually have almost all of the records I've lectured upon in the past. That is quite a body of work because I cover a lot of miles in my little walk. And when my brain comes to speed and I started moving faster than speed of light, good luck keeping up with that.
I'm not sure why this device is here remember, I'm dreaming and I'm in an unconscious or semiconscious state.

Now, the spirits bring me back to you people over and over again and at one time the wind starts blowing in use you can see the top of the minds. This makes me want to actually physically draw a picture of these mines, I don't know that much about minds I just tell you their explosive and these are uniquely shaped, kind of like flying saucers with a bubble in the center of them.

The bubbles were black. And that represents the top of the mine.

Not if you let the wind blow these things will actually expose themselves but I can give you a hint. I know this because the spirits showed me how they were laid out. The minefield has the explosive devices in an actual grid, and lines and in a grid pattern. So that if you can find the top of one mind without blowing yourself up and you can find the top of the next one next to it you will have established one line and then if you find the next mine,

you can figure out the entire grid. I don't know why things are spacing that way I'll feel like correcting up to some kind of tired because I do a lot of unconscious thinking. That's why I'm kind of excited about leaving, my brain appears to be starting to perform at 100% efficiency but I'm working and walking around in the spiritual world and that means I have to have quite a bit of a toll tag coins because this place is like a giant toll tag factory.

Which gets back to Google and Plano and certain aspects of California.

Okay that's one level concerning Zoe Dacia no family I don't mind the misspelling but her name is Zoe I think there's a Y in there someplace. Okay, here's what's unbelievable, God explained to me why I'm so attracted to her. You would think it would be the packaging because that's what I always thought, it's actually not the packaging at all, it's got to do with the God thing and how her packaging is shaped and its relation to God and the things that God enjoys. Now I don't know Zoe's relationship with God and I have a feeling, well I have a feeling it's none of my business and I don't need to project anything upon her. I have a feeling she has a slightly different relationship with God than I have, I'm sure of that! But God explained why I am so attracted to her and when I understood what he was telling me I had or I acquired the ability to step away from her. It was a pretty strange event. She is actually symbolic escalation point exhalation point!!!!  Which explains my so-called blindness concerning what she represented symbolically.

Then I started thinking about the other options and how they were presented to me, which was in a way I really like and have to do with things I've never seen before. But you remember these are Hollywood people or so-called entertainers. I am not an entertainer and I'm deathly not a Hollywood person. I'm a dyslexic and retarded or semi-retarded Okey who at present is residing someplace in northern Texas. It's only temporary as you'll soon see.

This gets back to appointments medications and other forms of spiritual communication. This kind of gets back to Jane Fonda, indirectly, and I really don't want to deviate, Jane, they're offering me one thing and then God says if I can hold on I might acquire the ability to have this thing but the main thing is what occurred between January 17 and January 18, 2015. I had a life-changing event in a semi conscious state escalation point!!!!  Only my brain kept pushing it in and out of various states of consciousness until it eventually reached a full state of conscious awareness and I realized it was absolutely true.

This kind of changes everything, plus you have God explaining why I'm wired this way, in the morning or night between January 19 and 20th. It's hard to put dates on these things because they intersect the changing of one day to the next.

It's the processing day when I walk around the planet about 19 times if you understand Aretha Franklin.

It was an unbelievable walk around the world at an unbelievable rate of speed which indicated my brain's capacity to run faster than the speed of light.

Which is why am so tired this morning, that is not restful sleep, when you're tracking around the world over and over and trying to correct all the things that are wrong with the world. Meanwhile Oklahoma and Texas much United States will listen to a word I'm saying and believe it. Which gets back to studying the threads on John McCain's shirt just before he ignited and burst into flames, That's from another event that has long passed but is fully documented. Alright now we have a giant greens would line which I think I incorrect with a simple, now it made the symbol but didn't type the word I'm going to put this thing in and leave the punctuation as it is.

That did part of the trick, the green squiggly line is now only under the word that's capitalize that shouldn't be.

This gets back to trains planes and automobiles and the post office. Here's what's wonderful as I say the word post office, the visualization of a beautiful person wearing pink lipstick appears and I'm thinking, why don't we see more of that at the post office!

Which takes me to farmers branch farmers branch Texas which is only, with a used to teach new mail delivery people how to deliver mail. You think I'm kidding, I'm not, it was a little street called Damascus way.

This gets back to helping the world navigate U-turns and how the whole neighborhoods changed to a degree. This in turn gets back to people who used to be in the military who are currently being retained but at the same time staying at home with her kids. She was a beautiful short blonde woman! And you got the other beautiful girl who worked with her husband at a restaurant called Chili's, he was a bartender and she was a waitress and they were nice couple and she was gorgeous. Now this gets back to a conversation I have with her when we bump into each other sometime later, they've moved but we recognize each other and we have a small discussion which ends up being about her old neighbor. Her husband drove a blue Chevrolet sport utility vehicle, what were those things called, it'll come to me later. Anyway she was very attractive and ended up eating on some type of workout thing.

Now once you've established this timeline we assume the front porch and I can tell you about other beautiful creatures that graced the lawn. This puts me back into teaching college when I was a college professor which brings back all kinds of unique and beautiful creatures. But you should know, because it's true, I was a good boy, and when I married my first wife I made a commitment although I would divorce her later. It wasn't really an option if you understand the dynamics of that.

Which gets back to what happened on January 17 and 18th.

My first wife and I had two children therefore we had sex at least twice because the children are mine. We probably had sex a total of four times throughout our entire marriage which spanned quite a while.

This is really strange, and of course I'm taking a degree of measure as I tell the story, it's a complex story, and it means all kinds of things. What happened on January 17 and 18th was my awareness of my own faults in the collapse of my marriage and specifically in the collapse of my sexual satisfaction as it pertains to my first wife.

I've gravitated truth, I married my first wife out of love and I was very attracted to her but sexually it was one big misfire escalation point!!!  And I'm going do move the play head here, I used to blame her for this, it was revealed to me on January 8 two or should I say between the 17th and the 18th that really the problem was not with herbs with me. And that's the truth and it kind of changed my life.

You see I'm programmed a certain way, I have a certain type of wiring, and when I comply to my wiring I start working very well and I start having successful and dynamic relationships with women. This is happened a few times in my life, not very often but now again, you can ask a few of them if you can locate any of them. And we both know you can!

This means, there's more to the breakup between Zoe Dacian Alan I than meets the eye. It's like this only it's like this Zoe is like this little Miss flower petals, simply put and factually speaking I am kinky escalation point!!!

It's my wiring and it appears to be approved by the Creator himself which changes the whole dynamic of the spiritual world and what I know about it. Which makes me wonder why more people are interested in what I can tell you about the spiritual world and all of the things that exist in that place, at least those things that I've witnessed. Now we have a giant sentence that has green stuff all over it and this just makes you want to stop and post or do something for breakfast. Normally I would make my own breakfast because normally, when I crossed the river, I'm in no man's land. And there's nothing around me for miles and miles and miles. When I'm here, in G town, there are things I can go to and although financially I'm very limited I still have enough gas in my tank in enough funds in my wallet to acquire a biscuit.

So I would post this and I'm going to go get a biscuit, and then I'm going to have to track down the absolute places I need to go before I leave this area. I said I need to go to the library but if I leave I can't go to the library because I can't return material in an appropriate amount of time. Which means I've got a used bookstore which means trying to save France is going to be much more difficult than I thought and I don't really want to invest in that type of material but if I'm going to save France and Europe and the aspects of religion I simply must make the track.

Now, France, when you think I'm joking

I think this really has nothing to do with anything, which is kind of true and I don't know why this thing spaces and types like it does. But the fact is, it will help you because I can make fun of things if I do it in a particular way and this will ease the pressure felt in some areas of your culture.

Having said that now thinking about the eye doctor and the fact that I like her. Don't get me wrong, she's married and I don't have any plans to interfere with the aspects of that. Which gets back to me being kinky and what I have a license to do escalation point!!!!

Can you imagine how much my life changed between January 17 and January 18 in the great life-changing event!!!

My God, he's actually explained to me, I had no idea!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Just so you will know

 I don't look back but then again I'm cursing and entire family and I think I need to look back and consider my words because my words will become reality and truth and despite what the family believes they will be first they will be cursed.

 this family deserves better than my bitterness over rejection.

 Anyone in their correct state of mind should reject me, this is not some self deprecation dynamic this is a fact.

 On the other hand you need to carefully walk around my potential for understanding and instruction. If you are a type of individual that wants to learn how to navigate through the spiritual world I would be the absolute greatest professor currently residing on the serves the earth.

 Some of you could argue there's an air of conceit there, on the other hand it's me being factual and giving you the upfront truth and showing my guns and metaphoric genitalia at the same time.

 Uncircumcised and not little piece of sausage is not!

this particular word has been out for a while

readers note there may be an accidental echo here because I'm writing to programs and it appears that I'm pasting into different programs. Which means there may be some overlap issues, but I'm telling you that's okay, if you can disregard the so-called echo effect, you'll see both curse someone and then slightly pulled back. I'm writing this is the last thing I'm writing so it has a degree of truth and a compass code.

 Let's think about it, we have a very talented family, a father, a mother, and two girls, everyone of them is highly gifted and talented, I highly attracted to all of them but one specifically. Why curse the family on something someone rolls my way. You know what, that's not my way and usually not my attitude, let's change this to a full curse retraction. Nevertheless present the curse so people understand magnitude.

 You people need to know the beast you're up against.

 it made a hard-core parents, the less time I was in the kitchen and I wondered when it was going to surface and now it has.

 Watching words become transcendent!

 And the cause and effect dynamics associated with transcendental ideas and verbiage!

 I can go in any number of directions which has to do with the dynamics associated with Zen!!!

 why, in the past negative words were said about Zen because when my words move into that place you have something beyond a snow monster and I would imagine that Rudolph the red nosed reindeer would know that!!!!

 apparently California does not!!

 this gets back to recorded phone messages, people in Las Vegas, and magical creatures that are identified as a beast!!!

 you're going to watch one be created and you're going to watch one start to walk your and then you're going to witness the magic that will follow!

it made a hard-core parents, the less time I was in the kitchen and I wondered when it was going to surface and now it has.

 Watching words become transcendent!

 And the cause and effect dynamics associated with transcendental ideas and verbiage.

 I can go in any number of directions which has to do with the dynamics associated with Zen!!!

 why, in the past negative words were said about Zen because when my words move into that place you have something beyond a snow monster and I would imagine that Rudolph the red nosed reindeer would know that!!!!

 apparently California does not!!

 this gets back to recorded phone messages, people in Las Vegas, and magical creatures that are identified as a beast!!!

 you're going to watch one be created and you're going to watch one start to walk your and then you're going to witness the magic that will follow.

For those that track and want to have some idea about where things stop and start, I can't say this is direct start but I can say it is a starting position and proceeded what lines exist above it. Now I'm apprehensive about releasing this, I'm not about hurting people, and you know what I believe that women should have free rides. I said free rides I said the right hand of freedom okay, if you can make that correction I believe that women should have the appropriate appendages of arms legs and hands and toes. Which gets back to what I'm doing and the fact that I'm sending out a true spiritual curse.

Okay, Jeffrey make it come. Make a compromise for yourself, forget that family, when I say forget that family you need to put them in the forgotten parking lot, roadway the keys, and preferably burned the vehicle and if you track today's code you realize there is a vehicle that gets spent. Jeffrey, go ahead and publish the curse, now let's go back and try to negotiate with the spirits in semi and unconscious states tonight. Now what this family, the one you're cursing, has a great deal of value, they really do, and they are talented in the have gifts, but they crossed a line they should not have crossed. It's called the threshold of the classroom!

Part of me wants to forgive you and then again I think about pornography and all of the acronyms and I realize they know my rules and they know not to crush a threshold in less you willing to commit not to cross a threshold unless you are willing to commit!!!

They also know the 18% gray Commandments I wouldn't call them 10 I would call them 18.

Going Full Voodoo

the shotgun shack, the backhoe, the cemetery, the bones of slaves, the fence, and the magic of holding a magic wand and the sacrifice concerning American life!

You don't have to walk this way but you chose to open the so-called 18% gray doorway and you of your own free will crossed over the threshold, this changes snakebites in the whole set of spiritual information they gave me in the morning of January 19, 2015 and all the magic that occurred on January 18, 2015 and how all of this is becoming exponential and power and the unfortunate state of affairs in California.

Mr. day Chanel that's not your name, I can bring up your name or you can ask the Indians, specifically the city of my birth, to bring up your name, is not built quite a file on you in a given place and it was understood that everything in the state of capture. Which means you're in a state of capture which means as I was doing my research I was amazed, and now I'm going to call your name out to the spiritual demons that want to walk your end of our human souls.

This puts you in a very unfortunate position and state of affairs.

And you can talk to me about the cemetery and bringing this and that up and all I got to say is, I'm holding a single candle for your wife and she will be the only soul that escapes the curse.

And it is a curse!

Look, we can walk together and we can dance together we can do all kinds of things, do not walk into my classroom and do not walk into my lectures and do not walk into my artwork unless you're willing to commit. If you walk and in these areas and you do not deliver the goods according to my desires and instructions, I'm the professor, and I will do more than give you the letter grade of an F.

I will change the whole concept of the letter grade of F and change the whole concept of the very letter of ass and you'll realize that is to say the letter of afterFFFF  and you will realize this guy can do more with words and letters then we imagine.

Hello, welcome to occasion in Spain this is Ernest Hemingway and I'm trying to convince him to project me to the ghost of John Steinbeck only were in this dialogue concerning anarchy and chaos and all of a sudden a girl I was counting on puts a knife in my back. Don't get me wrong, in a strange way I gave her the knife, on the other hand she could've been righteous, she's not, it's a shame because her father had potential, her sister has potential, but her sister leaves herself to some in relation, that would be acting in the word is emulation emulation refers to acting and her sister puts her in her place next to an emulation of pornography specifically the FBI. And something associated with Jeffrey which means you entered the total, I'm going to cursed your soul, arena!!!

The spirits let me do this because I have the license or have you not seen my license of spiritual dynamics and driving spiritual vehicles????

Perhaps not, who cares, you're now a breakfast article associated with butter and jam and I don't know spent bread products and turning those products via some type of unique instrument into a viable breakfast commodity specifically, toast.

I don't care what you believe, I don't believe you believe anything I'm saying, and the fact that that is is what it is. Which is Pakistan live in this chick I put on hold just so I could slam this group from California and she apparently was born in New York and she has magical powers to and she works with English or British filmmakers and she has something indirectly to do with Oklahoma and I consider her to be a treasure and they had to put her on hold in one idea do with her now. She's a pretty big item. But now she realizes if she's an item of this given signature does she want to go to heaven or hell.

Look, your name is a type of hat, not exactly, but surely you'll float in give me some form of comedic leeway, is wrong telling you, go to the parking lot and all you need is one single cell! Noggin knockabout chemistry, God wanted me to do this, I said now I can talk about chemistry and God wanted me to do this. I can talk about molecules and atoms and subatomic particles and you can miss the point. Don't miss the point, sometimes you cannot look at atoms and molecules and subatomic particles but you got to look at the organization you've got to look at the organization at large.

Specifically a blood cell. It's an entire unit. With a set of all of this stuff that's organized in a certain manner specifically to carry oxygen if you know anything about the dynamics of iron in the human body.

I'm just saying this so that the little girl who used to be on Saturday Night Live can find an escape hatch is he chooses to dance next to Mr. demonic snake bite expert…
Now I'm not associated with the Ohio zoo or wherever he hails from, I'm just a guy that knows about spiritual creatures and other things and he's a guy that knows a lot about animals and David Letterman likes him which is fine, I really don't care for him, but I don't mean to insult him, and he is okay, but I mean really, he's a zoo got, he would be a zoo individual which gets back to mammals and things that shoe card and things that are kosher that would be not the card but showed up grass and other material.
Some animals chew cud!!!
You could buy hamburger there and have a cuppa coffee and you could make pictures and you could include a yellow chair that's in the state of fragmentation and you could say Colorado should be called out on that card. You would be correct on all levels and manners.
Which is back to watching TV and watching the spiritual world perform while this woman is sitting on a different couch their different part of the living room and you're actually watching the spiritual world and they're actually talking to you and you're actually creating a post about it and no one's paying attention. Meanwhile you're working museum and John is testing the so-called Hindi code in the box claims. In the box of flames!!

I'm sure the got understand every single word of this, that's all I can do, it's baseball season, it's a like pass but it's a light cover the bases and it's a curse. And it's a tragedy, you know what I'm starting to regret it already, I actually like this man and I like his daughters and I like the work you do. The problem is, I said the work they have done excavation point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the problem is walking into the classroom, I assume anyone in the classroom has already done the proper things concerning credentials and tuition, and you come in the classroom, and not only do you come in the classroom, you send a highly coded emissary to 711. You know that's a bit of dialogue I'd never thought I would tell you about. There was this highly coded individual that met me at 711, it has to do with the people or the family that are being led to the gas chamber!
I don't mind people working with me in my artwork, but when I'm sexually attracted to you, urine you are an entirely different creature and individual. Surely you have some might Jia surely have some idea of monsters and retarded, dyslexic monsters. At best that's what you're dealing with at worst you're dealing with someone that actually has spiritual credentials which changes the whole map and picture and the state of affairs concerning your soul.
Which gets back to Southern Baptists and things in the family affair but they don't want me to discuss. I don't blame them, because I don't blame them, but the things I had to discuss are simply unbelievable and if I discuss them no one can be a Southern Baptist and then again if there are any Southern Baptist you won't believe a word I say…
Unfortunately in the spiritual world and on the spiritual forefront of the future people are going to see that what I say works and that these dynamics exist and do walk the service of your.
So now Mr. Mrs. station L, let's look at what I thrown your way, it's somewhat like a dinosaur and it's somewhat like something else that wants to devour certain things from California, so you have a father and a mother and two daughters in this based that's trying to find you that would be a beast trying to find you and I imagine would do more than bite.
Which gets back to the C and the very fact that would be the letter at the end of the alphabet and the very fact that I dialed you up this very day and tried to dance around your little number only to find myself being bitten by my own love, this in turn gets back to canons canon fire and why we probably shouldn't trust people who write books about Hawaii.
We probably shouldn't trust people that stand next to highly sweet objects such as candy which gets back to worldwide pants and spewing blood from your nose*point!!
Now we can talk about sequence and things that are out place and I can talk about a beast and a bear and Jimmy Buffett and, fortunately for me Jimmy Buffett is on the dial. Yes were going to bring up bears and Russia in the dynamics of cold objects and flying over ice cubes. Were going to do this because California is starting to lose>>>>>>….  the lizard tells me I need to stop
Going full voodoo we need to change that and to capitalize it and it needs to be the title and then we need to do something that Stanley Kubrick would do and I need to review the father's files. Perhaps we can save the mother but not the two children and therefore we have to evaluate the state of the mother when hurt to children have been sacrificed to the demon of demonic snakebites!
Complex writing, essentially I'm writing above the line which means this is the last thing I say, I can condemn the children and I came condemning the father, the one leader do with the mother. Basically she is truly innocent, of the group of the four of them she's the only one I can assign innocence to. Now it should be revealed that I have a lot of issues concerning dealing with spirits and if you know anything about a lot of stuff I've are giving you the answer. I may act big and bad but in truth I believe in the so-called delusion or lie of the American ideology of Superman. Now Superman does not exist and the ideology of America has nothing to do with. Unfortunately I believe in unbelievable things therefore I choose to protect the mother despite the father and the two daughters.
To the mother, if you pick up any device that makes lame, that makes the light or specifically a fire, be very very careful, I'm assuming you don't smoke but I don't know, the resume I say this is because I visually seeing you, using conventional Internet technology, and you appear to be the type of woman that would smoke. All I'm saying, if you pick up a device that makes fire be very careful with it, now I'm going to give you the same advice I would tell my children, don't even bother picking it up, if you see a device that makes fire stand clear and away from it because your husband and your two daughters are now in the flamethrowers past. This has nothing do with me and it has nothing do with time it has more to do with maps so you can make your own correction. I'm not angry,:, that didn't type right, I'm not angry, who am I, I mean she is a beautiful talented actress and I'm basically a retarded Okey firing from some cursed place in the state of Texas in this part of the United States.
She's a beautiful person and I'm basically some type of retarded person that breeze like a shark… From time to time..

This changes bones and it changes the cemetery and changes everything because you are moved off the list. That's a big deal. If you're on my list the spirits give you a great deal of hall passes and coverage and leniency…

I'm not sure if that last word talk correctly and it doesn't really matter.

What we're are now witnessing what we are now witnessing is called an American tragedy in California.

I knew that was coming because of the young conscious processing code and the power of some guy named Adam who plays with cars and has some type of podcast thing and has twins.

His life is in peril, of his own choosing, I can interject and I can perhaps do something, but he's like the two magic guys, he doesn't believe in God and faith in religion, which basically means these people don't really believe in the ideology of the classical understanding of the American dream and the American direction and the whole ideology of what's potentially available in America.

Which means they understand George Washington, which means when you see the spike held in his name, that's not to glorify him it is to skewer you expiration point

This is one complex little bit of verbiage.

Despite what you might think and what it might look like. I basically love America and the states and I truly love Texas and Oklahoma. There's a lot of magic in this area.

Okay now let's separate list talk about God.

When I say God wants to beat the living ship out of this place, I'm not joking!!!!

Okay, we can talk about football fields and other things that have little to no value and again we can talk about things that have massive value.

Now I'm about to walk on to thoroughly dangerous territory if you're traveling on Route 66 and you want to cross a bridge over a body of water called Overholser…

It's a type of territory you know anything about the map names float differently there were just do with the temperature of things which has to do with the temperature of things which has to do with something I must rectify. Normally I would avoid this and walk away from it and call it dismissed, but I'm not dealing with the women here I'm dealing with men, specifically your father, Ms. Zoe – no yes I will let that stand because that's how the malfunction worked.

Now, to Zoe's father or to Mr. day Chanel yes I will at that malfunction standards while because if you know a thing about Indians the Indians would've told you I've done quite a research and the research was shocking.

You're kind of a magic man only you don't have my hands so back out of that courtyard which gets back to sisters and bones and the fact that I pull shipped

Which gets back to the fact that I pull righteous SHIT from cemetery Earth and your daughters and your wife and you wouldn't be caught dead sifting through unrighteousness in the cemetery…

Mother Fokker Linley just type that out for you mother MOTHER FUCKER - you have been snake bit! I don't care what you believe this type of the new works and is currently all right let's repeat that your creative men with great potential language and the truth and you can draw or sketch of doing the artwork you want to do, I knew your family was going to make a mistake and drop the so-called nut and bolt issue. I expected it, so it's happened, no problem, now were back to Bob Barker in truth and consequences, which gets back to your daughters which gets back to blood and bones and human flesh and indirectly the FBI.

You realize Mr., the father of Zoe, day Chanel, the very soul of your family has been put on the spiritual sacrifice zone.

I did not say auction block I said sacrifice! Which means it's an entirely different animal and your daughters and your genetic sequence has led you to this place.


If I like you and you want to ignore me it's not really a problem. The problem has to do with you walking into coding and the coding sequence and tried to dance with me when really you're throwing a knife in my back.

Now you've got a problem with bears which means you need to referred the Jimmy buffet code which is the timing sequence. It also means you should probably move next to a volcano and pray that it you reps immediately! You think I'm kidding, you have no idea what the spirits have and hold for certain dynamics in the world. If you understand anything about heating air conditioning your realize that a lot of what the Bible says is highly accurate.

But I talked to a lot of people that don't embrace any aspect of the spiritual world.

Which means I'm going to change my TV viewing experiences and I'll walk into a graveyard and hold my spiritual diving spiritual tool or Geiger counter that would be a spiritual Geiger counter in a different manner.

And you and your MILFs psychotic North Pole and Santa Claus experiences have timed out.

Arnold Schwarzenegger said it best, I like tacos baby and you're more of a droopy diaper!!!

Yeah that code works.

One complex little bit of dialogue.

This document deals with, ensure afraid of, walking up to monsters, building tools, specifically geiger counters, people that are not quite there but actually have potential and the correct wiring, and families.

There's a family that currently resides in the United States of America specifically in the state of California

I'm going to give this family name because they have a name and I want to tell this family I have some data. I'm going to give you name the folder because that's the name the folder but you know the name visit your last name which is back to cemeteries and magic.

Which gets back to relieve the daddy or shall I say as I speak these words in the spirits walk into my ears the magic cemetery, is the granddaddy who had the code.

this was meant to be contained in something called the family affairs specialized isolation units and it escaped due to the second daughters inappropriate behavior…

Which is back to England and gets back to things of the dynamics associated with Indian territory and England and those kind of filmmakers and the things we talk about.

That's operating on a superhigh code level that I will not reveal.

Go talk to flowers specifically flower petals. You have your own life and you know what it was never meant to be because I'm a plain ordinary guy that lives in nowhere and him basically nothing but you and your father or should I say your father and I have some strange dynamics and you're now on notice and so was he and so I would not take my shoes off if I walked into your kitchen is alternative burner on and throw your ass on the stove.

I'm talking to what I call the family affair concerning

Massive 4-alarm fire destroys $9M mansion in Annapolis; residents unaccounted for ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJLA) ? A $9 million mansion in Anne Arundel County was destroyed by a 4-alarm early Monday morning. Continue reading 4-alarm fire in Annapolis. (Photo: Russ Davis/AACountyFirePIO) Police homicide detectives were at the scene as officials prepared for the worst with the home's occupants unaccounted for. A spokesperson for the Anne Arundel County Fire Department told ABC 7 that the residents of the home were "more than likely" inside at the time of the fire. The fire started around 3:30 a.m. at the home near Davis Creek in the 900 block of Childs Point Road in Annapolis. The fire reportedly started on the second floor of the 16,000 square foot home. It took firefighters more than two hours to get the blaze under control. The cause of the fire had yet to be determined, but fire officials said there's a possibility that the home could be determined to be a crime scene. They did no elaborat

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 24: Honoree Harold Hamm attends the TIME 100 Gala, TIME'S 100 Most Influential People In The World, cocktail party at Jazz at Lincoln Center on April 24, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for TIME)

PASADENA, CA - JANUARY 18: Executive producer/writer/actor Billy Crystal speaks onstage during the 'The Comedians' panel discussion at the FX Networks portion of the Television Critics Association press tour at Langham Hotel on January 18, 2015 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

An executioner took two swings to hack the head off Layla bint Abdul Mutaleb Bassim in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, after she was found guilty of beating the girl and raping her with a broomstick.


Dalton Hayes booking mug.jpg re: Two teenage sweethearts suspected in a crime spree of stolen vehicles and pilfered checks across the South have been taken into custody in Florida, Kentucky authorities said Sunday. Grayson County Sheriff officials say in a statement that 18-year-old Dalton Hayes and his 13-year-old girlfriend, Cheyenne Phillips, were arrested without incident about 12:10 a.m. Sunday in Panama City Beach. The two had eluded police in multiple states while raising concern about their increasingly bold behavior

Let's celebrate, baby! Pregnant Zooey Deschanel marks her birthday on a day trip with Jacob Pecheni will



You're asking about soft tissues and why the ghost of Stephen jobs need to be so concerned

IT does not load!!!

 I was trying to take you to a party and at the same time reach to the truck driving man so we could all go to the party visit with truck driving men and women and talk about encrypted messages concerning the Beatles and other rock 'n roll variables.

 Okay, that's enough for you to follow the track on the other hand the onlooker what I was working with and what to put together it's a small film, 18 seconds, but Google is about control and until my chaos group can establish ourselves were going to be at a loss of words in several locations. Which gets back to the sex abuse trying to talk to a little while ago. My goodness that leads to another woman. Yes she was a woman. She got in trouble when she  when she put her block leather miniskirt on...   you people think it's a joke and some of you people can track to a small degree and again you don't understand what was going on there.

 You have another woman that was obsessed with fire and the magic that fire can do which gets back to the so-called fire artist who is really associated with the Texas Rangers and the other guy goes semi-retarded and unfortunately he really is semi-retarded and also involved in academic teaching in North Texas. But if you know anything about Texas educational pathways you'll know that retardation is not a disqualifier to teach.

 Now I'm handicapped, and is really about state of Oklahoma in my documents you realize at times issues with retardation has come up in my labeling and documentation.

 Perhaps I am retarded.

 And perhaps I'm Mr. chaos! So you need to ask yourself, Mr. chaos is telling us he's going to win because the spiritual world wants to beat the living shit  out of us and he is offering us a way out but we keep yelling at him to stop photographing the exit to the pathways out of the bus moving is through some part of Arizona or California.

 You guys don't believe me then again you can turn to my screaming son who will not believe the things that I am an eyewitness to. Yes I can talk about LBJ the former president the former vice president the guy who some roads named after somewhere if you understand anything about 635 the power that nomenclature, anyway when I'm talking about LBJ, I can do so, and talk about him through my eyewitness of his life.

 That's a different animal indeed, so for Mr. and Mrs. Internet fuck___ wad!!!   eat shit  and die....

 another worldwide pants and particularly Craig Ferguson encrypted code key that was dismissed!!!

 either know, I said I don't know, and then again maybe I'm lying, because I'm lying, because I do know, all I'm saying is, hey, card first, hey Scotland, how's that working out for you. By the way those words are in a state of full malfunction because I used the human man's name who married someone associated with the art world California....

 you know here's all got to say, one of your ex-wives knows how to do karate chop the first ex-wife I don't know that much about the third ex-wife would disagree with you can surname Mark Rothko or least I'm assuming she has some knowledge of art history and the maps found in the art history room library if you know anything about my libraries that exist in all parts of my cerebral cavities.

 All I'm saying, Scotland, Wales, England, North Ireland, South Ireland, Europe, world, I have a lot of libraries in a lot of places inside my head most of them are invisible and this is why the CIA and the stated control the United States does not want me to escape.

 They know that my magic does walk and move on the surface of the earth and physically change the actual structure of the earth itself. It's not me, so you can tell pin and Teller that is not me, and is not card throwing and is not some form of magic hands trick. It's some other thing that has to do with some way in which my brain projects ideas and thoughts into the world and the fact that it's moderately dangerous because all you have to do is think something and it requires the ability to, shall we say evolve and walk the earth.

 Let me show you how powerful this weapon is, I'm imagining a type of creature along the lines of the dinosaur that preys on one thing, people that work in Las Vegas, that are entertainers, that work with magic, that appear on late night television shows, and do card tricks, and then walk in the middle of my movie and ruin my Vietnam episode where women warriors are going to save the world.

 Be careful there, you got 99% truth and a sliver of inaccuracy that was deliberate, could we call it a lie, I don't know, I call it fact and fiction and being entertaining and creative in writing some type of weird deformed retarded book concerning unusual thought processes.

 You can call whatever you want to.

 You know a little watch late-night television under rule one watch the people involved in late-night television programming, but David Letterman is going to have to address the issues with hairy and the issues with ice picks and the dynamics associated with robots.

 That's the one magical thing that Craig left behind. The impression of the robot exclusion with

 over the course of time I've had to skin many cats. If the nature of being a shark, sometimes, because I'm the type of multidimensional heartwood Junius fish that was Cartledge and fish and multidimensional is. Let's just see if this one works.

 A different algorithm patterned this little set of binary ones and zeros.

 You see kids, you better know and understand the letters of the alphabet if you're going to change the language.

 Basically I'm just hung you be patient and be good pop-up is merely around the corner and that his daddy is your daddy so trust the black limousine and just let me drift there when I can.

 I will now attempt to insert file and we will wait and see if Google will accept it or embrace the ideology of control.

 The outer member, you can't blame Google, Google is about acquiring the things in your wallet and when Google reached into my wallet they realized they had nothing to claim because there's really not much in my wallet.

 I'm not saying I'm broke and I'm not saying I'm busted I'm just telling you I know where I stand and I know and understand why I can't pay $700 for used computer.

 Despite the argumentation from your ghost of a former leader.

 You know Steve is paying for some things that I knew he did and he knows I knew he did them with Dr. Bill and Melinda with spectral library in University Park in this part of the world which gets back to the football stadium which gets back to control or shall we say the land of the badge football stadium and a pup tent and I realize, oh my God, I am truly telling the story multidimensional.

 The found file is below I said the film file is below and currently in a state of processing I should've posted this before so you had some tinkering of something that Google would allow before we enter this drains his own of whether or not the Google people will embrace the ideologic the ideology of chaos or reach for control.

 Google hails from Plano Texas, they're not going to give up control they're going to attempt to run me over while law enforcement films the damn thing and then runs away after

 according to Google's blogging program there is a video file directly above this sentence.
 I would not waste my time trying to click on it make it work,  according to my research it's outside the hands of control and therefore Plano Texas and Google will not allow any bit of creativity along these lines to exist.
 So now I'm would you do something very different and start breaking some things down.
 Let's start with a library.
 Let's start with pup tents on the 50 yard line in a place of high ground called SMU found in North Texas if you understand University Park and University cities.
 It's kind of a suburb or Dallas.
 Which gets back to a file I've named DFW.
 Which gets back to an airport which gets back to other acronyms. Which gets back to some supercharged black magic that has already been formulated and packaged and ready for delivery which remains in a visible place in the universe just waiting for Pandora.

according to my computer using conventional Microsoft Internet interface tools

 the thing doesn't project. I have no idea if that's correct or not.

 You have to remember, I'm this guy who at the present state of affairs is trapped in some cave in Spain, speaking to Ernest Hemingway and saying, you need to somehow project me to John Steinbeck. It's not that I don't read and study your work because if you know me you would know I do read and study your work. And I understand when you say you need to shake Rattle and roll the world and I'm telling you I'm that kind of guys well. On the other hand if you dive down deep and acquire something of value that is spherical and white you can go to the house and bang on the gate to your hearts content all you end up with is bloody knuckles.

 All right, I don't think this song was released before you flip the switch in your own life, then again maybe it was because you might actually have a timeline that overlaps to a great degree.

 It's not rock 'n roll and is not really country and Western terminal what to call it but it was a very popular song one time.

 Work your fingers to the bone and what you get, bony fingers, or perhaps dirt clods and other sawed-off fragments found in the trash if you dig that out of my trash because that's what made it so fascinating. The corpse had had some limb amputated and I recovered a fracture of the corpses skeleton that verified the amputation.

 I'm wondering, do you people think I'm kidding?

 I would imagine there are quite a few people in this part of the world that no that are aware of, the truth of the ball and wonder and his power and magic concerning graveyards.

 I'm just saying, when I walk into a graveyard I can find money and I've proven that you and I'm almost certain that that proof still exists.

 Now I also have proof of recovering artifacts from other cemeteries that Texas is digging up because Texas doesn't give a rats asked about niggers!

 I know what day it is and I understand spelling and I wrote that word out by hand because I didn't trust voice recognition.

 I don't consider that to be a degrading word in fact I don't think that label is degrading and all because I understand the nature of human anatomy and the importance of good bone structure and the importance of having a healthy backbone.

 That's why I say Amen hallelujah, slavery is an abomination to God but the slaves that were dragged from Africa to America help build an outstanding backbone.

 I don't care what you people believe and I don't care how you interpret this. Right now I'm a man of the facts, and I'm sure everyone around the world we understand every single letter and syllable in nugget found in this little gold mine somewhere buried in Spain as I'm arguing with the ghost of an American author excuse me they did find another ghost that's an American author but Edgar Allen Poe's too far back can you help me float their?

to the ghost of Steve Jobs

 am assuming they figured out how the key is structured

 I don't care, I'm making a statement,

 this brings us back to John Steinbeck and the dynamics associated with things in the middle.

 No, Ringo the not blisters are just bloody knuckles from opening too many oysters.

 So I go into a different library where QuickTime seven has the right forks for me to divide and conquer.

 So I make the little package and then the package disintegrates every time it's implemented. In fact I'm pretty sure somethings hung up in the track right now.

 On the other hand I don't care.

 $700 for used box is outrageous.

 I don't have that kind of cash and you know it is foolish and point estimation point I said Macon!

 Alright it didn't bag didn't say anything about Macon Georgia or anything else to do with Macon.

 What would I prefer to do, other knowledge national holiday I would like to work in that context by the way, black Americans, the ancestors of slaves  really are part of the backbone of the American nation.

 I could expand on this but right now I'm trying to cultivate chaos and some type of hot pepper sauce that the world will stand next to and drink.

 It's not a Jim Jones Kool-Aid kind of thing although I do enjoy Kool-Aid products. It's more of a pitcher of Kool-Aid breaking into the courtroom and changing the dynamics.

 And I don't know what your knows about Kool-Aid and breaking through brick walls.

 All I can reach for is the sky and if you look at the sky in a certain sequence you might see something like this and you might not.

 If you're Steve Jobs and you're a ghost and you're concerned about your investments, you can drop your concerns, at $700 you don't have a boat to get out of your current state of affairs in predicament.

 You're the one that hammered the hammer and nails nails on both sides now.

 Now we can go up and down or we can look at Joni Mitchell and say when you get on your horse and rider Bobby and asked for forgiveness.?.

 Yes I'm aware of the punctuation malfunctions because sometimes I don't need Mr. Handy my voice actually works. And yes I'm aware of the, issues.

 But let's talk about the media and let's see if we can't bring the media up and bring it to large.

 All right, nomenclature, I'm calling to some specific human beings that are female. One in particular but there are a couple of others that cycle if you can float and if you're still floating.

 Once there and once there.

 In fact you have the cipher already laid down if you can track.

 But to do that you need to go to a forest and specifically enforced in Arkansas estimation point!!!!!

 Arkansas and I have a very strained relationship as I do with the birds and the babies. With the birds and the bees...

 his approach was sprawled on the floor, that's valid, but I keep a much cleaner house and he dies, and I don't know what the degree of capture components are in this given you people should surely been able to see the figure that out.

 So England, you are very loosely connected to the sexuality of the underground cipher. And it's very deep.

 It's okay if you don't get it and it's okay if you can't float because sometimes I have enough buoyancy to support an entire culture.

 David Letterman does not believe that, but I'm telling you it's true Mr. Letterman, so Harry, the son of David Letterman, this is called an ice pick!

 this particular page is not giving me any video notices and I don't think it's had time to process the thing alone things only 18 seconds long and should be quite brief.

 But were in a strange place with the media and the media and I haven't quite figured out those map were going to look at.

 This amazes me because there's only one map you should be concerned with and that's the set of invisible maps I carry with me at all times.

 You I'm really good with working with invisible objects and becoming an embracing invisible clothing.

 Now you're thinking in terms of invisible clothing you can see through, either stop doing it, it's more of a Harry Potter thing.

 I would never call it a cloak, with me it's a jacket or a pair of gloves or sneakers or socks or even underwear.

 Sometimes you need specific articles to become invisible to project into the spiritual world correctly.

 Now I'm going to take a step along the plank and study the waters for sharks and see if this thing is really going to push poll or do whatever.

here's an interesting footnote

 sometimes you look at art history and you can call it isms.

 I'm sure that's not a word but what's nice about hands typing in this space is a factor not distracted with green squiggly things.

 But I'm about to distract you.

 Which gets back to things I like, which gets back to today and national holidays because I really like BB King and if you're a girl with red hair you get extra bonus points.

 So help me God, if either of you are living in the state of Tennessee and the pullout of voodoo stick and on the shake the planet. If you're in the state of Tennessee they need to pack up the car and head to Beverly...   or some other place not associated with shooting the ground.


Group dynamics

yes I'm proficient at deflecting soft shoes

and yes I am rusty

and yes are a member of the classical path and I have to keep it on that level

the problem is the library

I only have a fragment of the original source code library

now if I was talking to Okies I wouldn't have a problem

there's actually more material there than I thought including the magic master keyed to counting

the problem is, the next step, yes it's a wire suspended above an abyss


is that the way that word spells if so that is one fascinating word.


John Wayne's on the television now which is in keeping with classical Elvis Presley thematic sequences.

The only thing o'clock right is an obscure track by the Allman Brothers.

It's an odd number.

Which means I have to split the file if I'm going to set up the correct cipher and which side of which half do I set the play had to.

That's when you and I, middle school, you realize that's the really sophisticated part of sending out code.

I'm not comfortable with that.

Now, yes, I'm dancing with broken boxes and I'm dancing with soft shoes and I'm fully aware of the dance floor and I'm fully aware of some of the players trying to lay down the tripwires.

Its okay we've done this dance before.  But not with the Allman Brothers, that's a tree of knots that I believe originates in Georgia that I chose not to climb so many years ago.

Alright we've got the classical one, and you know that was oh my box and you know that would be the one I would start with. The problem has to do with QuickTime seven and the fact that for some reason one of my boxes has removed the so-called levers that allow me to switch around the magic and then make it work in a certain time and two step pattern.

This brings back another really important tidbit. As a matter fact I wasn't never start out with the classical mode I was going to reach for something a lot more radical.


In fact it's got some few do with soft shoes and if anyone is watching or listening that remembers the original code, right now I'm telling women to stop being offers and they can throw all the shoes they want, I still don't care for her work.

It's not that I don't respect her because considering the place and time what she did was remarkable. And I respect all remarkable creatures but today is national holiday so I reach for something that I can dance to and something that is willing to rotate with me and something that's not in Nashville to my knowledge.

Plus he's got some classical coding components that are on the front page.

You guys now know the track I'm talking about even though it was obscured through static some time ago.

I remember when I acquired this track.

I have started an older and corrupted boxes well but these things are like their stock on the north pole.

These things are basically by Harry Popsicle sticks stock in a frozen wasteland.  These things are basically frozen Popsicle sticks stock in a waste land.

Yes, their flavor and color is probably intact but the damn things are probably so cold you would lose your tongue if you let it touch the thing.

Which gets back to boats and gets back to sailors and the First Amendment died gets abandon that his body is found in his eyes are still as blue as they ever were.

You better know where I walked and what I walked around and who I've talked to. This gets back to talking to my son about what I know about history. My son's very intelligence owes my daughter because my children come from some good genetic stock. I'm serious I consider myself to be a genetically speaking GoldMine of certain dynamics. And my first wife, my UFO love with her first site never would've been in 1979.

There were other issues and I found myself running to the islands to find peppers and sticks and stones.

Believe it or not that's a truthful statement, which gets back to Canada and people in the medical industry.

For the record young lady, although your little older than I am because that's how your clock counts, the affair had ended, I chose not to tell anyone about it therefore when the ex-fiancé came to the island the affair was over. What a mean by that is to say she was oh my fiancé she had merely purchased a ticket to come to the island.

You were the one, the psychiatric Canadian nurse girl, you're the one I was counting on and you simply jumped off the ship into shark infested waters.

What did you think was going to happen, hence San Antonio. It's in the rock 'n roll code whether or not you choose to believe that or dismiss it.

So I'm supposed to leave this place and do something for France of the library or used bookstore and I'm supposed to track certain way.

Here's Jeffrey's traditional style, the fund would read a book and I'm going to choose a specific author in this author has written a type of book called a series, you could did Stephen King, because he's not counting on this one, that I would be looking at another author and another series of books which means the only one that will clock is one that's out of sequence.

It's one thing if I read a book that I haven't researched and it's a part of the series and I don't know what it something else when I read a book and like it and realize it's part of the series I want to recapture the dynamics within the series.

So she cancels and this guy named Mark takes over.

Enough said, you know exactly what author I'm talking about, the issue is which title, so if I do a backwards walk one of my doing so now you have the title.

I'm giving you a cipher line and I don't think it correctly expressed itself the of the letter and voice recognition dynamics. It's a critical cipher.

You need the title, you have the author, if I walk backwards what would you say I'm doing and what direction would I be moving in?

Ladies and gentlemen the professor is just giving you the title and allowed the dynamics of ionic static coding to envelop a sentence.

That is not a joke.

Maybe I should jump into the trees of nuts…

Right now, one will hold off because we are going to have to travel and when you're going to be a traveling man you better watch out for airplanes. Which gets back to another guy that I acquired one Christmas holiday named Ricky Nelson.

Yes John I have discussed this and I've chosen not to go to the given party.

Maybe I'll drive a truck.

Yes it's ABC and 123 but what am I to do with its back to John Lennon and something I ran across as I was looking through the map room.

Yes, it's the classical let's count syndrome which means control is going to mess with me which gets back to birds and bees which gets back to the group the track the song in my library.

Not that anyone cares, all you people would do is kill it.

Oh yes I can give twice the slap.

Which gets back to being a teacher and working in the classroom in the hallway and I don't mind you people standing close but how you dress matters which gets back to that photograph I tried to save. Now I need to go back to the site and save that image and the person that made the page has made it very difficult to say those kinds of images. Not that I can't save him, I've proven that I can because they understand the dynamics of workarounds.

This gets back to the technological world and my retarded form of dancing with technology. Look I am by no means a technological genius, I've never claimed to be and I'm not claiming to be one now, I'm just aware guy they can't read and write and chose to embrace technology so I could build a better wheelchair.

This gets back to sound cards and buses. I'm serious, it was an old-school sound card that used an old school bus. But it had incredible programming potential and could literally walk and talk, I mean the card despite the old school bus could walk and talk.

This gets back to where I would start concerning acquiring vision correcting eyesight tools and implements.

She can watch because she's cute, but you got a watch how they drag that line because how you drag that given line will affect the things you stir up.

Little darling, stirred up, let's go back to the kitchen and jump on the burners and get this show lit up.

And yes, it still would be a classical code release with set timing instructions I just have to survey the library.

I am not done it climb a tree of nuts and try to figure out which side of an odd fellow I need to put the play head on at zero.

That's too much work.

I'm still avoiding soft shoes.

It's an English thing although I think I actually rolled the ball the Canada but then again the Canadians walk out on you and there you are. Which gets back to Jamaica because they walk in and so does this thing from upper New York.

Which gets back to other dynamics and my incredible history with the lesbians, now that is one interesting story and chapter that I've never told, I have quite a history with lesbians including one from Cuba.

I'm not lying, and God knows, I'm sure everyone in the entire world is way to understand every word I'm saying.

It's baseball season and I'm only covering what needs to be covered. I'm not sure it's exactly baseball season, and it is January, but if you bounce in the position you realize bouncing with the ball is what's done, right about now, although it's the close of many other sporting dynamics.

Which gets back to being a wrestler and the fact that wrestling season covers Thanksgiving and Christmas and I usually keep a tight figure in the old school days.

Which meant all of that stuff was regrettable.

Which gets back to the Super Bowl and the fact that we had wrestling practice every single time the Super Bowl was ever aired in my young life.

Hence, I don't care for professional sports especially football and if a redheaded man takes his family to a specific football stadium in Arlington Texas, let's just say North and South Carolina are going to have some issues.

Which gets back to defecating on a glass coffee table and things that people really want to know or look at and could he give to the let's think about those pledges for a second.

John Wayne still on and I still need to roll something around somewhere only again about driving trucks because I'm kind of a truck driving man. I'm also dabbling in politics, religion, science, technology, international studies, the arts, philosophy, and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember.

Now, the stuff I can't remember is somewhat lost but I have good manners and I'm sure I can find the road I just don't know what condition the road will be in when I find so I need to call the doctor which gets back to Kenny Rogers and. And a number, which gets back to 501 because that's how the Allman Brothers track counts or something close to that. Which means how do I split a tree of nuts.

When you guys figure out the cipher pattern will be able to follow.

I keep forgetting I don't have this thing hooked up to take tagging tether at the drop of a hat.

I'm going to call on handy, I keep forgetting, I have this device set up in a caution mode which means in full automatic it will not tig, tag, or tether.

That's called fractured fairy DIS code or something that Mickey wants to acquire if you know anything about Walt.

Which gets back to other popsicles and things that they say are true but I choose to believe them anyway, that's right sometimes I know the truth is and I choose not to believe the truth because the fictions more interesting. This in turn gets back to attractive English women and we have to stop betraying them as potential authors. We need to address this in a very serious manner which is good take us to the bakery and a girl with a little bit of ink area…

Sometimes this thing does all kinds of things. I really should be filming this whole thing because this program changes the font would say changes the font they can go from bring ordinary to being some weird blue-collar and some weird slanted style. It is a strange program indeed.

Fantastic, did again, the box is not wired to the network Jeffrey you got to push the button to get it to Pokémon in many better wait for all the other stuff to happen.

So what start pushing buttons.

I don't know, you tell me, sometimes my maps ahead of me.
 So this is how voids are created, I should've known. I should probably go incorrect all of this but I don't want to news too much to correct. So I'll acquire unneeded space and see if I can bring time into the equation and emergency what matters and what doesn't.
 Which gets back to something that is not in the document, I said that and then I had a small hiccup and forgot what it was. SMUD with space and time, it's got some kid of space and time. SNP doing mathematics. It's got something to do with Elvis Presley and mathematics in the space-time continuum. Which gets back to something not found in this document I'm not going to correct this the equation things that matter. Bingo, it's the thing to do with mass and gravity. Bingo bingo Ingo Ingo.
 I don't know what Ingo is.
 I'm thinking about the spiritual world and what some of the Spears want to do. Sometimes the spiritual world ignores you. As I'm talking about the spiritual world and what some of the spirits want to do. Brittany keep your panties on and just sit there quietly. You should never even been in that bar. And of course there's the other girl who I'm going to leave alone.
 That's a true story if you understand anything about political dynamics in the law in Texas and how the law and taxes works when it's working around slow bartenders.
 Man oh man does that open a bag of worms.
 Things that have mass things that have gravity old equations and my old garage.
 Yes you might've found human body parts there.
 I acquired them honestly and I was holding these things with great dignity because the state of Texas was just going to shit on  them.
 Just because you are in just a flyable he that is somebody would justify and then you put synonyms after it. My tongue is not working correctly it's got nothing to do with other forms of spirits to do with the way my brain tongue work.
 Sometimes the spirits ignore you because they don't care and sometimes it's just your time to be ignored sometimes the spirits care but it's not something they're allowed to get involved with.
 Then there's me. The spiritual world really wants to get involved with me and has a fascination with me and if you go back to the museum documents you'll hear me describing various aspects of what the spiritual world looks like, at least back then. Parts of were much like a desert but the spiritual creatures that live there were small.
 The scriptural is a very active and dynamic place. Not that we can count on Stephen King or anybody else to explain it to us. Which gets back to problems with human resources and the fact that some Sam's appear to be attractive but some Sam's need to have their face not in with a spiritual club or bat.
 Yes I can hear your bikes and yes I'm supposed to post, all right when we talk about, all right I know some specific things about the spit about the spiritual world and I know what's on some of the agendas.
 That's good Oklahoma you're in the, where ignoring you mode, whereas Texas is in the we want to slap the living shit  out of you mode.
 These are two completely different modes.
 Which gets back to me yelling and screaming about dreams and who's running for president and what means what.
 Which means that if we like things up you're looking at a guy from Arizona was wearing suits rather by the Secret Service was on fire incinerated in a library and the vice president who had been named yet who was something of secure from somewhere close to the North Pole would've become president.
 When you realize this and utilize the spirits told me that United States was actually going to let this man I had no idea why they were all in such an uproar.
 All right so let's say for one instant I'm telling you the truth. Now you can look at control in a different way and now you understand my need to go to the bookstore or library acquire certain things that appear to be silly because these things will actually help Europe and specifically France and other religious dynamics.
 I know it sounds strange and I know it is strange but I don't know what else to collect.
 Then again I know what to call some things, it's called Chaos theory and Jefferies concept of the new American culture and the state of structure concerning chaos.
 Which gets back to the bakery and the girl had so much Inc. and the woman that was writing a book.
 You work for the internal revenue service and he was doing something the taxes and she baked whatever. Now she's an actress and I understand all that stuff. Well kind of excavation point!!
 anyway the actor playing the revenue agent talks to her about anarchy and if she's going to go to any anarchy meetings. And she, using correct logic, ask him do anarchist really go to anarchy meetings. Mess the way I think therefore I consider to be the correct way to think swear ever wrote the script was thinking correctly.
 This brings us to Spain and the caves in Spain and the Spanish Civil War which differ not careful is going to bump up next to World War II which is going to do all kinds of things to the normal... the numeric pattern of my artworks ability to count in the so-called default pathway.